Hause Family Tree

  • Name: William HAUSE Sr.
  • Surname: Hause, Hawes, House
  • Given Name: Wilhelm/Willem/William
  • NSFX: Sr.
  • Sex: M
  • Birth: 24 Feb 1750/51 in Rockland Co., New York¹
  • Death: 20 May 1818 in Tyrone, Schuyler Co., New York
  • Burial: Hause Hill Cemetery, Tyrone, Schuyler Co., New York
  • Note: Info from Josephine Gregory, 437 Falstaff Rd., Irondequoit, New York 14609:
    • History of Thomas Sanford by G. F. Sanford, Vol.1.
    • Family Records of Alberta Spaid Reeder of Geneva, Seneca County, New York
    • Family records, now in Poss. of Charles E. Parker, 6286 Towar Ave. East Lansing, Mich. 48823.
    • Rev. War: Josephine Gregory established this line as a DAR patriot. National Number is 755373

    Father: John HAUSE b: 1719-1726 in Rockland Co., New York
    Mother: Sarah (UNKNOWN)

    Marriage 1 Martha WOOD b: 4 May 1753 in Tappan, Rockland Co., New York

    Married: 1770 in Orange Co., New York

    1. Has Children John HAUSE Sr. was born on 15 September 1773 in Rockland County, New York. He died on 17 January 1844 in Canoga, Seneca County, New York. John married Esther Ketchum (b. September 5, 1779) and had 13 children. They resided at Hause Point on the western shore of Cayuga Lake, Seneca County, New York. John was a sergent in the War of 1812 and was taken prisoner at the Battle of Lundy's Lane. He resumed farming in the Canoga area after the war. (Source: Seneca County historian Walt Gable.) When John Hause died in 1844, his farm was divided into 11 parcels, one for each of his 11 living children, who were:

        I. DELABAR HAUSE was born on 7 Sep 1797 in Orange Co., New York. He married Sarah Burroughs (b. 4 Dec 1794 in Hunterdon Co, NJ). They appeared in the 1830 US census in Seneca Falls, Seneca Co, NY, ("Dellaber Hause," 1 male 15-20, 1 male 30-40, 1 female 0-5, 1 female 10-15, 1 female 30-40), and in the 1860 US census in Nunda, Livingston Co, NY, ("Delaby HOUSE," age 63 born NY, Sarah 66, NJ). Sarah died after the 1860 census, probably in Nunda, Livingston Co, NY. He died on 18 Feb 1868, at age 70.

        II. CHARLES HAUSE was born on 3 March 1799 in Orange Co., New York. He married Elizabeth Young: He died on 10 Sept. 1885. Before he died his was profiled in the local newspaper, giving family genealogists excellent information about the Hauses in Fayette: "By chance last week we passed a night with the aged pioneer Mr Charles Hause on Hause's Point on the west shore of Cayuga Lake. In the morning we learned it was Mr Hause's birthday (86th) and that he had spent eighty of these years on the same point of land. He was born of Dutch parents in the town of Warwick, Orange Co. N.Y. March 3, 1799, a babe in his mothers arms when the "Father of his Country Died". In 1802 his parents removed to the "lake country" and purchased a small place called Ovid Center, the same farm lately owned by Geo Helfuean, son-in-law of your townsman A. Flickinger, Esq. In 1805 or 1809 his father sold this purchase to his brother ... and bought out the improvements of a squatter on a two hundred and fifty acre lot which from him has ever since been called Hause's Point. Here Charles first distinct memory of practical life begins, although he now recalls several incidents of their carving into the wilderness; two weeks on the way in a covered wagon, as was then usual drawn by a yoke of oxen. Very few advantages were offered his youth, but few schools, no churches and their nearest mill was at Waterloo. The wild unbroken forest was spread out all around them with here and there only a settler. The timid gentle deer fed with their herds on their fields of grain till he had reached his early youth. When he had reached his majority he bought thirty acres of the rear part of his father's purchase and began life for himself. In 1826 he married Miss Elizabeth Young, and together they toiled adding to his little lot which with a portion set off to him from his father's estate now makes his farm one hundred and four acres of excellent grain land. Five children blessed their union, two sons and three daughters. One of these sons he gave to his country and he fell in the war for the Union at Cold Harbor, Va., and now lies in an unknown and unnamed grave. His wife, the faithful sharer of his struggles and triumphs, died in 1865 and two of the three daughters since then. He married a second time but was a second time bereaved and now, like a lone forest tree, almost branchless and leafless, blasted by many storms and winds of adversity, he waits his own removal." Death record in Fayette Township, Seneca Co., NY, at the town office: Death record found in book covering 1885 line 105 has "June 10th Charles Hawes (Hause) 80 yrs 3 mo., 7 days, farmer born Orange Co., NY father John Hawes, mother Esther (Ketchum) Hawes; died Fayette, New York from pneumonia; Dr. F. H. Flood M.D." His children:

          1. Caroline Earl Hause was born on 31 Dec 1837 in Canoga, Seneca, New York. She married Samuel F Young (1829-1905). She died on 8 Dec 1890, and is buried with Samuel and son, William, in Emerson Cemetery, Conquest, Cayuga County, New York.

            a. William P Young was born on 23 Jan 1858 in Conquest, Cayuga, New York; He died on 1 Mar 1944, and is buried with his parents at Emerson Cemetery, Conquest, Cayuga County, New York.

            b. Elnora "Nora" Young was born on 15 May 1860 in Conquest, Cayuga, New York. She married Sylvester P Hunter (1856-1919) in Conquest, Cayuga, New York. She died on 27 Mar 1951 in Weedsport, Cayuga, New York. She is buried at Fort Hill Cemetery in Auburn, Cayuga County, New York. The children of Sylvester and Elnora:

              i. Gertrude Bell Hunter married Frank Bowen Jillson (1873-1962) on 9 Aug 1905 (Source: Parsons Family : Descendants of Cornet Joseph Parsons : Springfield, 1636—Northampton, 1655 by Henry Parson, A. M.; 1912; New York), and they had the following children:

                Ruth Bowen Jillson (1910-2006)
                1. Ruth Bowen Jillson was born 10 May 1910 and married Ray Irvine Hardin (1908-2003). Ruth died on 19 May 2006 in Basking Ridge, Somerset, New Jersey.

                1. Ruth Bowen Jillson was born 10 May 1910 and married Ray Irvine Hardin (1908-2003). Ruth died on 19 May 2006 in Basking Ridge, Somerset, New Jersey.

                2. Harold Hunter Jillson was born 6 Apr 1912 in Bronx County, New York. Harold was one of the laborers that helped build the George Washington Bridge. A photograph was taken of much of the crew with Harold included. This picture was on the wall of the house in East Grand Rapids where Harold and his family called home.
                gwbridgeHarold married Natalie Patricia Bagley (1917-2013) on 18 Apr 1938 in Milton, Northumberland, Pennsylvania. They had the following children: Nancy (b. 1940), David Hunter (1941-2019), Victor (b. 1942) and Thomas (b. 1948). Harold died on 17 Jun 2000 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan.

              ii. Edna Mildred Hunter was born on 01 May 1881 in Weedsport, Cayuga, New York. In 1897 she married (1) George William Hammond (b. 1876); In 1907 she married (2) George William Rutherford May Churchill (1877-1935). Edna died in Mar 1966 Weedsport, Cayuga, New York. She's buried at Fort Hill Cemetery, West Lawn D;242.

              iii. Pearl Hunter was born on 5 Jul 1886 in Weedsport, Cayuga, New York; She died on 15 Jul 1886 in Weedsport, Cayuga, New York.

              iv. Earl W Hunter was born on 5 Jul 1886 in Weedsport, Cayuga, New York. He married Helen Green (1899-1999). Earl outlived his twin, Pearl, by 76 years and died on 7 Sep 1962 in Auburn, Cayuga, New York.

            c. Viola Young was born in 1876 in Conquest, Cayuga, New York, according to the 1880 census; no further information.

          2. Ethial Hause was born on 14 Oct 1840 in Fayette, Seneca, New York. He died on 3 Jun 1864 in Richmond, Virginia, serving in New York's 148th Volunteers when he was killed at the battle of Cold Harbor. He is buried on the battlefield.

          3. Marilda Hause was born on 29 Dec 1841 in Canoga, Seneca, New York. She married James Moyer (b. 1838) and died on 23 Oct 1883 in Seneca, New York. She is buried at Canoga Cemetery, Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York; Section 5 Plot 74. No children. Charles remarried at age 70 in Ovid, Clinton, Michigan, to Mehetable Kent and died in 1918.

          Alonzo Hause and his descendants in 1919 at Canoga Pond, Seneca County, New York.

          4. Alonzo R Hause was born on 13 Nov 1844 in Canoga, Seneca, New York. On 3 Mar 1868, he married Sarah B. De Pew (1851-1904) in Canoga, Seneca, New York (Source: A genealogical record of the descendants of Quartermaster George Colton, by George Woolworth Colton, p. 97). He died on 22 Aug 1927 in Corry, Erie, Pennsylvania.

            a. Jennie Ray Hause was born on 13 Apr 1870 in Fayette, Seneca, New York. On 3 Nov 1895, she married Hibbard Grant Bachman (1864-1908) in Canoga, Seneca, New York (Source: A genealogical record of the descendants of Quartermaster George Colton, by George Woolworth Colton, p. 97) She died on 25 Apr 1957 in Rochester, Monroe, New York.

            b. Harry Nelson Hause was born on 15 Mar 1872 in Havanna, Schuyler, New York. On 11 Oct 1892, he married Iva Lamont (1874-1958) in New York (Source: A genealogical record of the descendants of Quartermaster George Colton, by George Woolworth Colton, p. 97). Harry died in Apr 1912 and is buried with Iva at Lakeview Cemetery in Penn Yan, Yates County, New York.

              i. Mildred Sarah Hause was born on 15 Jul 1894 in New York; On 11 Mar 1914 she married Enoch Arthur Freestone (14 Jun 1890 - 10 Mar 1961) on 11 Mar 1914 in Monroe, New York. She died on 15 Jul 1938 in California. Her children:

                1. Ralph Hause Freestone was born on 8 Jun 1915 in 8 Jun 1915 Irondequoit, New York. He married Mary June Reenan (23 May 1922 - 19 Aug 1982) on 27 Feb 1940, then the US entered World War II. Ralph joined the Navy on 13 Nov 1943 and served in the war until 11 Dec 1945. Ralph died on 30 Jan 1986 in Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, and is buried at Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Montgomery, Hamilton County, Ohio, Sec. 8, lot 688, grave 3 (Mary June is in grave 4).

                2. Doris Mary Freestone was born on 15 Aug 1918 in New York. On 23 Aug 1936 she married Chester William Gerfen (17 Dec 1912 - 7 Feb 1992) in Reno, Nevada. She died on 20 Nov 2001 in Chico, Butte, California. She and Chester are buried at Glen Oaks Memorial Park in Chico, Butte County, California.

              ii. Clifford I Hause was born on 6 Oct 1898 in New York; On 1 Jan 1918, he married Hazel McConnell (1899-1988) in New York. He then died on 15 Jul 1918 in Rochester, Monroe, New York.

              Iva Lamont Hause (1874-1958), Nelson H Hause (1911-1960), his wife Marjorie and his daughter, Jacquie.

              Name: Hause, Nelson H.
              Newspaper: Democrat and Chronicle
              City: Rochester, NY
              Date: 05 Feb 1960
              Page: 17
              View article
              SOURCE: Democrat and Chronicle, Volume 128 Number 36, 05 Feb 1960, Friday, Page 17; a daily newspaper owned by Gannett.
              iii. Nelson Harry Hause was born on 12 Jun 1911 in Irondequoit, Monroe, New York. On 19 Dec 1934 he married (1) Marie Ann McHugh (b. 1911) in Monroe County, and after that union ended, he married (2) Marjorie Jean Peterson (1916-2012) on 5 Oct 1941. Nelson was an amazing guy; born poor, he opened a service station in 1938, then turned that into a Packard dealership, a home trailer business and a used car dealership. He parlayed those businesses into real estate holdings: first hotels and motels, and then ended up owning owned 4,100 apartment units in New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. In 1955, Nelson and several silent partners bought the Flamingo Hotel, a 137-foot, 15-story luxury apartment house in Philadelphia. Built in 1950, it was the first interracial apartment building in the city and began admitting tenants in 1951. Eleanor Roosevelt mentioned the building in a speech about the international view of how Americans treat minorities. Jazz greats Arthur Prysock, Charlie Parker, Fats Navarro, and Cliff Brown all rented apartments there. But there were money problems from the start (it was built with a loophole in FHA loans and none of of the loan amount had been paid back yet). Strapped for cash, Hause had to raise the rents and vacancy increased from 5% to 22%. In response, Hause furnished a portion of the apartments and was able to rent them out on a weekly basis. Though he was able to keep vacancy down, the transient nature of the new residents damaged the sense of community within the building, which he ultimately sold in 1957. ( ) In the late 1950s he also invested $173,000 into some sort of foreign motion picture rights deal, which would result in years of courtroom litigation for his poor widow Marjorie (Records & Briefs New York State Appellate Division, Index No. 28228/1961). Nelson died on 2 Feb 1960 in Rochester, Monroe, New York, when he registered at someone else's hotel and took his own life. The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reported that his body was found in a seventh floor room of the Manger Hotel in Rochester. He died clutching $340 in a paper clip and a letter "indicating despondency." An empty bottle of sleeping pills was found in an overnight bag beside the bed. Nelson also left behind a 15-year-old daughter:

                1. Jacqueline Hause was born on 20 Nov 1944. She married Harry Louis Trietley, Jr. (b. 15 Jul 1943) in New York on 3 Jun 1965.

            Liz Seager
            Elizabeth Mae Hause-Seager
            c. Elizabeth Lizzy Mae Hause was born on 14 Apr 1879 in Canoga, Seneca, New York. On 26 Jan 1898, she married Sidney John Seager (1878-1960) in Milo, Yates, New York (Source: A genealogical record of the descendants of Quartermaster George Colton, by George Woolworth Colton, p. 97). They went on to have nine children, 20 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren, and even threw the occasional Hause Family Reunion in Milo Center (Chronicle-Express, Penn Yan, New York; 17 Aug 1950, Thu, Page 7). She died on 9 Feb 1975 in Penn Yan, Yates, New York. Her children:

              i. Grace Mae Seager was born on 6 Jun 1898 in Fayette, Seneca, New York. She never married and lived at home with her parents throughout her life; She died on 1 Jun 1975 in Penn Yan, Yates, New York.

              ii. Harold Jay Seager was born in 16 Aug 1900 in Penn Yan, Yates, New York. On 9 Aug 1921 he married Christina Inez Wayand (1898-1975) in Potter, Yates, New York. he died on 6 Nov 1973 in Penn Yan, Yates, New York. Their children:

                1. Harold John Seager was born on 14 Sep 1926 in Penn Yan Village, Yates, New York. He married Eleanor Ruth Vogel (1924-2004). He died on 14 Oct 1983 in Clifton Springs, Ontario, New York.

                2. Charles Seager (b. 1928).

                3. Ernestine Seager was born on 11 Jan 1930 in New York. She moved to Wichitaw, KS, and then to Florida.

              iii. Alice Lydia Seager was born on 1 Dec 1902 in Milo, Yates, New York. On 8 Aug 1922 she married Michael Alvah Wayand (1897-1974) in Penn Yan, Yates, New York. She died on 23 Dec 1998 in Decatur, Morgan, Alabama. They had the following children:

                1. Pauline Elizabeth Wayand was born on 20 Oct 1924 in Potter, Yates, New York. She married Edwin Charles Allen (1907-1975), and they had twins Caroline (1951-1951) and Evelyn. Pauline died on 18 Jan 1964 in Rochester, Monroe, New York.

                2. Ellis Andrew Wayand was born on 6 Mar 1927 in Potter, Yates Co., NY. He married Grace Lavonfra Childress. "Ellis Andrew 'Andy' Wayand Sr., 85, of Hartselle passed away peacefully May 9th 2012. Funeral will be Saturday, May 12, 2012, at 2 p.m. at Christ Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Hartselle. Visitation will be 12:30 to 2 p.m. prior to the service. He was preceded in death by his daughter, Alice Marie Wayand; his parents, Michael Alvah and Alice Lydia Wayand; two sisters, Pauline Allen and Josephine Ross. Survivors include his wife, Grace L. Childress Wayand; brother, Alvah Wayand and his wife, Waneta, of Danville; sons, Ellis Wayand Jr. and his wife, Velvet, of Hartselle, Tommy Wayand of Hartselle; daughters, Cindy Smith and her husband, Lee Smith of Falkville, Susie Green and her, husband, Billy Green of Selma; grandchildren, Kassie Thomas, Jake Wayand, Makenzie Smith, Austin Smith and Amanda Ware; and great-grand- daughters, Gracie Thomas, Abby Gail Ware. Pallbearers are Christopher Childress, Billy Green, Jason Holmes, Chris Lewis, Jerry Ware, Greg Wayand and Jeff Wayand. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to Gentiva Hospice, 1213 Cullman Shopping Center NW, Cullman, AL 35055 or Christ Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 721 Pickens St. SW, Hartselle, AL 35640. Please visit to make online condolences to the family." (Published in the Decatur Daily on May 11, 2012) They had the following children:

                  a. Alice Marie Wayand was born on 25 May 1955 in Selma, Dallas, Alabama; She died on 18 May 1965 in Selma, Dallas, Alabama.

                  b. Cynthia Diane Wayand married Lee Smith of Falkville, AL.

                  c. Susie Wayand married Billy Green.

                  d. Ellis A Wayand Jr. (b. 31 May 1959) married Velvet (?) of Hartselle.

                  e. Tommy E Wayand was born on 15 Oct 1965 in Alabama.

                3. Alvah Michael Wayand was born on 17 Nov 1931 in Penn Yan, Yates Co, New York. He married Waneta Elizabeth (Travis): "Waneta and Alvah Wayand passed away as a result of a tragic car accident, Alvah immediately on Friday, (April 11, 2014) and Waneta followed peacefully on Tuesday, (April 22) after being in a coma. A Celebration of Life service will be held at 2 p.m., Saturday, (May 3) at St Paul's Lutheran Church in Penn Yan, NY with the Rev. Michele C. Fischer, officiating. Interment will be at the Voak Rural Cemetery in the Town of Potter at the convenience of the family. Waneta Elizabeth (Travis) Wayand was born on September 23, 1929 the daughter of Frederick and Edna Mae (Morse) Travis of Dundee New York. Alvah Wayand was born November 17, 1931 the son of Michael and Alice (Seager) Wayand of Gorham, New York. They were married on September 16, 1950. Waneta and Alvah were active in Yates County New York 4-H clubs where they met in 1948. As adults they were both 4H Leaders and active in the Yates County Fair, Cooperative Extension, Farm Bureau and Grange. Alvah was awarded Young Farmer of the Year in 1962 for improvements to dairy production.They were members of St Paul's Lutheran Church in Penn Yan where Waneta sang in the choir, Alvah was a deacon and both were members of the Young Couples Club.Waneta and Alvah operated a livestock and dairy farm in Milo Center with their children until 1977 when they moved to Danville, Alabama.In Alabama the Wayands operated a farm in Danville until 1984. Alvah, aka the Yankee, worked at Gold Kist in Danville until retiring in 2012. They were active members of St Paul's Lutheran Church in Decatur where Waneta sang in the choir, enjoyed quilting, cross-stitch and working in the church kitchen. Alvah was a deacon and elder and especially liked working with the children. They are survived by Waneta's brother Gordon Travis; four children Douglas, Gregory (Susan), Diane (Patric), and Jeffrey (Berri); nine grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grand daughter; several nieces and nephews and many dear friends. In lieu of flowers the family suggests a donation to either St Pauls Lutheran Church, 135 Hamilton St., Penn Yan N.Y., or the Kitchen Fund at St Paul's Lutheran Church in Decatur, AL. Friends and family may sign the guestbook at (Published by Finger Lakes Times from Apr. 27 to Apr. 29, 2014.)

                4. Josephine Alice Wayand was born on 14 May 1936 in Potter, Yates, New York. On 8 Oct 1955 she married Robert Lee Ross (1932-1990) in Voak, Yates, NY. She died on 19 Jul 1982 in Geneva, Ontario, New York.

              iv. Edward H Seager was born on 11 Apr 1905 in Milo, Yates, New York. On 12 Dec 1927 he married Mildred Jane Cooper (1909-1972) at Flint Meth. Chur, Yates Co., New York. He died on 11 Sep 1933 in Penn Yan, Yates, New York. Their children:

                2. Richard Sidney Seager was born on 21 May 1928 in Flint,Yates Co., New York. He died on 9 Jun 1979 in Painesville, Lake Co., Ohio.

              v. Frances Marie Seager was born on 29 Jul 1907 in Penn Yan, Yates, New York. On 29 Jun 1927 she married William Riis (LaBelle) Larsen (1907-1993) at Milo Center, Yates Co., New York. She then married Milford (Pete) Daines (1894-1961) on 27 Oct 1950. He died, and on 26 Dec 1965 she married Thomas J. Wetmore in Geneva, New York. She died on 18 Dec 2002 in Geneva, Ontario, New York. Her childrten (with William Larsen):

                1. William Chris Larsen was born on 2 Jul 1931 in Milo Center, Yates Co., New York. He died on 19 May 2009 in Clifton Springs, New York.

                2. Carl Sidney Larsen was born on 18 Jul 1932 in Milo Center, Yates Co., New York. He died on 27 Oct 1981 in Islamorada, Dade, Florida.

                3. Thelma (Twin) Larsen (1933-1933).

                4. Velma (Twin) Larsen (1933-1933).

                5. Doris Larsen was born in 1935.

              vi. Nellie Jane Seager was born on 2 Sep 1909 in Penn Yan, Yates, New York. On 7 Aug 1927, she married ohn Albert Mortensen (1903-1974). She died 4 Dec 1989 in Penn Yan, Yates, New York. They had the following children:

                1. Carlton John Mortensen was born on 19 Apr 1932 in Penn Yan, Yates, New York. He served as a PFC with the 11th Airborne Division. He died on 5 Jul 1964 in Franklin, Simpson, Kentucky.

                2. Joyce Mortinsen was born on 4 Sep 1934.

              vii. Harry William Seager was born on 20 May 1912 in Penn Yan, Yates, New York. He married Reva Vivan Olney (1913-1989). Harry died on 17 Apr 1998 in Atlanta, Steuben, New York. They had the following children:

                Barton Duane Seager (1932-2009)
                1. Barton Duane Seager was born on 10 Mar 1932 in Italy Valley, Yates Co, New York. He married Charlotte Duerr Reit (1934-2007). He died on 28 Nov 2009 in Smyrna, Chenango, New York.

                2. Varian Dale Seager was born on 19 Nov 1939 in Italy Prattsburg Rd, Yates, New York. On 18 Aug 1973 he married Jean E, then they divorced on 6 Dec 1984. Varian died on 13 May 1989 in Carrollton, Dallas, Texas.

              viii. Johnnie Ray Seager (1913-1913).

              ix. Frederick Charles Seager (1914-1914).

            d. Alice May Hause was born on 14 May 1884 in Canoga, Seneca, New York. In Feb 1906 she married Fred Ephram Beers (1875-1958). She died in 1957 in Seneca Falls, Seneca, New York.

              Alonzo Hause with grandson Arthur Beerse (1907-1972)
              i. Arthur Alonzo Beerse was born on 26 Jan 1907 in Romulus, Seneca Co., New York. He married Eleanor Ruth Barto (1907-1995) and had Evelyn (b. 1929), David Asa (1930-2010), Frederick (b. 1937) and Wanda (b. 1938). Arthur died on 1 Oct 1972 in Seneca Falls, Seneca, New York.

              ii. Stanley Raymond Beers was born on 25 Aug 1909 in Fayette, Seneca Co., New York. On 16 Feb 1931, he married Margaret Alice Kuney (1910-1983). He died on 25 Dec 1972 in Waterloo, Seneca, New York.

              iii. Nellie M Beers was born on 9 Feb 1912 in Friendship, Allegany Co., New York. She died on 1 Jan 1952 in Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York.

              iv. Elizabeth May Beerse was born on 30 Jun 1920 in Junius, Seneca, New York. On 8 Nov 1941, she married Robert H Sheldon (1913-1988). She died on 11 Oct 1986 in Bradenton, Manatee Co., Florida.

            Charles Henry Hause (1892-1941)

            e. Charles Henry Hause was born on 19 Dec 1892 in Canoga, Seneca, New York. He died in 1941 in New York. He married Hazel E Steer (1893-1958), and they had a daughter:

              i. Lois Elizabeth Hause was born on 11 May 1916 in New York. She married William Wooten Saile (1916-1987). She died on 4 Sep 1998 in St Petersburg, Pinellas, Florida.

            f. Marie Hause was born in 1897 in Seneca, New York. In 1917, she married Lewis H Shoemaker (1894-1964) in Seneca County. She died on 17 Jan 1949 in Bath, Steuben, New York.

          5. Cordelia Hause was born on 24 Nov 1846 in Canoga, Seneca, New York. In about 1868, she married George W Brown (b. 1838) and they had Eldora Bertha Brown (1868-1941), Chauncey Parker Brown (1871-1951), Mary E Brown (1872-1937) and Libbie Brown.

        III. ELECTA ANN HAUSE was born on 2 Jan. 1801 in Orange co., New York. She married John D. Williams, Jr., 0n August 25, 1818. According to an article from the "History of Seneca Co., NY," John D. Jr, the son of John D. Williams, was the first white person to be born on the Indian Reservation. The reservation was divided up for Rev. War veterans. They had the following children: Caroline, Mary, Roxanna, James, Maria and Frances Josephine Williams. Electa and John Jr. are buried at Canoga Cemetery, Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York. There is a joint tombstone for the two, with the following: "Orange County was her birthplace, And Fayette was her station, Heaven is her dwelling place, And Christ is her salvation." The date of birth on her tombstone is 3 Jan 1801. She died on 25 Aug 1869 in Canoga, Seneca Co., N Y. The information on Birth, Marriage, and Death are taken from loose sheets inside Samuel Deal's Bible.

          1. Caroline Hause Williams was born on 10 Jul 1819 in Canoga, Seneca, New York. On 11 Feb 1840 she married Myron A Lovel (1818-1905). They had the following children:

            a. Frances Lovel was born abt 1853.

            b. Florence Lovel was born on May 1853 in Redford, Wayne, Michigan. On 25 Mar 1873 she married Anson M. Rolf (1853-1936) in Kalamazoo, Michigan. She died on 30 Jun 1937 in Alamo, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Their children:

              i. Floyd M. Rolfe was born abt 1871 in Redford, Wayne, Michigan. In 1913 he married Eva Marlowe. He died in 1934.

              ii. Victor Claude Rolfe was born on 2 Jul 1874 in Redford, Wayne, Michigan. On 4 Oct 1900 he married Maude A. Pierce (1878-1970) in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He died on 23 May 1960 in Alamo, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Their children:

                1. Victor Stanley Rolfe was born on 12 Sep 1901 in Redford, Wayne, Michigan. In 2 Sep 1925 he married Williamina Helene Hoekstra (22 May 1902 - 17 Apr 1997) in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He died on 27 Feb 1982 in Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan and is buried at Riverside Cemetery in Kalamazoo. He and Williamina had the following children:

                  James Rolfe
                  James Stanley Rolfe (1928-2013)
                  a. James Stanley Rolfe was born on 4 Oct 1928. His obituary in the Kalamazoo Gazette on March 10, 2013: "James Stanley Rolfe age 84, passed away on March 5, 2013 with his family present at Allegan General Hospital after succumbing to the final stages of Parkinson's disease. He was born on October 4, 1928 to Stanley and Williamine Rolfe in Muskegon, Michigan. James grew up in Muskegon. He attended Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan where he received his bachelors degree in education and later went back and earned his master's in education. He served in the Air Force as a weather observer stationed in Guam during the Korean War. He taught social studies at Allegan High School for 33 years. He loved all sports and enjoyed coaching JV basketball for 25 years. He also coached football and tennis. He was honored to be inducted into the Allegan High School Sports Hall of Fame. James married Margaret LaCrone in Kalamazoo, Michigan in 1951. They were married for 61 years. James was an active member of the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd where he served on the vestry, was the senior warden for many years and received the Bishops Service Cross award for service to the church. Teaching social studies for many years sparked his interest in becoming involved in local government. He served on the Allegan City Council and later as the Mayor of Allegan. He then became a county commissioner and served from 1972 to 1986. He was the chairman of the board for ten of those years. In retirement, he was an Allegan County Road Commissioner for 18 years. He loved Allegan and spent much time and energy promoting it through his involvement in the Chamber of Commerce, the Economic Development Corporation and the Historical Society. He spent summers at the family cottage in Pentwater and had many special gatherings with family and friends over the years. He is survived by his wife Margaret; his sister Carol Ann (Jerry) Miller; his brother-in-law Fred (Jodi) LaCrone; his daughters Peggy Rolfe, Marcia (Tom) Walter, Patty (John) Stoll, Diane (Victor) Perez; his grandchildren Alisa Walter, Enrique Perez, Evan, Connor and Garrett Stoll. He will be remembered at a memorial service at the Episcopal Church of the Good Sheppard in Allegan on April 6 at 11:00am with visitation at 10:00am with a luncheon at the church to follow. Burial will be at the Fort Custer Veterans National Cemetery in Battle Creek at a later date. Memorial donations can be made to the Parkinson's Foundation, Dollars for Scholars or the Episcopal Church.

                  b. Carol Ann Rolfe was born abt 1934 in Michigan.

              2. Taylor S Rolfe was born abt 1902 in Michigan.

              3. Kenneth P. Rolfe was born on 17 Aug 1906 in Redford, Wayne, Michigan. On 27 Sep 1928 he married Ida Iola Rose (b. 1910) in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He died on 27 Apr 1989 in Clermont, Ohio.

            iii. Luella Rolfe was born on 15 Jun 1877 in Redford, Wayne, Michigan. She married Fred Wright Bohnet (1876-1961). She died on 5 Jul 1959 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan. They had the following children:

              1. Frederick Lawrence Bohnet was born in 1904 in Michigan. He joined the Navy, and died as a casualty on 25 Mar 1937.

              2. Raymond Howard Bohnet was born on 9 Apr 1908 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan. He married Katherine Farnham (b. 1912). He died on 5 Apr 1985 in Hawthorne, Los Angeles, California.

              3. Martin Bohnet was born abt 1911 in Michigan. He died on 8 Oct 1976 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

              4. Robert Sydney Bohnet was born on 27 Apr 1914 in Michigan. In 1949 he married Margeret Throop (1915-2011). He died on 15 Oct 2003 in Dowagiac, Cass, Michigan and is buried at Fort Custer National Cemetery, Augusta, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, Section M Site 137. They had a daughter:

                a. Janet Bohnet married Jim Ferguson of Gobles (Kalamazoo Gazette on May 15, 2011).

            iv. Myron A Rolfe was born in Oct 1890 in Redford, Wayne, Michigan. In 1913 he married Eva Marlowe (b. 1896). He died on 18 Dec 1971 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Their children:

              1. Marlow A Rolfe was born on 18 Aug 1922 in Michigan. He died on 7 Sep 1976 in Miami, Miami-Dade, Florida.

            v. Lovell Dale Rolfe was born on 21 Nov 1894 in Oshtemo, Kalamazoo, MI. In 1917 he married Edith Downie (b. 1902). He died on 17 May 1972 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

        2. Mary Jane Williams was born on 10 Jan 1821 in Canoga, Seneca, New York. On 17 Dec 1843 she married John Peter Deal (1822-1885). She died on 5 Feb 1906. They had the following children:

          a. Martin Filmore Deal was born on 28 Sep 1844 in New York. He married Alice M (b. 1846). He died on 14 Dec 1891 in Syracuse, Onondaga, New York. They had the following children:

            i. Mary M. Deal was born abt 1871 in New York. She died before 1900.

            ii. Etta Deal was born abt. 1873 in New York, and appeared in the 1892 New York State census. She died before 1900.

            iii. Floyd Edward Deal was born on 17 Sep 1875 in New York. he died on 22 Aug 1947 in Los Angeles, California.

            iv. Olivia A Deal was born on 22 Jan 1878 in New York.

            v. Grace L Deal (b. 1880).

          b. Mary Elizabeth Deal was born on 28 Mar 1847 in New York. On 15 Mar 1865 she married James W Spaid (1837-1919) in Addison, Steuben Co., New York. She died in 1902 in Fayette, Seneca Co., New York. They had the following children:

            i. Pheobe Spaid was born on 04 Sep 1866 in Fayette, Seneca, NY. On 15 Oct 1884 she married George Henry Theodric Slover (1853-1914) in Auburn, Cayuga, NY. Pheobe died in 1932 in Canoga and is buried with George in Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York. They had the following children:

              1. Jay Spaid Slover was born on 3 Jan 1886 in Auburn, Cayuga, NY. He married Lena A. and they had a son, Gerald Alfred Stover (1909-1972). Jay died on 23 Sep 1938 and is buried in Clayton, Jefferson, NY.

              2. Robert Murray Slover was born on 01 Jan 1894 in New Amsterdam, New York. He married Christina "Teane" Anna Germinder in Monroe, NY. Robert passed away on 6 Jan 1937 in Rochester, Ulster, NY.

              3. George Theodoric Slover was born on 4 Sep 1903 in Ogdensburg, St Lawrence NY. He married Marion Collins and died in 1958.

            Alberta Spaid Reeder (1871-1954) with her three granddaughters in 1925.
            ii. Alberta Spaid was born in 1871 in Fayette, Seneca County, New York to parents James W Spaid (9 Aug 1837 - 6 Oct 1919) and Hause descendant Mary Elizabeth Deal (28 Mar 1847 - 18 May 1902). Alberta's genealogical records provided the groundwork for countless Hause family histories, but her documents and source material have not been found.
               Alberta married William Henry Reeder (1868-1955) sometime around 1900, but they had no biological children. However, they "adopted" William's cousin, Hazel Pearl Beck-Smith (12 Jan 1894 - 19 Sep 1979), in 1901 when her biological father, Maurice, could no longer care for her or her sisters (he did stay in touch over the years, however).
               Alberta Spaid Reeder died on 27 Oct 1954 in Geneva, Seneca County, New York. She and William are buried with her parents at Canoga Cemetery, Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York. Their children:

              1. Hazel Pearl Beck-Reeder was born on 12 Jan 1894 in Seneca Falls, Seneca, New York, to Nellie Arvilla Abbott (1866-1897). Hazel was adopted (informally) by her half cousin, Alberta Spaid-Reeder, upon the death of her grandmother, Hannah Vedder. She died on 19 Sep 1979 in Buffalo, Erie, New York. Hazel married Bernard True Smith (1889-1963) and they had the following children:

                a. Margaret Alberta Smith (1916-1984). She married Arthur Myron Hebblethwaite (24 Apr 1916 - 8 Jun 1997). Then Arthur's brother Charles married...

                b. Eleanor Mary Smith (1919-2006): "Eleanor Mary Hebblethwaite, 87, of 64 South Street, died Sunday (July 9, 2006) at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester. She was born Feb. 23, 1919, in Geneva, the daughter of Bernard True and Hazel (Reeder) Smith. On Sept. 14, 1946, in Geneva, she married Charles W. Hebblethwaite, who survives. Eleanor graduated from Geneva High School. She and her husband had resided in Groton prior to moving to Belmont in January of 1949. In April of 1942, she obtained a position at the Seneca Ordnance Depot. In March of 1943 she was sent to the Ordnance School in Delaware, where she was trained to be and ammunition inspector. In January of 1944 she was sent to Long Beach, Calif., to the Victory Pier Ordnance, famous during World War II for being a port of call for the shipping of supplies and ammunition. After 22 months she was transferred to Office of the Chief of Ordnance at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. She was later employed by the Selective Service and the County Clerk's Office in Belmont. She was a member of the former United Church of Belmont and a former member of the Belmont Grange and the Herbert Delong Post 808 American Legion Auxiliary. She was an avid reader and enjoyed knitting, crossword puzzles and traveling. Surviving in addition to her husband Charles, are four daughters, Susan (John) Hausman, of Olean, Linda (Jordan) Melick, of Englewood, Colo., Ellen (John) Donovan, of Arkport and Nancy Root, of Belmont; a daughter in law, Dawn Hebblethwaite, of Belmont; 12 grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; one sister, Barbara Barnard, of Waterloo; a special family friend, Patricia Cooney, of Belmont; and several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her son, Charles 'Chip' Hebblethwaite on July 2, 2004; and one sister, Margaret Hebblethwaite in 1984. Friends are invited to call from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Wednesday at the J. W. Embser Sons Funeral Home Inc. in Belmont. The funeral will take place 11 a.m. Thursday in the funeral home with Pastor Marc Chamberlain, of the Angelica Bible Church, presiding. Burial will be in Forest Hills Cemetery in Belmont. Memorial suggestions include the Belmont Free Library or the Amity Rescue Squad."

                c. Barbara Iza Smith was born on 3 Jul 1925 in Geneva, Seneca, New York. She married Charles Fredrick Barnard (1925-1990). Barbara died on 5 Sep 2015 in Geneva and is buried at Canoga Cemetery in Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York. They had the following children:

                  i. Judith Ann Barnard (b. 1946)

                  ii. Laurie Barnard was born @ 1950 and married Craig Nikitas.

                  iii. Charles Barnard married Joan Marie Ritter on 30 Dec 1977.

          c. Ludusca Electa Deal was born on 18 May 1855 in Seneca Co, New York. She married George Lee McDuffie (1853-1935). Ludusca died on 26 Aug 1907, and she and George are buried at Canoga Cemetery in Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York. They had a daughter:

            i. Alice Ophelia McDuffie was born in 1877 in Fayette, Seneca County, New York. She married Foster M Hoster (1871-1954) and they lived on his family's farm in Fayette, NY. Alice died on 1 Dec 1960 in Waterloo, Seneca County, New York. "SENECA FALLS—Mrs. Alice Ophelia Hoster, 83, Hoster Rd., Town of Fayette, widow of Foster M. Hoster, died late yesterday at Taylor Brown Memorial Hospital, where she had been a patient for the past six days following a fall in her home... Born in Fayette, Mrs. Hoster was a lifelong resident of that area. She was a member of the Canoga Presbyterian Church, the Missionary Society of the Church and East Fayette Grange No. 40, P of H. She is survived by two daughters, Miss Alice O. Hoster, Seneca Falls, and Mrs. Herbert Fister, of Phoenix, Ariz., a granddaughter, Mrs. Frank Warren, of Kingston, one niece and one nephew." She is buried at Canoga Cemetery in Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York. Alice and Foster had two daughters:

              1. Alice Ophelia Hoster was born on 9 Apr 1907 in Seneca, New York. She married Adelbert Ferguson McCoy (1903-1995) in Seneca Co. She died on 19 Oct 1995 and is buried at Canoga Cemetery in Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York.

              2. Ruth Arlene Hoster was born @ 1907 in Seneca, NY, and married Herbert Charles Fister, after which they moved to Arizona.

        3. Roxanna Williams was born on 8 Oct 1825 in Canoga, Seneca, New York. On 22 Oct 1846 she married Samuel Byron Deal in Seneca, New York. She died on 4 Jan 1896 in Alamo, Kalamazoo, Michigan. She had the following children:

          a. Lavinia Francis "Vinnie" Deal was born on 15 Dec 1848 in Varick, Seneca, New York. On 9 Oct 1877 she married George Jay Beaumont (1847-1920) in Kalamazoo, Michigan. She died on 10 Nov 1902 in Galesburg, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Their children:

            i. William Clyde Beaumont was born on 22 Jun 1879 in Alamo, Kalamazoo, Michigan. He died on 22 Apr 1881 in Alamo, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

            ii. Jay Charles Beaumont was born on 2 Feb 1884 in Alamo, Kalamazoo, Michigan. On 14 Feb 1914 he married Ora Frances Proctor (1885-1932) in Chicago, Cook, Illinois. He died on 5 Apr 1976 in Grosse Pointe, Wayne, Michigan. Their children:

              1. Jay Leslie Beaumont was born on 24 Mar 1922 in Ohio. With war escalating in Europe, he joined the Marines on 6 Feb 1940 and fought in World War II, in which he was wounded in action, according to Michigan records. After the war, he married Mary Jane Rose (b. 1926) on 30 Jul 1949 in Detroit, MI. He died on 9 Jan 1976 in Livonia, Wayne Co, Michigan.

            iii. Hazell Alice Beaumont was born on 21 May 1891 in Kalamazoo 3rd Ward, Kalamazoo, Michigan. On 27 Mar 1912 she married Allen Calvin Schuyler (1890-1968) on Beaumont Farm, Galesburg, Michigan. She died on 2 Apr 1933 in Galesbury, Kalamazoo City, Michigan. Their children:

              1. Jay Forrest Schuyler was born on 26 Nov 1915 in Galesburg, Michigan. On 15 Jun 1938 he married Margaret Elaine Glazier (1917-1990) on Beaumont Farm, Galesburg, Michigan. He died on 13 Dec 1995 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

              2. Ardis "Ardie" E Schuyler was born abt 1920 in Michigan.

          b. Electa Ann Catherine Deal was born on 24 Feb 1849 in Seneca, New York. She died 3 days later, on 27 Sep 1849 in Seneca, New York.

          c. Leonard James Deal was born on 21 Aug 1850 in Seneca County, New York. On 24 Dec 1877 he married May Adelia Evans (12 Jun 1858 - 9 Jul 1938) in Elkhart, Indiana, and they had the following children:

            Otto Deal
            Otto Evans Deal (1878-1927; back of photo). NOTE TO DESCENDANTS: I have this photo. E-mail me at
            i. Otto Evans Deal was born on 14 Sep 1878 in Alamo, Kalamazoo, Michigan. On 26 Apr 1898 he enlisted to fight in the Spanish American War as a Private, eing on 1 Nov 1898; During World War I, Otto re-enlisted for duty on 5 Aug 1917 and was a Captain in Battery E 17 of the Regt Field Artillery Enlisted. Then on 07 Jun 1919 he married Lucille H Oliver (1887-1950). "Miss Lucille Oliver, of Atlanta, and Capt. Otto Deal were married yesterday in Atlanta, at the home of the bride's mother, Mr. Paris Oliver. Lieut. Deal and Mrs. Deal will leave immediately for Camp Bragg, North Carolina, where Lieut. Deal is stationed." (Courier-Journal, 8 Jun 1919. Louisville, Kentucky, page 18) Oscar and Lucille had the following children:

              Vira Deal
              Vira Paris Deal (1920-1995) and husband Warren Wittekind
              1. Vira Paris Deal was born on 03 Apr 1920 in Fort Bragg, Cumberland, North Carolina. On 11 Mar 1944 she married Warren Otto Wittekind (1921-1978) in Alpine, Brewster, Texas. They had eight children: Warren, Richard, Glen, Lawrence (1950-1961), Scott (1952-2018), Sandra, Roger and Jean. Vira died on 08 Jan 1995 in East Moline, Rock Island, Illinois.

              2. Oliver Evans Deal was born on 8 May 1922 in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. On 15 Jun 1943 he enlisted in the Marine Corps and fought in World War II, rose to the rank of Lt. Colonel and went on to fight in the Korean War. On 22 Apr 1944 he married Gaye Follmer (1924-2012) in Alexandria, Virginia. Their son, Oliver Jr., was bor on 28 Oct 1946 in Chicago, also joined the military, and died in Quang Nam, Vietnam on 1 Nov 1969. Oliver Sr. died on 17 Jul 1972 in Santa Monica, Los Angeles Co., CA and is buried at Eternal Valley Memorial Park in Newall, CA. (Military Veteran Headstone application: "Decorations: Many.")

              3. Theodore Elmer Deal was born on 16 Sep 1923 in Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska. On 27 Jun 1944 he enlisted to fight in World War II in Fort Levenworth, Kansas. On 28 Aug 1948 he married Alice Seig (b. 1930). He died on 23 Mar 2003.

            Otto was discharged on 3 Oct 1920. He became an insurance agent, who died at the age of 49 in, of all places, a mortuary. "Driving to his office this morning, Otto E. Deal, agent for the Continental Insurance company, was suddenly seized with an illness as his car approached Twenty-fourth street on Dodge. He swerved across the street toward the United Presbyterian church, shut off the motor, staggered from the car and collapsed across the street car tracks. Passersby carried Deal into the Hoffmann-Crosby mortuary office where he died before a doctor reached him." (Evening World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, March 05, 1927; Page 2.)

            ii. Pearl Ann Deal (1880-1959)

            iii. Audubon Lincoln Deal (1887-1966)

            iv. Lucien Paul Deal (1890-1970)

          Leonard died on 21 Jan 1923 in Elkhart, Elkhart, Indiana, and is buried with Adelia at Grace Lawn Cemetery in Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana.

          d. Charles Arthur Deal was born on 19 Feb 1854 in Seneca, New York. He married Olive Jones (1855-1946). Charles died on 18 Jan 1924 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois.

          e. Morgan Williams Deal was born on 9 Nov 1856 in Seneca, New York. He moved to Michigan and on 6 Dec 1880 he married Jennette F Trumball (Mar 1856 - 6 Mar 1937) in Kalamazoo, Michigan. They had the following children: June May Deal (b. 1881) and David L Deal (b. 1887). Morgan died on 11 Jan 1914 in Antwerp, Van Buren, Michigan. He and Jennette are buried at Riverside Cemetery, Kalamazoo County, Michigan.

          Foster Leroy Deal (1859-1927) and family in Michigan.

          f. Foster Leroy Deal was born on 15 Sep 1859 in Varick, Seneca, New York and died on 22 Nov 1927 in Williams, Kalamazoo, Michigan. He married Ettie Laura Coykendall (28 Jan 1863 - 25 Feb 1937) and they had the following children:

            i. Lynn Lee Deal was born on 9 Jun 1883 in Big Rapids, Mecosta, Michigan, and died on 13 May 1953 in Berkeley, Alameda, California. He married Pearl Doretta Carter (1892-1995) on 25 Dec 1917 in Montesano, Grays Harbor, Washington. They had the following children:

              Doug Deal
              Douglas Duane Deal (1924-2014)
              1. Douglas Duane Deal was born on 19 Mar 1924 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington. He spearheaded Hause genealogy from the 1980s through the 2010s, leading all of us family historians down the long, winding path to... well, we still haven't figured that out. If you had any questions about any branch of the family tree, he could describe every twig, leaf, and blossom (not to mention every nut). He even inspired this webpage, as a matter of fact. (Thank him for the info; don't blame him for my opinions.) He was a loving husband and proud father, grandfather and great-grandfather, living many happy years until he passed away on 29 Dec 2014 in Hagerman, Gooding, Idaho.

              2. Marilynn Louise Deal was born on 1 Dec 1931 in Grants Pass, Oregon.

            Koli Deal (1885-1939)
            ii. Koli Horace Deal was born on 10 Sep 1885 in Williams, Kalamazoo, Michigan. On 28 Aug 1907 he married Gladys Gertrude Graham (24 Sep 1887 - 10 Jan 1959) in Gobles, Van Buren, Michigan, and they had the following children: Wayne Graham Deal (1910-1913), Helen G Deal-Thomte (1912-2001) and Dorothy Mae Deal-Sherburne (1919-1996). Koli died on 28 Oct 1939 in Bloomingdale, Van Buren, Michigan. He and Gertrude are buried at the Alamo Center Cemetery in Alamo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan.

            iii. Arlie Laura Deal was born on 4 Jul 1888 in Williams, Kalamazoo, Michigan. She married (1) Fred Schorno Granger (1883-1908), then (2)Ray Cecil Dickson (1897-1945) then (3) Harry J Artz (1901-1973). Arlie died on 26 Mar 1965 in Jacksonville, Duval, Florida.

            iv. Kirk James Deal was born on 4 Mar 1894 in Williams, Kalamazoo, Michigan. On 2 Jan 1919 he married Elizabeth Sanford Porter (6 Jan 1898 - 8 Apr 1997) in Mason, Ingham Co., Michigan, and they had Louise Elizabeth Deal-Smith (25 Oct 1919 - 17 Oct 2000). Kirk died on 6 Feb 1975 in Fremont, Newaygo, Michigan.

          g. Samuel Lincoln Deal (1860-1929).

          h. Carrie Lillian Deal (1863-1946).

          i. Jesse Cortland Deal (1865-1939).

          j. Byron John Deal (1867-1941).

        4. James Martin Williams was born on 16 Oct 1832 in Canoga, Seneca, New York. He died on 18 Feb 1843.

        5. Maria Louisa Williams was born on 22 Jul 1840 in Canoga, Seneca, New York. She died on 12 Feb 1918.

        6. Frances Josephine Williams was born on 4 Nov 1842 in Canoga, Seneca, New York. On 25 Feb 1862, she married Samuel Llewellyn Spaid (1841-1914) in Seneca, New York. She died on 27 Feb 1929 in Auburn, Cayuga, New York. She had the following children:

          a. Elmer M Spaid (1862-1925).

          b. Frederick Spaid (1864-1946).

          c. Anna Electa Spaid was born on 3 Aug 1870 in Canoga, Seneca, New York and died on 25 Oct 1944 in Auburn, Cayuga, New York. On 6 Jun 1893 she married Frederick Michael Ritter (2 Jun 1865 - 16 Jun 1924) in Seneca Falls, Seneca, New York. They had the following children:

            i. Beryl Ann Ritter was born in May 1895 in New York. She died on 6 Aug 1978 in Geneva, Ontario, New York.

            ii. Harold Frederick Ritter was born in Dec 1896 in New York. She died on 5 Sep 1938 in Geneva, Ontario, New York.

            iii. Lester Dewey Ritter was born in May 1898 in New York. He died in May 1969.

            iv. Josephine Sarah Ritter was born on 4 Nov 1899 in Fayette, Seneca, New York, and died on 11 Jan 1964 in Los Angeles, California. On 1 Jul 1919 she married Charles M Bogart (23 Sep 1897 - 26 Apr 1953) in Seneca Falls, Seneca, New York. They had a daughter:

              Josephine Bogart-Gregory (1920-2013) and Rulon Wells Gregory (1918-2001)
              1. Josephine Dorothy Bogart was born on 30 Apr 1920 in Geneva, Ontario, New York. On 31 Oct 1942 she married Rulon Wells Gregory (22 Sep 1918 - 26 Sep 2001) in New York City, New York. She died on 9 Feb 2013 in St George, Washington, Utah. Her genealogical work, based on Alberta Spaid Reeder's family history notes, has provided the groundwork for countless Hause family histories on the Internet.

            v. Floyd Wilborn Ritter was born on 15 Mar 1901 in Geneva, Ontario, New York. He died on 21 Oct 1906 in Geneva, Ontario, New York.

            vi. Mary Ethel Ritter was born on 27 Apr 1906 in New York.

          d. John Myron Spaid (1875-1931).

          e. George Alton Spaid (1878-1962).

          f. Leora Mary Spaid (1880-1965).

        Has Children IV. AUGUSTUS HAUSE was born on 14 Jan 1804 and married JANE JONES (b: 4 Nov 1802 in New Jersey). They moved to Royalton, New York, near the Erie Canal and prospered on a large farm, thanks to the expanded exporting opportunities available because of the new canal. The Hause family attended the First Baptist Church of Christ in Royalton, organized in 1822 "at the schoolhouse that stood near the graveyard in the neighborhood that is now called Locust Tree." The first church was built in 1823, then moved a half-mile east to a new building in 1869, and the name was changed to the Royalton Community Church. (Locust Tree is now known as Dysinger's Corners, as that family opened a hotel and post office there.) A cemetery stood next to the original church/schoolhouse. Jane Hause died on September 8, 1850. Like everything else concerning Jane, there were few details handed down about the death. She was buried down the road from the farm at the church cemetery. They are buried at Dysinger Cemetery, on the North side of Bunker Hill Road, between Gasport and Ward, Royalton Township, Niagara County, New York. Augustus and Jane had the following children:

          John J Hause
          John J Hause (1829-1912)

          1. John J Hause was born on 18 Oct 1829. He married Catherine Eave Deissinger (b. 23 Aug 1830) around the year 1854. John and Catherine moved briefly to Michigan, where he was a justice of the peace, then returned to Niagara County, New York, where they lived for the rest of their lives. John worked as a farmer. They were still alive for the 1910 census, and still living in Royalton. He died on Tuesday 17 Sep 1912 when he fell out of an apple tree and broke his neck, at the age of 82 (North Tonawanda NY Evening News, 18 Sep 1912, p. 1). Catherine died in 1926, and is buried in Mt. Royal Cemetery, in Gasport, Niagara Co., New York. Their children:

            a. William Hause died in infancy.

            b. (Unnamed Daughter) Hause died in infancy.

            c. Alta May Hause was born in Aug 1870 in Royalton, Niagara, New York. She married Edward Alpheus Vodra (b. 1872) in Niagara Co., New York in 1890. She died on 14 Nov 1954 in Royalton, Niagara, New York, and is buried in Mountain Ridge Cemetery in Royalton. Niagara Falls N.Y. Gazette, Oct-Nov 1954: "VODRA—Sunday, November 14, 1954, Alta H. Vodra of 8602 Pershing Ave, Mother of Mrs. George K. Connell, this city and Miss M. Edna Vodra of Jersey City, N. J. Three grandchildren and one great grandchild also survive. Funeral services from the Bell Funeral Chapel, 635 Main St., Tuesday, Nov. 16th at 2:00 p.m., Rev. Richard J. davey, D.D. officiating. Internment in Mountain ridge Cemetery, Royalton, N.Y." She had the following children:

              i. Katherine Elsa Vodra was born on 11 Apr 1899 in Royalton, Niagara Co., New York. On 18 Aug 1923, she married George Kerr Connell (b. 1896). She died on 28 Dec 1967 in Niagara County, New York. Burial Dec 1967, Chestnut Ridge Cemetery, Lockport, Niagara Co., NY. She had the following children:

                Yearbook Page
                Names: Margaret Connell; Katherine Connell
                Yearbook: Longiara 1945
                Date: 1945
                School: La Salle High School
                Location: Niagara Falls, New York
                View yearbook
                SOURCE: U.S. School Yearbooks [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Original data: Various school yearbooks from across the United States.
                1. Margaret May Connell was born on 11 Feb 1928 in Niagara Falls, Niagara Co., New York. On 24 Jun 1950 she married Willis Norman LeVan in Niagara Falls, Niagara Co., NY. She died on 31 Jul 2000 in Bradenton, Manatee, Florida. From The Bradenton Herald (Bradenton, Florida), 02 Aug 2000, Wednesday, Page 16: "Margaret LeVan, 72, of Bradenton, died July 31, 2000, in Manatee Memorial Hospital... Born in Niagara Falls, N.Y., Mrs. LeVan came to Manatee County from Sanborn, N.Y. in 1987. she was a homemaker. She was Protestant. She attended Community Baptist Church." She had two children:

                  a. Linda Jean LeVan of Freeville, N.Y.

                  b. Richard LeVan (Alabama).

                Katherine Jean Connell Koch (1929-2019)
                2. Katherine Jean Connell was born on 23 May 1929 in Niagara Falls, New York; On 10 Nov 1951 she married Raymond Henry Koch (1928-2011) in Niagara Co., and died on 2 Mar 2019 in Pompton Plains, Morris, New Jersey. "Katharine J. Koch, 89, of Pompton Plains, formerly of Upper Saddle River, died Saturday, March 2, 2019. Born in Niagara Falls, NY, Katie was the daughter of George and Elsa Connell. Raised in Upstate New York, she earned her degree in nursing from the University of Rochester. While studying there, she met and fell in love with a fellow student, Raymond Koch. The couple were married in 1951. Settling first in Paramus, they welcomed five children to their family before moving to Upper Saddle River, where they lived for more than 43 years. Once her children were all in school, Katie started her career as a nurse, working in nursing homes before becoming a school nurse, employed first at the Bogart Elementary School in Upper Saddle River, and later at Pascack Valley and Emerson High Schools. While living in Upper Saddle River, Katie and Ray were very active members of the Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church, where Katie sang with the choir. Music was one of her favorite pastimes, and she also enjoyed singing with the Ramapo Valley Sweet Adelines for many years. Katie was an artist on many levels, and loved to write poetry, especially to celebrate special occasions, and also enjoyed drawing and painting. She was a gifted gardener, and loved to beautify their yard in Upper Saddle River with flowers, especially daisies. Katie and Ray moved to Cedar Crest Village in Pompton Plains about 15 years ago, and greatly enjoyed being active with the Protestant Community there. They continued to practice their faith in the community, and once again enjoyed being a part of the choir. Katie also continued to practice gardening, and could often be found toiling in her community plot at the retirement center. Katie is survived by her children, Peggy Pezzi and her husband Bob, Nancy Schiemer and her husband Jim, Raymond H. Koch, Jr. and his wife Nancy, Eric Koch and his wife Liz, and Joanne Secola and her husband Gene; her grandchildren, Lauren Tilley and her husband Eddie, Matthew Koch and his wife Megan, Tricia Koch, Michael Schiemer and his wife Amy, Jimmy Schiemer and his wife Won Young, David Schiemer, Kevin Koch, Timmy Koch and his wife Kathryn, Brian Koch, Justin Pezzi and Christine Pezzi; as well as her great-grandchildren, Leo Theroux, Ellie Schiemer, Colin Schiemer, Hudson Koch, Everett Tilley, and Logan Tilley. She was predeceased by her husband, Raymond H. Koch, and her siblings, Joseph Connell and Margaret LeVan. Visiting hours will be Tuesday, March 5, from 4-7 pm at the M. John Scanlan Funeral Home, Pompton Plains. A funeral service will be held 11 am Wednesday, March 6, at Bergen Highland United Methodist Church, 318 West Saddle River Road, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. Burial will follow at George Washington Memorial Park, Paramus. In lieu of flowers donations to Bergen Highlands United Methodist Church or a charity of your choice would be greatly appreciated by Katie's family."

                  a. Peggy Koch Married Bob Pezzi.

                  b. Nancy Koch married Jim Schiemer.

                  c. Raymond H. Koch, Jr. married Nancy.

                  d. Eric Koch married Liz.

                  e. Joanne Koch married Gene Secola.

                Joseph Edward Connell
                Joseph Connell (1930-2009)
                3. Joseph Edward Connell was born on 8 Oct 1930 in Niagara Falls. He married Patricia Parsons. Houston Chronicle, on Mar. 8, 2009: "JOSEPH EDWARD CONNELL (October 8, 1930 - February 27, 2009). Joe was born and raised in Niagara Falls where he attended LaSalle High School and captained its football team. After marrying his wife Patty (the former Patricia Jane Parsons of Royal Oak, Michigan) and graduating from Antioch College, Joe served as a naval officer in Washington D.C. He then began a career in public accounting with Coopers and Lybrand, where he rose to become a partner while working in Detroit, Minneapolis, and Des Moines. Joe and his family moved to Dallas in 1973, where he joined Republic National Life Insurance Company. He served in senior finance roles with Republic and its successor companies in Dallas and Houston until he retired in 1994. He and Patty moved back to Dallas to join the Highland Springs retirement community when it began in 2006. An avid golfer, Joe also enjoyed gardening and traveling, and participated in numerous running races and marathons. He volunteered his services to many organizations, including Unitarian-Universalist congregations in Minnesota, Dallas, and Houston, and served on the Highland Springs Resident Advisory Council. Joe was a supportive and loving father, husband and friend. He always had a smile for those around him, and a commitment to helping others. His courage, energy and optimism were contagious, and helped him build strong friendships wherever he went. Joe was preceded in death by his wife of 54 years, Patty Connell, and is survived by his other-half Patricia O'Connell Mullins of Highland Springs and her family, his daughter Margie Connell Allen of North Richland Hills, Texas, his son Doug Connell and daughter-in-law Gail Murton of St. Paul, Minnesota, his sister Katherine Connell Koch and brother-in-law Ray Koch Sr. of Pompton Plains, NJ, his sister-in-law Marjorie Parsons Stanger of Royal Oak, Michigan, brother-in-law Willis LeVan of Huntsville, Alabama, and nine nieces and nephews and their fifteen children. The family would like to express their gratitude to Drs. R. Bruce Gammon, Theresa Eichenwald, and Mary Norman, and the staff of Highland Springs Medical Center. They are also grateful to JoJuana Turner, Kim Ward, the home health care aides who lovingly cared for him, and Brett Tartarin, who provided exceptional nursing care during his illness. A celebration of Joe's life will be held at Highland Springs at 5:00 p.m. on March 15, 2009. If desired, memorials to Joe can be directed to St. Michael's Hospice, 10214 Inwood Road, Dallas, Texas, 75229 or the Highland Springs Student Scholarship Fund, 8000 Frankford Road, Dallas, Texas, 75252." His children:

                  a. Doug Connell.

                  b. Margie Connell.

              ii. Margaret Edna Vodra was born on 11 Apr 1899 in New York. In 1940 she lives at the New Jersey YWCA and is a librarian. Who's Who in Library Service: A biographical directory of professional librarians of the United States and Canada. Third edition. Edited by Dorothy Ethlyn Cole. New York: Grolier Society, 1955. She died on 8 Sep 1984 in Getzville, Erie, New York.

          Laban Augustus Hause
          Laban Augustus Hause (1831-1906)
          Has Children 2. Laban Augustus Hause was born on 10 March 1831. He moved to St. Clair Co., Michigan in the mid-1850's after marrying Sarah Deissinger on 20 Sep 1854. and his brother John J. Hause (b. 18 Oct 1829), their wives (the Dysinger sisters) had each been willed about a hundred acres of prime farmland in Lockport by their late father—enough for a small private farm.
             But Laban and John had the bright idea of selling that expensive New York land, and using the money to buy more property in an area where the land was cheaper. The plan was to move west and carve out their own place from the wilderness... and the new frontier of Michigan was beckoning.
             So in the mid-1850s, John, Laban, and Basheba Hause, along with cousins-in-law Daniel and Nicholas Dysinger, headed to the new state with their families—either taking a steamship up the Erie Canal, or by land using teams of oxen or mules, towards the untamed wilderness (read: cheap land).
             The group moved to Riley Center, St. Clair County, Michigan, and started over. Laban and Sarah settled a large section of wilderness on the border of St. Clair and Macomb counties, and local "Otchipwes" (Ojibwe Indians) helped them survive until Spring, when Laban could clear the trees and brush to build a farm, on what is now 13185 Belle River Road in Memphis, Michigan.
             He and Sarah then sold the 100 acres of property that she had inherited from her late father in Lockport, for $500. The document was signed by Sarah's mother, Catharine, and accepted by Laban "House" and Sarah in St. Clair county, Michigan. (On the next page in the book of deeds, Catherine sold more of the Lockport land willed to her other children, including Eve Dysinger-Hause.)
             The various Hause and Dysinger families then settled in, and even began to expand: County records show that on the 13th of May, 1857, 21 year-old Basheba married Charles H. Oaks, 23, of Riley. The witnesses were "Loban" Hause & John J. Hause, also of Riley; the wedding was performed by Minister William P. Russell.
             Living on the edge of the Michigan wilderness left the Hause family far away from doctors, hospitals, and the superior medical attention available back in New York (which in truth wasn't all that great, anyway). There were only ten licensed physicians in all of St. Clair County. They charged from five dollars for minor surgeries, up to a hundred dollars for major ones. There was also a fee of five to twenty-five dollars for midwifery, which Sarah needed in 1857 for the birth of a child:

            Elma Hause Jackson (1857-1942)
            a. Elma Jane Hause was born on 16 Mar 1857. After the death of her mother, Sarah was raised by Laban and his second wife, Melissa Sanderson-Hause. Elma married William Jackson (b. 8 Feb 1852 in England), a Freight Agent for the Owensboro and Nashville Railroad, on 14 Nov 1874 (wedding announcement). Elma died on 3 Mar 1942 in Montclair, Essex County, New Jersey (Elma in her old age). They're buried together at Rosehill Elmwood Cemetery, Owensboro, Daviess County, Kentucky. Their children:

              i. Charles Hause Jackson was born on 25 Sep 1875. Charles lived in Upper Mountclair, New Jersey, and worked for an engineering firm in Manhattan. He married Mildred Weiland and chronicled the 19th and early 20th Centuries of the Hause family in his scrapbooks. Many of the photographs, obituaries and ceremonial announcements on the following pages are from those scrapbooks. Charles died in Aug 1962.

              ii. William Carlisle Jackson was born on 7 May 1884. He died on 16 Oct 1888 in Owensboro, Daviess County, Kentucky and is buried beside his mother.

          Sarah died on 16 Mar 1859 after complications from giving birth to their daughter, Elma. Laban then remarried, to a woman named Melissa Sanderson (1839-1921). Laban died on 14 Mar 1906 in Memphis, MI (see his Death Certificate here). He and Melissa had the following children:

            Alice Hause Young (1861-1939)
            b. Alice Hause was born on 16 Aug 1861 in Emmett, St. Clair County, Michigan. She married Seneca Young (1857-1898) on on 13 Aug 1879 in Millington, just days before her 18th birthday. Seneca died on 9 Aug 1898 in Saginaw City, Saginaw, Michigan, and Alice raised Frank as a single mother. A letter by Melissa Hause from 1920 says Alice was living in a tent in California with her sister-in-law, Rebecca. In 1930, Alice lived alone in Memphis, next to Ida Dysinger, then moved in with her son. She died on 24 Mar 1939 at Highland Park General Hopsital. She was buried at Millington Cemetery in Millington, Tuscola County, Michigan. They had one son:

              i. Frank Arthur Young was born on 5 Jul 1880. He died on 26 Feb 1963 in Detroit and was buried in Saginaw, Michigan. He married (1) Sylvia Hardy (16 Nov 1884 - 28 Feb 1910), with whom he had two children:

                1. Violet E Young was born on 11 Feb 1905 in Saginaw, Saginaw, Michigan. In Nov 1927 She married John S. Cosgrove but then died on 31 Aug 1929 in Washington DC, District of Columbia.

                2. James Eldon Young was born on 29 Aug 1908 in Michigan. On 18 Oct 1935 he married Ann Marguerite Ide Foster (1913-2000). He died on 1 Jan 1973 in Tarpon Springs, Pinellas, Florida. His children:

                  a. Karen Ann Young was born on Oct 13 1945 and married Allen Andrew Phillips (b. 1945).

                  b. Barbara Jean Young was born on 1 Nov 1949. On 1974 6 Jun 1974 she married Philip Roy House (b. 1953).

              After Sylvia died, Frank married (2) Blanche Elizabeth Chatfield (10 Jan 1880 - 13 Mar 1961). They had a son:

                3. Chatfield Young was born on 16 Mar 1915 in Michigan. On 10 Feb 1934 he married Irene Ellen Headford (1916-2001). He died on 6 Dec 1996 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan. Their children:

                  a. Margaret Jean Young was born on 29 Feb 1936 in Michigan. On 18 Aug 1956 she married Harry James Barker (b. 1935). They had two children:

                    i. Pamela Jean Barker was born on 29 Aug 1957. She married Ronald Maurice Thompson (b. 1950)

                    ii. Sherrie Lynn Barker was born on 28 Mar 1960. On 31 Jul 1982 she married Jonathan James Krieger (b. 1958).

                  b. Robert Edward Young was born on 9 Jul 1940. On 26 Oct 1963 he married Catherine Elizabeth Snider (b. 1943). They had the following children:

                    i. Colleen Marie Young was born on 29 Apr 1964. On 3 Dec 1989 she married Phillip Charles Hurd (b. 1958).

                    ii. Brian Edward Young was born on 24 Jun 1965. On 31 Jul 1990 he married Cheryl Lynn Gillette (b. 1965).

            Sarah Hause Baker (1863-1880)
            c. Sarah L. Hause was born on 16 April 1863. She died from food poisoning that she contracted from canned beans at the reception of her own wedding to Arthur Baker on 11 Nov 1880. She was named after her father's first wife, Sarah Dysinger, and they all rest together in the Memphis Cemetery in Memphis, Macomb, Michigan.

            Has Children d. Frank Augustus Hause was born in 1867. He married Fladella Raymond (6 Sept. 1869 - 19 July 1961) and had five children, all boys, listed below. Frank died in Memphis, Michigan, on 3 May 1951. See his signature here (from the autograph book of William Pincombe, courtesy of his granddaughter, Judy Ingles). Frank and Fladella are buried at the Memphis Cemetery in Memphis, Macomb, Michigan.

            Port Huron Times-Herald (Port Huron, St. Clair, MI), 15 Feb 1951.

            The children of Frank and Fladella Hause were:

              i. Raymond "Dick" Laban Hause was born on 23 Nov 1888. He married a nurse, Ethel Maud Yale (1 Feb 1886 - 19 Jan 1988), in Michigan in 1911. They had one child, Lois Yale Hause, born on 7 Oct 1913. "Uncle Dick" moved his family to California and worked in land speculation. He died on 12 Nov 1970 in San Diego, California. Many of the photos and keepsakes that he handed down to his daughter, such as the anniversary notice of Frank and Fladella, above, are used in this family history. Their children:

                1. Lois Yale Hause (Oct. 7, 1913 to April 2, 2005) Born in Deerfield, Michigan on October 7, 1913 to Ethyl Yale and Ray Hause. Moved to San Diego in 1918. Married to William (Bill) Martin Baumbaugh—four children (Adrienne, Lynn, Bill and Joel), eight grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. Lived in Kensington for over 62 years. Lois was an accomplished wife, mother, cook, gardener and artist, and a friend to all she met. She will be sorely missed by all who knew and loved her. Her fondest wish was to be reunited in heaven with her husband when she died so that they could be together once again and travel the universe together, and forevermore. A Graveside service will be held at Alpine Cemetery 2495 Victoria Dr., Alpine on Saturday, April 9, 2005 at 11 a.m. (Published in the San Diego Union-Tribune on 4/6/2005.) Lois and William had the following children:

                  a. Adrienne Ray Baumbaugh was born on 10 Oct 1935 in San Diego, California. On 21 Jun 1957 she married (1) Franklin D Hunt (b. 1936). They had the following children: Kimberly Ray Hunt (b. 1960), and Shelby Lynn Hunt (b. 1962). She also married (2) Edward C Flowers (b. 1943) on 4 Aug 1984 in Sonoma, California.

                  b. Jaquelynne Yale Baumbaugh was born on 16 Dec 1937 in San Diego, California. On 7 Jan 1961 she married Ralph Ferguson Lowe (1931-1988). They had the following children: Mark Taylor Thomas Lowe (b. 21 Nov 1961), and Stephen Lee Lowe (22 Nov 1963 - Oct 2013).

                  c. William Martin Baumbaugh (4 Aug 1940 - 8 Mar 2012) was born in San Diego, California. On 14 May 1960 he married Rebecca Patricia Espinosa (b. 1940) and they had the following children: Rebecca Tripenny Baumbaugh (m. Troxell) (b. 14 Jun 1962), Monique Patricia Baumbaugh (m. Maceachern), (22 Mar 1965 - 21 Jun 2009), and William Martin Broeder (b. 6 Aug 1966).

                  d. Joel Taylor Baumbaugh was born on 9 Jul 1950 in San Diego, California. He married Marsha Lee Dodds (b. 25 Jul 1950) and they had Ariel Dodds Baumbaugh (b. 31 Mar 1991).

              Carlisle Hause (1891-1972)
              Has Children ii. Carlisle Hause was born on 5 April 1891. He became a schoolteacher and fell in love with Marjorie E. Marchant. She was a maid's daughter, who moved to Minnesota to be with her sister when her mother was killed by a car. But Carlisle tracked her down and brought her to Michigan as his bride. Marjorie died in 1938, and he remarried, to a fellow schoolteacher named Emily Meister and moved to Bloomfield, Oakland, Michigan. Carlisle died on 23 Mar 1972 in Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan and is buried at the Memphis Cemetery in Memphis, Macomb, Michigan.

                1. Gretchen Hause (15 Aug. 1912 - 16 Feb. 1985) married Alan Dane "John" Brundage in Aug 1939 in Detroit. They purchased a cabin next to her father's on Vaughn Lake, and Gretchen and the children spent summers there while John worked. She and her family then moved out west, but spent every summer on the lake. She died on 16 Feb 1985 in San Marcos, San Diego Co., California, and her ashes were spread over the Pacific Ocean. Gretchen as a young girl, Posing with her father in 1928; Posing with her mother; 1932 Michigan State Normal College "Aurora" yearbook; The Brundages with sister-in-law Jeanne Brunner-Hause at Torrey Pines in the 1970s. They had three children:

                  a. Susan Elaine Brundage was born on 4 Jul 1940 in Detroit, Wayne, MI. On 10 Aug 1963 she married (1) Donald Clifton Emmerling (b. 1942) and they had a daughter, Debra Jane Emmerling (Stoddard, b. 1967). Susan and Donald divorced on 18 Dec 1973 in Richmond, Virginia, and on 28 Sep 1974 she married (2) Clay Garland Holt (b. 1939) in Powhatan, Virginia.

                  b. Nancy J Brundage was born on 23 Sep 1941 and married Jack Karczewski (b. 1939).

                  c. James Alan Brundage was born on 25 May 1946 in Grosse Pt., MI. He married Tanya Lee Steele (1954-1988) and passed away on 20 Apr 1999 in San Diego, CA.

                Has Children 2. Carleton Marchant Hause was born in 24 July 1917. He started out working in a Michigan factory for his father-in-law, but ended up teaching in Southern California with his wife, Jeanne May Brunner. "Bud" loved the water, whether in his youth at the cabin on Vaughn Lake, or raising his kids, Carl Jr. and Marjorie, on the shores of Lake Erie in Gibraltar, MI, or at his retirement home on a tributary to the Colorado River at 85344 Parker, LA Paz, Arizona... or finally the Pacific Ocean, where his ashes were spread in 1983 by his loving wife and children:

                  Has Children a. Carleton Marchant Hause, Jr., was born November 25, 1939 in Detroit, Michigan to Carleton Sr. and Jeanne Brunner Hause. Having grown up on the shore of Lake Erie with his parents and sister, Marjorie, Carl had an adventurous spirit and enjoyed boating and fishing. He graduated from Eastern Michigan University with a degree in Education. While attending college, Carl met his future bride, Martha Ellen Wenk, and after five brief months of dating, they were married on June 13, 1959. In July of 1961, along with their newborn son Jeffrey, they followed his parents and sister out to San Diego, California where Carl began his teaching career. He continued in the line of educators that started with his great- great- grandmother when he began teaching math at Washington Junior High School in Vista, California. While at Washington, Carl began his legendary coaching career in both track and football. In his first nine years of coaching track, Coach Hause compiled a 63-1 dual meet record.
                     In 1965, Carl and Marti added to their family by adopting Kathy. Two years later they adopted Eric and then moved to their current home where they would spend the rest of their lives together. In 1968, with the birth of Michele, their family was complete.
                     In 1980, Carl began coaching at Vista High School and in 1984 he was named the head track coach. In addition, Carl also coached JV football and cross-country. In 1987, he left coaching track after 16 years with an overall win-loss record of 105-5 to take the position of Athletic Director at Vista High. He served as Athletic Director until 1997 when he retired after over 40 years of teaching in the district.
                     In retirement Carl was as busy as ever, being able to devote more time to his fantasy sports leagues, his love of growing rare fruit, gardening, and reading James Lee Burke and Robert B. Parker novels. He was also an avid game player, loved to research genealogy, and enjoyed morning walks on the beach. Carl's retirement also afforded him time to more deeply pursue his faith journey and love for the Lord. The primary way he lived out his faith was through his membership at King of King's Lutheran Church. There he served as a church council member, financial secretary, Sunday School teacher, Men's Prayer Breakfast leader, and Intern Committee Chairman. During his teaching career, Carl was involved with Sunrise Kiwanis, and in retirement was heavily involved with the Vista Golden K Kiwanis, and their scholarship foundation, where he continued to show his care and concern for students. He also volunteered at Meals with Love.
                     Carl was very proud of his grandchildren and loved to visit them in New York, Stockton, Napa, Denver and enjoyed being involved in all their activities. Carl loved teaching and coaching as it gave him the opportunity to impact the lives of students and athletes. He was known for his great sense of humor and it gave him a unique ability to break down walls and bring people together in classroom and life situations. Carl was a great man loved by so many.
                     He is survived by his wife Marti, his sister Margy, son Jeff and his wife Lori Ann, daughter Kathy and her husband Hal Larsen, son Eric and his wife Mary, daughter Michele and her husband John Houston, and eight grandchildren: Sasha Larsen, Dylan Larsen, Camille Larsen, Madeline Hause, Atticus Hause, Phin Lee Hause, and Sara and Avery Houston. They and scores of students, athletes, and congregation members will miss him dearly.
                     Carl died from a heart attack on 18 Aug 2014 in Tri-City Medical Center in Oceanside, CA. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that you would donate to Vista Golden K-Kiwanis Foundation, which is a fund for student scholarships, at 14212 Pebble Beach Way, Valley Center, CA 92082 or the King of Kings Memorial Fund.
                     He and Marti had the following children:

                    Has Children i. Jeffrey Carleton Hause was born on 7 June 1961 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Jeff is a writer and social worker living in Napa, California. A true Renaissance man, and an inspiration to his family (all of whom adore him)! He is incredibly handsome, intelligent, witty and engaging, and wrote this bio. He married Lori Ann Dotson in Zion National Forest in Utah, and they have a son, Atticus Lee Hause (b. 2 Aug 2011, see below) in Napa, California, and a daughter, Phin Lee Hause (b. 1 Nov 2013) in Roseville, CA.


                    ii. Kathleen Ellen Hause was born on 12 Aug 1965. After suffering through a childhood dealing with her brother, Jeff, she somehow survived and married Halden Larsen (b. 27 Oct 1964) on 29 June 1985 in Vista, Ca., and they have three children: Sasha Ellen-Marie Larsen (b. 14 Jul 1987), Dylan Jeffrey-Lee Larsen (b. 28 Apr 1990) and Camille Larsen (b. 4 June 1998).

                    iii. Eric Donald Hause was born on 15 Sep 1967 in Oceanside, Ca. He attended Cal State Long Beach, then a seminary school in Colorado and is now a pastor in Ithaca, New York (near Cornell University. Eric married Mary Moonsammy (b. 29 Sep 1966) on 23 Mar 1996 in Bonsall, Ca. They have one child, Madeline Hause (b. 10 Aug 1997) and currently live in the Finger Lake region of New York state, near the last home of William Hause.

                    iv. Michele Marie Hause was born on 14 Sep 1968 in Oceanside, Ca. After a childhood full of torture from Jeff, Kathy and Eric, she decided to make her life's work torturing other children. So she became a teacher, like Carleton Jr., Carleton Sr., and Carlisle before her, and currently lives in San Diego, Ca, with her husband, John Scott Houston, whom she married on 14 Feb 2009 at the House at Thibodo Park, located at 1150 Lupine Hills Road, Vista, CA. They have a daughter, Sarah Houston.

                  b. Marjorie Jeanne Hause was born in 18 Dec 1942. From an early age she showed amazing artistic ability inherited from her maternal grandfather, Al Brunner. She had one daughter. Marjorie is an extremely talented painter who went on to become the artist "Tugboat Tillie" in Northern California. She had a daughter:

                    i. Carolyn Jeanne Kibbe was born on 6 Jul 1962 in San Diego, California. On 09 Jul 1980 she married (1) David Wayne Redman in Contra Costa, California. They had Ashly Ann Redman (b. 1979), David Wayne Redman (b. 1980), Michael James Redman (b. 1983) and Samantha Rae Redman (b. 1988). On 29 Jun 1999 she married (2) Richard Todd Wallis (b. 1964) in Washoe, Nevada and they raised a daughter, Michelle Christine Wallace (b. 1994). Carolyn died on 24 Aug 2018 in Bethel Island, Contra Costa, California.

              iii. Basil Franklin Hause was born on 4 Nov 1895. While he was young, he worked in his grandpa Raymond's blacksmith shop. He married Hazel May Gilmartin in 1920. Basil and Hazel had two children: Gerald Franklin in 1926 (our family historian), and Barbara Joan in 1928. Many of Basil's family photos, and his recollections (recorded by his son, Jerry) form the basis for the Michigan chapters in this family history. Basil died on 7 Dec 1985 in Royal Oak, Oakland, Michigan. Their children:

                1. Ada Jean Hause was born on August 31, 1923, a healthy child for her first year. But she came down with a flu virus before her second Christmas. The family doctor gave instructions to Hazel and Basil over the phone because it was too icy to travel, but Ada Jean failed to rally and died from pneumonia on December 29, 1924. She was buried on New Year's Day.

                2. Gerald Franklin Hause was born in 1926 and grew up in Michigan. He became a designer at Chevrolet, where he helped create the classic 1955 "Chevy." He is the true hero of this work, having painstakingly collected and chronicled the Hause family in Michigan for many years. He married Shirley Mae Jacobson on July 25, 1950. They have three children:

                  a. Roy Hause (b. 1954) married Alida Leigh DeGroat in 1977.

                  b. Linda Kaye Hause (b. 1955). In 1981 she married John Joseph Lepri.

                  c. Barbara Carol Hause was born on 16 Oct 1959. She married David Wayne Gallihugh. She passed away on 27 Nov 2006 in Mount Pleasant, Isabella, Michigan.

                Barbara Joan Hause (1928-2001)
                3. Barbara Joan Hause was born in 1928. She and Thomas Calvin Vandergrift had the following children: Thomas Casper Vandergrift (b. 1950), David Edwin Vandergrift (b. 1952), and Martha Joan Vandergrift (b. 1953). Barbara then married Rollin King Reynolds in 1986. She died in 2001. See her 1946 high school yearbook photo here.

              iv. Frederick Clinton Hause was born in 1900, but died from an undisclosed illness while still an infant, in 1901. There are no known photographs that were made of Frederick before his death.

              v. Maurice Calvert Hause (pronounced "Morris") was born on 5 April 1910. "This laughing baby is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Hause, Memphis, Mich . . . He was one year and four months when this picture was taken." Maurice died when he was 16 years old. "Funeral services, conducted by Rev. S.H. Townsend, were held at 2 p.m. Monday for Maurice Hause, 15, who died Friday night after a short illness. He was a junior at the high school, also a member of the Young Men's club and the high school orchestra, the village band, the football and basket ball teams."

            Edith Hause-Cottington (1871-1949)

            e. Edith E. Hause was born in 1871. She married George W. Cottington (1872-1956) in 1900. They ran a general store in Memphis, Michigan, with her brother Frank and his wife, Fladella (detailed in the next chapter). Edith and Joseph had four children: Frances Mary (1905-1985), William Hause (1911-1956), Josephine Pray (1916-1998), and John Fredrick Cottington (1919-1992). Edith died on 30 Sep 1949. From The Times Herald, Port Huron, MI, 01 Oct 1949, Sat, Page 10: "Memphis, Oct. 1 -- Mrs. Edith Hause Cottington, 78, wife of George Cottington and a lifelong resident of Memphis and vicinity, died Friday after a long illness. Mrs Cottington is survived by her husband, two sons, William and John Cottington, both of Memphis; two daughters, Mrs. Josephine Pray, Memphis, and Dr. Frances Cottington, New York City; a brother, Frank Hause, Memphis, and three granddaughters. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Barnard funeral home, Rev. George Marshall, pastor of Memphis Methodist church, officiating. Burial will be in Memphis Cdemetery. Mrs. Cottington was born March 5, 1871, in Emmett and married Sept. 2, 1900. She was a lifelong member of the Methodist church." See the Edith Hause Cottington genealogy page here. See her signature here (from the autograph book of William Pincombe, courtesy of his granddaughter, Judy Ingles). Their children:

              Frances Mary Cottington (1905-1986)
              i. Frances Mary Cottington was born on 18 Oct 1905 in Memphis, Michigan. She graduated with a B.S. from the University of Michigan in 1928. On 28 Mar 1931 she married Leon David "Lee" Elman (1902-1955) in Detroit; they divorced in 1935. From the Detroit Free Press (Detroit, Michigan) 4 Jul 1936, Page 3: "For the first time in the history of Receiving Hospital, a woman has been named to the medical staff of the institution. Dr. Cottington, a member of this year's class at the Detroit College of Medicine, was chosen among 35 others from various medical schools throughout the country to serve an internship at the City-owned hospital. Dr. Cottington received her Bachelor of Science Degree at the University of Michigan in 1928. She also attended Michigan State College for two years. Born in Memphis, Mich., she received her early education there. For two years Dr. Cottington was employed at Parke Davis & Co., and through her work in bacteriology became interested in medicine. She was a technician in Receiving Hospital laboratory from 1928 to 1931. A member of Nu Sigma Phi, national medical sorority, she plans to specialize in psychiatry after she completes her internship. Dr Cottington said that she liked the study of medicine and is becoming reconciled to being called 'Doc.' Her first month at the hospital will be spent in surgery service." Frances became a Doctor of Psychiatry, practicing in New York and then beginning a private practice in Hawaii in 1956, eventually becoming program director of the Hawaii Integrated Psychiatric Training Program in 1964. She was active in the community, even hosting a Q&A for the "Unitarian Church Psychological Films Festival" in 1969 (The Honolulu Advertiser 21 Mar 1969, Page 13). According to her nephew, Fredrick Cottington, "She did not keep in contact with the family often, and I don't have a lot of information on her." She died in Dec 1985 in Honolulu, Hawaii. See her University of Michigan "Michiganensian Yearbook" photo here.

              ii. William Hause Cottington was born in 1911 in Michigan, and worked for Packard Motors. He married Hazel Strassburg and had two daughters, Joy and Bonnie. Joy lives in Florida and Bonnie lives in Texas. William died from injuries suffered in a car accident in April of 1956.

              iii. Josephine Pray Cottington was born in 1916 in Michigan. She married Carl Davis and became a long-time school teacher in the Denver Colorado area. Fredrick Cottington recounts, "My Aunt Jo returned to Michigan in 1989 after her husband had passed. She died in March of 1998 at the age of 82."

              iv. John Frederick Cottington was born on 5 Jul 1919 in Michigan. He worked many different jobs while running Cottington Excavations. He married my Mother Juanita Jean Leaym (d. August 1981) in 1941, and they had six children. The oldest. born in February of 1945, is Georgia Lee Cottington. She married Willard Pacholke in 1965, and they have two children, a son Jeffery and a daughter Shawn. Fredrick Jay Cottington, was born in March 1950 (family listed below). Larry Joe Cottington born June 1953, married Denise Rhodos (deceased) and has two sons, Blake and Brant. Cheryl Ann Cottington Woolman (b. Feb 1958), married Dwight Woolman and has a daughter Heather and a son Aaron; Scott Alan Cottington (b. Mar 1959); Marla Sue Cottington (b. 1961), married Henry Wagooner and one daughter, Holly. John died on 19 Jun 1992 in Memphis, Michigan.

          3. Augustus Hause Jr. was born on 13 May 1835. He served in Company E 8 of the New York Cavalry during the Civil War. (Click here to access the Hause Civil War page.) After the war, he married neighbor Hannah Grove (apparently the Deissinger women were all taken). They had a daughter, Maude (b. 1865), and a son, Grove Hause (1867 - 1905). In later years he became a butcher (1900 Niagara County, New York, Census), and eventually moved to Michigan.¹ He died on Aug 23, 1913 in Pavilion, Kalamazoo County, MI, and was buried in the Ward Cemetery in Wheatfield Twp, Niagara County, New York (see his Death Certificate here). His children were:

            a. Maude J Hause (b. 1865) married Jack Edsel.

            Ira and Sarah Baker Family Gravestone at Mount View Cemetery, Pekin, NY; BAKER Ira Baker 1831 - 1909 / Sarah E. his wife 1837 -1892 / Florence E. 1877 - 1892 / Vivien E. Hause 1897 - 1985 / Frances L. Hause 1899 - 1967 / H. Grove Hause 1867 - 1909 / Fannie E. his wife 1873 - 1919 / Glenn Arthur 1894-1895.
            b. Grove H Hause was born on 18 Dec 1867 in Lewiston, Niagara, New York. He married Fanny E Baker (3 Sep 1872 - 18 Jan 1919) on 16 Oct 1893 in Tonawanda, New York. He died on 7 Oct 1909 in Buffalo, Erie, New York. "WEST SHORE BREAKMAN KILLED: Buffalo, Oct. 7. Grove H. Hause, a brakeman on the West Shore railroad, was so badly crushed in the railroad yards at East Buffalo this morning that he died in an ambulance that was conveying him to the Emergency hospital. He was 42 years old, married and lived at No. 166 Germania street." (The Batavia Daily News, 7 Oct 1909) "Many people from Cambria attended the funeral of Grove Hause at Sanborn Sunday, who was crushed to death between two freight cars last Thursday, at Buffalo. Mrs. Hause, who formerly lived in Cambria, has the sincere sympathy of her many friends in Cambria, in her double bereavement. Her fathor died but two weeks ago." (The Niagara Falls Gazette, 14 Oct 1909). He had three children:

              i. Glenn Arthur Hause was born on 12 Nov 1894 in Sanford, Niagara, New York; He died in 1895, Cambria, Niagara, New York, and is buried at Mount View Cemetery, Pekin, NY, in the plot of his parents and Baker grandparents.

              ii. Vivien Estelle Hause was born on 19 Mar 1897 in Niagara County, New York; In 1940, she's working as a stenographer at the Coke plant and living at 34 Albert Ave. in Buffalo, Erie, New York, with her sister, Frances. She died in Mar 1985, in Buffalo, Erie, New York.

              Frances Lenore Hause Brown (1899-1967), Buffalo Evening News, 31 Oct 1919; Page 12.
              iii. Frances Lenore Hause was born on 18 Sep 1899 in Niagara County, New York; In 1940 she's living in Buffalo with sister Vivian and working as a bookkeeper in a chemical plant. She married Walter Dewey Brown in 1927 and died on 19 Oct 1967, in Kenmore, Erie, New York. "HAUSE — Frances L., of Kenmore, N.Y., Oct 19, 1967. Beloved sister of Vivien E. Hause. Friends may call from 2-5 and 7-9 at the Bury Funeral Home Inc., 307 N. Delaware Ave., Kenmore, where funeral services will be held Monday morning at 11 o'clock. Friends are invited. Interment will be held at Mountain View Cemetery, Pekin, N.Y. Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Miss Hause was a member of Abigail Fillmore Chapter NSDAR. Flowers gratefully declined. Sentiments may be expressed through a contribution to the Richmond Avenue Christian Church, Richmond & Bryant Sts., Buffalo." (The Lockport Union Sun, 21 Oct 1967)

          4. Bashaba Jane Hause was born on 23 Nov 1838. She married Charles Henry Oakes (1 Jan 1834 - 5 Dec 1913) on May 13, 1857, in St. Clair Co., Michigan, having followed her brothers John and Laban to new land. In the 1870 census Charles was listed as a mill proprietor. In 1910, 74 year-old "Bashabe" lived with her daughter, Hattie L. Dawson, and her children in Marlette, Sanilac, Michigan.

            Ella Frances Oakes (1858-1933), at right, with husband John McMahon (1853-1931), daughter Hattie (1883-1946) and son Russell (1884-1906).
            a. Ella Frances Oakes was born on 1 Feb 1858 in Memphis, Macomb, Michigan. On 4 Aug 1878 she married John Andrew McMahon (20 Jul 1853 - 27 Apr 1931) in Marlette, Sanilac, Michigan. "John A McMahon, attorney at Marlette, was born July 20, 1853, in Worth, Sanilac County. He is the son of John and Barbara (Wixson) McMahon, who were natives respectively of Ireland and Ontario. Mr. McMahon was educated in the common schools and passed the first years of his life in study and work on the farm. He passed the remaining years of his minority in different occupations. On reaching the period of his legal freedom, he entered the law office of his brother, Hon. J, W. McMahon, where he spent 18 months in the study of law, after which he entered the Law Department of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, where he was graduated two years later, at the spring term of 1877. He at once opened his business as an attorney at Marlette, which he prosecuted there until the fall of 1880, when impaired vision necessitated his temporary withdrawal from active practice. His retirement continued until the summer of 1883, when he resumed labor in the office of George McKay, continuing there until May, 1884. In April, 1882, he was elected Justice of the Peace, and in April, 1883, he was elected Township Clerk. In the spring of 1884 he was re-elected to the position. In March, 1883, he was elected Village Clerk and re-elected the year following. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Mr. McMahon was married in Marlette, Aug. 4 1878, to Ella F. Oakes. She was born in Memphis Mich., and Is the daughter of Charles H. and Bathsheba (House) Oakes, natives of the State of New York. Of three children born of this marriage, but one—Hattie B.—survives. One child died in early infancy, Zoe died when she was one month old." (Portrait and Biographical Album of Sanilac County, 1884, Chapman Brothers, p. 218-219)

              i. Zoe McMahon was born in June of 1878 in Marlette, Sanilac, Michigan, and died in infancy.

              Russell McMahon
              Russell McMahon (1884-1906)
              ii. Russell A McMahan was born on 8 Nov 1884 in Marlette, Sanilac, Michigan. He became a school teacher but died of typhoid fever on 5 Sep 1906 in Sault Sainte Marie, Chippewa, Michigan.

              iii. Hattie Barbara McMahon was born on 17 Jun 1883 in Marlette, Sanilac County, Michigan. The only child of this family to live into adulthood, she became a public stenographer. Hattie died on 1 Mar 1946 in Sault Sainte Marie, Chippewa County, Michigan, and is buried there with her parents at Riverside Cemetery.

            b. Ester Hattie Oakes was born in 1859 in Michigan. In 1889, she married Joseph J Dawson (b. 1853), and they had the following children:

              i. Phoebe Dawson was born on 11 Apr 1890 in Marlette, Michigan. In 1912 she married Fred W. Hawkins (1880-1965). She died on Aug 1963 in Reese, Michigan. She and Fred are buried at Denmark Township Cemetery in Reese, Tuscola County, Michigan.

              ii. Ella M Dawson was born on 31 Aug 1891 in Michigan. She married Edward F Haske (1876-1945) on 28 Jun 1918 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. Ella died in Feb 1971 in Reese, Tuscola, Michigan.

                1. Rudolph August Haske was born on 11 Oct 1909 in Gilford Twp., Tuscola, Michigan. He married Christina Barbara Endline (1919-2007) and they had Margaret Lou (1941-2003), Evelyn J (b. 1944), Edward Michael (1947-2019) and Susan Haske (1950-1981). Rudolph died on 17 Sep 1984 in Bay City, Bay, Michigan.

                2. Harriet Phoebe Haske was born on 11 Apr 1919 in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan. On 20 Nov 1941 she married David Roland Keever (1912-1978) in Reise, Tuscola, Michigan,and they had Ellen Francis (b. 1947) and Susan Mary Keever (Mihalik, 1949-2005). Harriet died on 29 Oct 1995 in Grosse Pointe Farms, Wayne County, Michigan. She and David are buried at Woodmere Cemetery in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, Section J.

                3. Gladys Irene Haske was born on 14 Aug 1921 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. On 2 Dec 1945 she married John A Wylie (1924-2011) in Reese, Tuscola, MI and they had Edward, Richard, Emily, Mavis, Kenneth, Jane, and Judy Wylie. Gladys died on 4 Aug 1997 in Reese, Tuscola County, Michigan. She and John are buried at Denmark Township Cemetery in Reese, Tuscola County, Michigan.

                4. Gearaldine Mae Haske was born on 4 Sep 1926 in Detroit, MI. On 2 Jun 1945 she married Darwin Ahrns (1915-2000) in Vassar, Tuscola, Michigan. She died on 9 Oct 1997 in Reese, Tuscola, Michigan. They are resting at Eastlawn Memorial Gardens in Saginaw, Saginaw County, Michigan, in the Mausoleum.

                5. Patsy J Haske was born on 7 OCT 1932 in Detroit, Michigan. She married (1) James A Norman (b. 1943) and (2) Donald Edward Petzold (1928-2008). She died on 7 May 2008 in Vassar, Tuscola County, Michigan.

              iii. William M Dawson was born in Sep 1896 and died before his 21st birthday in 1916. He is buried at Marlette City Cemetery in Marlette, Sanilac County, Michigan.

            c. George Augustus Oakes was born in Jul 1863 in Marlotte, Michigan. He married Catharine Alberta Murdich (b. 1866) and they had the following children:

              i. Zola B Oakes was born on 21 Jun 1885 in Marlette, Michigan. On 25 Aug 1917 she married Logan Wright Harris (1891-1963) in Luce, Michigan. Zola died on 4 Apr 1969 in Seattle, Washington. She and Logan had the following children:

                1. Perry Leighton Harris was born on 24 Mar 1921 in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan. In 1946, he married Kathryn S. Potts (1921-2010). He died on 17 May 1993 in Baltimore City, Maryland, and is buried at Drehersville Evangelical Cemetery in Drehersville, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, 21st Row.

                2. Jean Alberta Harris (b. 1923).

              ii. Henry Otis Oakes was born on 9 Dec 1888 in Marlette, Michigan. On 21 Dec 1910 he married Elizabeth Deborah Stitt (1889-1977) in Mio, Michigan. Henry died on 19 Dec 1964 in West Branch, Ogemaw, Michigan. He and Elizabeth had the following children:

                1. Russell George Oakes was born on 26 Nov 1911 in Mio, Oscoda County, Michigan. On 27 Jun 1936 he married Audrey Mae Brooks (16 Jan 1911 - 15 Dec 1984) in West Branch, Ogemaw, Michigan. Russell died on 10 Apr 1989 in Saint Johns, Apache, Arizona. He and Audrey had the following children:

                  a. Arthur Henry Oakes was born on 4 Sep 1937 in Flint, Genesee County, Michigan. On 2 Jul 1960 he married Carmen Ersell Cluff (b. 2 Sep 1941) in Apache, AZ. He died on 10 Aug 2014 in Saint Johns, Apache County, Arizona. From the White Mountain Independent, Show Low, Arizona (15 Aug 2014): "Arthur Henry Oakes, 76, died Sunday, Aug. 10, 2014, at his home in St. Johns. He was born Sept. 4, 1937, in Flint, Mich., the son of Russell George and Audrey M. Brooks Oakes. Art came to St. Johns in 1955 after his discharge from the U.S. Navy. He worked in the construction industry as a carpenter. His career took him all over Arizona and into surrounding states. He worked primarily with scaffolding as a supervisor at various power plants. Art had a great love for horses. That passion grew when, as a young man, he and his brother Dave worked at a riding stable in Michigan. That love continued throughout his life. No matter where he was, he owned a horse. He loved his family very much. In 1960, Art married Carmen Cluff. This year Art and Carmen celebrated 54 years of marriage. To this union four sons were born. Art is survived by his wife, Carmen; sons Rusty and Donnie of St. Johns, Waylon of Las Vegas, Nev., and Chris of Eagar. The couple has 15 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Art's surviving brother David resides in Gilbert. He will be greatly missed by his family and many friends. A viewing will be held 6-8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 15, at Burnham Mortuary in St. Johns. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 16, at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Downtown Chapel in St. Johns, with visitation one hour prior. Interment will follow funeral services at the St. Johns Westside Cemetery. Leave an online condolence for Arthur's family at Burnham Mortuary of St. Johns handled arrangements."

                  b. David Oakes was born in 1940 in Flint, Genesee, Michigan, according to the Federal Census that year.

                2. June Armentia Oakes was born in 1914 in Oscoda County, Michigan. She married Lester C Murray (b. 1913). She died on 13 May 1983 in Flint, Genesee, Michigan and is buried at Lakeside Cemetery in Holly, Oakland County, Michigan, section l.

                3. Catherine Oakes was born on 26 Apr 1915 in Marlette, Sanilac County, Michigan, and died at age 11, on 22 Aug 1926 in Marlette, Sanilac County, Michigan. She is buried at Ferguson Cemetery in Almont, Lapeer County, Michigan.

                4. Kenneth Ralph Oakes was born on 24 Jul 1916 in Marlette Township, Sanilac, Michigan. He married Iola B. (b. 1920) and they had Kenbeth T (b. 1939) anfd Larry D Oakes (b. 1941). Kenneth died on 02 Sep 1972 in Mio, Oscoda, Michigan, and is buried at Mentor Township Cemetery in Mio, Oscoda County, Michigan, Plot E-20-4.

                5. Genevieve Irene Oakes was born on 23 Dec 1919 in Marlette, Sanilac County, Michigan, and died at the age of 7 on 13 Jul 1927 in Burton, Genesee County, Michigan, and is buried at Ferguson Cemetery in Almont, Lapeer County, Michigan.

                6. Doreene F Oakes was born on 25 Mar 1924 and died on 25 Nov 2016. She's buried at Lakeside Cemetery in Holly, Oakland County, Michigan, "Doreene F. Oakes, age 92, formerly of Holly, died Fri. Nov. 25, 2016. Doreene was born on March 25, 1924 to Henry and Deborah (Stitt) Oakes. She was a veteran of WWII, serving in the US Navy and was retired from General Motors. She loved animals and feeding the birds, and she loved to take care of her family. She is survived by her nieces and nephews, Reisa (Fred) Pentz, Phil (Kathy) Oakes, Paul (Julie) Oakes, Dave (Venita) Oakes, Larry (Judy) Oakes Carmen Oakes, and Margaret Lazell; special family friend Shirley Salvador, and many great-nieces and great-nephews. She was preceded in death by her sister June Clune, brothers Kenneth Oakes, Ronald Oakes, and Russell Oakes; and nephews Arthur Oakes, Michael Murray, and Kenny Oakes. Funeral services will be held at 11:00 AM Tues. Nov. 29, 2016 at The Dryer Funeral Home, Holly with Pastor Patricia Harton officiating. Burial will be in Lakeside Cemetery, Holly. Visitation will be from 9-11 AM Tues." (The Dryer Funeral Home, Holly;

                7. Lloyd Ronald Oakes was born on 10 Nov 1928 in Millington, Tuscola County, Michigan. In 1950, he married Eva Mae Perry (1930-2008). He died on 13 Oct 1996 in Flint, Genesee County, Michigan, and is buried at Lakeside Cemetery in Holly, Oakland County, Michigan, section h.

              iii. Earl Thomas Oakes was born on 3 Aug 1890 in Michigan and died on 15 Dec 1957 in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. He married Mabel (b. 1896) on 16 Jun 1919 in Marlette, MI, and they had the following children:

                1. Elizabeth "Betty" Jane Oakes was born on 14 Apr 1922 in New York. She married William M Griffith. She died in Nov 1979.

                2. Earle Thomas Oakes, Jr. was born on 29 May 1923 in New York. He died on 2 Feb 1989 in Stuart, Martin, Florida.

                3. Cleo A Oakes was born in 1931 in Michigan. No further information.

              iv. Ruth Oakes was born in Apr 1892 in Michigan; Died in 1984. Buried in Ferguson Cemetery, Almont, Lapeer County, Michigan.

              v. Byron J Oakes was born in Apr 1894 in Michigan. He married Edna E. (b. 1900).

              vi. Ethel N Oakes was born in Jan 1896 in Michigan.

              vii. Margie Oakes was born in Nov 1897 in Michigan.

            d. Charles Bernard "Birney" Oakes was born on 10 Jan 1866 in Tawsa, Michigan. He married Nettie E. Watters (21 Dec 1874 - 30 August 1954) on 15 Nov 1893 in Marlette, Michigan. They had the following children:

              i. Irene M Oakes was born in 1894.

              ii. Neil Walter Oakes was born on 3 Feb 1897 in Michigan. He married Florence M. Smith (20 Mar 1902 - 20 Jan 1970) of Hibbing, Minnesota. He died on 9 April 1955 in Saginaw, Michigan. He and Florence had the following children:

                1. John Montague Oakes was born on 11 Jan 1927 in Gainesville, Florida. He died on 31 May 1996 in Coral Gables, Florida.

            e. William Hause Oakes was born in 1869 in Michigan. He died on 16 Jan 1891 in Marlette, Sanilac, Michigan.

            f. Isaiah Henry Oakes was born on 4 May 1873 in Marlette, Sanilac County, Michigan. On 29 Dec 1896, he married Grace Ellen Hathaway (1870-1936) in Clio, Genesee County, Michigan. They had the following children:

              i. Ralph Hathaway Oakes was born on 20 Dec 1898 in Big Rapids, Mecosta County, Michigan.

              ii. Grace Evelyn Oakes was born on 25 Sep 1906 in Elgin, Kane County, Illinois.

        Name:Hawes, Fannie S.
        Newspaper:Lockport Daily Journal
        City:Lockport, Niagara, NY
        Date:10 Sep 1901
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        View newspaper
        SOURCE: Lockport Daily Journal, Lockport, Niagara, New York. Publisher: M.C. Richardson & Co. Dates of publication: 1871-1901; Vol. 13, no. 1 (Feb. 23, 1871)-v. 44, no. 39 (Aug. 10, 1901). Frequency: Daily, except Sunday (Old Fulton New York Postcards)
        On 19 Dec 1852, at the age of 48, Augustus married (2) Fannie CHRISTOPHER (18 Oct 1825 - 9 Sep 1901), according to the Niagara Democrat newspaper. She was just 26 years old, and 4 years older than Augustus's first son, John. Lockport Daily Journal, Lockport, N.Y., Tuesday Evening, September 10, 1901: "Mrs. Fannie S. Howes (SIC) died Monday morning, September 9th, 1901, at her late residence at Royalton Center, aged 76 years. Her surviving relatives are one daughter, Mrs. Ella Miles (SIC) of Royalton, Three step-sons, John J Hawes of McNalls Corners, Laban Hawes of Memphis, Mich., and Augustus Hawes of Sanborn, N.Y., one stepdaughter, Mrs. Barbara Oakes of Marlette, Mich., one brother, William Christophr (SIC), of Old Mission, Mich. The funeral will take place form (SIC) the house on Wednesday, September 11th, at 2 o'clock p.m." Their children:

          5. Sarah A. Hause was born on 8 Sep 1863 and died on 19 Aug 1870 in Royalton. She is buried with her father and Jane Jones-Hause in the Dysinger-Royalton Union Baptist Cemetery.

          6. Ella Hause was born on 15 Sep 1867 in Royalton, Niagara Co., NY. In 1893, she married George Arthur Wiles (b. 1868 in Genesee, New York), the son of Timothy H. Wiles (1829-1914) and Hannah Haight (1825-1891). In the 1900 Census, they lived in Royalton, renting from Ella's mother, Fannie. Lockport Union, Sun & Journal, Lockport, N.Y., Monday Evening, April 19, 1926: "Royalton Center, Apr. 19—The funeral of Mrs. Ella Wiles, wife of Arthur Wiles, aged 58 years, who died at the City Hospital on Monday afternoon, April 12, was held on Thursday at 2 o'clock at the late residence and 3:30 o'clock at the Royalton M.E. Church, of which she had been a member for many years and was largely attended. The funeral services were in charge of Rev. J. A. Peacock of Holland, a former pastor, and Rev. H. G. Stacey. Miss Florence Woodworth and Rev. Stacey each sang a vocal solo. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. Internment took place in Chestnut Ridge cemetery in the family lot." The death date was never filled in on George Arthur Wiles's burial plot, so it's unsure if he's buried there and never negotiated to have a date carved in, or if he's just buried somewhere else.

        V. AZUBAH HAUSE was born on 28 March 1806. He died three days after his fifteenth birthday.

        VI. BELINDA HAUSE was born on 28 April 1808. She married James Updike (1 Oct 1803 - 27 Sep 1888) on 21 Jan 1829: "Married—On Thursday last by Rev. Lane—Mr. James Updyke to Miss Belinda Hause both of Fayette." (From the Waterloo Gazette, published by George Lewis.) They had at least ten children (listed below). They moved to Tecumseh, Lenawee, Michigan, where Belinda died on 30 Nov 1873. Their children:

          1. Charity W Updike was born in 1829 in New York. She married Rufus Keyser (1826-1878) and died on 9 Feb 1851 in Lenawee, Michigan. She's buried at Brookside Cemetery, Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan, section "I."

            a. Matilda Keyser was born in 1851, and died the same year.

            b. Wesley B Keyser was born on 8 Feb 1851 in Tecumseh Twp., Lenawee Co., Michigan. Portrait and Biographical Album of Lenawee County, p. 419: "The subject of this biographical sketch resides on a tract of 135 acres of land in Clinton Township, Section 17, and is one of the substantial and vigorous young farmers who discover and diffuse new ideas among the thoughtful who follow agricultural pursuits. His beautiful home, from which an enchanting view of the surrounding countryside may be had, is named 'Maple Hill Stock Farm,' the euphonius title of a beautiful and valuable property. Mr. Keyser makes a specialty of stock-raising, and his farm is well supplied with buildings adapted to that calling. He located here in 1883. The subject of this sketch was born on his father's farm in Tecumseh Township, on the 8th February 1851, and is the son of Rufus and Charity (Updike) Keyser, the former a successful stock-dealer and farmer. The grandfather, who was named Henry, emigrated to Michigan in 1830, where he bought land in Tecumseh Township, now the township of Clinton, on which he lived untili a few years before his death, which occured in the same township at the advanced age of eighty-four years. His wife, whose maiden name was Sallie Conner, had preceded him to her eternal rest a few years before, in about the eightieth year of her age. Rufus Keyser was but a boy when he came with his father to Michigan, and assisted in the arduous labors of building up a home, which he shared with his father until his majority, learning to be resolute, frugal and industrious. Finally, after working the homestead two years, he secured a title to forty acres in Tecumseh Township, to which he added until he owned at his death 290 acres of well-improved land. Soon after this purchase, he was united in marriage with Miss Charity Updike, who died at the birth of twin children: our subject, and a sister Matilda, who died at the age of six months. Rufus Keyser was a second time married, to Esther Updike, a sister of his first wife. They lived together twenty-two years and became the parents of two children, of whom Milburn, the only surviving child, is attending school in Tecumseh. Mr. Keyser was again married, to Elizabeth Shafer, and died at his home in 1878, at the age of fifty-two years. Intelligence, good judgment and tact were qualities that went to make up the successful buyer and seller of stock he proved himself to be. A life-long Democrat, unswerving in his convictions, he merited and enjoyed the confidence of those who knew him. He was Commissioner of Highways for several years, the duties of which office he faithfully performed. We now return to the one whose name adorns the head of this article. Reared at home, surrounded with home love, with educational facilities, eagerly taken advantage of, coupled with a fertile mind, we have here a practical, strong man, with a well rounded character. In his early life school teaching engaged his attention for several years. He selected as a bride Miss Emma Welch, who was born in Franklin Township, December 19, 1853, and is the daughter of William Welch, now living in Clinton. Her father was formerly a successful farmer in Franklin, where his wife died several years ago. Mr. Keyser first owned a farm of fifty-seven acres and located there in 1874. He removed from there to the old homestead after the death of his father and remained there until he removed to his present home in 1883. Mrs. Keyser was reared and married in Franklin Township, and became the mother of four children, one of whom is deceased. The others are named Leora E., Leon K., and Ethel May. Mr. and Mrs. Keyser are members of the Presbyterian Church at Tecumseh, and Mr. Keyser is now bearing the honors of School Inspector and Justice of the Peace, while he has held other positions of trust, always with credit to himself and satisfaction to the community. He is a progressive, intelligent and popular young man, Democrat in politics, but able to see in political principles more than partyism means."

              i. Leora Keyser was born in 1874.

              ii. Leon Rufus Keyser was born on 27 Apr 1884 in Washtenaw County, Michigan. On 30 Nov 1904 he married Isabelle Nortine Case (1880-1950) in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan, at St. Peter's Episcopal Church. He died on 9 May 1947 in Jackson, Jackson, Michigan. Their children:

                1. Dolores Keyser was born in 1906.

                2. Dorothy Keyser was born in 1908.

                3. Margaret Isabelle Keyser was born on 25 Sept 1909 in Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan. She married Carl William Addison (1910-1999). She died on 27 May 1998 in Springfield, Sangamon, Illinois.

                4. Ruth Keyser was born in 1912.

                5. Esther Keyser was born in 1915.

                6. Louise Keyser was born in 1917.

                7. Raynor Case Keyser was born on 22 Apr 1919 in Jackson, Jackson, Michigan. He married Mary P. Melling (1919-2002). He died on 4 Jan 1952 in Lansing, Michigan. Their children:

                  a. Patricia J. Keyser was born in 1942.

                  b. Richard W. Keyser was born in 1943.

                  c. Donald L. Keyser was born in 1945.

                8. Robert H Keyser was born in 1922.

              iii. Ethel May Keyser was born in 1886.

          2. Esther Updike was born in 1832 in New York. After her sister, Charity, died, she married Charity's husband, Rufus Keyser (1826-1878) sometime after 1851. She died on 14 Jun 1873 and is buried at Brookside Cemetery in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan, section "I." Her children:

            a. Charity Keyser was born in 1856.

            b. Milburn R Keyser was born in Oct 1868 in Lenawee, Michigan. He married Mae Florence Woodard (1870-1947). He died in 1923. Their children:

              i. Florence E Keyser was born in 1890.

              ii. Blanche Mary Keyser was born in Jun 1892 in Michigan. She died in 1918 in Jackson, Michigan.

              iii. Clarance M Keyser was born in 1895. She died in 1910.

              iv. Paul R Keyser was born in 1899.

              v. Eugene H Keyser was born in 1908.

          3. Chester Updike was born in 1833 in New York. In 1860 he lived with sister Almira in Franklin, Lenawee, Michigan, where he registered for the Union Army in the Civil War. No further record.

          4. Almira Updike was born abt. 1834 in New York. In the 1860 census she was living with her brother Chester in Franklin, Lenawee, Michigan.

          5. Alanson Updike was born abt 1836 in New York. He married Catharine (b. 1842). He died on 29 July 1909. They had the following children:

            a. Hattie L Updyke was born on 27 Jul 1864 in Franklin Township, Lenawee County, Michigan. On 11 Jun 1890 she married William Lewis Hall (1864-1930) of Ireland in Franklin (Twp), Lenawee, Michigan, and they had a daughter, Margaret Louise Hall (08 Mar 1896 - 17 Sep 1975) in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Hattie died on 28 Mar 1943 and is buried with William and Margaret at Riverside Cemetery in Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, Sec. K, Lot 90, Graves 1-3.

            b. Elbert Reed Updike was born on 13 Nov 1872 in Franklin Township, Lenawee County, Michigan. On 4 Jan 1899 he married Blanche Edith Dunn (1874-1968) in Saline, Lenawee, Michigan. Elbert died on 28 Jul 1953 in Jackson, Jackson County, Michigan, and is buried at Riverside Cemetery in Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, Sec. E, Lot 25, Grave 3. He and Blanche had the following children:

              i. Emerson Reed Updyke was born on 2 Feb 1900 in Franklin Township, Lenawee County, Michigan. He married (1) Delna Ovidia Thurnau (1904-1991) and (2) Gladys I. Davis (1906-1998). Emerson died on 17 Sep 1975 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, and is buried with Gladys at Ithaca Cemetery in Ithaca, Gratiot County, Michigan.

              ii. Glorine Eunice Updyke was born on 2 May 1905 in Michigan. On 05 Jan 1922 she married Ralph Homer Parker (1903-1981) in Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan. She died on 27 Feb 1997 in Adrian, Lenawee County, Michigan, and is buried at Riverside Cemetery in Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, Sec. E, Lot 25, Grave 9. They had a son:

                1. Walter John Parker was born on 2 Aug 1922 in Franklin Township, Lenawee County, Michigan. He married Bess Louise "Bessie" Pate (1932-1990). Walter died on 24 Dec 2003 in Blackman Township, Jackson County, Michigan, and is buried at Lenawee County Memorial Gardens in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan.

              iii. Catharine Louise Updike was born on 27 May 1916 in Franklin Township, Lenawee County, Michigan. She died at 6 months old, on 15 Dec 1916 in Franklin Township, Lenawee County, Michigan, and is buried at Riverside Cemetery in Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, Sec. E, Lot 25, Grave 1.

            c. Egbert James Updyke was born on 25 Dec 1872 in Michigan. On 5 Oct 1898 he married Grace A. Dunn (1876-1908) in Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan. He died on 8 Mar 1941 in Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan.

            d. Floyd Lynal Updyke was born on 8 Oct 1879 in Michigan. He died in Apr 1976 in Curtis, Mackinac, Michigan.

          6. Catherine Belinda Updike was born on 13 Feb 1838 in New York. On 7 Aug 1872 she married (1) George Torborn (30 Jan 1809 - 6 Nov 1880) in Blissfield, Lenawee, Michigan and they had a daughter, Eugenia Torbron (b. 1849). After George's death, Catherine married (2) Ira Culver (1813 - 31 Dec 1893) on 2 May 1883 in Adrian, Michigan. Catherine died on 24 Apr 1924 in Tecumseh, Lenawee, Michigan, at the age of 86. She is buried at Maple Grove Cemetery in Hudson, Lenawee County, Michigan, Blk. A.

          7. Phoebe Updike was born abt 1840 in New York.

          8. Martin G. Updike was born abt 1842 in Michigan. He married Elizabeth (b. 1849). He died on 28 Mar 1910 in Tecumseh, Lenawee, Michigan and is buried at Riverside Cemetery in Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, Sec. A, Lot 4, Grave 2. Their children:

            a. Clyde Gifford Updyke was born on 26 Jun 1872 in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan. He died at the age of two on 16 May 1875 in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan, and is buried at Riverside Cemetery in Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, Sec. A, Lot 4, Grave 1.

            b. Ernest Ray Updyke was born on 4 May 1874 in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan. On 4 Jan 1894 he married Nina M. Pawson in Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan. He died on 8 Sep 1952 in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan and is buried at Riverside Cemetery in Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, Sec. R, Lot 4, Grave 3. They had the following children:

              i. Leone Lillian Updyke was born on 12 Sep 1895 in Lenawee County, Michigan. In 1913 she married (1) Marshall Fred Hauser (1891-1971) and then married (2) Robert R. Crockett (1883-1962). Leone and Robert had a furniture and antique business in Clinton for 40 years. She died on 1 Feb 1976 in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan, and is buried at Riverside Cemetery in Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, Sec. R, Lot 4, Grave 5.

              ii. Ovid R. Updyke was born on 21 Sep 1897 in Franklin Township, Lenawee County, Michigan. He died on 24 Dec 1971 in Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan. His obituary reported that Ovid was found dead on Dec. 26, 1971 at his home. He is buried at Riverside Cemetery in Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, Sec. R, Lot 4, Grave 1.

              iii. Clyde M. Updyke was born on 9 Dec 1900 in Tecumseh Township, Lenawee County, Michigan. On 25 May 1942 he married Sadie Escott (1908-1961) in Steuben, Indiana, then served in World War II. He died on 30 Dec 1964 in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan, and is buried at Riverside Cemetery in Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, Sec. R, Lot 4, Grave 4 (Inscription: "Michigan PFC Engineers World War II").

              iv. Hessie Ione Updyke was born on 16 Nov 1909 Tecumseh Township, Lenawee County, Michigan. On 20 Jun 1928 she married Paul Escott (1907-1981) in North Lansing, MI. She died on 14 Jun 1982 in Adrian, Lenawee County, Michigan, and is buried at Riverside Cemetery in Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, Sec. M, Lot 74, Grave 3. They had the following children:

                1. Kenneth Wayne Escott was born on 12 Jun 1929 in Michigan. He married Audrey B. Blankerts (1925-2010) and died on 15 Aug 2011 and is buried at Toledo Memorial Park in Sylvania, Lucas County, Ohio, Section 29, Lot 575, grave 4.

                2. Donald L. Escott was born on 9 Sep 1934 in Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan. He married Helen M. D'Arcy Furgason (1935-2000) and they had a daughter, Deborah Sue Escott (White, 1957-2008). Donald died on 20 Jan 2010 in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan, and is buried at Brookside Cemetery in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan.

                3. Donna L. Escott (1940-1959) died in her teens and is buried at Riverside Cemetery in Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, Sec. M, Lot 74, Grave 2.

              v. Irene Elizabeth Updyke was born on 18 Jun 1915 in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan. On 01 Nov 1932 she married Walter Escott (1909-1985) in Elkhart, Indiana. She died on 6 Oct 2006 in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan. "Irene E. Escott, 91, of Clinton died Friday, October 6, 2006 in Herrick Hospital in Tecumseh. She was born June 18, 1915 in Tecumseh, the daughter of Ernest Ray and Nina Mae Updyke. On November 11, 1932 she was married to Walter Escott and he preceded her in death on April 17, 1985. Irene is survived by two sons, Charles (Karen) Escott of Brooklyn and Jack (Ruth) Escott of Clinton; three daughters, Joann (John) Lafferty of Tampa, FL, Phyllis (Bob) Pollard of Jackson, and Carol(Harold) Fisher of Tecumseh; eighteen grandchildren, and numerous great-grandchildren. In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by her parents, one son, two brothers, two sisters, one grandson, and one granddaughter." She is buried at Riverside Cemetery in Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, Sec. K, Lot 79, Grave 6

            c. Elsie O Updike was born on 5 Feb 1878 in Michigan. On 6 Sep 1899 she married Fredrick Freeman Aylesworth (b. 1878). He died in 1952. They had a son:

              i. Raynor Freeman Aylesworth was born on 23 Jul 1905 in Michigan. On 30 Oct 1930 he married Donna Irene Kahle (1909-1949). He died in 1965 in Michigan. Their children:

                1. Douglas Freeman Aylesworth was born on 18 Mar 1934 in Michigan. He died on 8 Sep 2010 in Tecumseh, Lenawee, Michigan.

                2. Ramon M Aylesworth was born abt 1939 in Michigan.

          9. James Updike, Jr. From Portrait and biographical album of Lenawee County, Mich., containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county, together with portraits and biographies of all the governors of Michigan and of the presidents of the United States, published by Chapman Brothers, 1885, p. 249, 250: "JAMES UPDIKE, JR. The finely appointed little farm of eighty acres which occupies a portion of section 13, Franklin Township, became the property of the subject of this sketch in 1875, and he has since bent his energies to its improvement and cultivation, with most admirable results. The proprietor is a gentleman of more than ordinary intelligence and good taste, and while having a proper respect for the wherewithal to make life comfortable, has embellished his homestead with the various features which render it one of the most attractive spots in the township. The buildings are of modern style, the fields are fenced in a neat and substantial manner, and everything about the premises is kept in first-class order, nothing allowed to go to waste or become an offense to the eye. Around the residence are fruit and shade trees with a fine orchard in the rear, while the live stock and machinery give evidence of the care and thoughtfulness of the proprietor. Our subject, the son of one of the earliest pioneers of this county, first opened his eyes to the light in the primitive log cabin, which was the first dwelling of his parents in Tecumseh Township, and which was located upon land which had been but slightly cultivated before his father took possession of it. The latter, also James Updike, a native of New York State, was reared to manhood in his native county, and married Miss Belinda Hause, whose birthplace was not far from the early home of her husband. They continued in the Empire State until after the birth of three children, when they came to Michigan and located upon the land which they occupied until retiring from active labor. The parents of our subject came to this county prepared to meet hardships alnd difficulties, and proved themselves equal to the emergency. They succeeded in building up a comfortable home, occupying the log cabin but a few years and then removing into a good frame dwelling. The father was a man of excellent judgment, kind and generous as a neighbor and friend, and became known as one of the most thorough and successful farmers of Tecumseh Township. He is still living, and makes his home with his son Martin G., a resident of Tecumseh Township. He is now over eighty-four years of age, having been born Oct. 1, 1803. During his residence of over forty years in this county he has made many warm friends, and has abundant reason to feel that his life and labors have not been in vain. The wife and mother departed this life at the homestead Nov. 30, 1873, when about sixty-five years old. Both parents were devoted members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the days of their youth and strength, and the father is still identified with the old society. James Updike, Jr., was the eighth in a family of ten children, four sons and six daughters. Of these, three sons and two daughters are living and residents of this county. James, in conmmon with his brothers and sisters, remained under the home roof and availed himself of the instruction afforded at the district school. Upon reaching manhood he was married, April 2, 1873, at the home of the bride in Tecumnseh Township, to Miss Atlanta A., daughter of John T. and Caroline H. (Thompson) Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Bates were natives of New York State and were married in Cortland County, where their three children were born, the wife of our subject being the youngest of the family. Her birth took place Nov. 5, 1853, and she was fifteen years of age when her father came to Michigan and located on a farm in Tecumseh Township. The mother had died in Cortland County, N. Y., in 1863, at the age of thirty-seven years. Mr. Bates subsequently married Miss Salina Coyle, who accompanied him to the West and remained here until after the death of Mr. Bates, which took place in the village of Tecumseh, July 31, 1877, when he was sixty-three years of age; Mrs. B. then returned to New York and is now a resident of Homer, that State. Mr. Bates was a man of much force of character, and became quite prominent in the politics of the county. He affiliated with the Republican party and with his estimable wife, was a member in good standing of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The wife of our subject continued with her father until her marriage, in the meantime receiving a good education and developing those elements of character which have constituted her a true wife and mother. Of her union with Mr. Updike there have been born two sons—Earl B., Dec. 7, 1876, and Lucius C., Dec. 29, 1878. Mr. Updike, politically, uniformly votes the Republican ticket. By good management and industry he has accumulated a competence and has something laid by for a rainy day."

            a. Earl B Updike was born on 7 Dec 1876 in Michigan. He married Edna B Potter (1876-1962). He died in 1972 in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan, and is buried at Brookside Cemetery in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan. He and Edna had a son:

              i. Bertram James Updike was born on 12 Jul 1902 in Michigan. In 1928 he married Dorothy Louise Balmer Updike (1898-1993). He died on 25 Feb 1966 in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan. He is buried at Brookside Cemetery in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan, Section U Lot # 5. He and Dorothy had a daughter:

                1. Janet Updike was born on 28 Jul 1920 in Indianapolis, Indiana: "Janet Whitney, age 94 of Tecumseh, passed away on August 25, 2014 at Cambrian Assisted Living. She was born on July 28, 1920 in Indianapolis, Ind., the daughter of Bert and Dorothy (Balmer) Updike. She first married John Britt and later was married to Sam Whitney, both who precede her in death with her beloved grandson Matthew. Janet was a member of the United Methodist Church for many years. She taught the first grade in Tecumseh for many years and then after receiving her Master's degree in 1964 from the University of Michigan, she became a school psychologist for the Lenawee County Intermediate School District. She enjoyed spending time with her children, grandchildren, and traveling. In her spare time, she enjoyed playing bridge, doing crossword puzzles, gardening and spending time at Wampler's Lake. Her greatest joy was the time that she spent with her family and she will be greatly missed. Janet is survived by her sons Tim (Sue) Whitney of Royal Oak, Jim (Lillian) Whitney of San Juan Capistrano, Calif., and Sam Whitney of Los Altos, Calif.; a daughter Susan (Dick) Johnson of Tecumseh; six grandchildren, Joe, Andy, Beth, Austin, Laura and Lia; and four great grandchildren, Johnny, Bianca, Cate and Britt. She was preceded in death by her parents and both husbands, and grandson Matthew. According to her wishes, cremation has taken place. A memorial service to celebrate Janet's life will be held on Saturday, Aug. 30, at 1 p.m. at Macon United Methodist Church. Memorial contributions may be made in Janet's honor to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (Donor Services, P.O. Box 4072, Pittsfield, MA 01202).--Tecumseh Herald, Thu, 8/28/2014.

            b. Lucius Carlton Updike was born on 29 Dec 1878 in Michigan. He died in 1972 in San Diego, CA and is buried at Brookside Cemetery in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan.

          10. Caroline Updike 1846 in Michigan. On 22 Nov 1866 she married Fayette Webster (Chandler) Depuy (1847-1913) in Tecumseh, Lenawee Co., MI. She died on 5 Jan 1888 in Franklin, Michigan.

          11. Mary Updike was born abt 1848 in Michigan. On 22 Nov 1866 she married Fayette Webster (Chandler) Depuy (1847-1913) in Tecumseh, Lenawee Co., MI. She died on 5 Jan 1888 in Franklin, Michigan.

        VII. ALANSON HAUSE was born on 12 March 1810 in Canoga, Seneca Co., New York. He married Margaret Van Fleet (who was about 15 years younger than him) and they had: Esther, Abram, Melissa, Albert, Theron, Emma, and Elda. He remained in Fayette and farmed the family lands, still working there during the 1880 census, and died on 12 Dec 1880. They are buried is buried in Canoga Cemetery, Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York. Section 5 Plot 72. Their children:

          1. Abram B Hause was born in 1840, in Canoga, Seneca County, New York. He died in 1842, in Canoga, Seneca County, New York. He is buried in Canoga Cemetery, Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York. Section 5 Plot 72.

          2. Melissa J Hause was born in 1843. She died on 22 Mar 1897 in Fayette, Seneca County, New York, and is buried in Canoga Cemetery, Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York. Section 5 Plot 72.

          3. Esther A Hause was born on 23 Jan 1844 in New York. On 18 Apr 1867, she married John R Brown (25 Dec 1835- 20 Oct 1874) and they are buried in Canoga Cemetery, Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York. Section 5 Plot 218. She had a son:

            a. Asa J Brown was born on 25 Jan 1868 in Canoga, Seneca County, New York. He died on 30 Jun 1895 and is buried in Canoga Cemetery, Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York. Section 5 Plot 218.

            b. Della Brown was born on 9 Mar 1870 in Canoga, Seneca County, New York, and died on 12 Jun 1871.

            c. Stella E Brown was born on 28 Oct 1872 in Canoga, Seneca County, New York. She married J. Frank Marsden on 18 Sep 1896. They had a son:

              i. F. Howard Marsden was born on 4 May 1900.

            d. Annis G Brown was born on 15 Aug 1874 in Canoga, Seneca County, New York. She married J.D. Boardman on 18 Sep 1895. They had a daughter:

              i. Marion Boardman was born on 23 Jul 1896.

          Warren Hawes
          Albert Elisha Hause (1849-1912)
          4. Albert Elisha Hause was born on 30 Oct 1849 in Fayette, Seneca County, New York. He died on 22 Dec 1912 in Fayette, Seneca County, New York. He married Henrietta Lasher (1851-1932). "Seneca Falls, Dec. 23 -- The death yesterday of Albert E. Hause removes one of the most respected residents of Canoga. He had lived there for many years. He was stricken with pneumonia one week ago and succumbed to the disease yesterday afternoon. He was 63 years of age. The deceased leaves one sister, Mrs. Esther Brown, of Auburn; two sons, LeRoy Hause of Canoga, and Henry Hause, of Rochester, and two daughters, Mrs. Henry Green and Mrs. Fred Parish, of Canoga. Rev. Mr. Lyon, of the Canoga Presbyterian Church, will conduct funeral services at the house tomorrow aftdernoon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be in the Canoga cemetery." He is buried with Henrietta at Canoga Cemetery, Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York, Section 1 Lot 339. Albert and Henrietta had a son:

            a. Elsie Lucretia Hause was born on 7 Apr 1885 in Fayette, Seneca Co., New York and died on 30 Sep 1957 in Fayette. She married Frederick Parish (1882-1964). They had William Henry Parish (1908-1988), Helen Esther (McMillen, b. 1908), Homer Lasher Parish (1914-1978) and Marian E Parish (Ward, 1919-1983). Frederick and Elsie are buried in Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York.

            b. Henry Arthur Hause was born on 10 Feb 1887 in Fayette, Seneca County, New York. He died in Sep 1978 in Fayette, Seneca County, New York. He married Minerva J. Weaver (1886-1960) and they are buried in Canoga Cemetery, Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York, Section 1 Plot 339. They had:

              i. Hubert W Hause was born on 7 Feb 1914 in New York (Henry and Minerva also had a son named Hubert in the 1905 state census). During World War II, he enlisted in the army on 8 Jan 1941 as a private in Seneca Falls, NY. He married Rosalind Jones Beck (27 Dec 1926 - 23 Feb 2006) on 1 Oct 1954 in Buffalo, NY (source: Geneva Daily Times, 9 Oct 1954, page 2), and worked as a pharmacist in Buffalo, NY. He died on 20 Nov 1995 in Olcott, Niagara, New York.

              ii. John Henry Hause was born on 27 Jun 1917. He died on 8 Mar 1996 in Fayette, Seneca County, New York. He's buried in Canoga Cemetery, Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York, Section 1 Plot 339.

            c. Ethel Margaret Hause was born on 1 Jun 1889 in Fayette, Seneca, New York and married Henry Amos Green (1884-1947) on 31 Dec 1908 in Seneca, New York. She died in November of 1968 and is buried in Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York. They had a son, Stanley Albert Green (1916-1990), who married Leona Margaret Dean and had a daughter, Joan.

              i. Robert Arthur Greene was born in 1910 in Bristol, Massachusetts.

              ii. Clara Henrietta Green was born on 4 Sep 1910 in Seneca, NY and married John W Brown (1904-1984); they had two sons, John W (b. 1934, m. Shirley Fillingham) and Stephen Henry Brown (b. 28 Dec 1937 Seneca Falls, New York, m. Patricia Ann Dawley). Clara died on 7 Sep 2004 in Clyde, Wayne, New York.

              iii. Herbert A. Greene was born on 8 Sep 1911 in Fayette, Seneca County, New York; He died on 3 Sep 1988 in Geneva, Ontario County, New York, and is buried at at Canoga Cemetery in Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York, section 1, plot 321.

              Elma Lownetta Greene (1913-1979) and husband James Ridley (1913-1981).
              iv. Elma Lownetta Greene was born on 27 Apr 1913 in Seneca Falls, Seneca, New York. On 1 Jan 1936 she married James Hubert Ridley (1913-1981) in Canoga, Seneca County, New York. They had the following children: Janet Lee Ridley (1937-2019), and James Hubert Ridley, Jr. (1939-2014). She died on 19 Dec 1979 in Waterloo, Seneca, New York.

              v. Marion Irene Green was born on 29 Aug 1914 in Fayette, Seneca, New York and married Clair Hubert Crowe (b. 1920 in Pennsylvania), and they had a daughter, Carolyn (McGuane, b. 23 Jan 1946). Marian died in 2002 and is buried at Canoga Cemetery in Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York.

              vi. Stanley Albert Green was born on 3 May 1916 in Seneca Falls and married Leona Margaret Dean (1924-2017) and had daughters Joan (b. 1947) and Joy (b. 1949). Stanley died on 11 Sep 1990 and is buried at Canoga Cemetery in Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York.

              vii. Doris Elizabeth Green was born on 15 Aug 1918 in Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York; She married John Franklin Goodman (1917-1977) and they had two sons: John Herbert Goodman (8 Mar 1938 - 27 Mar 2004) and Roger (b. 1939). Doris died on 30 Jul 2000 in Summerville, Dorchester County, South Carolina. She is buried in Waterloo, Seneca County, New York.

              viii. Florence Catherine Greene was born on 25 Jan 1922 Seneca Falls, New York ,and married William F Matteson (1918-1986). She died on 21 Oct 2003 and is buried at Saint Columbkille Cemetery in Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York.

            d. William LeRoy Hause was born on 25 Dec 1893 in Fayette, Seneca, New York. He married Celia Viola Adams (1901-1982) and they had a son, Robert Horace Hause (1927-1979) who married Charlotte Lorraine Priebe (1927-2006), and a daughter, June Louise Hause (b. 1933) who married Robert J Avery. William LeRoy died on 1 Jan 1963 in Phelps, Ontario, New York.

          5. Theron Jacob Hause was born in 1852 in New York. He died in 1858 in Fayette, Seneca County, New York, and is buried in Canoga Cemetery, Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York. Section 5 Plot 72.

          6. Emma E Hause was born in 1856. She died in 1879 in Seneca County, New York. She is is buried in Canoga Cemetery, Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York. Section 5 Plot 72

          7. Florence Elda Hause was born on 4 Oct 1860 in Canoga, Seneca, New York. In 1893 she married William Van Fleet (1853-1917) and they had Stella May Van Fleet (1897-1897) and Floyd W. Van Fleet (1899-1899). No further children. Florence died in June 1933.

          8. Lansing Hause is buried in Canoga Cemetery, Seneca Falls, Seneca County, New York. Section 5 Plot 72.

        VIII. JOHN HAUSE, JR. was born 12 March 1812 in Canoga, Seneca Co., New York. That's right, ANOTHER John! He married Belinda Burtless on 31 Dec 1835 in Waterloo, Seneca Co., and had four children, listed below. By 1840, they had settled in Bridgewater, Washtenaw, Michigan, then before 1870, the family moved near John's cousin, Sanford Hause (son of William Hause, Jr.). In the census' in 1870 and 1880, they lived on a farm in Leoni, Jackson, Michigan. He died on 19 Jul 1894 and is buried at Riverside Cemetery, in Clinton, Lenawee Co., MI. See a genealogy from his family here. (.PDF file; Thanks to Christopher Hause.)

          1. Esther Ann Hause was born on 1837 in New York. On 30 Dec 1858 she was married to Silas J. Madden (b. 1835). They had a son:

            a. James H. Madden (b. 1864) married Lavinia (b. 1863).

          James Burtless Hause
          James Burtless Hause (1839-1925) and granddaughter Mary Elizabeth Hause.
          2. James "JB" Burtless Hause was born on 16 Sep 1839 in Michigan. He died on 9 Mar 1925. JB purchased this home as a 2-room house and completed it by 1878. It remained in the family until 2007, at the death of the very last Hause in Clinton, MI, named Dorothy E. Smedley Hause (1916-2007). The attic was haunted and it was at one time a funeral home. On 13 Apr 1864 he was married to Mary Elizabeth Roff (b. 1844). "JAMES B. HAUSE, 85, IN BUSINESS AT CLINTON FOROVER 45 YEARS, DIES (Special to the Telegram) CLINTON, Mich. March 9. James B. Hause aged 85 years, a pioneer business man of Clinton, died this morning at 11:30 o'clock at his home here after a long period of failing health. He had been confined to his bed only since Friday. He is survived by two sons, Dwight and Howard, and one daughter, Mrs. Clarence Hause. All of Clinton and five grandchildren. Mr. Hause had been in the furniture business here for more than 45 years. The funeral service will be held at the home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock with the burial in the Clinton Cemetery. The Rev. B. A. Warren will officiate." (Adrian Daily Telegram, March 9, 1925, p. 8). They had the following children:

            James Dwight & Howard
            Brothers James Dwight Hause (1866-1946) and Howard Roff Hause (1868-1946).

            a. James Dwight Hause (1866-1946) worked with his father at Hause and Son, Furniture and Undertaking. He was also a family genealogist who traced the Hause family back to Germany at the start of the 20th Century, with the help of cousin Alfred B. Hause (b. 1858) from Seneca County, New York, and James P. Hawes of Hector, NY. James married Mary Eva Davis (1870-1963) on 03 Jan 1900 in Franklin, Lenawee, Michigan. They're buried at Riverside Cemetery, Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, Plot: Sec K Lot 53. They had a son:

              i. Charles Davis Hause was born in 1907. He married Leona E. (1909 - 27 Jul 1976). Charles died on 5 Feb 1951 in Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan. They're buried at Riverside Cemetery, Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan. Plot: Sec K Lot 28.

                1. Audrey Marilee Hause was born on 16 Aug 1929 in Clinton MI. She married Tom Gilman. Audrey died on 22 Sep 2003 in Ostrander, Delaware, Ohio.

                2. Sarah L Hause was born on 20 Jan 1932 in Michigan. She married (?) Frank and died on 27 Apr 2000 in Dexter, Washtenaw, Michigan.

                3. Frank William Hause, 62, of Centerburg, died unexpectedly Saturday (February 3, 2001) at Grady Memorial Hospital, Delaware. Born on Feb. 25, 1938, in Saline, Michigan, to the late Charles and Leona (Anglemyre) Hause, Frank moved to the Centerburg area 17 years ago from Gallipolis. He also lived in Sunbury for nine years. He was a semi-retired salesman with Brandt and IBM, and was currently working as a clerk for Centerburg Hardware. A race car fan and accomplished carpenter, he enjoyed fixing and collecting clocks as well as gardening and bird watching. He was a member of Sparrow Lodge No. 400 F&AM and Columbia Chapter No. 33 OES. Along with his parents, he was preceded in death by a sister, Sarah Frank, who died in 2000. Surviving are his wife of 34 years, Nancy (Morris) Hause; two sons, Charles (Lori) Hause of Westerville and Tom (Cassy) Hause of Centerburg; two granddaughters, Chasity and Caitlyn; a sister, Audrey (Tom) Gilman of Ostrander; a step-sister, Joyce Iler of Rocky River; and a step-brother, John (Joanne) Iler of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Visitation was at DeVore-Snyder Funeral Home, Sunbury, where Masonic Services followed at 8 p.m. Memorial services were held also at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made in Frank's name to Children's Hospital, P.O. Box 16810, Columbus 43272-5117.

            b. Howard Roff Hause (1 Oct 1871 - 15 Nov 1946) married Emma Elizabeth Hause (1875-1974), daughter of Lyman E. Hause (1843-1910) and Emma E. Pocklington Hause (1844-1875), another line of the Hause family descending from their common ancestor, William Hause (1750-1818). (NOTE: These children are also listed under Emma Elizabeth Hause, below.)

              Neil Roff Wedding
              Neil Roff Hause (1898-1980) and Edna Marie Meredith (1906-1969) on their wedding day.
              i. Neil Roff Hause was born on 13 Apr 1898 in Michigan. Neil married Edna Marie Meredith (12 Oct 1906 - 1969) at the Garden of the Gods near Denver, Colorado. "According to Auntie Joe, their dad was a professional musician in Denver. They also lived in a tent for a while due to the depression." (via grandniece Erin Murphy) They had three children, listed below. He died on 11 Jan 1980 in Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Florida, and is buried at Riverside Cemetery, Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, Sec K Lot 53 (see also: the children of Emma Elizabeth Hause, below). His children:

                1. James Howard Hause was born on 16 Feb 1926. He married Priscilla Marylan Childs in Wayne, MI. He died on 01 Apr 2012 and is buried at Plainfield Cemetery in Unadilla, Livingston County, Michigan.

                2. E Joann Hause (1928-2022) "'Aunty Joe' passed away early this year (2022). I think it was February 20th. She was a painter, sculpture of clay, she worked fair grounds painting faces. She was also in a few fashion magazines and she had her own radio show. I think the radio show was her greatest achievements. She hosted some pretty big names." (Via grandniece Erin Murphy)

                3. Jeanne Meredith Hause (1933-1994) married Robert Burnside (1932-2018). They had three children:

                  a. Lori Burnside

                  b. Mike Burnside (d. 1999)

                  c. Sherrel L "Sheri" Burnside was born in Apr 1958 and married (1) Murphy and (2) Forgione had three children: Erin Murphy, Mike Forgione, and Laurel Forgione.

              ii. Roland Clare Hause was born on 6 Jun 1900; Roland married 1) Ada Frances Hoyt (b. 1904) on 28 May 1923 in Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan, and 2) Lorena Johnston (1910-1979) on 8 Aug 1930 in Wood, Ohio. He died in Oct of 1980 in Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, and is buried with Lorena at Riverside Cemetery, Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, Sec K Lot 53;his ashes interred July 1982 (see also: the children of Howard Roff Hause, above):

                RGH Family
                The Fresno Bee (Fresno, California) 11 Nov 1968, Mon., Page 13.
                1. Major Richard Gary Hause was born on 16 May 1933 in Michigan. He served in the Air Force for fourteen years, finally serving as an instructor after a tour in Vietnam. He married Judith Ann Matthies (1939-1968) on 29 Aug 1964 in Martin, Minnesota. The San Bernardino County Sun on Monday, 11 Nov 1968, Page 13: "Four persons including a family of three were killed in a grinding head-on collision Saturday night on the Barstow Freeway near Cajon Summit. Dead are: Major Richard G. Hause, 35, of 21381 Del Oro Rd., Apple Valley. His wife, Judith A., 29, of the Apple Valley address. Their son, Bradley R., 23 months. Lloyd H. Knutson, 41, of 4217 Morada Ave., Covina. Major Hause, stationed at George Air Force Base with the 479th Tactical Fighter Squadron, was killed instantly when he was pinned behind the steering wheel. His wife and son were dead on arrival at 8 p.m. at Victor Valley Hospital, Victorville. The accident occurred at 6:66 p.m. Saturday. Knutson, a Covina chiropractor, was also killed instantly, according to Dep. Coroner Allen F. Paine. A picture of the accident appeared in yesterday's Sun-Telegram. Investigators said that Knutson was apparently driving on the wrong side of the highway divider and smashed into the car driven by Hause, northbound on the Barstow Freeway. Both cars were reportedly proceeding at a fast pace and neither driver took evasive action. The accident occurred south of the Oak Hill overpass on Cajon Summit. Knutson's body was taken to Bobbitt Chapel in San Bernardino; the bodies of the Hause family were taken to Emerson - Bartlett in Loma Linda. Officers investigating for the California Highway Patrol were Sgt. L. A. Banks, G. Smith, and C. M. Fedler." They died in a head-on car crash on 9 Nov 1968 in Apple Valley, San Bernardino, California, along with...

                  a. Bradley R Hause was born on 18 Dec 1966; He also died in the car crash, on 9 Nov 1968 in Apple Valley, San Bernardino, California. They are all buried, along with Bradley's unborn sibling, at the Lake Fremont Cemetery in Dunnell, Martin County, Minnesota.

                2. Larry Roland Hause was born on 27 Apr 1939 and died on 24 Nov 2002 in Kent, Rhode Island. He's buried at Riverside Cemetery in Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan, Sec. K, Lot 53, Grave 12-01.

              iii. Mary Elizabeth Hause (23 Dec 1910 - 11 Nov 1999) met Richard Holland (1907-1981) at Michigan State University in adjacent desks when the students in their economics class were assigned seats alphabetically, and they married circa on 5 May 1935 in Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan. They ended up settling in Flint, Michigan and had two sons (see also: the children of Emma Elizabeth Hause, below):

                1. Thomas Holland (b. 1936).

                  a. Mary Holland.

                  b. Pete Holland.

                2. Gerald R Holland (b. 1938).

            Jane Hause & Family
            Jane Louise Hause (1877-1962).
            c. Jane Louise Hause was born on 13 Jul 1877 in Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan. On 17 Jun 1905, she married Clarence Leander Hause (1879-1959), the son of Lyman Hause and his second wife, Caroline Kniffen (1839-1923). She died on 13 Jul 1962 in Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan. They had a son:

              i. John Sanford Hause was born on 13 Jan 1908 in Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan. He married Dorothy Elizabeth Smedley (1916-2007) and they had four children, listed below. He died on 16 Jun 1976 in Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan. "CLINTON: John Sanford Hause, 68, of 116 Locust St., Clinton, was dead on arrival Wednesday at 9:05 a.m. at Herrick Memorial Hospital, Tecumseh.He was brom Jan. 13, 1906 in Clinton, the son of Clarence and Jane Hause. He was a 1928 Clinton High School graduate and attended Alma and Ferris Colleges, majoring in business administration. He married Dorothy Smedley on Nov. 28, 1940. She survives. He was an insurance agent for National Life of Vermont, and also sold general insurance. He was a member of the United Church of Christ of in Clinton, a former Clinton Rotary Club member, and a member and past president of the Lenawee-Hillsdale Life Underwriters Association. Also surviving is a daughter, Jane of Los Angeles, three sons, Michael at home, John Stephen of Ousted, and William of Adrian. One granddaughter, Stephanie, also survives. Preceding him in death were his parents. Services will be Friday at 1:30 p.m. from the Proctor Funeral Home, Clinton, with the Rev. Roy Wagner officiating. Burial will be in Riverside Cemetery, Clinton. Friends may call today and tonight at the funeral home." (Daily Telegram, June 17, 1976). He left the following children:

                1. Michael Henry Hause was born on on 30 Mar 1942 in Lenawee, Michigan. He died on 5 Apr 2005 in Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan. He is buried at Riverside Cemetery, in Clinton, Lenawee County, Michigan; Plot: Sec. B, Lot 6.

                2. Stephen Hause (b. 1942) is a genealogist who supplied some of the notes for this family history.

                3. Jane Ann Hause (b. 1948).

                4. William Hixon Hause (b. 1948).

            d. Lizzie Ellen Hause (b. 1879).

          3. John Hause was born on 1 Dec 1842 in Michigan. On 14 Aug 1872 he was married to Frances C. McAllister (b. 1846). According to the Yale Inquisitor, dated 26 Jul 1909, John was driving home after just buying his first automobile in Detroit, a Brush, he was instantly killed in a collision with an express car on an electric line near Dearborn. Before this sad end, John and Frances had a son:

            a. Claude M. Hause was born on 22 Mar 1878 in Michigan. He died on 16 Dec 1963 in Los Angeles, California. He married Hattie B Jackel (b. 1885), and they are buried at Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier, Los Angeles County, California, Terrace of Memories Sec. B Lot/Burial 369. They had a son:

              i. Claude McAllister Hause was born on 29 Aug 1919 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. He married Mary Louise Kremer. Claude died on 4 Jul 2003 in Brea, Orange, California. On 17 Jul 2003, Senator Ackerman moved that the California Senate be adjourned in memory of Claude Hause of Brea, until 21 Jul 2003.Claude had the following children:

                1. John Hause was born on 15 Dec 1958 in Pasadena, Los Angeles, California. He married Tracey Riether and had the following child:

                  a. Jacob Evan Hause was born on 20 Jan 1998 in Pasadena, Los Angeles, California.

                2. Christopher Robert Hause was born on 14 Oct 1962 in Pasadena, Los Angeles, California. He married Pamela Sue Tillery (b. 05 Sep 1959 in Bellflower, Los Angeles, California) on 13 Jul 1985 in La Habra, Orange, California. They had the following children:

                  a. Rebecca Ashley Hause was born on 27 Jan 1988 in Placentia, Orange, California.

                  b. Rachel Sarah Hause was born on 23 Feb 1993 in Brea, Orange, California.

          4. Sarah Amanda Hause was born in May 1851 in Michigan. She married Henry H. Millard (1843 - 22 Jun 1933) on 5 Oct 1871. They are buried together at Woodland Cemetery, Jackson, Jackson County, Michigan. They had the following children:

            a. Floyd H. Millard was born on 17 Feb 1874. He died on 4 Mar 1952 when he was struck by car. He's buried at Woodland Cemetery, Jackson, Jackson County, Michigan.

            b. Ella A. Millard (1880-1948) is buried at Woodland Cemetery, Jackson, Jackson County, Michigan.

        IX. CAROLINE HAUSE was born on 18 Feb 1814 in Seneca, New York. She died on 24 Aug 1816 in Seneca, New York.

        X. LOISA HAUSE was born on 11 Feb 1816, but died before her first birthday.

        XI. FANNIE JANE HAUSE was born on 21 Nov 1817 in Canoga, Seneca Co., New York. She married Nathan C. Roberts and had a daughter, but Fannie died at age 21. Nathan was a butcher. He remarried and was living with his son-in-law, Austin Emens, in the Fayette 1880 census.

          1. Ameretta Roberts married Austin Emens.

        XII. LOUISA M. HAUSE was born on 10 Feb 1819 in Seneca Co., New York. She married Gideon S. Wilbur of Washington, Dutchess, New York, on 15 Feb. 1843. He was superintendent of the poor for about fifteen years and was deputy sheriff for two years. "The death of Gideon Wilber occurred when he had reached the venerable age of eighty-five years. In his family were five children, one daughter and four sons, all of whom are living with one exception." (Source: The History of Cass County, by Glover.) Among the children were: Francis, Theodore and Lloyd. In the 1870 census, they lived on a two hundred and sixty acre farm next to Theodore and his wife, Fannie, in La Grange, Cass County, Michigan. Louisa died on 11 July 1902. (Source: The Wildbores in America. A Family Tree, 5 volumes, by John R. Wilbor, Benjamin F. Wilbour. 1938, reprinted 1998.)

          1. Francis Wilbur (male); No further information.

          2. Frances Caroline Wilber was born in Jan 1845 in Seneca, New York. She married Jud T. Wares. She died in 1920 in Cassopolis, Cass, Michigan. Her child:

            a. Arthur W Wares was born in 1878 in New York.

          3. Theodore Wilbur was born in 1846; He married Fanny (1848-1912). He died in 1911 in Michigan, and is buried at Riverside Cemetery, Dowagiac, Cass County, Michigan.

            a. Fred Wilbur.

          4. Nathan J Wilber was born in 1848 in New York.

          5. Lloyd Wilber was born in 1862 in Michigan.

        XIII. CAROLINE LOUISE HAUSE was born on 18 Feb 1814 in Canoga, Seneca Co., New York. She married John Storm Gage in 26 Aug 1844 and had four kids: Annis, Cyrus, Ira, and Ina Gage. The last of John's kids to be alive, Caroline chronicled the Hause genealogy for the family, then died on 24 Aug 1916 in Dowiginac, Michigan.

          1. Annis A Gage was born on 15 Mar 1849. She married Augustus C Jewell (26 Mar 1872 - 17 Jan 1899). She died on 19 Jun 1895.

          2. Cyrus J Gage was born on 26 Jul 1850. He married Emma J Nash on 5 Oct 1871. Cyrus died on 19 Aug 1887.

            a. Ina C Gage was born on 1 Mar 1874. She married John C McCollum on 20 Jun 1900.

            b. Edna A Gage was born on 4 Mar 1881. She married Robert W Meaby on 28 Feb 1899. Their son:

              a. Richard Gage Meaby was born on 31 Mar 1900.

          3. Ira B Gage was born on 26 Sep 1854. Never married.

          4. Ina C Gage was born on 15 Feb 1862.

    2. Johnathan HAUSE. Birth: 8 April 1775 in Orange County, New York; He never married; Death: 1802 in Jamaica, Long Island, New York.

    3. Johannah "Hannah" HAUSE was born on 17 February 1776. She married Michael Weymer around 1800 (a Weymer family tree lists her as "Hannah House"), and they purchased her father's land in Ramapo, as William and the rest of the Hause family moved to western New York. They probably had at least two sons (unidentified), then Michael probably died before 1810, as only his "heirs" are mentioned in his father's 1810 will, and Hannah is head of the household in that year's Federal Census, in Monroe, Orange, New York. She may then have married Samuel Clark on 8 Dec 1811 in Kakiat, Rockland, New York (SOURCE: Dutch Reformed Church Records from New York and New Jersey. Holland Society of New York, New York, New York).

    4. Sarah HAUSE was born on 7 September 1777 in Orange County, New York. She died in 1847. Sarah married (1) Samuel Johnson (b. 1774) and they had the following children, according to the William Hawes Family Lines Collection, 1750-1876

        I. Daniel Johnson, according to the William Hawes Family Lines Collection, 1750-1876

        II. Hannah Johnson, according to the William Hawes Family Lines Collection, 1750-1876

        III. Sally Johnson, according to the William Hawes Family Lines Collection, 1750-1876

        IV. Jane Johnson, according to the William Hawes Family Lines Collection, 1750-1876

        V. Polly Johnson, according to the William Hawes Family Lines Collection, 1750-1876

      Sarah then married (2) William E. Harris (1758-1836). He was a private in the New Jersey Militia, and received an annual pension roll allowance of $80.00, starting 21 Sep 1833. William Sr. also has a DAR plaque in the Hause Hill Cemetery with William Hause, beside Sarah. His last will and testament: "Harris, William E.; Page 76, on 7 feb 1826—9 jun 1836—Tyrone, Steuben co. — wf Martha Harris of State of New Jersey or wherever she may be acc. to settlement made between Richard Lanning and self 15 jan 1820 which will total $1100—3 youngest sons born in town of Tyrone—Nelson, Isaac Monroe & William Decator Harris—present wife Sarah $1—children to support and care for her—dau Sarah Runyon, dau Polly Boice, son Elijah, son Nelson—exec friends Henry L Williams, Henry Booram & Stephen Arnold—wit Wm Bacon & Barney Spears." They had the following children:

        I. Isaac Monroe Harris, birthdate unknown.

        II. Nelson Harris was born on 22 Dec 1817 in New York and married (1) Minerva Knapp (1819-1865), daughter of Chas & Eunice Knapp. He then married (2) Rachel sometime after Minerva died. Nelson died on 15 Mar 1881 in Wayne, Steuben, New York. He's buried at Wayne Village Cemetery, in Wayne Village, Schuyler County, New York. He and Minerva had the following children:

          a. Oscar F Harris was born in Nov 1842 in Tyrone, Steuben, New York. In 1880, he married Eliza (b. 1850) and they had a son:

            1. Ernest Harris (b. 1883) is living with his mother in the 1915 census, but Oscar has passed away.

          b. Theron Harris was born in 1847 in Tyrone, Steuben, New York. He died on 27 August 1863 in Wayne, Steuben, New York, and is buried at Wayne Village Cemetery, in Wayne Village, Schuyler County, New York.

        III. William Decatur Harris was born on 20 Apr 1820 in Steuben County, New York. He died on 15 Nov 1847, and is buried at the Hause Hill Cemetery, Tyrone, Schuylar, New York.

    5. Simon HAUSE was born on 27 November 1779 in Orange County, New York. Simon married three times, to Mathia Demand, Zilpha Decker and Elizabeth West. He lived next to William Sr. and Jr. in the 1810 census. An Indenture dated 1818 names Simon and his wife Zilpha, as heirs to William Hause who died at Wayne Twp., Steuben County, NY. 1818, Wayne Twp., New York; 1840, Big Flats Twp., Chemung Couny, NY. His occupation was Tavern Keeper, and he had a stage coach stop and tavern on Fred Storch Rd., Big Flats; 1850, Clover Twp., Jefferson County, PA. In Simon's will of 1851 he names his wife and two of his children. One line is traced here. Died in Clover, Jefferson Co., PA. as "Simon Hayes."

        I. Samuel Hause. Birth 22 Jul 1803 in Wayne, Steuben, New York; Death 5 Dec 1861 in Olive Township, Clinton County, Michigan. He married Polly Mary Ann Smith (1802-1893). They had the following children:

          1. Samuel Hause, b. (?), d. 1840.

          2. John Hause. Birth 3 July 1827; Died at the age of 18, on 16 Jun 1846.

          3. Daniel C Hause. Birth: 29 Jun 1829 in Chemung, Chemung, New York; Death 19 Sep 1880 in Bradford, Steuben, New York. He married twice, to Mary Ann Axtell (1832-1852), and had a son:

            a. Charles Hause (1851-1853).

          Next he married Caroline McIntyre (1838-1867), and they had:

            Georgianna Hause
            Georgianna Hause Axtell Lee (1858-1891).
            b. Georgianna Hause (also Georgia Ann; Georgie) was born Jul 1858 in New York. She married (1) William Henry Axtell (1857-1901) and they had a daughter:

              i. Ivah Lena Axtell was born on 26 Jan 1877 in Bradford Township, Steuben County, New York. She attended the Ithaca Conservatory of Music and playe piano for silent movies in Hammondsport. On 17 Feb 1895, she married John J Jacobus (1870-1939) in Hammondsport, Steuben, New York. They had a farm and vineyard in Urbana, New York, and had the following children:

                1. Floyd Clifford Jacobus was born on 3 Apr 1896 in Urbana, Steuben, New York. On 12 Jun 1920 he married Lelia Myrtle Rider (1902-1988) in Steuben, New York. They had the following children: Elthea A (Barnes, 1921-1983; She and her husband ran a grocery store for great unce Ben Hause in Sonora, NY during the 1940s); John Floyd (1922-1993), Leo Archie (1924-2014) and Pauline Jacobus (Gelder, 1928-2020). He died on 29 Aug 1955 in Hammondsport, Steuben, New York.

                2. Georgia Anna Jacobus was born on 3 Oct 1901 and died on 14 May 1913 in Bradford, Steuben County, New York. She died from burns when her apron caught fire.

            Georgianna and Wiliam Axtell divorced, then she married (2) Erastus David Lee (1842-1899), and they had a son:

              ii. Derward Robert Lee was born on 06 Oct 1887 in Pulteney, Steuben, New York. On 21 Jun 1910 he married Charlotte Eliza Moore (1887-1965) in Bath, Steuben, NY, and they had the following children: Derward Robert (1916-1986), Eldone Moore (1918-1941); and Edward Belmont Lee (1922-2004). Derward Sr. died on 4 Oct 1955 in Bath, Steuben County, New York.

            c. Willis Hause was born 28 Jan 1860 in Clinton, Pennsylvania. Willis died on 24 Feb 1919. He married (1) Sarah VanGelder (1847-1900) and (2) Emma Hall (1861-1906). Willis had the following children:

              i. Grace Caroline Hause was born on 21 Feb 1884 in Urbana, Steuben, New York. On 3 Feb 1904 she married George McDermott (1880-1950). She died on 15 Jan 1938 in Penn Yan, Yates, New York.Their children:

                1. Hazel McDermott was born on 12 Dec 1904 in Jerusalem, Yates, New York. On 7 Jul 1928 she married Eugene Smith (1902-1985). She died on 22 Oct 1997 in Penn Yan, Yates, New York. Their children:

                  a. Eugene Charles Smith was born on 21 Aug 1930 in New York. On 1958 29 Mar 1958 he married (?). He died on 4 Mar 1997 in Wilmington, New Hanover, North Carolina.

                  b. George Smith was born abt 1935 in New York.

                  c. Anne Smith was born abt 1938 in New York.

                2. Harriet McDermott was born on 26 Aug 1907 in Bluff Point, Jerusalem, Yates, New York. On 21 Dec 1929 she married Schuyler Madel Hibbard (1907-1972) in Jerusalem, Yates, New York. She died on 23 Mar 1979 in St Petersburg, Pinellas, Florida. Her children:

                  a. Norma Jean Hibbard was born on 29 Mar 1932 in New York, She married (?) Manning.

                  b. Ronald Hibbard was born abt 1935 in New York.

              Mr. and Mrs. Grant Charles Hause

              ii. Grant Charles Hause (pictured at right) was born on 6 Dec 1886 in Urbana, Steuben, New York. He married Florence M Stratton (b. 1888), and they had the following children:

                1. Ona W Hause was born in 1908. She died on 11 Jul 2002 in Elmira, Chemung, New York.

                2. Leo D Hause (b. 1910)

              By 1925, Grant was living in nearbye Benton, Yates, NY, while Florence was raising the children in Elmyra. In the 1940 census, they are divorced and Florence has remarried to Matthew J Murphy (1897-1971), and Leo lis still living with them. Grant disappears from the record.

              iii. Clara Mae Hause was born on 22 Jul 1893 in Urbana, Steuben, New York. She died on 30 Apr 1967. She married (1) John Robert Sprague (1886-1953) and (2) Dewey Leicester (1899-1962). She had the following children:

                1. Robert Willis Sprague was born on 8 Aug 1911 in Urbana, Steuben, New York. On 15 May 1934 he married Ada Irene Randall (1913-1982) in Avoca, Steuben, New York. He died in 1987. His children:

                  a. Richard John Sprague was born on 17 Mar 1936 in New York. He died on 15 Nov 2010 in Bath, Steuben, New York.

                  b. Robert James Sprague was born on 22 May 1940. He died on 27 May 2009 in Wellsville, Allegany, New York.

                2. Leonard John Sprague was born on 22 Oct 1913 in Urbana, Steuben, New York. He died before his tenth birthday, on 20 Jan 1923.

                3. Harold Robert Sprague was born on 18 Sep 1917 in Urbana, Steuben, New York. He married Lillian Pearl Cragg (1916-2007). He died on 20 Dec 1997 in Bath, Steuben, New York.

              iv. Lloyd Hause was born on 12 Oct 1894 in Urbana, Steuben, New York, and married Anna Green (b. 1887).

            d. Alice Hause as born in 1862 in Steuben, New York. In 1886 she married Albert Wixon (b. 1856). She died in Apr 1907. They had the following children:

              i. Estella M. Wixson was born on 17 Nov 1886. She died on 14 Feb 1978.

              ii. Florence Wixson was born on 1 Nov 1891.

              iii. Lewis Daniel Wixson was born on 30 Jan 1893, and died in 1968.

            e. Benjamin Hause was born in Apr 1863 in Steuben, New York; He died in 1951 in Steuben, New York. He married Ella May Silvernail (1867-1946) and they had a son:

              Grace Mathews Hause (b. 1891) and Alden B Hause (1914-1970)
              i. Harry J Hause was born on 20 Mar 1886 in Bradford, Steuben, New York; Death 9 Nov 1964 in Avoca, Steuben, New York. He married (1) Grace D Mathews (b. 1891) and (2) Fannie Myrtle Roble (1888-1974). He had the following children:

                1. Velma Hause (b. 1911).

                2. Alden Berles Hause was born on 30 Jun 1914 in New York. He died on 9 Nov 1970 in Clearwater, Pinellas, Florida. Obituary: "LARGO - Alden B. Hause, 56, 214 seventh Ave. SW, sied Monday (Nov. 9, 1970) at Morton F. Plant Hospital. Born in Hammondsport, N.Y., he came here 12 years ago from Avoca, N.Y. He was superintendent of construction for Chilton Construction Company, Dunedin, for the past 12 years; a veteran of World war II, U.S. Army; and a member of the First United Methodist Church, Largo, and Turner-Brandon Post 7, American Legion, Clearwater. Survivors include his widow, Evelyn, and a son, Richard A., both of Largo; two daughters, Mrs. Alford (Carol) Brower, Largo, and Mrs. Gary (June) Elmore, Clearwater; two grandchildren; and one sister, Mrs. Ella Shane, Bath, N.Y. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at Feaster Largo Chapel, conducted by the Rev. Robert M. Brittain, pastor, First United Methodist Church, Largo. Burial will follow at Serenity Gardens Memorial Park."

                Alden B Hause (1914-1970) and Ella Mae Hause (1918-1988)
                3. Ella Mae Hause was born on 17 Feb 1918 in New York. She married Julian J Tristen (1894-1968). She died on May 1988 in Bath, Steuben, New York. They had the following children:

                  a. Anna Tristen was born abt. 1938 in New York.

                  b. Julius Tristen was born abt. 1939 in New York.

                  c. Joseph Alden Tristen was born on 10 Mar 1942. He died in Jan 1974.

            f. Helen Hause (b. 1863).

          4. Simon Hause, b. 1832.

          5. Benjamin Hause was born in 1836 in New York; During the Civil War, he was a Sergeant in Company D, in the 5th Regiment of the Michigan Cavalry. He died from illness on 6 Dec 1864 in G H Div 1 Annapolis, Maryland.

          6. Sarah S Hause was born in 1836 in New York. In 1952, she married James Decker (b. 1824) in Bradford, New York. She died in 1910. Their children:

            a. Lewis Decker was born abt 1854 in Bradford, Steuben, New York. He married Alice (b. 1870) and they had the following children:

              i. Cornelius J Decker was born in 1893 in Milo, Yates, New York.

              ii. Lewis Decker was born in 1895 in Milo, Yates, New York.

            b. Lovernia A Decker was born abt 1854 in Bradford, Steuben, New York.

            c. Albert G Decker was born abt 1857 in Bradford, Steuben, New York. He married Mary P (b. 1863) and had the following children:

              i. Beulah M Decker was born abt 1884 in Bradford, Steuben, New York.

              ii. Rubie C Decker was born abt 1890 in Bradford, Steuben, New York.

            d. Mary E. Decker was born abt 1860 in Bradford, Steuben, New York.

          7. Rebecca Hause (b. 1839).

          8. Bethuel H Hause was born on 17 Oct 1842 in Bradford, Steuben County, New York; He fought in Company G, Michigan 5th Cavalry Regiment during the Civil War, enlisting on 28 Aug 1862. He mustered out on 22 Jun 1865 at Fort Leavenworth, KS. After the war, He married Susannah Moore (1851-1949), and they had a daughter. After she grew and married, Bethuel and Susannah moved to Washington with their granddaughter, Mable Ruth Metcalf, where he worked as a shoemaker. He died on 29 Mar 1923 in San Jose, Santa Clara, California. His daughter:

            a. Ella Amelia Hause was born on 1 Sep 1868 in Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan. On 10 Jan 1899, she married Charles Nelson Metcalf (1870-1929) in Ithica, Gratiot, Michigan. She died on 13 Nov 1906 in Millbrook, Gratiot, Michigan. Her children:

              i. Jack Forest Metcalf was born in 1900 in Michigan. He died on 10 Nov 1918.

              ii. Mabel Ruth Metcalf was born on 30 Jun 1901 in Chase, Lake, Michigan. On 24 Nov 1921 she married (1) Albert R. Robinson (1890-1929) in San Jose, Santa Clara County, California. After his death, she married (2) Anthony Costa (d. 1947). She died on 19 Sep 1947 in San Jose, Santa Clara, California. Her children:

                1. Laverne May Robinson was born on 28 Jan 1923 in San Jose, Santa Clara County, California.

              iii. Gaar Ephram Metcalf was born on 14 Nov 1905 in Broomfield, Isabella, Michigan, and grew up with his grandparents, the Metcalfs. He married Ruby Opal Hanes (1917-1998). He died on 12 Nov 1978 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan. His children:

                1. Ruth Ann Metcalf was born abt 1937 in Michigan.

                2. Vern Metcalf was born abt 1939 in Michigan.

          9. Mary Ann Hause was born in 1844 in Bradford, Steuben, New York. She died in 1855.

        II. John Hause was born in 1805 in Wayne, Steuben, New York; He died in 1851. He married Hileann Mead and they had the following children:

          1. Elizabeth Hause.

          2. Ira Hause.

          3. John Hause.

          4. Zilpha Amelia Hause was born on 11 Sep 1831; She married Riley W Churcher on 19 Jul 1847 in Big Flats, Chemung, New York. She died on 15 Aug 1923 in Elmira, Chemung, New York. They had the following children:

            a. William Churcher was born in 1859 in New York. He married Frances Park (b. 1861) and had the following children:

              i. Charlotte (Lottie) May Churcher (b. 1889).

              ii. Ray Park Churcher was born on 26 Oct 1891 in Big Flats, New York. On 27 Nov 1913 he married Florence Barnes Wait (1890-1945) in Dresden, New York. Their children:

                1. Ray Park Churcher was born on 29 Mar 1917 in Watkins Glen, New York. He died in Sep 1963 in Schuyler, New York.

              iii. Willis S Churcher was born on 22 Dec 1893 in Big Flats, Chemung, New York. He married Grace E (b. 1895). He died on 27 Aug 1974 in Erie, Erie, Pennsylvania.

          5. Lydia Ann Hause was born on 3 Jul 1835 in Big Flats, Chemung, New York. On 25 Oct 1855 she married John Emmet Barnes (1827-1900). She died on 24 Oct 1876 in Jackson Center, Mercer, Pennsylvania. Their children:

            a. Ella Danelia Barnes was born on 10 Aug 1869 in Jackson Twp., Tioga Co., PA. She died on 5 Feb 1939 in Elmira, Chemung Co., New York.

        III. Sanford Simon Hause was born in 1809 in Wayne, Steuben, New York; He married Salla (1815-1897). Sanford died in 1885 in Lawrence, Van Buren, Michigan. His children:

          1. Eleanor Hause (b. 1837).

          2. Emily Hause (b. 1839).

          3. Israel Warren Hause was born in 1841 in New York. In 1872 he married Harriet A (b. 1843). He died on 17 Mar 1915 in St Johns, Clinton, Michigan.

          4. Elizabeth Hause (b. 1843).

          5. Elvira Hause (b. 1845).

          6. Sarah C. Hause (1847-1880).

          7. Frances Hause (b. 1849).

        IV. Elizabeth (Abigail) Hause. Birth: 1810 in Wayne, Steuben, New York. Death: After 1851 in Indiana.

        V. Lucinda Hause was born on 12 Dec 1811 in New York. On 9 Feb 1832 she married Aaron Courtwright Mathews II (1808-1879). She died on 2 Sep 1882 in Tompkins Corners, Chemung, New York. Their children:

          1. Hannah M. Mathews was born on 1 Jun 1833 in Chemung, New York. She died on 4 Nov 1858 in New York.

          2. Daniel Mathews was born on 6 Feb 1838 in Chemung, Chemung, New York. He died on 16 Dec 1855, at the age of 17.

          3. Simon Mathews was born on 15 Jul 1839 in Chemung, Chemung, New York. He died on 27 Feb 1865.

          4. William Henry Mathews was born on 31 March,1841 in Elmira, Chemung, New York. On 9 Feb 1869 he married Rosetta Agertha Louise Farlin (1848-1930) in Waverly, Tioga, New York. He died on 14 May 1906 in St. Joseph, Missouri. "W.H. Mathews was born in Chemung county, New York, March 31, 1841, and died in St. Joseph, Mo., May 14, 1906, being at the time of his death 65 years, 1 month and 14 days old. He was converted when but 18 years of age, and lived in consistant faith in his Saviour. He was connected with the congregation that would be most convenient to his location wherever he has lived, and at the time of his death was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church at Oregon, Mo. In 1869 he was united in marriage to Miss Rosette Farlin, also of New York state. To this union there was five children born, Ethel, now Mrs. Robert Shephard, of St. Lawrence, S.D.; Elroy, of St. Joseph, Mo.; Lucy, now Mrs. William Smallwood, of Oregon, Mo., and Malcolm, of St. Joseph, Mo., single and living with and looking after the comfort and welfare of his parents. In 1833 he read and heard of the fortunes that were in the far west and he decided to go to South Dakota, and see what the prospects were. On arriving he was much pleased with the outlook and invested in land. In a few months he sent for his family, they safely arrived and they lived there until 1894 and they concluded they would like a warmer climate, started for the south overland by way of Omaha. When reaching Holt county they were much impressed with the country and by the time they reached Oregon, they decided to stop, and located near Oregon, where they lived until December, 1905, when they removed to St. Joseph, Mo. The bereaved wife, and sons Elroy and Malcolm, were at his bedside when death claimed its own, the other children did not receive word in time to be present. About three years ago he had a slight paralytic stroke that deprived him of the use of his right arm, and his usual health began to fail gradually until July 9th, 1905, he had another stroke that disabled his entire right side, and caused mental trouble—at times he was rational; at others, was very despondent. From that time he was an entire invalid and so remained until 12 o'clock May 14, 1906, when the final stroke paralyzed his whole body and at 5:50 o'clock the summons came that called him to the other world. Rev. H.A. Sawyers, formerly pastor of the Oregon Presbyterian church, conducted the services at the home, taking his text from Psalms 62:8, a favorite text of the deceased. The song service was conducted by a number of young ladies that came to the assistance of the family. The pallbearers were members of the I.O.O.F. lodge, who came to comfort their Brother Lodgeman; the internment took place at the King Hill cemetery, St. Joseph, Mo., May 16th, 1906." Their children:

            a. Ethel Augusta Mathews was born on 8 Feb 1870 in New York. In 1890 she married Robert Samuel Shepard (1867-1942). She died on 28 Nov 1932. Their children:

              i. Walter R Shepard was born in Mar 1891 in South Dakota.

              ii. Floyd Farlin Shephard was born on 5 Oct 1892 in Hand, South Dakota. He married Clara Darwin (b. 1901). He died on 4 May 1967 in Lynwood, Los Angeles, California. Their children:

                1. Darwin D Shephard (b. 1925).

                2. Floyd Lyle Shephard was born on 16 Jan 1930 in Los Angeles, California. On 19 Aug 1960 he married Janice L Jordan (b. 1939) in Los Angeles, California. He died on 23 Apr 2010 in Fullerton, Orange, California.

              iii. Claude Ernest Shephard was born on 28 Nov 1894 in St Lawrence, Hand, South Dakota. On 17 Apr 1917 he married Vera Marie Thompson (1898-1999) in Hyde, South Dakota. He died on 28 Apr 1983 in Pasco, Franklin, Washington. Their children:

                1. Claude Vance Shephard was born on 12 Nov 1917 in South Dakota. He died on 1 Jul 2002 in Aurora, Marion, Oregon.

                2. Virginia May Shephard was born on 27 April 1919 in Saint Lawrence, Hand, South Dakota. On 24 May 1941 she married Orville Frank Schultz (1914-1992) in Lincoln, Washington. She died on 5 March 2008 in Bremerton, Kitsap, Washington.

                3. Nadine Vera Shephard was born abt 1923 in South Dakota.

              iv. William Charles Shephard was born on 16 Jan 1897 in Hand, South Dakota. He married Wilma Snow (1893-1977). He died on 16 Mar 1947 in Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, California.

              v. Earl J Shephard was born abt 1903 in Hand, South Dakota.

              vi. Muriel Ethel Barnes was born on 20 Jul 1904 in South Dakota. She died on 24 May 1994 in San Luis Obispo, California.

              vii. Robert Matthew Shephard was born on 27 May 1912 in South Dakota. He served in World War II, then died on 1 Apr 1963 in Sonoma, California.

            b. Elroy Mathews was born on 29 Apr 1871 in Big Flats, Chemung, New York. On 28 Aug 1898 he married Jennie Bootie Lewis (1880-1939) in Oregon, Holt, Missouri. He died on 25 Aug 1939 in Britton, Lenawee, Michigan. Their children:

              i. Augustus Ray Mathews was born on 15 June 1899 in Hickory township, Maitland County, Missouri. He married Mildred Hoggins Palmer (1904-1993). He died on 18 Dec 1942 in Kansas City, Kansas.

              ii. Lloyd Lewis Mathews was born on 26 Nov 1900 in Missouri. He married Marguerite Martin (1906-1991). He died on July 20, 1953 in St. Joseph, Missouri. Their children:

                1. Lloyd Allen Mathews was born on 11 Sep 1937 in Oregon, Missouri. He married Joyce Starnes Watley on 16 May 1980 in Miami, Oklahoma, and worked on river boats on the Missouri River; he also served in the Army and later joined the Reserves. He died on 10 Aug 2002 in Springfield, Greene, Missouri. They had the following children:

                  a. Cindy Mathews married Jared Buntin.

                  b. Cathy Mathews married Larry Nunley.

                  c. Janet Mathews married (?) McCormick.

                  d. Lloyd "Jake" Mathews.

              iii. Lucy Mathews was born abt 1904 in Missouri.

              iv. Robert Mathews was born on 20 Sep 1905 in South Dakota. He married Katherine (b. 1911) and they had the following children:

                1. Robert E Mathews (b. 1930).

                2. David Mathews (b. 1933).

              v. Chester Mathews was born abt 1912 in Missouri. He married Opal L (b. 1912) and had the following children:

                1. Evelyn D Mathews (b. 1936).

                2. Edward Lee Mathews (b. 1939).

              vi. Mary Helen Mathews was born abt 1917 in Missouri.

              vii. Frank Evans Mathews was born on 14 Dec 1919 in Oregon, Holt, Missouri. On 14 Jan 1942, he enlisted in the Air Corps at Fort Levenworth, Kansas. He died on 1 Aug 1995 in Hood River, Oregon.

              viii. Harvey Mathews was born on 14 Dec 1919 in Missouri. He died on 2 Jan 1920.

            Sterling Ernest Mathews (1873-1947) and Mae Zoe Maple Mathews (1881-1929)
            c. Sterling Ernest Mathews was born on 4 May, 1873 in Big Flats, Chemung, New York. On 1 Dec 1897 he married Mae Zoe Maple (1881-1929) in Oregon, Holt, Missouri. He died on 16 August, 1947 in St. Joseph, Missouri. His children:

              i. Myrtle Ethel Mathews was born on 9 Feb 1899 in Oregon County, Missouri. On 1 Jun 1924 she Orville Thompson Dickey (1901-2001) in Meade, Meade, Kansas. She died on 27 Dec 1962 in Ashland, Clark, Kansas. Her children:

                1. Daisy Mae Dickey was born abt 1925 in Kansas.

                2. Ruby Ethel Dickey was born abt 1927 in Kansas.

                3. Leroy "Roy" T Dickey was born abt 1929 in Kansas.

                4. Elbert Orville Dickey was born on 10 Aug 1931 in Meade, Kansas. He died on 11 Jul 1933 in Meade, Kansas, when he drowned in the cattle tank on the family farm in the Uneeda Community. He was buried in the Elsie Chapel Cemetery, located a short distance from the farm and later moved to Graceland Cemetery in Meade, Kansas.

                5. Homer Eugene Dickey was born on 11 June 1934 in Meade County, Kansas. He died on 6 Feb 2012 in Newton, Iowa. "Homer E. Dickey, the son of Orville T. Dickey and Myrtle Ethel Matthews, was born June 11, 1934 in Meade County, Kansas. He graduated from Ashland High School in 1952. He attended Midwest School of Evangelism in Ottumwa, Iowa and met Fern Hick. They were married in August 1954. To this union four children were born. In October 1984, Homer was united in marriage with Grace Benton. Homer worked 31 years for the U.S. Postal Service from which he retired in June of 1989. He also built homes as a side business. Homer then made a hobby into a business building and repairing computers at Computers Etc. After leaving the computer business, Homer worked from 1997 until 2009 for Jasper County, Iowa. He supervised work crews from the minimum security prison in Newton.Homer loved his family. He enjoyed nice vehicles, working outdoors and working on computers. Homer died on Monday, February 6, 2012 at Park Centre in Newton. He was 77 years old. Homer was preceded in death by his parents; one brother, Albert Dickey; and one grandson, Joshua Howard.Those left to honor Homer's memory include his wife, Grace; his children from his union with Fern including sons, Daniel (Amy) Dickey and Donald (Penny) Dickey; his daughters, Evelyn (Bob) Howard and Linda (Jim) Seiberling; his step-daughters from his union with Grace, Sharon (Paul) Kool and Barbara (David) Muenks; his grandchildren, Melissa, Michael (Hannah), Thaddeus, Elizabeth, Abigail, David, Laura, Jeremy, Katie, Jonathan, Eric, Julianne (David); his step grandchildren, Julie (Reggie), Brian, Deborah (Todd), Jacqueline (Tim), Marcella (Daryl); his great grandchildren, Kayden, Kolton, Arion, Elijah, Tristan, Meleinna; his step great grandchildren, Brandon, Kaci, Samantha, Benjamin, Ava, Laci, Matthew, Ashley; his brothers, Roy (Ann) Dickey, Roland (Rae Ellen) Dickey; his sisters, Daisy Enochs, Ruby (Larry) Crow and Violet Mallett. Funeral services will be held 1:00 p.m. Friday, February 10, 2012 at the Pence ~ Reese Funeral Home in Newton. The family will greet friends Thursday from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at the funeral home. Memorials may be designated to Jasper County Elderly Nutrition in Newton and may be left at the funeral home."

                6. Ronald L Dickey was born abt 1937 in Kansas.

                7. Violet L Dickey was born abt 1939 in Kansas.

              ii. Vivian Viola Mae Mathews was born on 21 Oct 1900 in Missouri. She married Elmer Burnett (1892-1973). She died in Jan 1978 in Fort Dodge, Ford, Kansas. They had the following children:

                1. Kenneth Lynn Burnett was born on 6 Feb 1927 in Mead, Mead, Kansas. He served in the Navy, and married Leversia Joe Moore (b. 1938). He died on 8 May 2006 in Independence, Missouri. Their children:

                  a. Karl Lee Burnett (1960-1960).

                2. Vida M Burnett was born abt 1929 in Colorado and married (?) North.

                3. Wilma E Burnett was born on 7 Dec 1930 in Kansas. She married Dwight Pitzer (1924-1990). She died on 4 Oct 2007 in Larned, Pawnee, Kansas. "LARNED - Wilma E. Pitzer, 76, of Larned died Thursday, Oct. 4, 2007, at St. Joseph Memorial Hospital at Larned. She was born Dec. 7, 1930, at Liberal to Elmer and Vivian M. (Matthews) Burnett. She was an upholsterer and homemaker. She married Dwight Pitzer on June 3, 1973, at Meade. He preceded her in death Dec. 8, 1990. Survivors include a brother, Robert Burnett of Galesburg; and two sisters, Vida North of Parsons and Lavera Beard of Belpre. A graveside service will be at 2 p.m. Monday at Graceland Cemetery at Meade. The family will receive friends from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Monday at Morell Funeral Home at Larned."

                4. Avis Marie Burnett (1932-1934).

                5. Lowell M Burnett was born on 5 Jan 1935 in Kansas. He served in the Air Force. He died on 18 May 2004 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

                6. Robert L Burnett was born on 5 Jan 1935 in Kansas. He died in Sep 2008 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

                7. Lavera E Burnett was born on 4 Mar 1939. She married (1) ? Lawrence then (2) ? Beard in Kansas.

              iii. Theodore W Mathews was born abt 1903 in Missouri and married Ellen M (b. 1904. They had the following children:

                1. Theodore Mathews Junior (b. 1935).

                2. Margaret Mathews (b. 1939).

              iv. Maple Farlin Mathews was born abt 1907 in St Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri.

              v. Elberta (Alverta) Ivy Mathews was born on 17 Jul 1909 and married Cecil E Nevitt. She died due to a skull fracture at the age of 33, from a fall at her Kansas City home on 10 Nov 1942. She is buried at Alta Vista Cemetery in Alta Vista, Daviess County, Missouri.

              vi. Earnest Leroy Mathews was born on 3 May 1916 in Kansas and married Viola Irene. He died in Nov 1975.

            d. Lucy Marie Mathews (1875-1957) Rev John King Book 3521 page 43: "Lucy Marie Mathews, b. 11 Nov 1875, Chemung co., N.Y., d. (no date listed). Lived in Mound City & Oregon, Mo., m. William Crum Smallwood 19 Aug 1896." Their children:

              i. Winifred R Smallwood was born on 16 Jun 1897 in Oregon, Holt, Missouri. She died on 08 Apr 1910 in Excelsior Springs, Clay, Missouri, at the age of 12.

              ii. David William Smallwood was born on 10 Nov 1899 in Oregon, Holt, Missouri. He married Lucille Shouse (b. 1902) and they had:

                1. Jeanne Marie Smallwood was born in 1923 in Missouri. On 8 Jun 1947 she married Edward Thornton (1921-2011) in Jackson, Independence, Missouri. "Independence, MO—Edward L. Thornton, 89, of Independence, Missouri, passed away, Sunday, September 4, 2011, at Manor Care of Overland Park. Services will be at 11 a.m., Friday, September 9, 2011, at the Carson-Speaks Chapel, 1501 W. Lexington Avenue, Independence, MO 64052. Burial will follow in Mt. Washington Cemetery. The family will greet friends from 10 a.m., until service time Friday at the chapel. Donations may be made, in his name, to the organization of the donor's choice. Edward was born September 25, 1921, in Kansas City, Missouri, to Silas and Elva (Graves) Thornton and has been a lifelong area resident. He worked for over 30 years as a manager for Lake City Ammunition Plant until his retirement. He enjoyed fly-fishing, coaching boys' baseball. He was an avid hunter and musician and enjoyed a good joke. He was a member of the Rockwood Baptist Church, the Masonic Lodge #614 and the DAV. In his early life, he worked for the Civil Conservation Corp. He proudly served in the US Coast Guard during WWII. He was married to Jeanne (Smallwood) on June 3, 1947; She preceded him in death on March 1, 2007. Survivors include: a daughter, Janice McIntyre and husband, James Guglielmino, of Kansas City, KS; a son, Dennis D. Thornton of Overland Park, KS; a sister, Elizabeth Good of Tucson, AZ; and a granddaughter, Amy Thornton, of Lawrence, KS."

              iii. Mabel Emily Smallwood was born on 26 Nov 1902 in Oregon, Holt, Missouri. On 7 Apr 1925 she married Raymond Foley (1904-1970). She died on 03 Jun 1989 in Kansas City, Clay, Missour. Their children:

                1. Billy Foley was born in 1926 in Missouri.

              iv. Paul Smallwood was born abt 1916 in Missouri. He was still single and living in the family home for the 1940 census (age 24).

            e. Malcolm William Aaron Mathews was born on 17 Jul 1878 in New York. He married Carmen E Rogers in Lenawee, Michigan. He died on 15 Oct 1957.

          5. Richard Mathews was born abt 1843 in New York.

          6. Jane ("Elizabeth" in the 1850 census, but Jane thereafter) Mathews was born in 1845 in in Big Flats, Chemung, New York.

          7. Mary Mathews was born abt 1848 in in Big Flats, Chemung, New York.

          8. Leroy Mathews was born between 1850 and 1852 in New York.

          Elvin Peter Mathews (b. 1855) and Linda Mary Sarrin (1860-1930)
          9. Elvin Peter Mathews was born on 4 Jul 1855 in Big Flats, Chemung, New York. On 30 Apr 1878, he married Linda Mary Sarrin (1860-1930) in New York. Sometime between 1880 and 1900, they moved to Lincoln, Oklahoma. He died on 16 Feb 1932. They raised the following children:

            i. Grace Mathews was born abt 1879 in New York.

            ii. Katie Mathews was born abt 1880 in New York.

            iii. Jesse Logan Mathews was born on 9 Feb 1887 in Kansas. He married Cora Hazel Mullinix (15 Apr 1889 - 15 Jun 1972). He died in Dec 1971 in Fairview, Major, Oklahoma. He drove a 1948 green Dodge that he brush-painted himself. His descendants inherited that car and drove it to Texas when he died. Jesse and Cora had the following children:

              1. Alva Laverne "Buck" Mathews was born on 7 Feb 1909 in Oklahoma. He died in Oct 1979 in Fairview, Major, Oklahoma.

            iv. Elcie Mathews was born on 26 Jul 1890 in Cowley County, Kansas. She died on 04 Apr 1974 in Seminole, Seminole County, Oklahoma.

        VI. Frances Jane Hause/Hayes was born on 1 Jan 1842 in Baxter, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. In 1858 she married (1) William Henry Lambert (1831-1864), who fought as a Union soldier during the Civil War and died from wounds received at the Battle of Pleasant Hill in Sabine Parish, Louisiana. They had the following children:

          1. Charles A Lambert was born on 19 Jul 1859 in Brookville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He married Harriet Zaner (1861-1945). He died on 14 Sep 1921 in Buffalo, Erie County, New York, and is buried at Forest Lawn in Buffalo, Erie County, New York, in Section 29, Space 2117. They had a son:

            a. Charles Enoch Lambert was born on 7 Jan 1896 in Port Allegany, McKean County, Pennsylvania. He was a sergeant during World War I for the American Expeditionary Forces in France, and died on 2 Nov 1918 in Briquenay, Departement des Ardennes, Champagne-Ardenne, France; His unit was operating in the vicinity of Briquenay when he died of wounds/disease. He is buried at Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery and Memorial in Romagne-sous-Montfaucon, Departement de la Meuse, Lorraine, France; in Plot C, Row 15, Grave 39.

          2. Sayers Nathan Lambert (1861-1943). His grandmother, Elizabeth West Osman, died while visting him: Obituary from the Jeffersonian Democrat Newspaper, Thursday, February 17, 1896: "Death of Mother Osman: Mrs. Elizabeth Osman died at the home of her grandson, Sayers Lambert, on Thursday of last week, February 20, 1896, of paralysis, aged about 85 years. For some time she had lived with her eldest son, Jas. D. Hayes, near Simpson's mill. Nearly four weeks before her death she came up to Brookville on a visit to her children and grandchildren here. While at Sayers Lambert's she was stricken with paralysis and lived only three days. Her funeral was on Saturday, interment being in the new cemetery. She leaves three children, James D. Hayes, Joseph Osman, and Mrs. Lafayete Burge. She lived in Brookville fifty years or more."

          3. James H Lambert (1863-1940).

        After her first husband's death during the Civil War, Frances Jane then married (2) Lafayette Burge (1840-1906). Frances Jane died on 21 Aug 1908 in Brookville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, and is buried at Brookville Cemetery in Brookville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. She and Lafayette had the following children:

          4. Bessie E Burge (Pells, 1870-1932).

          5. Bertha Letha Burge (Bender, 1873-1949).

          6. Margaret Burge (Vasbinder, 1875-1962).

          7. William Burkett Burge (b. 1878).

        VII. James Dowling Hause/Hayes was born on 10 Sep 1843 in Baxter, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania to Simon Hayes/Simeon Hause and Elizabeth West. He married (1) Mary Jane "Jennie" Hildebrand, in 1869. She died 22 Aug 1884. He married (2) Clara Elizabeth Slagle, on June 13, 1886, in Brookville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. He died on 6 Jan 1912 in Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, and was buried at Brookville Cemetery in Brookville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania. Obituary from The Jeffersonian Democrat, (Vol. 35, No. 2) Thursday, January 11, 1912: "Death of James D. Hayes: James D. Hayes, who resided in Rose Township, close to the Brookville borough line, died at his home last Saturday evening, January 6, 1912 between 5 and 6 o`clock. He had been ill and confined to his home for more than a year. Five years before his death he had an attack of paralysis. About two years ago he had a second attack, and last Friday evening he had a third attack, which caused his death Saturday evening. He was born in Dowlingville, now Baxter, four miles below Brookville, on Redbank Creek, on September 10, 1843. When he was a boy the family moved to Brookville, and Mr. Hayes lived practically all his life in or near Brookville. In August of 1869, he was married to Miss Jane Hildebrand. To them were born seven or eight children, six of whom are living, four sons and two daughters as follows: J. W. and L. G. Hayes of Brookville; Parker H. of Punxsutawney; Fred S. of Greensburg; Mrs. M. Knarr, of Lock Haven; and Mrs. Harry Pearsall, of Utica, Ohio. All the children were home for the funeral. In addition to these six children there are eight grandchilden. He was married at the time to Miss Clara E. Slagle, who now survives him. Deceased served six months during the Civil War, in the second Battalion of Pa. infantry, being mustered out with the organization. His funeral was Wednesday afternoon. Religious services were held at the home, conducted by Rev. Mr. Irving, pastor of the Brookville Baptist Church. Interment was made in the Brookville Cemetery. His funeral was attended by a detail from E. R. Brady Post, of which he had been a member for a number of years. We knew James D. Hayes for many years. He was an honest, industrious man, and a good citizen."

    6. William E. HAUSE Jr. was born on 22 November 1781 in Warwick, Orange County, New York. He married Esther Sanford (1785-1850) on 7 Apr 1804. Soon after marrying, Esther and William moved with his parents to Wayne, Steuben County, New York, near Esther's uncle, Rev. Ephraim Sanford, who had moved to Wayne in 1793 and was the leading Baptist Minister in Steuben and Allegany Counties. On April 16, 1822, William Jr. helped found the town of Tyrone, along with brothers Joseph and Morris Fant, and lived next door to his sister, Sarah, and brother-in-law, William Harris.
         William Hause, Jr., died on the 2nd of January in 1825 in Tyrone Township, Steuben County, New York (Bath County Surrogates Office, Book 2, Page 16), and was buried on Hause Hill (his stone is gone, having crumbled away with time, along with his mother's and father's).
         After William died, Esther followed some of her children to Michigan and died on 16 August 1850 in Reading Township, aged 64 years, 11 months. Interestingly, Esther's last name on the stone is spelled "Hawes," not Hause. She's buried in the North Reading Cemetery, Reading, Hillsdale County, Michigan (Plot: Row 1).
         William and Esther had at ten children and dozens of grandchildren, 17 of whom served the Union cause in the Civil War (four were wounded, one died). Their children were:

        I. Sanford Hause was born on 7 May 1805 in Tyrone, Ovid Township, Seneca County, New York. He died on 15 February 1885 in Ridgeway Township, Lenawee County, Michigan. Sanford married Lydia Swarthout on November 20, 1824 in Steuben County, New York. She was born May 31, 1808 in Tyrone, Steuben County, New York or Seneca County, New York and died July 12, 1890 in Ridgeway Township Lenawee County, Michigan. According to census records Sanford was living in Macon Township, Lenawee County, Michigan in 1840, and Ridgeway Township, Lenawee County, Michigan in 1850 and 1854. According to Michigan land records: bought 78.92 acres in Township 5S & Range 5E at Detroit, Michigan Land Office. Sanford moved to Michigan about 1835. He owned a Tavern where people could lodge for the night. He was also a charter member of the First Christian Church of Ridgeway and a Township Supervisor for many years.

          1. Hannah Hause (1826-1866).

          2. Jacob A Hause was born in 1828 in Seneca, New York. He married Martha (1835-1862) and had five children, listed below. He died in May 1904 in Washtenaw, Michigan.

            a. Amanda Hause.

            b. George Hause.

            c. Martha Hause.

            d. Curtis Hause (b. 1857).

            e. Frank Hause (b. 1859).

          William Hause (1830-1918) with family members in 1912. Left to right: Clifford, Ruth, Irene, Vena Ada, William and Ella Hause. Ella is William's dauther, while the other children are grandchildren.

          3. William Hause, b. 9 May 1830 in Seneca, New York; d. 6 Jun 1918 in Elk Rapids, Antrim, Michigan. OBITUARY: The Elk Rapids Progress, Thursday, June 18, 1918, page 1: William Hause, A Pioneer of the Region Passes On. "William Hause, one of Elk Rapids long Time residents and gentle and kindly old men, passes on to the higher life, Thursday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fuller. He had been gradually growing more and more feeble; quietly faring down the western slope of a long life until he peacefully slipped into the silence in the quiet of the evening hour. Mr. Hause was eighty eight years of age. More than fifty years he lived in Elk Rapids and its vicinity and was known by all the early residents of the village. He had been blind during the last three years. He leaves 2 daughters, Mrs. William Fuller and Mrs. Ella Parks, both of Elk Rapids as well as two sons, Charles of this village and Reuben of Lansing. The funeral was held Saturday at the home of Fuller. Rev. Priestly of Kewadin officiating and internment was made in Maple Grove beside his wife who passed on many years ago." He married Nancy Paddock (1836-1875) and they had the following children:

            a. Mary Augusta Hause was born on 8 Oct 1855. She died in 1860.

            b. Ella Ann Hause was born on 28 Aug 1858, and died before 1860.

            Eva Hause-Fuller (1859-1941)

            c. Eva Hause was born on 22 Oct 1859 in Michigan. She died in 1941. Obituary in the Elk Rapids Progress, 4 Feb 1941: "Mrs. Thomas Fuller Passed Away Monday. Mrs. Thomas Fuller passed away at her home here early Monday morning, after a long, long illness. Eva Locelia Hause was born October 22, 1859 at Tecumseh, Mich. She was united in marriage to Thomas Fuller, December 5th, 1888, at Ironton, Mich. They came to Elk Rapids in 1889. She was a member of the Methodist Church which she faithfully attended as long as she was able. Her son, some time ago secured for her a radio with ear phones with which she took great comfort since her hearing was affected. At one time Mrs. Fuller's father William Hause operated a store at Clam River and later they had a hotel in Alden. She leaves to mourn her passing one son, Leroy Fuller, U.S. Assistant Steamboat Inspector, of Milwaukee, Wis., also one sister, Mrs. Ella Parks, now of Belding, Mich., and one brother, Reuben Hause of Elk Rapids. Funeral services will be held in the Dockery Funeral Home Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. with burial in Maple Grove Cemetery. Rev G. W. Atkins, pastor of the Presbyterian Church here, will officiate." Eva married Thomas Fuller (b. 1853) and they had a son:

              i. Leroy A Fuller. Birth 11 Jan 1890 in Elk Rapids, Antrim, Michigan. Death: 16 Apr 1947 in Ludington, Mason, Michigan. OBITUARY: 18 Apr 1947 Friday: "Funeral services for LeRoy A. Fuller 57, liteutenant commander, USCG, who died Wednesday morning at Paulina Sterns Hosepital, Ludington, following a brief illnes. Will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 from the Elk Rapids Presbyterian church. The body was brought to the Dockery Funeral Home, where it will lie in state until the time of service. Burial will be made in Maple Grove cemetery, Elk Rapids. Rev. G.W. Atkinson will read the service, Pallbearers will be the fellow workers from his office in Ludington. He was born January 11, 1890 in Elk Rapids, and spent his early life there. When WWI broke out he joined the army, spending several months in France. For eighteen years following his return to this country, he sailed on the Great Lakes. Ten years of that time he served as chief engineer. In 1935, he entered the steamboat inspection service at the u.S. Department of Commerce as a boat inspector. In 1943 he was commissioned a lieutenant commander in the Coastguard, stationed in Ludington as a senior boiler inspector of the Ludington district.In 1942 he was married to Miss Mabel, Atkinson, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Atkinson of Elk Rapids and the couple went to live in Milwaukee from which place he was transferred to the Ludington district. He was a member of the first Presbyterian church in Elk Rapids, and of the Masonic and Knights of Pythias Lodges, also of Elk Rapids. Left to mourn their loss, besides the widow are two chidlren a son, David, a daughter Jane, and a large circle of friends." He married Mabel Atkinson and had two children:

                1. David Fuller

                2. Jane Fuller.

            d. Eria Hause (1860-1861).

            e. Martha Luella Hause (2 Sep 1861 - Apr 1948), married Elvin G. Parks (1860-1897). "EAU CLAIRE, April 8—Mrs. Luella Parks, 87, a resident of this area for the past two years, died at 2:30 p. m. Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alvin Aubill. Born Sept. 2 1861, she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hause. She had spent most of her life in the vicinity of Elk Rapids, Michigan. Surviving are the daughter; son, Reuben Parks of East St. Louis. III.; eight grandchildren, and seven great grandchildren. The body will be taken from the Bowerman funeral home here Saturday morning to Elk Rapids, where funeral services will be conducted at 1 p. m. Saturday. Buri al will be in Elk Rapids." (News Palladium of Benton Harbor, 8 Apr 1949 - page 19). She had the following children:

              i. Reuben Elvin Parks was born on 2 May 1891 in Michigan. He married Ruth E (b. 1893). He died in Aug 1977 in Belleville, Saint Clair, Illinois. His children:

                1. Eileen E Parks (b. 1917).

                Marshall Miller Parks, M.D. (1918-2005)
                "The Father of Pediatric Ophthalmology"
                2. Marshall Miller Parks (6 Jul 1918 - 25 Jul 2005) was an American ophthalmologist known as "the father of pediatric ophthalmology".
                   Parks was born in Old Mission, Michigan to Ruth and Reuben Parks. In 1939, he earned a BS from Illinois College and in 1943 graduated from the Saint Louis University School of Medicine. His success in medical school gained him induction into Alpha Omega Alpha Society.
                   During World War II, Parks served as a medical officer on destroyers in the United States Navy, including the USS Gamble and USS Terror during the battle of Iwo Jima.
                   Parks studied under the guidance of Frank D. Costenbader, the first ophthalmologist to dedicate his practice solely to the care of children. At Children's Hospital in Washington, D.C., now known as the Children's National Medical Center, they began the first ophthalmology fellowship training program of any subspecialty. This evolved from the rotation of Heed Fellowship ophthalmologists who had trained with Costenbader for many years. The first Children's Hospital of Washington fellow was Leonard Apt in 1959.
                   Parks' scientific contributions include:

                • Elucidation of monofixation syndrome
                • Description and refinement of numerous eye muscle surgical techniques, particularly the fornix incision approach to strabismus surgery
                • Recognition of the benefits of very early strabismus correction (by age 1 year)
                • Innovation in surgical techniques for pediatric cataracts
                   From 1974 to 1975, Parks was the first president of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, a professional association of which he was a founding member. In 1982, he was president of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
                • Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology at the Washington Hospital Center and the ChildrenÕs National Medical Center
                • Founder, President and Chairman of the Board, National Children's Eye Care Foundation
                • Director and Chairman, American Board of Ophthalmology
                • Director and Chairman of the Board, The Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology
                • Advisory Council for Ophthalmic Surgery of the American College of Surgeons
                • Chairman, Scientific Committee of the Retina Foundation of the Southwest
                • Founder of the Costenbader Society
                • Recipient of the Lucien Howe Medal from the American Academy of Ophthalmology
                • Senior Honor Award from the American Academy of Ophthalmology
                • Life Achievement Award and the Laureate Recognition Award 2004 from the American Academy of Ophthalmology
                • Superior Public Service Award from the US Naval Department
                • John Carroll Society Medal
                • Best Ophthalmologist in America award from Ophthalmology Times
                • Leadership Award from The National Eye Care Foundation
                • Leslie Dana Gold Medal from the St. Louis Society for the Blind
                • Induction into the Knights of Malta
                • Vicennial Medal from Georgetown University
                • Arthur Linksz Award from the International Strabismological Society
                • Professional Service Award, the Society for the Prevention of Blindness

                   Perhaps Parks' greatest legacy are the 160 fellows he trained in pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus. Many of these former fellows have gone on to leadership positions within the field themselves.Dr. Kenneth Wright, a former Parks fellow and current Director of Pediatric Ophthalmology Research and Education at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, published a tribute to Dr. Parks in the medical text Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus, calling him "the driving force that has led to the development and maturation of our specialty, pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus."
                   He travelled extensively, leading opthalmologic seminars worldwide, and was a pioneer in enhancing opthalmologic practice in the Eastern block, especially in the Soviet Union, during the thaw in relations between the Eastern Bloc and the United States. One story he told was of being allowed to use a secret subway tunnel between East and West Berlin to travel between the two zones to avoid the checkpoints. He was a patriot and loyal American.
                   Parks and his late wife, Angeline Miller Parks, raised eleven children. Following the death of his first wife, Parks and Martha McSteen Parks married and resided in Washington, D.C. for 14 years prior to his death.
                   Parks, Marshall Miller, M.D." New York Times. July 29, 2005. "PARKS--Marshall Miller, M.D., of Washington, DC, on July 27, 2005. Beloved husband of Martha McSteen Parks and the late Angeline Miller Parks. Devoted father of Gwendolyn Parks, Ann Napp, John Parks, Grace Mitchell, James Parks, Mark Parks, Mary Heersink, Paul Parks, Philip Parks, Joan Whitlow and the late Peter Parks. Dear brother of his late twin Elvin, Patricia, Marion and Eileen. He is also survived by 25 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. Relatives and friends are invited to call at Joseph Gawler's Sons, Inc., 5130 Wisconsin Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20016 on Friday, July 29th, 2005 from 5-8 PM. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at St. Mathew's Cathedral, 1725 Rhode Island, N.W., Washington DC 20036 on Saturday, July 30, 2005 at 9:30 AM. Interment private. Memorial contributions may be made in his name to the Children's Eye Foundation, 655 Beach St., San Francisco, CA 94109-1336."

                3. Marion E Parks (b. 1923).

                4. Patricia R Parks 1927.

              ii. Eva Agnes Parks (1893-1977) married Alvin William Aubill (1890-1980). "Berrien Springs: Mrs. Alvin (Eva Agnes) Aubill, 83 of 437 W. Ferry Street, Berrien Springs, formerly of Eau Claire, died at 3:45 p.m. Thursday in Berrien General hospital, Berrien Center. She was born Sept. 18, 1893 in Elk Rapids, Mich. Surviving besides her husband are two sons, Jack , Berrien Springs and George of Camarillo, California, two daughters, Mrs. Frank (Audrey) Simanton, Watervliet, Mrs. Fred (Marylou) Chambliss, Bradford, Ark,; a brother, Reuben Parkes, St. Louis, Ill., and nine grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 5 p.m. Sunday in the Bowerman funeral home. Eau Claire, where friends may call after 11 a.m. Saturday. Graveside rites will be held at 1 p.m. Monday in the mausoleum of river Ridge Cemetery, Belding, Mich." (Herald Palladuim, Benton Harbor, MI, March 11, 1977 p. 12)

            Charles Sanford Hause (1870-1931)

            f. Charles Sandford Hause was born on 16 Oct 1870 in Antrim, Michigan. By 1920 he lived with his widowed sister at Elk Rapids, but the town's industrial operations had all ceased by 1916, leaving the town economically depressed. Still the surrounding area was rich in wildlife, becoming a sportsman's paradise: rolling high lands in the Northern end is mainly forests, lakes and wetlands, ideal for hunting and fishing, and Charles remained. He died on 31 Mar 1931 and is buried at Maple Grove Cemetery in Elk Rapids, Antrim County, Michigan; Plot 396.

            g. Reuben William Hause was born on 1 May 1873 in Alden, Antrim, Michigan. He died on 26 Jul 1955 in Elk Rapids, Antrim, Michigan. He married Harriet Minnetta "Nettie" Hollenbeck (1874-1970), and they had the following children:

              i. Clifford Edward Hause was born on 19 Aug 1898 in Michigan. He fought in World War I, serving with the U.S. Army, then moved to Lansing in 1921. He married Nellie Gray Paddock (1899-1970), and they had 17 (!) grandchildren. He died at the Veteran's Hospital in Ann Arbor on 16 Apr 1964. He and Nellie had the following children:

                Carroll Hause & Family
                Carroll Nathaniel Hause (1920-1997)
                1. The glamorous World War II flyboy at right is Carroll Nathaniel Hause, who was born on 3 Jul 1920 in Lansing, Michigan. He was a toolman and machinist before enlisting as a pilot in the Air Force, serving as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Air Corps during the war, then remaining in the reserves until honorably discharged in 1957. He then worked as a senior auditor with General Motors (Oldsmobile) until 1980, when he retired and began spending his winters golfing and fishing in Texas. He died on 3 Oct 1997 in Kalkaska, Michigan. Carroll married Leona Frances Smith (1925-2015). He's buried at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens, De Witt, Clinton County, Michigan.

                2. Bethany Stella Hause was born on 12 Sep 1921 in Lansing, Ingham, Michigan, and died on 31 Mar 2018 in Lansing, Ingham County, Michigan. "Bethany Stella (Scripter) Potter, age 96 of Laingsburg, passed away Saturday, March 31, 2018 at Hazel Findlay Country Manor. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, April 14, 2018 at 1pm at the Laingsburg United Methodist Church, Pastor Brian West will officiate with burial to follow in the Laingsburg Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the church from 12-noon, until the service. Bethany was born on September 19, 1921 in Lansing, Michigan to the late Clifford and Nellie (Paddock) Hause. She married James Scripter in 1940 and together raised four children. Bethany and James owned Scripto Manufacturing in Laingsburg for many years. She also spent time as a bookkeeper at Lansing General Hospital and the State of Michigan. She was a very talented seamstress, she sewed for many family members and also made the dresses and vests for the Laingsburg Centennial celebration. After James passed away, Bethany married William Potter in 1979. Bethany spent the last 29 years wintering in Apache Junction, Arizona. During her time there she knitted, crocheted afghans, and did counter cross-stitch pictures which have been beautifully matted and framed. She loved doing her daily crossword puzzles, which she accomplished with ease. Bethany is survived by her children; Janet (Byron) Wright of DeWitt, Raenell (Tom) Wilson of St. Johns, and Rodney (Ann) Scripter of Laingsburg. Her brothers; Bill (Jan) Hause of Holt, and Tom (Maggi) Hause of Coolidge, AZ. also her sister in-law Beverly, ten grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren, four step-grandchildren, two step-great-grandchildren, and a stepson, William (Jeannette) Potter Jr. of Florida. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husbands James and William, her son Gary, grandson, Rodney II, her brothers; Carroll, Jack, James, and Jerry Hause, her sister Colleen Page, and her step-daughter, Sharon Culver. The family would like to thank Jackie and Mary of Great Lakes Hospice, also Tina and the staff of Hazel Findley for the excellent care that they provided. Memorial donations are suggested to the Laingsburg United Methodist Church or the American Cancer Society."

                3. Willis Leonard "Jack" Hause (1922-2005) married Florence Louise Garey on 26 Jan 1947 Lansing, Ingham, Michigan, and they had the following children: James, Kay and Sue. Record Eagle, 3 Jan 2004: "TRAVERSE CITY - Willis L. 'Jack' Hause, 81, passed away peacefully on Dec. 30, 2003, at home, with his loving wife, Donna, by his side. Jack was born the third child of Clifford and Nelly Hause on Dec. 17, 1922. In January of 1943, he voluntarily enlisted in the United States Army Air-Corps, where he served during World War II as an airplane mechanic based in India. After serving his country, he retired from the Chrysler Proving Grounds after 23 years of service as a test-driver/mechanic. After retirement, he lived out his dream of living in a 'cabin' on Spider Lake, where he enjoyed seventeen years of boating, fishing, and entertaining both family and friends. He volunteered at Munson Medical Center for several years, where he dutifully spent two eight-hour days weekly. Jack also helped build homes for Habitat for Humanity and cheerfully gave a helping hand to all. As a Christian, he was an active member of the Faith Reformed Church for many years, and was baptized in Rennie Lake. Above all, Jack was a lover of life and enjoyed living it to the fullest. Although Jack and his wife Donna spent several winters in Arizona, Jack couldn't wait to get back to his 'cabin'. During the last five years of his life he gracefully tolerated living in a wheelchair. Along with his loving wife, Donna, he is also survived by his brothers, Bill, Jerry, and Tom; one sister, Betty Potter; two daughters, Kay (George) Brown and Sue (Mike) Shirkey; one son, James (Sue) Hause; one stepson, David (Linda Lintner); and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, whom he cherished dearly. He was preceeded in death by his parents; two brothers, Carroll Hause and Jim Hause; his sister, Colleen Paige; and a stepson, Robert Lintner. Friends may call at the Reynolds-Jonkhoff Funeral Home in Traverse City on Sunday evening, Jan. 4, 2004, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Services will be held at the funeral home on Monday, Jan. 5, 2004, at 1 p.m. The Rev. Philip Noordmans will be officiating."

                4. James Reuben Hause "Age 73. My mentor, teacher, and unmovable pillar of integrity, passed away on Wednesday, March 4, 1998 in Pensacola, FL. He was born October 31, 1924 in Lansing, and was a resident of the Holt area for most of his life. He was a Veteran of World War II, serving in the United States Army as a surgical technician. He was active as a volunteer for St. Jude Hospital in Memphis, TN, and was a current member of the American Legion. He was an avid golfer and handy-man; and was a former member of the Holt Kiwannis Club, Lansing Lodge #288, L.O.O. Moose, and of Old Higgins Post #3727, V.F.W. He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Carroll. Survivors are: his wife of 51 years, Beverly; son, Christopher (Tina) Hause of Holt; sisters, Betty (Bill) Potter of Laingsburg, Colleen (Cliff) Page of Morrice; brothers, Jack (Donna) of Kalaska, Bill (Jan) Hause of Holt, Tom Hause of Lansing, Jerry Hause of Eaton Rapids; sister-in-law, Viola Hause of Kalaska; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be conducted by the Rev. Dr. Jeffrey D. Weenink of the First Presbyterian Church of Holt at 11:30 a.m., Tuesday, March 10, 1998 at the Estes-Leadley Holt/Delhi Chapel, with interment in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens."

              ii. Ada Hause was born on 28 Feb 1901 in Elk Rapids, Antrim, Michigan. On 5 Mar 1919 she married Dorr Farr (1897-1955). She died on 8 Jan 1989 in Big Rapids, Mecosta, Michigan. Her children:

                1. Marguerite Bernadine Farr (1920-2011).

                2. Gale Keith Farr (1921-2009).

                3. Trevor William Farr (1926-1994).

              iii. Vena Hause was born on 31 Aug 1904 in Michigan. She married (1) Ries and (2) Elmer Weinert (1905-1968). She died on 12 Sep 1998 in Niceville, Okaloosa, Florida.

              iv. Ruth E Hause (b. 1904) married Avery Ben Waite (1900-1955). They had the following children:

                1. Donald A Waite (b. 1923).

                2. Delora V Waite (b. 1928).

              v. Irene Luella Hause was born on 2 Oct 1907 in Michigan. She married Clare Sitts (b. 1909). She died on 26 Nov 1957 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. "Sitts, Mrs. Irene Luella Hawthorne, California Age 50, died Tuesday, Nov. 26, 1957 at a Los Angeles hospital, following a short illness. Mrs. Sitts was a former resident of Lansing, and had been a resident of California for the past 4 years. Surviving are her mother, Mrs. W. R. Hause of Holt; 1 brother, Clifford E. Hause of Holt; 2 sisters, Mrs. Vena Ries of Florida and Mrs. Ada Farr of Holt; several nieces and nephews. Funeral arrangements are being made at the palmer-Bush funeral home and will be announced later." (The Lansing State Journal, Lansing, Michigan. 1 Dec 1957, pg. 75)

              Reuben William Hause (1883-1955) with his family.

            h. George Lewis Hause was born on 17 May 1877 in Milton, Antrim, Michigan. He died several days later, on 21 May 1877.

          4. Martha Esther Hause was born on 21 Sep 1834 in Ridgeway, Lenawee, Michigan. On 17 Jan 1851 she married David Irvin Coryell (1828-1901) in Britton, Lenawee, Michigan. She died on 18 May 1886 in Ridgeway, Lenawee, Michigan. Her children:

            a. Ida Coryell (1855-1857).

            b. Lydia E Coryell was born on 12 Oct 1857 in Lenawee, Michigan. In 1875 she married John J Houseman (1849-1940). She died on 18 May 1916 in St Johns, Clinton, Michigan.

              i. David C Houseman was born on 15 May 1876 in Michigan. He married Ethel C. Sevy (1884-1968). He died in 1957 in St Johns, Clinton, Michigan. Their children:

                1. Glenn Houseman was born in 1903. On 16 Aug 1924 he married Ila Fae Davey (1908-1990) in St. Johns, Clinton, Michigan.

                2. Robert Houseman was born on 11 August 1905 in Michigan. He married Vivian F (b. 1914). He died on 12 April 1978 in Lansing, Ingham Co., Michigan.

                3. John M. Houseman was born on 31 Jan 1907 in Michigan. He married Agnes M (b. 1913). John died on 8 Nov 1991 in Newberry, Luce Co., Michigan. Their children:

                  a. David C Houseman (b. 1934).

                  b. Russell T Houseman (b. 1936).

                  c. Patricia L Houseman (b. 1938).

                  d. John L Houseman (b. 1939).

                4. Lyle E. Houseman was born on 8 Oct 1909 in Michigan. He married Annette (b. 1911). He died on 6 April 1972 in Carson City, Montcalm, Michigan.

                5. Lula Eleanor Houseman was born on 17 Jan 1912 in Michigan. She married James Leon Heathman (1911-1973). She died on 2 Jun 2003 in Mason, Ingham, Michigan. They had the following children:

                  a. James Allen Heathman was born in 1934. He was a Veteran-Mich SA U.S. Navy and died on 15 Jan 1954 in West of the Ashland, Medina Co., Line, Ohio.

                  b. Delores Jean Heathman was born on 27 Jun 1936 in Lansing, Ingham Co., Michigan. She died in 10 Apr 2001 in Mason, Ingham Co., Michigan.

                  c. Jack Leonard Heathman was born on 30 Jan 1939 in Lansing, Ingham Co., Michigan. He died on 24 Aug 2000 in Deer River, Itasca Co. Minnesota.

                6. Dorothy Margaret Houseman was born on 8 Jun 1914 in Clinton Co., Michigan. She married Wayne Harvey Carter (1914-1988).She died on 27 Oct 2002 in Okemos, Ingham, Michigan. Their children:

                  a. Richard W Carter was born on 29 Jun 1936 in Lansing, Ingham, Michigan. He died on 27 Oct 1991 in Lansing, Ingham, Michigan.

                7. Alice Houseman was born in 1917 in Michigan. She married (?) Atwood and had the following children:

                  a. Phillip L Atwood (b. 1937).

                  b. Ellen Louis Atwood (b. 1940).

                8. Kathryn E Houseman was born in 1922 in Michigan.

                9. Ilene M. Houseman was born on 17 Jul 1925 in Michigan. She married Rex B. Redman (1923-1968). She died on 9 Jul 2001 in Saint Johns, Clinton, Michigan. Her children:

                  a. Joel Patrick Redman was born on 19 Apr 1953 in St. Johns, Clinton Co., Michigan. He died on 24 Aug 1973 in Michigan.

                10. Irene Marie Houseman was born on 17 Jul 1925 in Essex, Clinton County, Michigan. She married Cecil Howard Henry (1920-1988). She died on 13 Mar 1971 in St Johns, Clinton County, Michigan. They had the following children:

                  a. Ted E Henry was born on 25 May 1953 in Michigan. He died on 7 Mar 1987 in Maple Rapids, Clinton Co, Michigan. "Ted E. Henry, 434 S. Oak St., Maple Rapids, died March 7, 1987 at his home. He was born in St. Johns on May 25, 1953, the son of Cecil and Irene (Houseman) Henry. He was a lumber inspector. Surviving are one son, Jacob Henry, and one daughter Andrea Henry both of Eaton Rapids, his father and step-mother, Cecil and Josephine Henry of Maple Rapids; two brothers, Charles Henry and Bill Henry, both of Maple Rapids, one sister Sue Ellen Henry of Alaska. Funeral services were held at the Abbott Chapel of the Osgood Funeral homes on March 12 with the Rev. Lyle Heaton officiating. Internment was made at Payne cemetery. Arrangements were made by Osgood funeral home."

              ii. Daniel Houseman was born in 1876 in Michigan.

              iii. Herbert "Burt" Houseman was born in Oct 1878 in Michigan. He married Millie (Nellie) Morton (1885-1924), then died before the 1920 census, leaving her to live with his father and raise:

                1. Thelma M Houseman was born in 1906 in Michigan. She married Frank Youdan (1895-1984). She died in 1927, without children.

              iv. Richard D Houseman was born on 22 Mar 1881 in Essex, Clinton, Michigan. He married Mary Jane Cornell (1880-1981). He died on 5 Aug. 1940 in St. Johns, Clinton Co., Michigan. They had the following children:

                1. Agnes Esther Houseman was born on 22 Apr 1906 in Freeland, Saginaw Co., Michigan. She died on 30 Nov 1955 in St Johns, Clinton, Michigan.

                2. Helen Alice Houseman was born on 14 Aug 1908 in Michigan.

              v. Martha Houseman was born in 1886 in Michigan.

              vi. Charles C (Coryell) Houseman was born on 10 May 1888 in Michigan. He married Laretoo (b. 1889) of California. He died in 1957 in St Johns, Clinton, Michigan.

              vii. Bera Dora Houseman was born in Jun 1893 in Michigan.

            c. Charlie Coryell (1863-1877).

            d. Aseneth Coryell (1866-1892).

            e. Linnie Coryell (1867-1892).

            f. Minnie M Coryell (b. 1874).

          Civil War Dentist
          Civil War Dentist Elmer Hause (b. 1834)
          5. The Reverend, Doctor and Dentist Elmer Bertrand Hause was born in 1834 in Ridgeway, Lenawee, Michigan. On 1 Jan 1856 he married Mary E Berger (1832-1910) and are buried at Brookside Cemetery in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan, Sec B. They had the following children:

            a. Eva Mary Hause was born on 25 Jan 1857 in Tecumseh, Lenawee County, Michigan. She married William Abel Satterly (1858-1941), who was an executive overseeing early streetcar transportation in Kansas City. She died on 5 May 1936 in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri. They had two children:

              i. William Bertrand Satterlee was born on 7 Mar 1886 in Missouri. He was the President of the Columbian Electrical Company (the same streetcar company as his dad) and married (1) Helen Nace (1892-1960) and (2) Katherine Fisher (1903-1969). He died on 22 Mar 1969 in Kansas City, and is buried with his parents at Forest Hill Cemetery in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri.

              ii. Mary Gertrude Satterlee was born on 4 Jan 1888 in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri. She married Ellery Miles Hetherington (1860-1951) and died on 27 Apr 1951 in Kansas City. They are buried at Forest Hill Cemetery in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri, Block 21.

            b. Elmer Bertrand Hause was born in 1863 in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan. In 1895, he married Elizabeth "Lizzie" Shiell (1866-1942) and they had a daughter, Margaret S. Hause, who was born in 1896 and died at the age of 20 on 8 May 1917 in Hennepin County, Minnesota. Elmer died on 27 Apr 1936 in Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and is buried with his wife and daughter at Lakewood Cemetery in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota.

            c. Gertrude Dora Hause was born on 10 Oct 1864 in Ridgeway, Lenawee, Michigan. On 10 Nov 1887 she married Arthur Rayner Pardington (1862-1915) in Tecumseh, Lenawee, Michigan. Arthur was the chief engineer and 2nd Vice President of The Long Island Motor Parkway, Inc., which oversaw the building and development of the parkway. He was also the Vice President and general manager of the Lincoln Highway Association and organized the Long Island Automobile Club. Gertrude died on 5 Jan 1894 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York. The New York Times from January 8, 1894, Wednesday, Page 4: "Mrs A. R. Pardington, wife of the Assistant Superintendent of the Seney Hospital, Brooklyn, died of heart failure Friday. Her body was taken yesterday to her former home, Tecumseh, Mich. for burial. Mrs. Pardington was twenty-nine years old. She had been married six years. she was a charitable woman, and was widely known among charitable societies in Brooklyn." Their children:

              i. Dorothy Gertrude Pardington was born on 17 Sep 1892 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York. Dorothy seems to have been under her extended family's charge after her father A. R. Pardington remarried. In 1900 she lived with her grandparents; then around 1910 she started boarding in Nyack, New York, where her uncle, the Rev. George Palmer Pardington, worked (there is still a lecture hall in his name), along with her first husband, Roger Roberts Thompson (b. 1893). They married on 30 Jan 1914 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. They had two children, then Dorothy remarried, to Walter Seymour (b. 1892). Her children:

                1. Jean Elizabeth Thompson was born on 18 Aug 1914. She had changed her last name to "Seymour" after her stepfather by the time of the 1930 census. On 10 Nov 1937 she married Iver Arnold Anderson (1908-1993) in Kings, New York. She died in Aug 2014 and is buried at Oak Hill Cemetery in Nyack, Rockland County, New York; Section K, east of Oak Ave.

                Dorothy Thompson Osbourne Jones Green (1915-1995)
                2. Dorothy Thompson was born on 18 Sep 1915 in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan. She married (1) William Sillman Osbourne (1903-1959), then (2) Abram Tillman "Tim" Jones (1906-1986), then outliving yet another husband married (3) Henry Duncan Green III (1910-1990). She died on 16 Aug 1995 in Miami-Dade County, Florida, and is buried with her daughter at Melwood Cemetery in Stone Mountain, DeKalb County, Georgia, Section 2 ~ Resurrection Gardens (Niche). Her daughter was...

                  a. Kerrie Rhoda Osborne was born on 6 Jul 1950 in Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland. She was an actress who married Ken Wiltsee and had two daughters, Katelyn and Kristina. She died on 18 Dec 1989 in Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, and is buried with her mother at Melwood Cemetery in Stone Mountain, DeKalb County, Georgia, Section 2 ~ Resurrection Gardens (Niche).

          6. Amanda Hause was born in 1839 in Ridgeway, Lenawee, Michigan. She died on 28 Feb 1855 in Ridgeway, Lenawee, Michigan.

          7. Simon Hause was born on 21 Dec 1841 in Lenawee, Michigan.

          Lyman Hause & Family
          Lyman Hause (1843-1910)
          8. Lyman E Hause (1843-1910) fought in Company F, 26th MI Infantry during the Civil War, served in NYC during the "draft riots," was present at the Appomattox Court House when CSA General Lee surrendered to US General Grant in 1865. Copied from Lenawee Co. records of 1888: "Lyman E. Hause, a prominent farmer and old resident of Ridgeway Township, resided on section 4, where he owns a fine property of eighty acres, which is known as the old Hause homestead. Mr. Hause became the owner of this property in 1878, since which time his skillful management has resulted in greatly improving it. Although incurring a considerable debt at the time of his purchase, his energy and industry will soon enable him to clear it of all encumbrance. Our subject was born where he now resides. Dec. 21, l841 and is the son of Sanford Hause, who was born and reared in Seneca County, N. Y., where he grew to manhood and selected Miss Lydia Swarthout for his companion in life. She had been reared in the same neighborhood, and surrounded by similar influences as her husband. The parents continued to reside on a farm in Seneca County until their household was increased by the birth of four children, when, feeling the necessity for better opportunities to use the limited means at their command, they decided to join the tide of emigration which was then setting toward Southern Michigan and which place accordingly became their home more than fifty years ago. The country was then in its primitive condition, and the settlement below the Ridge, in Ridgeway Township, had few inhabitants other than the wild game and animals which the settlers found there upon their arrival. This section was then very low and flat, being thought by many to have originally formed a part of Lake Erie. The land was exceedingly wet and muddy, so much so that it was known as 'the Muddy Swamp,' and was greatly dreaded by travelers. The elder Hause took up his home on this flat land, building himself a log hut on the principal road. When travel began to increase, he enlarged his original cabin and converted it into a public house, known in those times as a tavern, which he operated for some years successfully and gained the reputation of being a genial landlord. The muddy condition of the roads contributed to his prosperity, as it frequently necessitated delay on the part of travelers, and he kept many of his guests two nights. Travelers would get within a mile or so of the house, and leaving their wagons in the muddy road, would proceed to the tavern and put up, in order to give their worn-out teams a chance to recuperate. The next day they would not get very far on the other side of the hotel, and would return to the house and spend another night of comfort and good cheer. An incident told by one of the guests who stopped it this wayside inn will serve to illustrate the condition of the primitive roads in that section. The author of the story was a real Yankee, and some allowance should perhaps be made for the exercise of his imagination. As he was coming through the swamp, so he says, and was nearing the tavern, he saw a hat, as he supposed, lying on the ground. He reached down from his animal, which was sinking deep into the bog, to pick up the hat, but was told by a voice from under it to let it alone, as the wearer was all right, since he had a good horse under him. The meat supplied for Father Hause's guests consisted chiefly of venison. which was prepared by the landlord's faithful wife. Sanford Hause lived to a ripe old age, and died Feb. 15, 1885. He filled the office of Supervisor for several years, and was many times elected Justice of the Peace, being known for many years by the familiar name of 'Squire Hause'. He was a charter member of the First Christian Church of Ridgeway, of which his wife, who still survives, is a member, as was also her daughter, Mrs. Coryell, of Ridgeway, who is now deceased. The only opportunities for education which our subject enjoyed were those derived from the common schools of his neighborhood, enlarged by his own observation and a general reading of good books and periodicals. He was a soldier in the Iate war, having enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, in Company F. 26th Michigan Infantry, commanded by Capt. Saviers, which became a part of the Army of the Potomac. Company F, however, was detached and assigned to guard duty during the whole three years of service, at Alexandria. Va. Our subject thus saw little fighting, but was exposed to many physical dangers and hardships, from which he contracted a fever and other forms of disease, which have somewhat impaired his health. He was honorably discharged at Jackson, June 14,1865, and upon his return home he resumed his agricultural pursuits, in which he has been engaged ever since. Mr. Hause has been twice married. his first wife being Miss Emma Pocklington, to whom he was united Feb. 17, 1866, at Ida Station, Monroe Co., Mich. She was a native of Yorkshire, England, born about 1846, and when a mere child came to this country with her parents, who settled in Ridgeway Township, this county, where they are still living, on a pleasant little farm. By her union with our subject she became the mother of three children--William S., Irva and Emma--all of whom are still living at home. She died at the birth of the last child, Sept. 23, 1875. Mr. Hause was married a second time, to Miss Caroline Kniffen, who was born in Seneca County, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1839, and came to Lenawee County, Mich., with her parents while yet a child. She is the daughter of Isaac L. and Eliza (Fowle) Kniffen, who were married in Seneca County, the place of their birth. They came to Michigan in 1843, locating on a farm in Ridgeway Township, where the mother is still living at a good old age. She was deprived of her faithful partner in the year 1881. Both were charter members of the First Christian Church of Ridgeway. To Lyman and Caroline Hause one child has been born, a son, Clarence. Our subject and wife are active members and workers in the Christian Church, while in politics Mr. H. is a Prohibitionist." Children of Lyman and Emma Pocklington (1844-1875) were:

            a. William S Hause was born in 1867 in Lenawee, Michigan, and married Mary B. (b. 1873). He died on 10 May 1940 in Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan.

            b. Irving Levern Hause was born on 14 Oct 1872 in Michigan. He married Ella M Chapman (1872-1961) and had two sons, listed below. He died on 2 Jun 1957 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California.

              i. Frank Leroy Hause was born on 18 Aug 1895 in Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan, and served in the US Army during World War I, from 1 May 1917 to 25 Apr 1919 with Battery A, 102nd Field Artillery; He then married Gladys Mercedes Patterson (1901-1969) in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on 10 Oct 1920. They had a son:

                1. Warren Irving Hause was born on 17 Apr 1923 in Muscatine, Muscatine County, Iowa. He moved to Los Angeles as a child and resided in Long Beach and Seal Beach for many years, where he married Annabelle Cooley. Warren joined the Army Air Corps in the 1940's and was stationed in the Galapagos Islands, Panama and Arizona. He then worked for the U.S. Postal Service, where he sorted mail on overnight trains to Arizona and Mexico and at World Way Postal Center in LAX. He had a great interest in trains, local history, his cactus garden and building model airplanes and ships. He died on 6 May 2008 and is buried at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Cypress, Orange County, California, in Eternal Peace, Map 6, Lot 4342, Space 3.

                  a. Michael Brian Hause was born on 7 Sep 1954 at Seaside Hospital, Long Beach, CA. He attended Burcham, Marshall and Millikan (1972) schools, and then studied at Engine City Technical Institute (now Lincoln T.I.), in Union, N.J.. He was certified in diesel mechanics and worked in that field for many years. Later he was employed as a driver for large transportation companies that deliver goods throughout the country. He also transported cars for a drag racing team and served as its mechanic. Michael owned a home in Lakewood, CA, before moving to the East Coast. He enjoyed the outdoors, including hiking and motorcycle racing and was member of the El Dorado Archers. Michael passed away at his home in Thaxton, VA, on February 15, 2014. He was preceded in death by his father, Warren Irving Hause. He is loved and dearly missed by his mother Annabelle Hause, née Cooley, Seal Beach, CA; brothers Steven Hause( Rosana), Chattaroy, WA and Ronald Hause, Seal Beach, CA; sister Sharon Landry (Robert), Prescott Valley, AZ; aunt Loretta Elliott, née Hause; niece Pamela Hause; nephews Craig and Charles Hause(Devon); great nephew Graeme Hause and many cousins. A private celebration of life will be held and his cremains will be scattered in his favorite hiking area. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to First Christian Church of Leisure World, in Seal Beach, CA. (Published by Press-Telegram on Mar. 9, 2014).

                  b. Steven Hause (Rosana), Chattaroy, WA.

                  c. Ronald Hause, Seal Beach, CA.

                  d. Sharon Hause (Robert Landry), Prescott Valley, AZ.

              Frank and Gladys divorced sometime between the 1925 Iowa state census and the 1930 US Census. He then married Elizabeth "Betty" English (1905-1988) in Glendale, California on 25 Mar 1931. He died on 1 May 1975 in Long Beach, Los Angeles, California. He and Betty had a daughter:

                Loretta Mae Hause (b. 1937)—Long Beach Press-Telegram, 03 Jul 1958, Thu; Page 12
                1. Loretta Mae Hause was born on 8 May 1937 in Los Angeles, California, and married Victor Thornton Elliott: "Wedding rings and vows exchanged in St. Luke's Episcopal Church united Loretta Mae Hause, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank LeRoy Hause of Long Beach, and Victor Thornton Elliott, son of Lt. (USMC, Ret.) and Mrs. Ellsbury B. Elliott, Lakewood. For the ceremony performed by her uncle, the Rev. Bertrand M. Hause, and the Rev. Hiram Crosby, the bride wore a formal gown fashioned of Chantilly lace and crystalline tulle over white satin. Her fingertip-length illusion veil was attached to a matching crown of lace and pleated tulle scattered with pearls and iridescent sequins. She held a cascade of stephsnotis and white carnations centered with a yellow-throated white orchid."

              ii. Bertrand M Hause was born on 28 Aug 1899 in Michigan. He married Ethel (b. 1899) and became a Reverend. He even performed the wedding of Frank's daughter, Loretta Mae Hause. He died on 10 Oct 1977 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles.

            Emma Hause & Family
            Emma Elizabeth Hause (1875-1974) with sons Neil Roff (1898-1980) and Roland Clare (b. 1900).
            c. Emma Elizabeth Hause was born on 23 Sep 1875 in Britton, Lenawee, Michigan. On 12 Aug 1895, she married into another line of the Hause family, also descended from William Hause through his son John, when she became the wife of Howard Roff Hause (1868-1946). She died on Mar 1974 in Lapeer, Lapeer, Michigan. Their children:

              i. Neil Roff Hause (1898-1980): see the descendants of James Burtless Hause (1839-1925), above.

                1. James H Hause (b. 1926): see the descendants of James Burtless Hause (1839-1925), above.

                2. E Joan Hause (b. 1928): see the descendants of James Burtless Hause (1839-1925), above.

                3. Jeanne Meredith Hause (1933-1994): see the descendants of James Burtless Hause (1839-1925), above.

              ii. Roland Clare Hause (1900-1980): see the descendants of James Burtless Hause (1839-1925), above.

                1. Major Richard Gary Hause (1933-1968): see the descendants of James Burtless Hause (1839-1925), above.

                  a. Bradley R Hause (1966-1968): see the descendants of James Burtless Hause (1839-1925), above.

                2. Larry Roland Hause (1939-2002): see the descendants of James Burtless Hause (1839-1925), above.

              iii. Mary Elizabeth Hause (23 Dec 1910 - 11 Nov 1999) : see the descendants of James Burtless Hause (1839-1925), above.

                1. Thomas Holland (b. 1936): see the descendants of James Burtless Hause (1839-1925), above.

                  a. Mary Holland: see the descendants of James Burtless Hause (1839-1925), above.

                  b. Pete Holland: see the descendants of James Burtless Hause (1839-1925), above.

                2. Gerald R Holland (b. 1938): see the descendants of James Burtless Hause (1839-1925), above.

          The child of Lyman and Caroline Kniffen (1839-1923):

            Clarence Leander Hause & Family
            Clarence Leander Hause (1879-1959).
            d. Clarence Leander Hause was born on 19 Jul 1879 in Ridgeway, Lenawee, Michigan. He also married into the John Hause line, becoming the husband of Jane Louise Hause (1877-1962), the sister of Howard Roff Hause on 17 Jun 1905 in Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan (see the descendants of James Burtless Hause, above). It is unclear if they knew they had common ancestors four-to-five generations before, in New York. He died in 1959 in Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan. He and Jane had a son:

              i. John Sanford Hause (1908-1976): see the descendants of James Burtless Hause (1839-1925), above.

                1. Michael Henry Hause (1942-2005): see the descendants of James Burtless Hause (1839-1925), above.

                2. Stephen Hause (b. 1942): see the descendants of James Burtless Hause (1839-1925), above.

                3. Jane Ann Hause (b. 1948): see the descendants of James Burtless Hause (1839-1925), above.

                4. William Hixon Hause (b. 1948): see the descendants of James Burtless Hause (1839-1925), above.

          9. Sarah Hause (b. 1850).

        II. Elizabeth Hause was born on 12 February 1807 in Ovid Township, Seneca County, New York. She married Manley Swarthout on September 12, 1824 in Wayne, Schuyler County, New York. Elizabeth also married W. Wright Redding, and were living in Lenawee County, Michigan in 1835 (probably Ridgeway Township). She died on 18 January 1848 in Reading Township, Hillsdale County, Michigan and was buried in North Reading Cemetery, Hillsdale County, Michigan. For a history of their family, click here. The children then grew up in Michigan with Wright and their stepmother, Romina (Foster) Redding. Those children were:

          1. Henry E. Redding (Hawes) was born between 1827 and 1831 in New York. Henry was born in New York but moved with his parents to Michigan around 1835. They lived in Lenawee County for a short time and then moved to Reading Township, Lenawee County, Michigan. Wen Henry was 24 years old, he married Lydia Ransom, daughter of Jason Ransom and Clarissa last name possibly Ressie, on 31 August 1853 in Branch County, Michigan. Lydia was born 1834 or 1835 in New York. She died on 10 September 1896 in Miller Township, Phelps County, Missouri. Henry joined the Union army during the Civil war. Military record: Redding, Henry E., Algansee. Enlisted in Company M, Fifth Cavalry, Aug. 12, 1862, at Algansee, for 3 years, age 31. Mustered Aug. 30, 1862. Deserted at Detroit, Mich., Nov. 5, 1862. Sometime between the end of the Civil War in 1865 and the summer of 1870 Henry and his family moved back to Michigan, settling in Tuscola County. They could not return to Branch County, where they had been living before the war because if the army would have been looking for him, the first place they would have looked was Branch County. (The sentence for desertion would have been hanging or firing squad.) The family name changes here from Redding to Hawes. Henry E. Redding changed his name to Henry E. Hawes and also changed the names of his wife and children to Hawes. 1870 Elkland Township, Tuscola County, Michigan: Henry 48, farmer, $1200 in real estate, born in New York; wife Lydia 36, born in New York. 1880 Elkland Township, Tuscola County, Michigan: Henry, 53, farmer, born in New York; wife Lydia 46, born in New York. Henry probably changed his name to Hawes because it was his mother's maiden name. His children:

            a. George W. Redding was born 1854 to 1855 in Michigan. He died (date unknown). He is listed as 5 years old on the 1860 Alagansee Township, Branch County, Michigan census but not on the 1870 Elkland Township, Tuscola County, Michigan census with his parents.

            Frank Hawes & Family
            Frank Hawes (1859-1933) and family
            b. Francis Drake "Frank" Redding was born 1856 to 1857 in Michigan. Francis Redding became Francis Hawes in 1862 after his father, Henry, deserted from the Union army. Francis Hawes married Catherine Alice (Allie) Williams, daughter of David Weiss and Jane (Lucas) Williams. According to Alcona County History, What's In A Name, "Hawes, Frank, early settler who provided wood for the railroad fuel for Alger Smith railroad." Hawes Township, incorporated in 1893 in Alcona County, was named after Frank. According to booklet entitled "Early Pioneers", "Hawes township was named for Frank Hawes who provided wood and water for railroads throughout the area. He had the job of removing the tracks when the railroad was abandoned." He died on 16 Feb 1933 in Cooks, Schoolcraft, Michigan, and is buried at Cooks Cemetery. His children:

              Lydia Jane Hawes
              Lydia Jane Hawes (1883-1958)
              i. Lydia Jane Hawes was born on 6 Jan 1883 in Caro, Tuscola, Michigan; She died on 10 Aug 1958 in Barton City, Alcona, Michigan. In 1898, 15-year-old Lydia Jane married (1) Elmer W Neil (1879-1941) and they had the following children:

                1. Alice Jane Neil was born in 1899 in Barton City, Michigan. She died on 3 Aug 1899 in Alpena, Alpena, Michigan.

                2. William Elmer Neil was born on 15 Feb 1902 in Hawes, Alcona, Michigan. In 1929 he married Augusta Mae Williams (1910-2001). He died on 30 Jul 1971 in Barton City, Alcona, Michigan. His son:

                  a. Frank Neil was born abt 1948. He died abt 1966 in Oscoda, Iosco, Michigan.

                3. James Arthur Neil was born on 18 Feb 1905 in Michigan. He married a woman named Pat. He died on 3 Jun 1966 in Barton City, Alcona, Michigan.

                4. Augusta Neil (b. 1910).

              frank Hawes & Family
              Marriage of Lydia Jane Hawes (1883-1958) and Lawrence Wesley Burger (1880-1968).
              Next, on 17 Jul 1911, Lydia Jane married (2) Lawrence Wesley Burger (1880-1968) in Munising, Alger, Michigan, and they had the following children:

                5. Lottie Luella Burger was born on 16 Apr 1912 in Barton City, Alcona, Michigan. In 1929 she married (1) Frank C Girard (1907-1999) and then in 1950 married (2) Kyle Willis (1925-1979). She died on 24 Apr 1985 in Burton, Genesee, Michigan. Her child:

                  a. Basil Frank Girard was born on 7 Jul 1930 in Hawes, Alcona, Michigan. He married Bella Mae Struthers (1928-1997). He died on 30 Jun 1986 in Barton City, Alcona, Michigan.

                6. Josephine Burger was born on 7 Dec 1913 in Barton City, Alcona, Michigan. She married Herman Haneckow (1917-1979). She died on 22 Sep 1978 in Oscoda, Michigan. Her children:

                  a. Rudy H Haneckow was born on 23 June 1933 in Barton City, Alcona, Michigan. On 23 Feb 1952 he married Esther Louise Patzer (1935-1990). He died on 5 July 1990 in Oscoda, Iosco, Michigan. Their children:

                    i. Randy L Haneckow was born on 4 May 1955 in Oscoda, Iosco, Michigan.

                    ii. Kim James Haneckow was born on 16 Oct 1961 in Tawas City, Iosco County, Michigan. He died on 11 March 2005 in Lincoln, Alcona County, Michigan.

                  b. David Merlin Haneckow was born on 11 Apr 1941 in Port Hope, Michigan. He died on 16 Dec 1962 in Bell, Texas.

                7. Ethan Lawrence Burger was born on 18 Sep 1915 in Barton City, Alcona, Michigan. On 5 Jun 1937 he married June Bertha Joseph (b. 1921) in Millen Township, Alcona, Michigan. He died on 31 Jan 1993 in Zephyrhills, Pasco, Florida. His children:

                  a. Gerald R Burger was born on 11 Oct 1932 in Maybee, Monroe, Michigan. He died on 10 Jan 2001 in Maybee, Monroe, Michigan.

                  b. Alberta Burger was born in 1938 in Michigan.

                8. Nelson Wesley Burger was born on 30 Apr 1918 in Barton City, Alcona, Michigan. In 1938 he married Ida Mary McCaulley (1916-2000). He died in 15 Oct 1969 in Barton City, Alcona, Michigan. His children:

                9. Francis Orville Burger was born on 15 Nov 1918 in Barton City, Alcona, Michigan. He married Jeanette Marie (1920-1997). He died on 27 Oct 1999 in Barton City, Alcona, Michigan. Obituary: "OSCODA - Funeral servicers were held Saturday for Orville Burger of Barton City, who died Oct. 27, 1999 at Alpena General Hospital . He was 79, born Nov. 15, 1919 in Barton City, where he was also raised. He taught in many of Alcona County's rural schools before moving to West Branch in 1951. He served as superintendent of Rose City Schools from 1952 to 1961. He taught and was principal in Oscoda thereafter to his retirement in 1974. Mr. Burger was a member of the Barton City Eadles Aerie 4141 where he was treasurer. He was a former board member and president of the Iosco School Employees Credit Union. He was preceded in death Oct. 22, 1997 by his wife, the former Jeanette M. Tuttle, whom he married Aug. 15, 1951. Survivors include a daughter, Marlene Pear of Alpena; a son, Mark of Barton City; and a granddaughter, Angeline Pear, and three grandsons, Sean Pear, Nicholas Burger and Michael Burger. Five brothers and two sisters preceded him in death. Services were conducted at the Gilles Funeral Home in Lincoln, the Rev. Martha Hartman officiating. Burial was in Maple Ridge Cemetery, Barton City."

                10. Melvin Leslie Burger was born on 20 Sep 1922 in Barton City, Alcona, Michigan. He was a Coxswain in the U.S. Navy stationed in Hawaii, and was "a few miles out when Pearl Harbor was bombed." Surviving that, he died on 6 Mar 1944 in Alpena, Alpena, Michigan.

              ii. Catherine Alice Hawes (on the left in Lydia Jane's wedding photo) was born on 23 Nov 1885 in Alcona, Alcona, Michigan. She was married four times: On 1 Nov 1902 to (1) Charles Currigan in Mason, Arenac, Michigan; On 18 Sep 1906 to (2) James Perry in Escanaba, Delta, Michigan; On 22 Jun 1910 to (3) Perry Pardee in Munising, Alger, Michigan; Finally, on 4 Oct 1924 to (4) George Arthur McKenzie in Blaney, Schoolcraft, Michigan. She died on 13 Jul 1952 in Rural Maple Ridge, Alpena, Michigan. Her children:

                1. Arthur Macklin McKenzie was born abt 1930 in Michigan, according to the 1940 census.

              iii. (Daughter) Hawes (b. 1889).

              iv. Ethel May Hawes was born on 4 Jul 1891 in Haynes, Alcona, Michigan. On 7 Nov 1909 she married James Franklin Peacock (1892-1974) in Munising, Alger, Michigan, and they had eight children:

                1. Glenn Francis Peacock was born in Mar 1911 in Michigan. He died on 6 Aug 1911 in Allis, Presque Isle, Michigan.

                2. Ruth M Peacock was born on 26 Apr 1919 in Michigan. She married Donald W Blosser (1917-1996). She died on 30 Nov 2003 in Shepherd, Isabella, Michigan.

                3. Ralph J Bud Peacock was born on 21 Feb 1923 in Garden City, Delta, Michigan. He died on 19 Nov 2002 in Alpena, Alpena, Michigan. He was a Private in the US Army Air Forces during World War II and is buried in a veteran's gravesite at Pilgrims Rest Cemetery, Highland Court, Alpena, MI 49707.

                4. Nile Keneth Peacock was born on 26 Mar 1924 in Cooks, Schoolcraft, Michigan. He married Berniece King and had two daughters, Darlene and Linda. He died on 14 Jun 1996 in Rochester, Oakland, Michigan.

                5. Beatrice Peacock was born on 13 Jun 1925 in Cooks, Michigan. She married Aldin G Wolfe (1928-2006) in Cooks, Michigan, on January 12, 1946. She died on 13 Feb 2011 in Leonard, Oakland, Michigan. Obituary on 16 February 2011, The Country Press, Michigan: "Beatrice E. Wolfe, 85, of Leonard, passed away Sunday, February 13, 2011. She was born June 13, 1925, in Cooks, Michigan, daughter to James and Ethel (Hawes) Peacock. She married Aldin Wolfe in Cooks, Michigan, on January 12, 1946. Beatrice was a 'Rosie the Riveter' putting together wiring for gun turrets. She enjoyed gardening, flowers and family. Beatrice was a member of the Lapeer Seventh Day Adventist Church where she worked on community service. She is survived by children, Ralph Wolfe of Leonard, Joy (Mike Grover) Breeding of Lapeer, Roger (Caren) Wolfe of Flint, Jill Wolfe of Wayland, MI; many grandchildren; many great-grandchildren; and sisters, Kay Irwin of Alpena and Betty Wieschowski of Alpena. She was preceded in death by her husband, Aldin Wolfe; granddaughter, Sandra Haddad; parents, James and Ethel Peacock; and siblings, Ruth, Nile, Ralph, Leonard and Theodore. Memorial contributions maybe made to Lapeer Seventh Day Adventist-Community Service or Susan G. Komen Cancer Center. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 2:00 pm, at Muir Brothers Funeral Home, Lapeer. Rev. Earl Zager will officiate."

                6. Catherine A "Kay" Peacock was born on 3 Jan 1928 in Michigan. She married (?) Irwin. She died on 27 Mar 2012.

                Charles Hawes & Family
                Leonard C Peacock (1929-2010)
                7. Leonard C Peacock was born on 1 Apr 1929 in Michigan. He died on 18 Apr 2010 in Rockwood, Wayne, Michigan. Martenso Family of Funeral Homes: "Leonard C. Peacock, age 81, beloved husband for over 60 years to Marilyn (Simmons), loving father of Glenn (fiancee Holly Kaye), Pamela Ruth (Richard) Yvonne Dowell, Luann Peacock, grandfather of Crystal, Angie, Kristi, Michael, Larry, Brooke and Brenna, great grandfather of Noah and Alli, brother of Betty, Katherine (Kay), and Beatrice; brother in law of Bernice and Joyce Peacock, he was preceded in death by daughters Michele Peacock and Carole Louria; brothers, Nile, Bud and Ted, sister Ruth (Blosser)"

                8. Elizabeth "Betty" Peacock was born on 11 Nov 1931 in Michigan. She died on 14 Jul 2011 in Alpena, Alpena, Michigan. Obituary: "Betty Wieschowski, 79, of Alpena, passed away at home on Thursday, July 14, 2011 surrounded by her loving family. Betty Peacock was born on November 11, 1931 to the late James Peacock and Ethel (Hawes) Peacock and married Richard Wieschowski on February 4, 1950. He preceded her in death on August 2, 2009. She was a member of St. Mary Catholic Church. Surviving were six children: Betsy and husband Arnie Boyk, Peggy and husband Al Senchuk, Vicky and husband Jerry Weinkauf, Mike and wife Julie Wieschowski, Brad and Melissa Wieschowski, Mark and Janet Wieschowski; seventeen grandchildren: Ryan, Matthew, Rachel (fiancŽ Matthew Gepford) Boyk, Adam (Erica) Senchuk, Megan (Tyler) Davenport, Alex, Aaron Senchuk, Phillip (Andrea) Weinkauf, Spencer, Ethan Weinkauf, Allison (Al) Fisher, Crystal, Jeremy, Justin, Daniel, Sarah Wieschowski, Megan Rea-Riopple; 1 great grandson, Abe Senchuk; one sister, Kay Irwin; 3 sisters-in-law, Marilyn Peacock, Bernice Peacock, Joyce Peacock; several nieces and nephews. Mrs. Wieschowski was preceded in death by one daughter, Wanda; 4 brothers, Ralph, Nile, Leonard, Theodore; 2 sisters, Ruth Blosser and Beatrice Wolfe."

                8. Theodore L Peacock was born on 12 Apr 1936 and died on 6 Sep 1995.

              Ethel May married twice more: On 25 Apr 1914 to Alexander A Lafranc (b. 1893) in Onaway, Presque Isle, Michigan; On 4 Sep 1916 to Eugene Sovey (1894-1950) in Gladstone, Delta, Michigan. Then in 1919, she started having children with Peacock, again. She died on 4 Jun 1967 in Alpena, Alpena, Michigan, before she could beat out her sister Catherine Alice in total marriages.

              v. John Mellon Hawes was born on 25 Mar 1894 in Hawes, Alcona, Michigan. He married Ida M Gunn (1899-1992). His WWII draft registration lists him as a 5'9", 198-pound paper hanger with gray eyes and gray hair and a scar on his chin, living in Salem, NJ. He died in Nov 1966 in Aberdeen, Bingham, Idaho.

              vi. Frances "Frank" P Hawes was born on 24 Mar 1896 in Alcona, Alcona, Michigan. On 18 Nov 1918, he was married to Nettie Aldrich (b. 1898) in Manistique, Schoolcraft, Michigan. He died on 28 May 1979 in Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan.

            c. James Redding (Hawes) was born sometime between 1863 and 1864 in Ontario, Canada. In the Unted Stats Federal Cencuses of 1870 and 1880, his last names is changed to "Hawes" and he lives in Elkland, Tuscola, Michigan.

            Charles Hawes & Family
            Charles Hawes (1865-1936)
            d. Charles Hawes was born on 10 Nov 1865 and died on 11 Dec 1936. Charles married (1) Elsie Jane Wagonseller, daughter of William Thomas Wagonseller and Ada Catherine Burton, on 7 April 1888 in Rolla, Phelps County, Missouri. Elsie was born on 18 Dec 1872 in Missouri. Elsie married Charles when she was 15 years old, with the written permission of her mother, Ada Catherine (Burton) Wagonseller Dyo.

            In 1905, Charles Hawes married (2) Mildred Ketchepaugh (5 Aug 1892 in Mikado, Alcona, Michigan - 17 May 1978 in Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan). Millie is buried in North Rome Cemetery next to her stepson, Floyd Hawes, and his wife, Monia. It seems that Charles Hawes's two families became close, and perhaps Millie became like the mother that Floyd lost when he was a boy, even though they were very close in age.

            Charles also married (3) Mina Fournier on 15 April 1924 in Colwood, Tuscola, County, Michigan. Mina was born in 1872/1873 in Michigan. Charles Hawes Obituary (.PDF file).

            e. Jason Hawes was born 1866 to 1867 in Michigan. I believe that Jason Hawes died as a young child. He is listed on the 1870 census with his parents, but is not listed on the 1880 census with them.

            f. Harriet E. Hawes was born on 2 May 1870 in Elkland Township, Tuscola County, Michigan.

            g. Melvin L. Hawes was born on 24 May 1879 in Michigan. He died on 24 May 1948 in Rolla, Phelps County, Missouri and was buried in Macedonia Cemetery, Phelps County, Missouri. Melvin married Sarah Francis Dyo July 2, 1907 in Missouri. Sarah was a half-sister to Elsie Wagonseller, who married Melvin's older brother, Charles Hawes.

          2. Lola Redding Redding was born 1832 or 1833 in New York.

          3. Adaline Redding was born 1834 or 1835 in New York.

          4. Sarah Redding was born 1841 or 1842 in Michigan.

          5. Lydia Redding was born 1842 or 1843 in Michigan. Marriage record: Franklin Foster, 29, of Algansee Township married Lydia Redding, 19, of Reading, Hillsdale County, Michigan on April 14, 1863, at Algansee Township, by F. D. Ransom (JP), witnessed by Hiram Evens and Sarah Evens. #2604. Franklin Foster was married previously to Alice Case.

          6. Evaline Redding was born in 1846 in Michigan. Marriage record: Redding, Eva, age 21 of Reading, and William S. Hall, 25 of Ransom, July 3, 1867 at Ransom by E.C. Turner; Margaret and Melvina Turner of Ransom, witnesses.

        III. Jesse J. Hause was born on 23 June 1808 in Wayne or Ovid Township, Seneca County, New York. He died on 14 November 1888 in Williamston, Ingham County, Michigan. Jesse married Sally Ann Swarthout on February 2, 1827 in Steuben County, New York. "Died at the home of his son Wm. R. Hause in Williamstown, Mich., on Wednesday, Nov. 14th, 1888, of disease of kidneys, Jesse J. Hause, aged 81 years 4 months and 11 days. Funeral from his residence in Putnam, Livingston county, Mich., the 16th inst.
           "J.J. Hause was born in the town of Tyrone, Steuben county, (now Schuyler) State of New York, June 23d, 1807, where he lived during the early part of his life. On the 2d day of Feb. 1827, he was married to Sally Ann Swarthout, and in May 1836 left his native home and went to the then far West and located on the farm where he spent the last fifty-two years of his life undergoing all the trials and privations of early pioneer life.
           "When but seventeen years of age he united with the Baptist Church in Barrington, Yates county, N. Y., and was baptized by the Rev. Jonathan Ketchum. Soon after going to Michigan he assisted in gathering a few Baptists in conference, when a church was formed out of the townships of Hamburg, Genoa and Putnam in 1838, Rev. Jonathan Stone, Pastor, with David Hight and himself as Deacons, which office he filled until a church was organized at Pinckney, when he became one of the Deacons of that church, which office he filled until his death.
           "In politics he was a staunch Republican. He traveled sixty miles by rail and twenty-two by stage to cast his last vote for Harrison and Morton, his five sons and seven grandsons voting with him by his request, although not in the same town but for the same good cause. He leaves a loving wife eighty-two years old, five sons, one daughter, twenty-one grand and eighteen great-grandchildren, and a great number of friends who will mourn his departure from this earth." (Obituary, 13 Dec 1888 in the Watkins Express.)
           Jesse and Sally Hause may have been the last Hauses to live on Hause Hill, leaving for Michigan in 1835. Jesse was one of the first settlers in Livingston County, Michigan, arriving there in 1837 with brother Sanford. Census records: Jesse was living in Putnam Township, Livingston County, Michigan in 1870. We learn of their life in the Michigan wilderness through Sally's obituary in the Watkins Express in 1900:

        The subject of this sketch was born in 1806 on the farm on the shore of Lake Waneta in Tyrone, now owned by James Ellwood, and died at her home in Putnam, Livingston county, Mich., July 2, 1900. She was the oldest of a family of eight children born to Ralph Swarthout and, Jane Bennett who were about the first young people married in Tyrone.
           Her father was among the many who went to the defence of their country in the war with Great Britain in 1812.
           Shortly after his return he sold his farm on the lake shore and bought a farm on Hause Hill now owned by Mr. Sprowl, where his daughter grew to womanhood.
           In 1827 she was united in marriage to Jepe (sic) J. Hause, with whom she lived three score and two years before death parted them. In early womanhood she experienced religion and united with the Barrington (now Wayne) Baptist church, her husband uniting with the church at the same time and place. Shortly after marriage they settled on a small tract of land (twenty acres) at Rogers' Corners, Hause Hill, where they lived until 1835. That year they sold out and went to the territory of Michigan. June 5, 1836, they moved onto a quarter section in the town of Putnam, Livingston county, Mich., where she lived until her death, a little over sixty-four years. When they settled in their Western home their nearest neighbor was three miles away and the nearest place to get provisions was Detroit, fifty-five miles away, and no roads but Indian trails. Their home was a log cabin surrounded by a dense forest where the red man roamed at will, and the nights were made hideous by the howl of the wolf, the scream of the wildcat and lynx and the screech of the panther. Often in those days did she at night open the door and throw brands of fire out to scare the wild animals away.
           Few live to see the great change from territory to state that she has seen, and fewer still have passed through the trials and perils of pioneer life that it has been her lot to bear, and never a murmur known. to pass her lips—a noble woman, ever relying upon God, with strong faith that He forsaketh not those that trust in Him. Ever ready with heart and hand to help transform her forest home into beautiful and fertile fields and the log cabin into a commodious residence—a home where all were welcome—she lived to enjoy the fruits of her labor, and was the mother of six children, five sons and a daughter. All grew to man and womanhood, but two of her children have gone before her, her daughter and one son. She leaves to mourn the loss of a loving and faithful mother four sons, nineteen grand-children, twenty-two great grandchildren, seven great-great grand-children and a host of friends too numerous to number. Her grandfathers, Bennett and Swarthout, were Revolutionary soldiers.
           Her father and uncles, Abraham and Justice Bennett, went from Tyrone as soldiers in the war of 1812. Three sons and sixteen nephews were in the war of the rebellion, none that came out alive serving less than three years in the service. Gershom Swarthout, her brother, is the only one now left of her brothers, and her sisters have all gone before her."

        The children of Jess and Sally Hause were...

          A glass slide of (left to right) Bomina (Mina) Esther Hause (1865-1953), Louisa Munn-Hause (1829-1915) and Emma C Hause (1855-1939).

          William Hause & Family
          William R. Hause (1828-1903)
          1. William Ralph Hause was born on 11 Feb 1828 in Wayne, Schuyler, New York. On 18 Sep 1851, he married Louisa J Munn (1829-1915). He died on 4 Oct 1903 in Williamston, Ingham, Michigan.

            a. Eva Hause (b. 1854).

            b. Emily C Hause was born in Sep 1855 in Hamburg, Livingston, Michigan. She married Edward Eugene Pierson (1849-1915). She died on 6 Feb 1939. Her children:

              i. Elestie Pierson (b. 1875).

              ii. Nellie D Pierson (1878-1969).

              iii. Luther Earl Pierson was born on 6 Nov 1880 in Michigan. In 1909, he married Mabel May DeWitt (1881-1974), the widow of his uncle, Elmer Hause (1871-1904, see below). He adopted her two children with Elmer, and then they had two more children. Luther died on 22 Mar 1939 in Bingham, Clinton, Michigan. Their children:

                1. Glen Waldo Hause-Pierson was born on 18 Jan 1900 in Michigan. He was the biological son of Mabel DeWitt and Elmer Grant Hause (1870-1904). After Elmer died, Mabel married Elmer's nephew, Luther Pierson, who adopted Glen and his sister Ethel-Mae, making them Luther's children and his cousins, as well. (See children of Elmer Hause, below.) He married Pearl Irene Goodwin (1902-1970). He died on 27 June 1983 in Newberry, Luce, Michigan. They had the following children:

                  a. Lyle E Pierson was born on 30 Oct 1927 in Stockbridge, Ingham County, Michigan. On 10 Feb 1951 he married Alberta Jean Smigay (1924-2012) in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and they had: Lyle Francis (b. 1953) and Karen Jean Pierson (b. 1957). He died on 10 Sep 2017 in Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado.

                  b. Carl Dean Pierson was born on 18 Sep 1930 in Addison, Lenawee, Michigan. He married Rosalee Joyce Vincent (1931-2002). He died on 26 Mar 2019 in Bay City, Bay, Michigan.

                  c. Lawrence Glenn Pierson was born in Jul 1933 in Michigan. On 6 Nov 1985 he married Betty Sue Lewis (1927-2018) in Montgomery County, Texas. He died in 2021 in Willis, Texas.

                  d. Marlyn Leroy Pierson was born on 9 Mar 1936 in Gladwin, Michigan. He fought in the Korean War and then on 6 Apr 1959 he married (1) Linda Joyce McCormick (1944-2006) in Harris, Texas. Then on 13 Oct 2007 he married Alice Glycine Srader (1928-2021). He died on 19 Jun 2016 in Elkins, Washington County, Arkansas.

                  e. Floyd Pierson (b. 1938).

                2. Ethel Mae Hause was born on 22 May 1904 in Williamston, Ingham, Michigan. She was the biological daughter of Mabel DeWitt and Elmer Grant Hause (1870-1904). After Elmer died, Mabel married Elmer's nephew, Luther Pierson, who adopted Ethel Mae and her brother Glen, making them Luther's children and his cousins, as well. (See children of Elmer Hause, below.) On 29 Nov 1924 she married Lester Knight (b. 1901) in Laingsburg, Shiawassee, Michigan. They had the following children:

                  a. Allan James Knight was born on 25 Jul 1926 in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw, Michigan. On 31 Aug 1951 he married Barbara Jean McQuillan (b. 1930) in Howell, Livingston, Michigan. He died on 4 Jun 2006 in Chandler, Maricopa, Arizona.

                  b. Stuart Roy Knight was born on 20 Oct 1936 in Detroit, Michigan. On 1 Jan 1975 he married Shannon Del Cutler (1937-1998) in Reno, Nevada. He died on 26 Aug 2001 in Denver, Colorado.

                3. Earl Edward Pierson was born on 22 Dec 1910 in Victor, Clinton, Michigan. On 1938 15 Jan 1938 he married Rhoda Belle Reynolds (1914-1992) in Clinton Co., Michigan. He died on 8 Oct 1974 in Lansing, Ingham, Michigan. Their children:

                  a. Richard L Pierson (b. 1939).

                4. Gladys I Pierson was born in 1914 in Michigan. She died in 1983.

              iv. Howard W Pierson was born on 28 Aug 1882 in Victor, Clinton, Michigan. On 27 Mar 1901 he married Vernie Alice Peters (1885-1962) in Bingham, Clinton, Michigan. He died on 11 May 1970 in Ingham, Ingham, Michigan. Their children:

                1. Olle Pierson was born in 1904. She married James F Dedafoe (1903-1981). She died in 1957.

                2. Eulah V Pierson was born on 21 May 1906 in Michigan. She died on 21 Oct 1998 in Eaton Rapids, Eaton, Michigan.

                3. Ilah Fern Pierson was born on 1 Jan 1911 in Victor, Clinton, Michigan. On 1928 22 Feb 1928 she married John Wilbert "Jack" McMaster (1908-1985) in Lansing, Imgham, Michigan. She died on 15 May 1995 in Lansing, Ingham, Michigan. Their children:

                  a. Erwin Lewis McMaster was born on 07 Sep 1928 in Victor Twp, Clinton, Michigan. He died on 14 Sep 2006 in Laingsburg, Shiawassee, Michigan. "Erwin began his lifelong career in the automotive sales industry and reached his lifelong dream when he established the McMaster Ford Inc. in Brooklyn, Michigan in 1973 and retired in 1997. He was honored by Ford Motor Company with many awards for sales and achievements. Erwin was a member of the Elks Lodge and he and his wife Marian loved to travel in their motor home throughout Michigan, and they spent many winters in their home in Nokomis, Florida. Upon his retirement, he and Marian moved back to the family centennial farm to be close to their family. Surviving are his lovely wife of 57 years, Marian L. (Cosper) McMaster; sons, Daniel L. (Susan) McMaster of Laingsburg and Jeffrey L McMaster of Lansing; grandchildren, Jennifer McMaster (Victor) Reid, III of Royal Oak and Daniel (Lenore) McMaster of Owosso; great-grandchildren, Aidan McMaster and Victor Reid, IV, and brother, Daryle L. (Dianne) McMaster of Eaton Rapids."

                  b. Daryle L McMaster was born on 29 Feb 1940 in Michigan and married Dianne (?).

              v. Alice Pierson was born on 14 Sep 1883 in Victor, Clinton, Michigan. On 15 Feb 1903 she married Ernest Witchell (1878-1954) in Bath, Clinton, Michigan. She died on 6 Apr 1972. Their children:

                1. Cleo Ernest Witchell was born on 18 Feb 1904 in Michigan. He married Goldie L. (1904-1988). He died on 12 Oct 1996 in Coldwater, Branch, Michigan.

                2. Elwin D Witchell was born on 27 May 1910 in Michigan. In 1930 he married Vivian E (b. 1914). He died on 26 Feb 1997 in Laingsburg, Shiawassee, Michigan.

                3. Scyrill Witchell was born in 1913 and died in 1915. He's buried at Laingsburg Cemetery, Shiawassee County, Michigan. Inscription: "Our Darling, Baby."

                4. Theola A Witchell was born abt 1917 in Michigan.

            Bomina "Mina" Esther Hause (1865-1953) and Melvin Andrew Dolph (1859-1931).

            c. Bomina Esther Hause was born on 5 May 1865 in Locke, Ingham, Michigan. She married Melvin Andrew Dolph (1859-1931). She died on 19 Dec 1953 in Fort Frances, 1654332, Ontario, Canada. Her children:

              i. Melvin Leroy Dolph was born on 29 May 1890 in Wallesbure, Ontario, Canada. Her fought for Canada in World War I, then on 29 Apr 1925 he married Hilda Rose Parkinson (b. 1900) in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He died in 1975 in Thunder Bay, 1654337, Ontario, Canada. Their children:

                1."Mr. Gerald Russell Dolph lived for 65 years until his peaceful passing on Wednesday, August 10, 2005 in the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. Gerald started his career at the Prince Arthur Hotel in Thunder Bay and later worked in Management at McDonald's Restaurants. His early retirement allowed him to spend more time with his beloved family and close friends. His interests were mainly sports related, particularly Sports Trivia. He loved traveling and especially enjoyed visiting his family throughout Canada. Traveling for business permitted him visits to several destinations which he may not have otherwise seen. Christmas in Hawaii was a special family vacation he fondly remembered. Gerald will be lovingly remembered by his wife and best friend for the last thirty seven wonderful years, Shirley; his two beautiful daughters: Karen (Geoffrey) Murphy, Joanne Dolph of Ottawa, ON; one granddaughter Emily Murphy; Brothers: Hugh (Nettie) of Calgary, James (Shirley) and Ken (Eileen), both of Thunder Bay; and his sister Joyce (Jack) Cooke of Cobourg, ON. He was predeceased by his parents Melvin and Hilda Dolph. Gerald was a loving and inspirational man whose family was blessed to have him here. Cremation has taken place and a Memorial Service for the late Gerald Dolph will be held on Saturday, August 13, 2005 at 11:00 a.m. in the Chapel of Harbourview Funeral Centre, 499 North Cumberland Street. Interment to take place a later date. Visitation for family and friends will be held one hour prior to the time of Service. As expressions of sympathy, donations may be made in Gerald's memory to St. Joseph's Care Group, St. Joseph's Hospital, or to the Cardiac Unit, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre."(12 Aug 2005; The Chronicle-Journal, Thunder Bay, On, Can)

                2. Hugh Dolph and his wife, Nettie, of Calgary.

                3. James Dolph and his wife, Shirley, of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.

                4. Ken Dolph and his wife, Eileen, of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.

                5. Joyce Dolph married Jack Cooke and live in Cobourg, Otario, Canada.

              ii. Bertha Emily Dolph was born on 18 May 1893 in Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada. On 6 Nov 1912 she married Charles Earnest Boppre (1883-1979) in Rainy River, Algoma, Ontario, Canada. She moved to the United States and passed away on 29 Jan 1951 in Koochiching, Koochiching, Minnesota. Her children:

                1. Glenn Earnest Boppre was born on 21 Aug 1913 in Rainy River, Ontario, Canada. He moved to Minnesota on 17 Mar 1934 and married Jasmine Martha Servis (1922-2003). He died on 27 Mar 1990 in Duluth, St Louis, Minnesota. Their children:

                  a. Glenn K Boppre was born on 2 Jul 1941 in International Falls, Minnesota. On 29 Jun 1962 he married Virginia L Larson (b. 1942) in St Louis, Minnesota. He died on 7 Jul 2012 in Grand Rapids, Minnesota.

                  b. Charles Ralph Corky Boppre was born on 11 Sep 1948 in Hibbing, St Louis, Minnesota. He died on 5 Apr 1972 in Saint Louis, Minnesota.

                2. Clell Orth Boppre was born on 29 Jun 1918 in Davidson, Saskatchewan, Canada. He moved to Minnesota in 1936 with the rest of his family then moved to Alaska. He died on 14 Oct 1979 in Anchorage, Anchorage, Alaska.

                3. Oreaen Berthellen Boppre was born on 23 Aug 1931 in Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada. She died on 23 Jan 2002 in Hibbing, Saint Louis, Minnesota.

              iii. Madge Elara Jermeviere Dolph was born on 19 Jul 1895 in Morley, Algoma Co., Ontario, Canada. On 23 Dec 1914 she married Harold Stewart (1890-1951) in Rainy River District, Rainy River, Ontario, Canada. She died in 1949 in Ontario, Canada. Their children:

                1. Audrey Ester Stewart was born in 1930 in Fort Frances, Ontario. She died on 18 Mar 2005 in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.

              iv. Cecil Maurice Dolph was born on 28 Nov 1897 in Barwick, Rainy River District, Ontario, Canada. He fought in the first World War, then married Mary Priscilla McDonald (1909-1987). He died on 7 Feb 1987 in Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada. Their children:

                1. Maurice Walter Dolph was born on 18 Jun 1930 in Emo, Rainy River, Ontario, Canada. He died about 1982 in Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada.

              v. Bernard William Dolph was born on 16 Oct 1900 in Roseberry Twp, Ontario, Canada. He fought in World War I, then died on 28 Nov 1970 in Fort Frances, 1654332, Ontario, Canada.

              vi. Elmer Seth Dolph was born on 8 Sep 1903 in Rainy River, Ontario, Canada. He died on 25 Jan 1984 in Newmarket, 1654345, Ontario, Canada.

              vii. Vene (Vein) Sylvanius Dolph was born on 10 Oct 1905 in Rainy River, Ontario, Canada. He died on 22 Feb 1992.

              viii. Wallace Chelsea Dolph was born on 3 Mar 1908 in Rainy River, Ontario, Canada. He married Charlotte Isabella McDonald (1913-1986). He died on 8 Mar 1984 in Thunder Bay, 1654337, Ontario, Canada. Among their children:

                1. Charlotte Lillian Ester Dolph was born on 13 May 1934. She died on 2001 in Arborg MB.

            d. Elmer G Hause was born in Jun 1871 in Michigan. He married Mabel May DeWitt (1881-1974). He died in 1904 in Michigan, and she married his nephew, Luther Earl Pierson (listed above). Elmer and Mabel's children:

              i. Glen Waldo Hause was born abt 1 Jul 1901 in Michigan (see children of Luther Pierson, above).

              ii. Ethel Mae Hause was born abt 1905 in Williamston, Ingham, Michigan (see children of Luther Pierson, above).

          2. Esther J Hause (1830-1875).

          3. Ralph S Hause (1833-1912).

          4. Silas K Hause (1837-1879).

          5. Robert Frank Hause was born on 25 Sept 1839 in Putnam, Livingston Co, Michigan. On 29 Mar 1863. he married Mary Jane Cogswell (1849-1921). He died on 27 Jan 1911 in Maple Vally, Montcalm, Michigan. His children:

            Jesse Hause & Family
            Jesse H Hause (1864-1940) and Ruth Hoyt-Hause (1875-1956)
            a. Jesse H. Hause was born on 11 Nov 1864 in Putnam, Livingston County, Michigan. In 1891, he married Ruth Hoyt (1875-1956) in Kent City, Kent, Michigan. He died on 23 Jul 1940 in Hickory Corners, Barry, Michigan. His son:

              i. Mary Jane Hause (b. 1892).

              ii. Isaac Adelbert Hause was born on 13 Mar 1893 in Gull Lake, Barry, Michigan. He died on 4 Jul 1929 in Hickory Corners, Barry, Michigan.

            b. Eleanor J. Hause (b. 1866).

            c. Ruth Hause (b. 1870).

            d. William Squire Hause was born on 11 Feb 1870 in Putnam, Livingston Co, Michigan. On 1 Apr 1905 he married Mildred Irene Baker (1889-1969) in the Village of Mecosta, Mecosta County, Michigan. He died on 24 Nov 1956 in Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan. His children:

              i. Clifford Leroy Hause was born on 21 July 1908 in Ionia, Ionia, Michigan. He married Lora M Jones (1922-1996). He died in Nov 1979 in Oakhurst, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

              Jennie Maud Hause (1911-1985)
              ii. Jennie Maud Hause was born on 27 April 1911 in Ionia, Ionia, Michigan. On 4 Nov 1933 she married (1) Wilson Allen (1912-1992) in St Joseph, Indiana. They had two children: Nettie Marie Allen-Kroeze (1934-2003) and Frank Eugene Allen (b. 1937). She then married (2) Dean Mart Jones (1889-1968) on 15 Jan 1945 in Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan She died on 7 August 1985 in Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan.

              iii. Lula Mae Hause was born on 30 April 1922 in Marilla, Manistee, Michigan. On 22 Nov 1939 she married Richard John Barrett (1919-2005) in Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan. They had three children who never lived past infancy (Betty Jean (1940-1940), Betty Jane (1941-1941) and Charles Raymond (1942-1942). She died on 5 May 1998 in Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan.

              iv. Ernest A Hause (b. 1925).

              v. Charles Hause (1927-1929).

              vi. Charles Edward Hause (1931-1932).

            e. Sarah Estella Hause was born on 7 April 1872 in Putnam, Livingston County, Michigan. On 17 Oct 1890 she married Vincent Cleone Robinson (1871-1944) in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan. She died on 9 Dec 1947 in Belding, Michigan. Her children:

              i. Jennie V Robinson was born on 14 Sep 1891 in Ada, Kent, Michigan. She died on 18 Apr 1918 in Trufant, Montcalm, Michigan.

              ii. Anna May Robinson was born on 1 Jul 1893 in Trufant, Montcalm, Michigan. She married (?) Phillips. She died on 30 Nov 1963 in Howard City, Cass, Michigan.

              iii. Nelson LaVern Robinson was born on 14 Mar 1896 in Trufant, Montcalm, Michigan. He died on 16 Nov 1949 in Trufant, Montcalm, Michigan.

              iv. Edna Ethel Robinson was born on 3 Apr 1899 in Trufant, Montcalm, Michigan. She married (1) Mortensen and (2) Ryskamp. She died on 9 Dec 1968 in Mount Clemens, Macomb, Michigan.

              v. Robert Cleone Robinson was born on 23 May 1901 in Trufant, Montcalm, Michigan. He died on 23 Jul 1966 in Trufant, Montcalm, Michigan.

              vi. Dennis Glover Robinson was born on 2 Aug 1909 in Maple Valley, Montcalm, Michigan. He married Wava (?). He died on 17 May 2000 in Cedar Springs, Kent, Michigan.

              vii. Marion Elizabeth Robinson was born on 1 Feb 1911 in Trufant, Montcalm, Michigan. She died on 23 Aug 1998 in Rolfe, Pocahontas, Iowa.

              viii. Temple Vincent Robinson was born on 9 Jun 1912 in Trufant, Montcalm, Michigan. He died on 29 Jan 1998 in Belding, Ionia, Michigan.

              ix. Estella Marie Robinson was born on 7 Aug 1914 in Trufant, Montcalm, Michigan. She married (?) Naumann. She died on 14 Feb 1990 in Munising, Alger, Michigan.

            Bernice (1873-1930) and Lina (Haner) Hause
            f. Bernice E Hause was born on 1 Aug 1873 in Putnam, Livingston, Michigan. On 8 Dec 1897, he married Lina Elizabeth Haner (1876-1926) in Millbrook, Mecosta County, Michigan. The Bernice Hause family, which had a hard life to begin with, suffered even more when Lina developed mental problems and was placed in an institution, around 1919. Bernice was a farm worker, who had only attended school to 5th grade, made his daughter Beatrice leave school after tenth grade to help at home. She moved out on her own when she was eighteen, entered high school, and graduated after two more years. Lina never left the institution, and died there of pneumonia in 1926. Bernice died in 1930 in Montcalm County, Michigan. Their children:

              i. James R. Hause was born on 20 Nov 1898 in Maple Vally, Montcalm, Michigan; He died that same year on 11 Jan 1899 in Maple Vally, Montcalm, Michigan.

              ii. Leona M. Hause was born on 26 Jan 1900 in Maple Vally, Montcalm, Michigan; She died three days later, on 29 Jan 1900 in Maple Vally, Montcalm, Michigan.

              Myrtle Hause
              Myrtle Flossy Hause (1901-1968) with husband Leslie Keith Hoffman (1897-1948).
              iii. Myrtle Flossy Hause was born on 18 Jan 1901 in Coral, Montcalm, Michigan. On 20 Jul 1918 she married Leslie Keith Hoffman (1897-1948). She died on 30 Jan 1968 in Portland, Michigan. Her children:

                1. Robert Keith Hoffman was born on 4 Dec 1920 in Portland, Ionia, Michigan. On 21 Oct 1941 he married Donna Barthel Palmatier (21 Jan 1923 - 29 Apr 1972) in Fulton County, Ohio. Robert died on 11 Feb 1990 in Lansing, Ingham, Michigan.

                2. Donald Burton Hoffman was born on August 7, 1922 in Portland, MI. He married June Rose Blundy (1924-2005) and proudly served in World War II and was a member of the Portland VFW Post #4090. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, playing cards and spending time with his family at Crooked Lake. He is survived by his two daughters, Jeanie and Ed Utter of Holt and Vicki and Charles Stephens of Ionia; grandchildren, Maria and Lange Himebaugh of Anthem, AZ, Scott and Jennifer Stephens of Ionia, Chuck and Amie Stephens of Ionia, Gayle and Blaine Etcheverry of Sherman Oaks, CA, Kathy and Gregg Mahlich of Ionia, Mike and Jennifer Stephens of Newaygo, Jamie and Shannon Morehouse of Holt and Nicole Stephens of Ionia; great grandchildren, Alex Himebaugh, Jordan and Ryan Stephens, Taylor Stephens, Brandon and Cameron Mahlich, Jordan and Ashton Stephens, Austin, Diana, and Mary Morehouse, and Kaelyn Daugherty; one sister-in-law Viola Thelen of Portland; several nieces and nephews. He died on 13 Oct 2009.

                3. Helen Elizabeth Hoffman was born on 21 Jan 1930 in Portland, Iona County, Michigan; She married ___ Simon and worked for Chrysler Corp. and the A.S.C. Corp. She is preceded in death by her sister, Dorothy Dobbrastine and two brothers, Robert and Carl Hoffman. Surviving are her children Marlene Mary (Walter) Leitch, Daniel Leonard Simon, James William Simon, and Cynthia Ann Simon; 8 grandchildren; 11 great grandchildren; brother Donald Hoffman of Sheridan. Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at 11:00 a.m., Monday, March 17, 2008 at St. Patrick Catholic Church with Rev. Lary King, presiding. Rite of Committal followed at Portland Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society or Hospice House of Mid-Michigan in memory of Helen E. Simon.

                5. Dorothy Grace Hoffman was born on 01 Apr 1932 in Portland, Ionia, Michigan. On 4 Oct 1952 she married Gerald Henry Dobbrastine (1930-2005) in Edmore, Montcalm, Michigan. She died on 29 Dec 2002 in Mecosta, Mecosta, Michigan.

                4. Carl Lee Hoffman was born on 22 Jun 1935; He was a veteran of the US Army and a member of the Portland Fire Department for thirty years, as well as the Auxiliary Police Department and the Portland Ambulance Service. On 20 Sep 1958 he married Helen Elizabeth Reinke (1939-2002) and they had two daughters, Mary (m. Joseph Smith of Portland, MI) and Stacy (m. Kevin Onan of Iona, MI). He died on 14 Jul 1988.

              Beatrice Hause
              Beatrice Lucy Hause (1903-2000)
              iv. Beatrice Lucy Hause was born on 3 Aug 1903 in Lakeview, Montcalm, Michigan. From her autobiography, written in 1995, at the age of 92: "I was born on a small farm northeast of Lakeview, Michigan on August 3, 1903. I had a twin brother, Bernice, named after my father. I walked about three miles to a country school which had ten grades ... I went through the tenth grade at North School and my father thought that was enough because he had only finished the fifth grade. I stayed home one year and the next year (1921) when I was eighteen, I felt I had the right to go on to Lakeview High School. A friend helped me find a place where I could work for my room and board. The family's name was Meeche and they ran the village hardware store. I was so happy to be back in school. I loved to study." On 18 Jun 1923 she married Charles Cecil Cliffe (1904-1958) in Carson City, Montcalm, Michigan. "Charlie, my husband, died [of cancer] in 1958. My younger boys, David and Buz, were still home, David starting college and Buz in the 11th grade, so I went to work selling real estate for ten years." She died on 5 Feb 2000 in East Lansing, Ingham, Michigan. Her children:

                1. Paula Colleen Cliffe was born on 9 Apr 1925 in Lakeview, Montcalm, Michigan. From Beatrice's autobiography: "My oldest daughter, Paula, and her husband, John Holmes, now live ion East Lansing, Michigan. I spent three weeks with them after attending my grandson's wedding in Seattle in 1995. There were 21 of the Cliffe family at the wedding." She died on 16 Mar 2011 in Lansing, Ingham, Michigan.

                2. Nanette Veree Cliffe was born on 14 Feb 1929 in Lakeview, Montcalm, Michigan. From Beatrice's autobiography: "In February, 1929, our little Nanette was born. Nanette started school even though she had developed a paralysis on the left side of her face. The school nurse told us we should take her to Ann Arbor's big hospital to have her face checked. They found a tumor at the base of her brain and we made an appointment to come back in two weeks for surgery. She died in that surgery and is buried in the Carson City cemetery where Floyd had a lot and three babies buried. This was during the depression years (1934) and we took her there because we couldn't afford to buy a lot in the Lakeview cemetery. I'll always remember when they wheeled Nanette off to surgery that last day. I told her, 'They won't let me go with you, Nanette, but the Lord Jesus will go with you.' Her reply was, 'I know He will, Mother.'" She died on 11 Nov 1934 in Lansing, Ingham, Michigan.

                3. Charles Lawrence Cliffe was born on 11 Sep 1930 in Lansing, Ionia, Michigan. From Beatrice's autobiography: "My oldest son, Charles, graduated from Michigan State University and was married to Agnes Bowden. They moved to Pomona, California, in 1958, where he taught school for 32 years." He died on 15 Feb 2004 in Upland, San Bernardino, California.

                4. Janice Cliffe (b. 1936); From Beatrice's autobiography: "Janice married George Burgess. He retired after working many years for Consumer Power and Gas Company in Lansing, Michigan. They live here at Maranatha Village in Sebring Florida. I lived in Holt for about thirty years and came down here to Maranatha in September 1993 to live, after having spent several winters down here."

              Bernice Horace Hause
              Bernice Horace Hause (1903-1990)
              v. Bernice Horace Hause was born on 3 Aug 1903 in Maple Vally, Montcalm, Michigan; On 27 Sep 1929 he married Emily L Jeffery (1910-1965) in Michigan. He died on 17 Oct 1990 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan .

                1. Mary Lois Hause was born on 9 Mar 1933; She died on 13 Mar 1933.

                2. Marjorie Lucille Hause was born on 13 Dec 1937 in East Lansing, Ingham, Michigan; She married Frederick Albert Kane (1936-2012) and they had four children. Marge was an Avon distributor for over 30 years, and she volunteered with the March of Dimes. She had been a Boy Scout Den Mother, and was a member of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, HELO Club, and the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority. Marge was an avid golfer and bowler. Marjorie died on 27 Mar 2012 in Lansing, and is buried at Saint Joseph Catholic Cemetery in Lansing.

                  a. Tracey L Kane was the second of four children. She joined the USAF in 1980-1984 where she met and married her husband, Frank L. Frati III. In 1984 they had a son, Frank L. Frati. When her husband retired from the USAF in 1995, they settled in Homosassa, FL for the next 15 years. While there she received an LPN certificate and then a Registered Nurse degree. They moved to Hot Springs Village, Garland, Arkansas in Feb 2010, where she practices nursing.

              vi. Warner Guy Hause was born on 27 Nov 1904 in Maple Vally, Montcalm, Michigan. He married Maude M Hough (1911-1991). He died on 21 Feb 1969 in Lakeview, Montcalm, Michigan.

              Frank Cone Hause
              Frank Cone Hause (1910-2000)
              vii. Frank Cone Hause was born on 29 Jan 1910 in Millbrook, Mecosta County, Michigan; He died on 7 Dec 2000 in Tucson, Pima, Arizona.

              vii. Ruth Lillian Hause was born on 27 Dec 1914 in Millbrook, Mecosta, Michigan. She married Claude Travis Fiser (1909-1984). She died on 23 Sep 1982 in Lansing, Ingham, Michigan.

                1. Arlene Fiser was born on 19 Mar 1937. She married Romane Jay Cushman (1934-2010). She died on 10 Jun 1984 in Lansing, Ingham, Michigan.

            g. (Unknown) Hause (b. 1879).

            Jesse Hause (1864-1940), Bernice Hause (1873-1930) and their mother, Mary Jane Cogswell-Hause (1849-1921).

          6. Horace H Hause was born in Wayne, Schuyler, New York, on 28 Nov 1842. Horace married Mary Ann Tong on 28 Nov 1865. She passed away on 5 Feb 1871. He enlisted in company G, Michigan Tenth Infantry, Jan. 31, 1862, at Putnam, for 3 years, age 19. Mustered Feb. 6, 1862. Discharged at St. Louis, Mo. Re-entered service in company K, Ninth Infantry. Enlisted Feb. 29, 1864, at Sylvan, for 3 years, age 21. Mustered March 12, 1864. Joined regiment May 31, 1864. Mustered out at Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 15, 1865. (Descriptive Roll Tenth Michigan Infantry). He married (2) Catherine, in 1887 and lived near his brother, Ralph S Hause in Michigan.

        IV. Anna Hause was born on 4 August 1811 in Wayne Township, Steuben County, New York. She died on 22 February 1812 in Wayne Township, Steuben County, New York.

        V. Herman C. Hause was born on 13 May 1813 in Wayne Township, Steuben County, New York. Herman married Elvira Bacon on November 26, 1832.

          1. Edwin R. Hause was born in 1834. He married Sibelia Truman on 29 Aug 1858. The marriage was performed by Horace B. Avery, Justice of Peace, husband of aunt Mary Ann (Hause) Avery. He enlisted on Sep 5 1864 in the 1st Michigan Light Artillery, Battery "G." His unit aided in the capture of Mobile on 12 Apr 1865 and defended Mobile until 19 Ju 1865. Edwin died two days later, on 21 Jul 1865 from Meningitis, and is buried at Chalmette National Cemetery, New Orleans, LA (Section: 76, Grave: 6923). His children:

            a. Amy R Hause (b. 1859).

            b. Elvira L Hause (b. 1861).

          2. Norman S Hause (b. 1843) served in in the 1st Michigan Light Artillery, Battery "B" during the Civil War. From History of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties by John Brown, Jr., Editor for San Bernardino County and James Boyd, Editor for Riverside County with selected biography of actors and witnesses of the period of growth and achievement. Volume III, the Western Historical Association, 1922, The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, ILL: "NORMAN S. HAWES—This veteran soldier of the Union has been identified with the citizenship of Riverside more than thirty years, and the business which he founded here is still continued by one of his sons.
             Mr. Hawes was born at Reading, Hillsdale County, Michigan, October 28, 1842. His family name was written in the record of births as Hause, and it is said that when he was a boy of about fifteen he proposed to his father that they change the spelling to Hawes, which was done, though his uncles and other members of the family still continue the old spelling.
             The record of the Hause family runs back to William Hause, who was born February 24, 1750. He married Martha Wood, who was born May 4, 1753, and died September 8, 1818. Of their fourteen children William Hause, Jr., was born November 22. 1781, and died January 2, 1825. April 7, 1804, he married Esther Sanford, who was born September 22, 1785. They were the parents of ten children. Of these Jesse J. Hause was born June 23, 1808, and married Sally Swarthout, who was born September 2, 1807. Heman C. Hause, a brother of Jesse J. Hause, was the father of the old soldier and Riverside resident. Heman C. Hause was born May 13, 1813, and died August 11, 1872. On November 26, 1832. he married Maria Elvira Bacon, who died May 20, 1852. The second wife of Heman Hause was Adaline L. Holt.
             Norman S. Hawes was the fifth in a family of seven children. His brother Edward R. was a Union soldier and died in the service. Another brother, Andrew J., enlisted in the Eleventh Michigan, but was rejected on account of age, and subsequently enlisted in the Seventeenth Michigan Infantry and served until discharged on account of disability. He finally joined Battery D of the First Michigan Light Artillery, and was in service until the close of the war.
             Norman S. Hawes received his education in the schools of Litchfield, Michigan, and the country schools of Branch County, and Was identified with the work of his father's farm until he joined the army in September. 1861. His military service is compiled from the official account drawn up by the Soldiers and Sailors Historical and Benevolent Society. He was a member of the famous First Regiment. Michigan Light Artillery Battery D, under command of Capt. Josiah W. Church and known as Church's Battery. Norman Hawes enlisted September 17, 1861. from Branch County to serve three years. He was mustered in at White Pigeon, Michigan, September 17th as a private in Battery D, commanded successively by Capt. William W. Andrews, Capt. Alonza F. Bidwell and Capt. Josiah W. Church. This battery was organized in White Pigeon and mustered in September 17th and attached to the Fourteenth Army Corps. It was on duty at Camp Robinson and Louisville, Kentucky, until January, 1862, and then went by l)oat down the Ohio and up the Cumberland to Spring Hill, south of Nashville, Tennessee. Mr. Hawes was taken ill and sent home on a discharged furlough, but rejoined his battery after the battle of Stone River in the concluding days of the year 1862. The battery was then ordered to Triune, where it remained several months, until the advance of Rosecrans on Chattanooga. The first engagement on his return was at Hoover's Gap and then at Winchester, Tennessee, where the raiment remained a few weeks. Then crossing the Tennessee River at Stevenson, Alabama, it advanced over Lookout Mountain down into the Chickamauga Valley. In September 1863, the battery was assigned to the First Brigade, Third Division. It reached Growers Ford on the Chickamauga September 18th and participated in the great battle of that name on the following day, rendering conspicuous service, no battery in that memorable battle being handled more skillfully or doing greater execution. The battery occupied Fort N^ley at Chattanooga. In November following the battery assisted in shelling the enemy on Lookout Mountain when General Hooker was advancing across the face of the mountain, and also participated in the assault on Missionary Ridge November 25th. From March until December, following the battery was at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, and then was sent back to Nashville, Tennessee, where they remained in camp during the winter. The following spring they marched to Murfreesboro and occupied Fort Rosecrans during the remainder of the war.
             Norman S. Hawes was in all the engagements of his battery excepting the time he was in the hospital and at home and was always at his post of duty and achieved a gallant record for meritorious service and soldierly conduct. He left the battery at Columbia, Tennessee, and was in the hospital, later at Nashville, and was furloughed home and after recovering reported at Detroit and rejoined the battery at Murfreesboro. At Louisville, while in drill, he was injured when a team fell on him, causing injury to neck and spine which has ever since affected him. For a time he was a nurse in the smallpox hospital at Louisville. His certificate of honorable discharge was dated at Nashville, September 17, 1864.
             After leaving the army Mr. Hawes returned to Butler. Michigan, and helped his uncle complete a school building. A teacher being needed for the school, he took the examination and, passing the highest marks of all the applicants, was given the school and at the end of the year was complimented by the board for having the most orderly and best attended school in the district. Following that he took a high school teacher's course at Coldwater, and following that was given a school in Quincy Township of Branch County. His pupils stood high in the usual branches and he was especially commended for his classes in singing and debating. He taught another term at Butler and then went on the road as a salesman selling sewing machines, and had a store at Hillsdale, Michigan. Later he went on the road for the firm of Whitney & Currier of Toledo, Ohio, selling organs and pianos. That was his business for fifteen years, and in 1888 Mr. Hawes came to Riverside and opened an establishment of his own in the Tetley Hotel Block, selling pianos and other musical instruments, sewing machines and bicycles. He prospered, and with increasing business moved his quarters to the Frederick Block, and continued there until he retired, since which time the business has been conducted by his son, H. W. Hawes.
             Mr. Hawes is an honored member of Riverside Post No. 118. Department of California and Nevada, Grand Army of the Republic, and was elected senior vice commander of his post for 1915 and commander in 1916. He is affiliated with the Masonic Order and the Fraternal Aid Association.
             In Branch County, Michigan, April 2, 1866, Mr. Hawes married Miss Sarah A. Dickerson. Her father, Alonzo Dickerson, and her brothers, Joseph and Melvin M. Dickerson, were also Union soldiers in Michigan regiments. Mrs. Hawes was an invalid for many years of her life, passing away December 19, 1920. She was born May 31, 1849. Mr. and Mrs. Hawes had four children. The oldest, Flora Winifred, was born March 6, 1867, and died November 5, 1888. Harry Wilford Hawes, successor to his father's business, was born December 20, 1868, and on November 1, 1900, married Minnie L. Stratton, born September 28, 1872. Their three children are named Ethel Winifred, born February 5, 1902; Lillian Josephine, born March 6, 1905, and Harold Wilford, bom January 13, 1910.
             The second son of Mr. Hawes is Frederick Norman, who was born April 17, 1872. February 1, 1898, he married Alice Belle Hersey, who was born July 27, 1875. They are the parents of a son, James Hersey Hawes, born October 24, 1908.
             The youngest son, Roy Currier Hawes, was born January 8, 1877, and on May 19, 1900, married Annabel Allen, who was born January 28, 1877. Their four children were: Wilford Allen, born March 31, 1901, and died August 25th of the same year; Roland Cyril, born October 4, 1908; Sarah Elizabeth, born December 4, 1911, and Norman Worth Hawes, born November 1, 1914." Norman died on 16 Oct 1923 in Riverside, California, and is buried at Olivewood Cemetery, in Riverside, Riverside County, California, Section F.

          3. Andrew J Hause (b. 1845) served in in the 1st Michigan Light Artillery, Battery "B" during the Civil War. Andrew signed for brother Edwin's personal items after his death.

        VI. Hannah Hause was born on 23 January 1815 in Wayne Township, Steuben County, New York. She died on 2 February 1815 in Wayne Township, Steuben County, New York.

        Harris Hause
        Harris Elisha Hause (1816-1879)
        VII. Harris Elisha Hause was born on 15 January 1816 in Wayne Township, Steuben County, New York. He died on 11 February 1879 in Six Mile, Jennings County, Indiana. Harris married Lucinda E. Maynard (b. 20 Sep 1820 in Tyrone, Steuben County, NY) on March 25, 1837 in Wayne Township, Steuben County, New York.
           Unlike the other Hause siblings who migrated to Michigan, Harris obtained a Land Patent in 1837 in Jennings County, Indiana. He and Lucinda settled on the east shore of Six Mile Creek, on the south side of the wagon road from North Vernon to Hardenburg, where Harris ran a general store and improved 80 acres of farmland. Nobody at that time and place could survive on one career, however. Harris' occupation according to the 1850 census was as a blacksmith. As a Democrat, he served as Township Trustee and a Justice of the Peace in Hayden, Jennings County. (Hardenburg's name was changed to Hayden in the late 1800's). Harris was "of magnetic temperament and made many warm friends, and his course in life was such as to win the respect of all who observed it. In early life he was a Baptist, but in later years a Universalist." (Gen. and Bio. Record of Decatur County, Indiana, pages 251-253.)
           Lucinda died on 11 Feb 1879, and is buried in Six Mile Cemetery. For a family history, click here. Together Harris and Lucinda had ten children. Those children were:

          Robert William Galloway
          Dr. William Hause (1837-1917)
          1. William D Hause was born on 20 Dec 1837 in Hayden, Jennings Co., Indiana. He attended the Eclectic School of Medicine and became a doctor. He married Elizabeth Storey (1837-1859), and she died in September of 1859. He fought in the Civil War, enlisting in 1861 at Indianapolis, as a private in the 52nd Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He eventually was elected 2nd Lieutenant.
             On August 9, 1863, William was married at Fort Willow, Tennessee, to Mary A Biddinger 1844-Huckery, a widow who had been visiting her brothers in the army. William and Mary then adopted the son of John Huckery, one of her late brothers, and raised him as their own.
             William's recipe for cough syrup: "1 pint of good whiskey, 1/2 ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine, 8 ounces of Pure Glycerine, and 1/2 pound of rock candy. Shake often till the candy dissolves. Take a teaspoon every two or four hours owing to the severity of the cough. Keep this receipt so you can get it again if you need it." William died on 17 Mar 1917, at the age of 79.

          Greensburg Standard (Greensburg, Decatur, IN), 29 Aug 1913; page 1.

            a. J. (John?) F. Huckery (b. 1861) thereafter known as John F. Hause.

          2. Mary Elnora Hause was born on 8 Apr 1840 in Hayden, Jennings, Indiana, and died on 13 Oct 1917 in Centralia, Lewis County, Washington. She married Orman Dutton Allison (b. 3 Feb 1831 in Wethersfield, Vermont) on 15 Apr 1857 in Six Mile, Jennings, Indiana, and had the following children:

            a. William Allison (b. 1860).

            b. Emma Allison (b. 1863).

            c. Oscar Allison (b. 1868).

            d. Cora Allison (b. 1874 in Kansas).

          3. Louise E. Hause was born on 28 Dec 1843 in Six Mile, Jennings County, Indiana. She married Michael Wildey (b. 1838 in New York). She died on 9 Feb 1899 in Hayden, and is buried at Sixmile Cemetery in Hayden, Jennings County, Indiana. Her children:

            a. Alice B. Wildey (b. 1869).

            b. James A. Wildey (b. 1872).

          4. Eli W. Hause was born on 7 Mar 1846. He foght in the Civil War, serving with the 52nd Indiana Regiment, having joined up in early 1864 at the age of 18, "against his father's wishes—and like many of his fellow Civil War soldiers, he's very interested in the cause of preserving the Union but would rather the slavery question not be part of it. Eli enjoys winning at cards with his fellow soldiers and seems to tell Calvin about any of the young women that catch his eye—though it appears he is too bashful to speak to them." (From letters to cousin Calvin Faye.) Eli fought in the 52nd Regiment, Indiana Infantry, Company K, as a Private, but reached the rank of Corporal (Source: U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007; Film Number: M540 roll 32). He married Myra Jan Marciller (26 Mar 1849 - 15 Dec 1920) on 27 Aug 1867. Eli died on 13 Feb 1877. His children:

            a. John Harris Hause (30 Aug 1869 - 27 Feb 1877).

            b. William E. Hause (25 Jan 1872 - 4 Feb 1873).

            c. Alma Daisy Hause was born on 24 Aug 1873 in Raymore, Cass, Missouri. She married Frederick E. Landis (1854-1937) and they had the following children: Harvey Owen Landis (1889-1951), Walter Clyde Landis (1891-1942), Guy Landis (1892-1894), Ira Vern Landis (1894-1981), James Albert Landis (1896-1955), Guy M Landis (b. 1898), Delmer Cleatus Landis (1900-1975), Myra Dora Estella Landis (1901-1936) and Mabel Josephine Landis (1903-1997). Alma died on 3 Jul 1946 in Kearney, Buffalo, Nebraska.

            d. Claude W Hause was born on 19 Jul 1876 in Hardenburg, Jennings, Indiana. He died on 3 Feb 1949 in Kearney, Buffalo, Nebraska.

          Harris Hause
          Elmer Kendall Hause (1848-1917)
          5. Elmer Kendall Hause was born on 7 Apr 1848 in Hayden, Jennings County, Indiana. Elmer became a carpenter, plasterer and housebuilder. Elmer married Emma Elvira Gross (1 Mar 1853 - 7 Dec 1937) in Hayden, Indiana.
             Elmer and Emma were married by Elmer's father, Harris, the Justice of the Peace in that area. He tried farming with two of his brothers, which lasted a year. He then decided to move to Clyde, Kansas, where Emma's father Martin Gross lived. When Martin died, they headed back towards Hayden, but one of their sons became ill, and he turned his wagon to Clinton, Missouri, where a sister lived. (Uncle Lyman Maynard also served as a doctor in the area.)
             Elmer was elected Justice of the Peace in Westport, Indiana, and built a home there. But eventually he sold it and moved to Oklahoma, where he planted crops, but the venture failed. Altogether, Elmer followed his trade in five states before settling in Blaine Co., Oklahoma, in 1902. He lived in Blaine until his death: "It was remarkable to be in his sick room. Although at times he was in intense pain, which seemed almost unbearable, not a murmer or question of his prolonged illness came from his lips in the writers presence." (From an uncredited obituary.)
             Elmer died on 7 Apr 1917 in Geary, Oklahoma. Emma died at the age of 84, in the home of their son, Frank Hause. See Elmer in Mason garb here; Posing with Emma. His children:

            a. Norman Hause was born on 1 Oct 1876. He died on 11 Apr 1878.

            b. Harris Martin Hause was born on 1 Feb 1878 in Westport, Decatur, Indiana. He married Della May Hause (1877 - 1923). "Harry"died on 13 Nov 1937, and is buried at Lindenwood Cemetery in Fort Wayne, Allen County, Indiana.

            Howard Alison Hause (1881-1957) and family. Standing from left: Benjamin Franklin, LuLu, Charles and Ira. Sitting from left: Howard, Lee and Flora.
            c. Howard Alison Hause was born on 30 May 1881 in Ames, Cloud, Kansas. He died on 24 Nov 1957 in Indiana. He married Flora May Babbs (1881-1952) and had the following children:

              i. Benjamin Franklin Hause was born on 27 Aug 1904 in Blaine, Oklahoma. He died on 26 Dec 1971 in Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana.

              ii. Ira Elmer Hause was born on 11 Dec 1905 in Blaine, Oklahoma. He married Vera M (b. 1910) Ira died on 5 Feb 1975 in LaGrange, LaGrange, Indiana. He and Vera had one child, Coleen Hause (b. 1928).

              iii. Lula Pearl Hause was born on 18 Sep 1908 in Blaine, Oklahoma. She died on 10 Feb 2004 in Shawnee, Pottawatomie, Oklahoma. "Shawnee resident Lula Pearl Bachuss,95 died Tuesday, Feb. 10, in Shawnee. Bachuss moved to Shawnee when she was 8 years old and has lived here since, except for 2 years during World War II when she was employed at permanente Metals Ship Yard as a pipe welder. She worked for 14 years for Shawnee Garment Factory and was a certified master tutor for 6 years. She was a member of Heritage Baptist Church and taught Sunday school for 53 years. She was preceded in death by her husband, J.D. Bachuss in 1968, and four brothers, Frank, Ira, Lee, and Charley Hause. Survivors include her son, Clyde Bachuss of Shawnee, daughter Mary Jo Fisher of South Lake Tahoe, California, 7 grandchildren, 14 greatgrandchildren, and 8 great-great-grandchildren." Taken from The Shawnee Newstar Feb. 13 2004.

              Charles Hause (1913-2002) with "Kitty" (1916-2011) and kitty.
              iv. Charles Raymond Hause was born on 24 Nov 1913 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Charles created a massive genealogy of the Hause family, tracking down the grave of William Hause I on Hause Hill in Schuyler County; researching the hereldic arms of the family, and connecting family members who never would have otherwise known each other. Read a 1969 letter from Charles tracing William Hause here. He married Almina Katherine "Kitty" Hine (1916-2011) and had two sons, Steve Hause and Sheldon Kendall Hause (1946-1981). Sheldon was killed in a motorcycle accident in New York. Charles died on 30 Mar 2002 in Arnold, Jefferson, Missouri. St Louis Post-Dispatch Tuesday April 2, 2002: "HAUSE, CHARLES R. 88, died in his sleep of congestive heart failure, at the Woodlands Nursing Home in Arnold, MO, on March 30, 2002; Charley is survived by his wife of 66 years, Almina K. 'Kitty' Hause (nee Hine), of Arnold; by his son Dr. Steven C. Hause of St. Louis, and by his daughter-in-law, Dr. Kathryn A. Walterscheid of St. Louis; he was preceded in death by his other son, Sheldon K. Hause, of Washington D.C. Charley was born on a farm in Oklahoma and always remembered in childhood braiding the hair of an Indian Chief. Moving to the big city, he graduated as Salutatorian of his class at age 15, leading to the distinguished career as a chemist. He served as a chemical analyst for the Wayne Foods division of Allied Mills (today Continental Grain) for 49 years, in Fort Wayne, Indiana; Portsmouth, Virginia; and Libertyville, Illinois. He retired to Shawnee, Oklahoma in 1979. No local service. Burial in the Hine family plot in the old Waterloo Cemetery, Waterloo, Indiana. Memorials to the History Department Gift Fund at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. The family is being served by the Heiligtag Funeral Home of Arnold, Missouri." (Special Collections St. Louis Library)

              v. Lee Leslie Hause was born on 29 Jul 1917 in Blaine, Oklahoma. He died on 24 Jan 1991 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

            d. Mary Alice Hause was born on 7 Nov 1883 and died on 9 Dec 1962.

            e. Herman Charles Hause was born on 28 Aug 1886 in Westport, Decatur, Indiana. He married Mae Ella (1885 - 1968). Herman died on 22 Nov 1966 and is buried at Scipio Cemetery in Scipio Township, Allen County, Indiana.

            f. Haskell Frank Hause was born on 16 Feb 1889 in Westport, Decatur, Indiana, and married Eula Massey Hause (1893 - 1980). He died on 12 Aug 1971 in El Reno, Canadian, Oklahoma, and is buried at Red Rock Cemetery in El Reno, Canadian County, Oklahoma.

            Homer Elmer Hause (1892-1941) and Mamie Paulk-Hause (1894-1977)
            g. Homer Elmer Hause was born on 14 Sep 1892 in Westport Decatur, Indiana. He married Mamie Paulk (11 Aug 1894 - 15 Mar 1977) on 15 Sep 1912 in Sunnyhill Canadian, Oklahoma.
               Homer homesteaded a 320 acre property in Tate, New Mexico, around 1915, then sent for Mamie, who followed with children Evelyn and Hazel. Things did not go well in New Mexico, however, and they returned to Oklahoma, working their way back by covered wagon for about two years. In 1943, Mamie moved to Hutchinson, Kansas, with children Bob, Eula and Clyde, to reunite with the family there. Mamie lived until 1977. They had ten children, listed below. Homer died on 26 Feb 1941 in Sunnyhill Canadian, Oklahoma. Mamie died on 15 Mar 1977 at her home Hutchinson, Kansas.

              i. Evelyn Nancy Hause was born on 14 Jul 1913 in Geary, Blaine, Oklahoma, She married Lloyd Amos Magby (1910 - 1997) and they had Pearl Jewel Magby (1933 - 1933). She died on 10 Nov 1991 in Vinita, Craig, Oklahoma, and her ashes are buried with her parents at Geary Cemetery in Geary, Blaine County, Oklahoma.

              ii. Hazel Elizabeth Hause was born on 7 Nov 1914 and married Lloyd Amos Magby (1910 - 1997). Hazel died on 17 Apr 1998 Hutchinson, Reno, Kansas. Her ashes are buried with her mother and father, at Geary Cemetery in Geary, Blaine County, Oklahoma. (There is no marker.)

              Harris Hause & Family
              Norman Homer (1916-1978) and Mary Annabelle Hause (1915-2006). This is the wedding photo. She didn't get a wedding ring, but she got an accordion because they were going into missionary work.

              iii. Norman Homer Hause was born on 7 Mar 1916 in Clayton, Union, New Mexico, and married Mary Annabelle Osborn Hause (1915 - 2006). Norman and Annabelle ministered to the Native Americans at Wounded Knee South Dakota. He was also a tree trimmer. He was a minister in Kansas, Oklahoma and Nebraska. A tall man. He was 6'3". He loved all children. He could stand on his head, and the kids all loved that. Norman died on 22 Feb 1978 in Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas. They are buried at Mount Hope Cemetery in Topeka.

              iv. Henry William Hause was born on 8 Jul 1918 in Clayton, Union County, Kansas. Henry married Ethel Mae Farrar Hause (1922 - 2008), and was a minister in Kansas and California. He helped build one of his churches in California, and did house painting on the side to make extra money. He died on 12 Sep 2002 in California. He is buried at the Greenlawn Memorial Park in Bakersfield, Kern County, California, in the Garden of Devotion.

              v. Harry R Hause.

              vi. Clarence Hause married Alice.

              vii. Ida Emma Hause was born on 18 Aug 1926 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. On May 26, 1944, she married Clyde Hunter Bell (1919-1995) at Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas. Children: Wayne, Charles, Betty Moore, Peggy Osborn, Dorothy Jean Kipp, Barbara Scott and Beverly Reed. Clyde died Aug. 19, 1995, and Ida died on 30 Sep 2002 in Hutchinson, Reno, Kansas. They are buried at Hutchinson Eastside Cemetery in Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas. "Ida "Bell" Julian 76 died Sept. 30 2002, at Golden Plains Nursing Home, Hutchinson. She was born Aug. 18. 1926. at Geary Oklahoma,the daughter of Homer and Mamie Paulk Hause. A longtime resident, she was a homemaker. She belonged to the Baptist faith. On May 26, 1944, she married Clyde Bell at Hutchinson. He died Aug. 19, 1995. Survivors include: two sons Wayne and Charles, both of Hutchinson: five daughters, Betty Moore, Rockey Point N.C., ` Osborn, Dorothy Jean Kipp, Barbara Scott and Beverly Reed, all of Hutchinson: four brothers. Clarence Hause, Mich. Harry, Clyde and Bob Hause all of Kansas, a sister Eula Holcomb Hutchinson; 28 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by two brothers, Norman and Henry Hause; and two sisters Evelyn and Hazel Magby. Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Eastside Cemetery, Hutchinson with Greg Teague presiding. The body was cremated. Ida died of cancer."

              viii. Clyde Melvin Hause "was born May 9, 1929 in Geary, Oklahoma and departed this life on April 15, 2011 in Van Buren, Missouri. He had attained the age of eighty-one years, eleven months and six days. Mr. Hause had formerly owned and worked for Payday IGA Grocery in Great Bend, Kansas, as a butcher. He enjoyed playing Bingo, bird watching and being with his grandkids. He was united in marriage to Cora Hause. She preceded him in death. He was also preceded in death by one son, Randy Hause. Survivors include two sons, Kelly Hause and his wife Judy of Van Buren and Ronald Hause of Montana; three daughters, Stacy Franklin and husband Tracy of Cooter, Mo, Teresa Gibson of Spokane, Wash, and Gina Hardy; many grandchildren including, Jessica, Jamie, Corey and Jordan Hause and Austin and Dustin Franklin and many other relatives and friends who mourn his passing."

              ix. Eula Francis Hause married Holcomb.

              Family historians Charles Raymond Hause (1913-2002) and Bobby Ray Hause (b. 1936) review genealogy files.

              x. Bobby Ray Hause was born on 11 Aug 1936 in Geary, Blaine Co., Oklahoma. He married Shirley Jane White (b. 29 Jun 1932 in Hutchinson, Reno Co., Kansas) on 10 Jun 1956 in Hutchinson, Kansas. They've had three children, listed below. Bob is the family historian, haven taken over from his cousin, Charles Raymond Hause (see above). He passed away on 10 Jun 2021 in Wellington, Sumner County, Kansas, and is buried at Sumner Memorial Gardens in Wellington, Sumner County, Kansas. He and Shirley had the following children:

                1. Robert William Hause was born on 23 DEC 1957 in Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas, and died on 29 Dec 1957 and is buried at the Old Mission Cemetery in Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas. "I never was able to take our baby son home. He only lived 6 days. He tried so hard to live but he wasn't strong enough to live. He only weighed a little over 3 pounds. He was our oldest child and his two sisters miss having an older brother. I miss him so much."

                2. Teresa Jane Hause was born Sept.16 1959. She married Peter Champagne on June 10 1978. She just received her masters degree and wants to become a teacher. Peter was born Dec 2 1957. He works at a plant that makes parts for aircraft and a lot of other things.

                3. Jeannette S. Hause was born March 4 1963. She married Douglas Bruce on May 2 1981. She works in and eye doctor's office. He works at an aircraft plant in Wellington. Their child Christopher was born March 26 1984. He works at the plant where his dad works and has a bachlors degree. Doug has a masters degree.

            Sarah Esther Hause (1897-1961) and husband Hope K Knight (1881-1956), with daughter, Ruby (b. 1915).
            h. Sarah Esther Hause was born on 22 Sep 1897 in Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas. She married Hope K Knight (1881-1956). She died on 23 Feb 1961 in Shawnee, Pottawatomie, Oklahoma. Her children:

              i. Ruby May Bell Knight was born on 22 Oct 1914 in Gaston, Northampton, North Carolina. On 28 Aug 1931 she married Earl Thomason (1911-1992) in Pottawatomie, Oklahoma. They had two children: Ruby Earlene Thomason (17 Mar 1932 - 30 Oct 2001) and Glen Alvin Thomason (17 Aug 1934 - 27 Mar 2016). Ruby died on 28 Jul 1936 in Shawnee, Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma.

              ii. Lela Knight was born on 31 Jul 1918 in Shawnee, Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma. On 17 Jul 1937 she married John Orvil Goodnight (1915-2000) in Shawnee, Pottawatomie, Oklahoma. Lela died on 4 Aug 1942 in Shawnee, Pottawatomie, Oklahoma.

              iii. Mirtie Knight was born on 29 Jan 1920 in in Shawnee, Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma. On 1 Aug 1940 she married Roy Arthur Herron (27 Oct 1917 - 13 Apr 1991).

              iv. Mary Ellen Knight was born on 25 Jun 1924 in Shawnee, Pottawatomie, Oklahoma. On 07 Aug 1939 she married Coy Wesley Herron (14 Jun 1920 - 9 Oct 2000) and they had Wesley Coy Herron (b. 1940) and Doyle E. Herron (5 Apr 1942 - 13 Apr 2015). Mary Ellen died on 14 May 2014 in Shawnee, Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma.

              iv. Harvey Leon Knight was born on 19 Mar 1935 in Shawnee, Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma. He died on 6 Feb 2017 in Savoy, Fannin County, Texas.

          6. Ada Jane Hause was born 23 Jun 1851 in Indiana, and married John B. Hammond (b. May 1837 in Ohio). "Again death silently creeps into our community and after a three week illness of la-grippe which terminated in congestion of the brain. Mrs. J.B.Hammond finished her earthly labor and at 1:35 P.M. Monday Jan. 16 1905, her soul took flight to a better world. Born in Hardenburg, Indiana June 23 1851. Her maiden name was Ada Jane Hause. Married June 27 1866 to J.B. Hammond. Ten children five preceded their mother to the land of rest. A resident of Clinton about 34 years and a member of the M.E. South Church for about 10. She will now receive a reward for her faithful work for her Master. She leaves a devoted husband and 5 children -- Mrs. T.D. Hunt Kansas City Kansas; Mrs Florence Scudder Kansas City and Frank, Lee, and Daisy of this city. Burial in Englewood." They had the following children: Nora (b. 1875), Sally (b. 1878), Frank (b. 1883), Lee (b. 1884), and Daisy Hammond (b. 1887). She died on 16 Jan 1905 in Missouri.

            a. Lydia Lenora "Nora" Hammond was born in Dec 1874 in Indiana. In 1894 she married Thomas Dillwood Hunt (1873-1950), and they had three daughters: Nellie Gertrude Hunt (Webster, 1895-1966), Nettie Zenaphine Hunt (Anderson, 1897-1987), and Violet Fern Hunt (Goodale, 1906-1972). She died in Jan 1923 and is buried at Mount Hope Cemetery in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas, Sec 110, Lot 1, Gr 3.

            b. Sally Hammond (b. 1878).

            Ben Hammond
            Ben Franklin Hammond (1883-1970)
            c. Benjamin Franklin "Ben" Hammond was born on 31 May 1883 in Clinton, Henry County, Missouri. "Benjamin Franklin Hammond, 86, of 1635 May, a cartoonist with The Wichita Eagle for more than half a century died Saturday, 26 April, 1970. Services will be at 10 a.m. Monday in Quiring Mortuary. Burial will be In White Chapel Memorial Gardens. Born at Clinton, Missouri, Hammond came to Wichita in 1911 from Denver and began his cartoon career with The Eagle in 1912. In addition to his famous "Hoots and Quacks" cartoon panel featured in the Sunday magazine section of the paper, Hammond did a cartoon of political or news comment for the paper every day and illustrated various news and feature stories including at least two historical series. He also served for a while as The Eagle's librarian. During his early career in Wichita, he presented chalk talk and cartoon variety shows at public schools and later was booked by lecture bureaus for appearances before schools and clubs over the country. For more than 25 years Hammond was known to radio listeners as "Uncle Ben" when he read The Eagle comic strips each Sunday morning on KFH Radio. Following his retirement in 1965 be donated his collection of drawings to the Historical Museum in Wichita. He continued to illustrate by submitting a Hoots and Quacks cartoon for the monthly newsletter put out at the retirement home where he resided. Survivors include his widow, Elsie B., a son, John B., and a daughter Dr. Geraldine Hammond both of Wichita." (The Wichita Beacon (Wichita, Kansas; 26 April, 1970, Sunday, Page 42). He died on 25 Apr 1970 and is buried with Elsie at White Chapel Memorial Gardens in Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas, Section 9.

            d. Lee Rahl Hammond (1884-1945) married Elizabeth Frances 'Lizzie' Lucas (1887-1947). They are buried at Englewood Cemetery, Clinton, Henry County, Missouri. They had the following children:

              i. John Lawrence Hammond was born on 3 Jul 1905 in Clinton, Henry County, Missouri. He married (1) Sue Lucille Puckett (1912-1934) and they had a daughter, Sue Anne Hammond (Bledsoe, 29 Jan 1934 - 1 Jun 1955); Sue Anne died from "toxic nephrosis" following premature separation of placenta in the birth of her daughter, Rebecca Sue Bledsoe (1955-1955). John married (2) Louise (1911-1973). John died on 19 Oct 1978 in Houston, Harris Co., Texas. They are all buried together in the Hammond family plot at Englewood Cemetery in Clinton, Henry County, Missouri.

              ii. Thomas Lee "Tommy" Hammond was born on 27 Nov 1907 in Clinton, Henry County, Missouri. He married (1) Cleopatra Puckett (1914-1933) and they had a son who died before the age of two, Harold Thomas Hammond (16 May 1932 - 30 Jan 1934); Tommy then married (2) Irene Dameron (1915-1938) and they had a daughter, Beverly June Hammond (Burton, 27 Jun 1936 - 8 Jul 2014); Tommy then married (3) Pauline E. Caldwell (1913-1993). He died on 10 Nov 1977 in Clinton, Henry County, Missouri, and is buried in the Hammond family plot at Englewood Cemetery in Clinton, Henry County, Missouri.

              iii. Lena May Hammond was born on 7 May 1910 in Woodson County, Kansas. She died on 12 May 1911 Clinton, Henry County, Missouri, and is buried in the family plot at Englewood Cemetery in Clinton, Henry County, Missouri.

              iv. Ruby H. Hammond was born on 1 Feb 1912 in Henry County, Missouri. She married Oliver William "Rod" Fisher (1909-1984) on 7 Jan 1933 Clinton, Henry Co. MO. She died on 7 Mar 1980 in Clinton, Henry County, Missouri, and is buried at Englewood Cemetery in Clinton, Henry County, Missouri. She and Rod had a daughter:

                1. Shirley Ann Fisher Vinyard was born on 24 Oct 1933 in Missouri; In 1959 she married Jerry Franklin Vinyard (1933-2021). She died on 6 Jan 2015 in Herington, Dickinson County, Kansas. "Shirley A. Vinyard, 81, of Herington, KS, died Tuesday, January 6th, 2015, at the Herington Municipal Hospital. She was born Tuesday, October 24, 1933, at Clinton, MO, the daughter of Oliver W. "Rod" and Ruby H. (Hammond) Fisher. A Memorial Service will be held at 1:00 PM Friday, January 9th, 2015, at the Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Herington, with Rev. Troy Slater officiating. Private inurnment will be at a later date in the Sunset Hill Cemetery, Herington. The Penwell-Gabel Funeral Home and Crematory, Herington Chapel is assisting with arrangements. Mrs. Vinyard worked for many years as a secretary for Travelers Insurance Agency in Topeka. She was a member of the Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Herington. She loved to travel, and they enjoyed their house in Mexico. She was a very good and avid bowler, and went to National Bowling Tournaments. Graduated from Warrensburg High School with the class of 1951, and received her Associate Degree from Central Missouri University. Married Jerry F. Vinyard on March 20, 1959, in Warrensburg, MO; he survives of the home. Also survived by her daughter Becky Barnes (husband-Paul) of Herington; six (6) grandsons: Justin Barnes, Jacob Barnes, Christian "Frank" Barnes (wife -- Amanda), Christopher Barnes, Trenton Barnes (wife-Chelsea), and Nicholas Barnes; and a great grandson Lincoln. Preceded in death by her son David Vinyard in 2009, and her parents." She is buried at Sunset Hill Cemetery in Herington, Dickinson County, Kansas.

              v. Wilma Genevieve Hammond was born around 1914; She married Walter G Morre (b. 1910) and they had: Billy (b. 1937), Wanda (b. 1939), Manford (b. 1940), Oliver (b. 1942), Dennis (b. 1943) and Thomas (b. 1947). Wilma Genevieve died in Feb 1986.

              vi. Frances Louise Hammond was born on 27 Aug 1916 in Calhoun, Henry, MO. She married Jack Dale Ethridge (1918-1990) and they had Dale Gerard (b. 1939) and Deborah Ethridge (Clayton). She died on 5 Nov 1990 in Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri.

              vii. Opal Fay Hammond was born in 1918 in Missouri; In 1937 she married Dewey F. Kinney (1916-1995) and they had a daughter, Donna Faye Kinney (Scarpetta, 1941-2010). Opal Faye died in 1980 and is buried at Calhoun Cemetery in Calhoun, Henry County, Missouri.

              viii. Ina M. Hammond was born on 29 Nov 1920. In 1948 she married (1) Floyd V Cline and (2) Duard Clifford Swope (1918-1996) and she had Robert Allan Cline-Swope (1945-1988) and Paul Cline-Swope (1946-2000). Ina died on 14 Mar 1986 and is buried at Knob Noster Cemetery in Knob Noster, Johnson County, Missouri.

              ix. Alice F. Hammond was born on 19 Nov 1924 in Clinton, Henry County, Missouri. She married William Olson (1924-1978). She died on 12 Apr 2005, Marshall, Saline County, Missouri. Obituary: DEMOCRAT, Clinton, MO, April 15, 2005. "Alice F. Olson, 80, Sweet Springs, formerly of Clinton, died Tuesday, April 12, 2005, at Fitzgibbon Hospital in Marshall. Memorial graveside services will be held Wednesday, April 20, at Englewood Cemetery. She was born November 19, 1924, in Clinton, daughter of Lee Hammond and Elizabeth Lucas Hammond. She married William Olson, who preceded her in death. She worked for the Jones Store Company as a cosmetic manager for over 20 years. Her parents and 13 siblings also preceded her in death. Survivors include her children, Nicholas (Katherine) Olson of Copper Canyon, TX, and Brenda (Stephen) Cosgrove of Sweet Springs; four grandchildren and several nieces and nephews."

              x. Dorothy Maxine Hammond was born on 10 Apr 1926 in Clinton, Henry County, Missouri. She died on 16 Oct 1993 in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri, and is buried at Englewood Cemetery in Clinton, Henry County, Missouri.

            e. Alice Daisey Hammond was born on 4 Dec 1888 in Clinton, Henry County, Missouri. She married Walter Lee Lucas (1884-1951) and they had the following children: Virgil Garland Lucas (1910-1981) and Vernon Eugene Lucas (1913-1957). She died on 24 Dec 1927 (Merry Christmas?) in Henry County, Missouri, and is buried at Englewood Cemetery in Clinton, Henry County, Missouri, Plot B203 L1008 G09.

          Esther Ann Hause & Family
          Esther Ann Hause Wildey (1853-1916) and family.
          7. Esther Ann Hause was born on 25 Sep 1853 in Hayden, Jennings, Indiana. She married Richard Wildey (1851-1921) in 1873. Esther Ann died on 10 Dec 1916 in Sunnyslope, Chelan, Washington.

            a. Maud Fay Wildey was born on 9 Jul 1871 in Jennings County, Indiana. She died two months later, on 18 Oct 1871 in Jennings County, and is buried at Sixmile Cemetery in Hayden, Jennings County, Indiana,.

            b. Edgar F Wildey was born on 8 Feb 1876 in Indiana. In 1900, he married (1) Eulalia Pearl Kirkendall (1882-1921) and they had: Anna Marie Wildey (Fennell, 9 Nov 1900 - 6 Jul 1980), Clara Belle Wildey (Simpson, 29 Oct 1903 - 13 Sep 1974), Walter Edgar Wildey (30 Mar 1906 - 12 Jun 1989), Violet Pearl Wildey (Krogness, 20 Jul 1908 - 9 May 2010), Richard A Wildey (18 Sep 1909 - 21 May 1976), Harry Hause Wildey (12 Apr 1914 - 24 Oct 1976), and (Unnamed) Wildey (18 Aug 1918 - 7 Sep 1918) who died as an infant. After Eulalia died, Edgar then married (2) Millie M West (1890-1975), and they had: Dorcas Henrietta Wildey (Meixsell, 17 Jul 1933 - 12 Jun 1959). Edgar died on 7 Nov 1947 in Ephrata, Grant County, Washington, and is buried at Ephrata Cemetery in Ephrata, Grant County, Washington.

            c. Walter Scott Wildey was born on 3 Mar 1881 in Jennings County, Indiana; he died on 9 Aug 1889 at the age of eight in Jennings County, Indiana, and is buried at Sixmile Cemetery in Hayden, Jennings County, Indiana.

            d. John Willard Wildey was born on 14 Aug 1884 in Jennings County, Indiana; He died on 25 Feb 1885 at the age of 6 months; he is buried at Sixmile Cemetery in Hayden, Jennings County, Indiana.

            e. Mary Edith Wildey (1890-1910).

          8. Alford E. Hause was born on 1 Sep 1856 in Hayden, Indiana, and died on 30 Apr 1873, at the age of 17.

          9. Harry A. Hause was born on 15 Feb 1859 in Indiana, and passed away on 12 Apr 1861, dying at the age of three.

          10. Alice Cora Hause was born on 15 Sep 1861 in Hayden, Jennings County, Indiana. She married James "Jesse" Biddinger (1840-1924), connected with the Marchant Police of Indianapolis, Indiana. "Cora" died on 26 Jul 1924 in Indianapolis, Marion County Indiana, and is buried at rown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, Plot: Sec: 60, Lot: 232.

        VIII. Mary Ann Hause was born on 3 August 1819 in Wayne, Schuyler County, New York. She died in April 1858. Mary married Horace B. Avery on November 6, 1834. They had:

          William Hause Avery, his wife Maria Anne Hall and their granddaughters whom they raised, Myrtle Elizabeth (front) and Anne Marie Avery (rear). Taken in El Dorado, KS in about 1902.
          1. William Hause Avery was born on 19 Nov 1837 in Hillsdale, Hillsdale County, Michigan; He fought during the Civil War with Co. D, 18th Michigan Infantry; Residence at enlistment: Allen, Michigan; Enlisted as a Private on 31 July 1862 at the age of 25; He received a disability discharge on 21 March 1864 at Camp Nelson, Kentucky. William died on 28 Apr 1923 in Sawtelle, Los Angeles County, California. Biography in History of Butler County, Kansas, by Vol. P. Mooney, 1916, Pages 404-406: "William H. Avery, justice of the peace of El Dorado, is a Civil war veteran and a Butler county pioneer. Mr. Avery was born in Hillsdale, Mich., November, 19, 1837, and is a son of Horace B. and Mary (Hause) Avery, the former a native of Steuben County, New York and of New England stock, and the latter of Pennsylvania, and a descendant of Pennsylvania Dutch. The Avery family came from Vermont to New York State and Ebenezer Avery, grandfather of William H., was the founder of the family in New York. Horace B. Avery, and his wife, the parents of William H., removed from Steuben County, New York, to Michigan and spent most of their lives in Branch and Hillsdale Counties, that State. H. B. Avery died at Pontiac, Ill., and the mother died at Hillsdale, Mich., in 1857.
             "William H. Avery is one of seven children born to his parents, as follows: William H., the subject of this sketch; C. F., a Civil war veteran who served in Company B, Eleventh regiment, Michigan infantry, and now resides at Pontiac, Ill.; D. S. was also a Civil war veteran and served in the same company as O. F. and was wounded at the battle of Chickamauga, now living at Pontiac, Ill.; D. C. also served in the same company and regiment, was captured, and confined in Libby prison, contracting rheumatism from exposure, from which he never recovered and is now deceased; Mrs. Emily V. Swartout, a widow, residing at Bancroft, Mich.; Mrs. Anne Jeanette Austin, a widow, residing at El Dorado, Kans., and Mrs. Ella Withington, a widow residing at Detroit, Mich.
             "Mr. Avery was reared to manhood in Hillsdale County, Michigan, and attended the public school. He was brought up on a farm and thus became familiar with that line of work, and in early life learned the stonemason's trade, and worked at that occupation until July 31, 1862, when he enlisted at Hillsdale, Mich., in Company D, Eighteenth regiment, Michigan Infantry. His regiment served with the army of the Cumberland, and after participating in a number of skirmishes, they took part in the battle of Nashville. Mr. Avery was thrown from his horse and his spine so severely injured that later he was placed in the invalid corps and detailed to duty in the quartermaster's department and served until after the close of the war, receiving his honorable discharge in July, 1865.
             "Mr. Avery was married February 21, 1860, to Miss Mariah A. Hall, a native of New York who was reared and educated in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Avery passed their golden wedding anniversary six years ago and bear the distinction of having been married longer than any other couple in Butler County. To Mr. and Mrs. Avery were born two children, Ulysses Sherman and Hattie L., the latter dying at the age of sixteen years. Ulysses Sherman married Maggie Dean, a Butler County girl, now deceased. Two children were born to Ulysses Sherman Avery and wife: Anne M., who was educated in private school and is a graduate of El Dorado High School, now serving her second term as clerk of the District Court of Butler County, and Elizabeth, a student in the El Dorado High School. The mother of these girls died when the younger was about a year old, and the children were reared and educated by their grandparents and they seem more like the children of Mr. and Mrs. Avery than their grandchildren.
             "William H. Avery is a Kansas pioneer in the fullest sense of the term. He came to this State, or rather territory, in i860, and at that time there was not a mile of railroad in the territory of Kansas. Mr. Avery came as far as St. Joseph, Mo., by rail, having started originally for Pikes Peak, but about the time he reached St. Joseph he heard discouraging news from the Pikes Peak boom and he drifted as far west as where Emporia now stands, the town at that time consisting of three houses, one of which belonged to Preston Plumb who later became United States Senator from Kansas. Mr. Avery went as far west as Little River on a buffalo hunt and has seen the plains when buffalo could be seen as far as the vision reached. In i860 he killed seven buffalo on one trip, and when Mr. Avery first came to Kansas deer could be seen here by the thousands. After remaining here during the summer and fall of i860, he returned to Michigan where he remained until he enlisted in the army, as above stated, and in 1865, after receiving his discharge, he returned to Kansas and located in Clifford Township, Butler County, and was a pioneer of that section of Butler County. He built the first stone school house in Butler County, which was in District No. 21, Clifford Township, and was built in 1872 and is still standing. He built a number of stone dwellings in the early days. Further interesting historical information in reference to Mr. Avery's career in Clifford Township will be found in the chapter containing the history of that township. When Mr. Avery settled in Clifford Township his nearest neighbor was three miles distant and he experienced all the trials and vicissitudes of pioneer life in Butler County. He remained on his Clifford Township homestead until 1887, when he removed to El Dorado. Here he bought out a marble works and conducted that business for two years.
             "In 1890 Mr. Avery was admitted to practice as a pension attorney in the Department of the Interior at Washington, D. C, and since that time has conducted an extensive practice in that specialty of the law. He has been a notary public for a number of years and for twenty-four years has been a justice of the peace in El Dorado, and he has also been a police judge for six years. Mr. Avery is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, Lew Wallace Post No. 66*, and is past commander of the local order here. He was made a Mason at Lexington, Ky., fifty-two years ago, and for fifteen years has been secretary of the local lodge. He is a Republican and takes an active part in local politics and served as chairman of the Republican county central committee for six years." He is buried at Belle Vista Cemetery, El Dorado. Butler County, Kansas, Section 1. His children:

            a. Hattie L Avery was born about 1870. She died at age 16, on 28 Dec (year unspecified).

            b. Ulysses Sherman Avery was born on 24 Oct 1864 Hillsdale, Hillsdale, Michigan; He died on 30 Dec 1954 Fairhope, Baldwin, Alabama. He married Margaret "Maggie" Dean in 1887, and they had two children:

              i. Anna Marie Avery was born in 1890 in El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas; She died on 18 Dec 1965 in Shawnee Mission, Johnson County, Kansas. Anne Marie was born to Ulysses and Maggie [Dean] Avery in El Dorado, Kansas. The reasons for her Father's absence in her life is unknown. In 1901, her mother died from a heart ailment while living at the home of her in-laws in El Dorado. Anne's Grandparents, William H. and Maria Avery, raised both Anne and her sister, Myrtle Elizabeth in El Dorado, KS. On May 17, 1917 she married a divorcee, Dr. Lewis David Johnson, in Kansas City, Missouri. The couple later moved to Chanute, KS where he was a surgeon in the hospital he had founded there. They had two daughters but divorced in 1931. She was there at her daughter, Betty Jane [Johnson] Chain's bedside when she died at age 22 from pneumonia. After her divorce she moved to Lawrence, Kansas and lived there until about 1950 when she moved, briefly to Wichita, Kansas and then later to Overland Park, KS where she lived with her daughter, Anne Marie and died in 1965 after an extended illness. She enjoyed bridge and was very active socially in Lawrence, Kansas. She never remarried and kept her married name after divorcing Dr. Johnson, frequently using the name "Mrs. Avery Johnson."

              i. Myrtle Elizabeth Avery was born in 1899; She married David Ainsworth (14 Jan 1898 - 15 Aug 1967); She died on 18 Feb 1988 in Marshalltown, Marshall County, Iowa. Obituary: "MYRTLE ELIZABETH "BETTY" (AVERY) AINSWORTH, 89, of Marshalltown, Iowa, former Wichitan, Homemaker, died Thursday, Feb. 18, 1988. Service 11 a.m. today. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Marshalltown; memorial service 10:30 a.m. Monday, Old Mission Cemetery, Wichita."

            Ulysses married (2) Danna (?) sometime around 1906. In 1910, they were living in Center, Clark Co, KS.

          Avery Family
          Oscar F Avery (1841-1916)
          2. Oscar F Avery was born in Nov 1841 in Reading, Hillsdale, Michigan; He was a Corporal in the 11th Michigan Infantry during the Civil War. He died in 1916 in Pontiac, Livingston, Illinois.

          3. Dillason S Avery was born in 1843 in Reading, Hillsdale, Michigan.

          4. Dexter Colby Avery was born Aug. 25, 1845 in Reading, Hillsdale County, Michigan. Private, U.S. Company A, 4th, Mich, Inf (Civil War). He married Mary Emily Spence (1847-1921). He died on 30 May 3 1914 in Pontiac, Livingston County, Illinois. He is buried at South Side Cemetery, Pontiac, Livingston County, Illinois.

          5. Emily V Avery was born in 1847 in Reading, Hillsdale, Michigan.

          6. Anne Jeanette Avery was born in 1852. She married John H Austin (1849-1915). She died in 1938 in Kansas. She is buried in Belle Vista Cemetery, El Dorado, Butler County, Kansas.

          7. Ella Avery was born in 1857 in Michigan.

        IX. Elmer C. Hause was born on 21 Mar 1823 in Wayne Township, Steuben County, New York. Elmer married Mary Polly Thompson on July 1, 1849. in Wayne, Steuben County, New York. The origin of the surname Thompson is Scottish, and the name was first found in Cumberland, where the family was seated from ancient times. The Coat of Arms is a shield divided per fesse silver and black, with a gold lure fessways on a fesse nebully counterchanged, between three falcons, also counterchanged. The Crest features a lion rampant per fesse nebully silver and black, holding a gold lure. The family motto: "Nosce teipsum," translates as "Know thyself."
           Elmer and Polly immediately headed west to start their own farm and family, following many others in the Hause family to the new state of Michigan. In the 1850 census they live in Algansee, Branch, Michigan and Elmer is a farmer, working a property worth $400. They were still there in 1860, but Elmer had improved the land into a $1000 estate, and had $500 in personal property, as well. Elmer and Polly also raised two children, a girl and a boy:

          1. Alzara (or Alziare) Hause was b: 1842 in Michigan. She married Elisha Smith (1840 - 26 Nov 1916) in 1862 and they had three kids:

            a. Liddia Smith (b. 1863).

            b. Archy Smith (b. 1869).

            c. John Smith (b. 1877).

          Aaron Hause and family
          Esther Ann Hause & Family
          Aaron T. Hause (1855-1917)
          2. Aaron T. Hause was born on 6 Sep 1854 in Michigan. In 1883, he married Lina Lyons (25 May 1863 - 12 Oct 1927) and they had three children. He died on 16 Feb 1917 in Rhodes, Gladwin County, Michigan. He's buried in Elm Lawn Cemetery, Bay City, Bay County, Michigan.

            a. George Arthur Hause was born in 1882 in Michigan; d. 1943 in Michigan. He married a woman named Sadie (b. 1888) and they lived in Bentley and Billings Townships, in Gladwin, Michigan. George and Sadie had a daughter:

              i. Betracie (Beatrice?) M. Hause (b. 1908).

            b. William Elmer Hause was born on 2 Jun 1884 in Michigan. Light-haired and blue-eyed, William married Audrey E. Koontz (1885-1973) on 22 Aug 1906. William and Audrey had two children:

              i. Glen E. Hause was born on 5 Oct 1907 in Rhodes, Michigan. He married Rosemary Burns and they had a son, John M. Hause, and a daughter, Margaret A. Hause-Adams. Glen died on 27 Sep 1981 in Southfield, Michigan. Click here to see Glen and Rosemary Burns-Hause.

              ii. Elaine Lois Hause was born on 14 Sep 1913 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. She married twice, to (1) William Morrison Clark (b. 1911), and then to (2) Robert Lewis Conaty (b: 15 Dec 1914 in Linwood, Michigan and d: 23 Jun 1994 in California). Elaine died 14 Mar 1988 in San Diego, California. See Elaine Hause Clark, Glen E. Hause, Audrey Koontz Hause and Rosemary Burns Hause here. Her children:

                1. Robert L Clark (b. 1936).

                2. William M Clark (b. 1940).

                3. Richard B Clark (b. 1942).

                4. James E Clark (b. 1944).

                5. Nancy J Clark (b. 1947).

                6. Barry L Clark (b. 1949).

              William (1884-1956) and Audrey Hause (1885-1973) with grandchildren John Hause and Nancy Clark.

            c. Pearl E Hause was 11 Mar 1889 in Michigan. In the 1910 census she is an 11 year-old living in Bentley and Billings Townships, Gladwin, Michigan. She married Francis Dougherty in 1909. Pearl died 30 Apr 1924, and they are both buried in Elm Lawn Cemetery, Bay City, MI. They had the following children:

              i. Donna Dougherty (b. 1910).

              ii. Leona Dougherty (1911-1990).

          Polly Hause died on 12 Jul 1862 and is buried in North Reading Cemetary, Reading, Hillsdale County, Michigan.
             Elmer then married Esther E. Stone (b: 1834 in Dansville, Livingston County, New York) on 26 Dec 1864 in Flushing, Michigan. She had traveled to Michigan with first husband, John W. Petty (d: 9 Dec 1862 in the Civil War). Their children were: Ella (b. 1860) and Adel. Esther's parents, Wlliam F. Stone (1793-1852) and Betsey Albee (1801-1893), also made the trip. After John Petty died in the war, Esther and Elmer married. They had three more children:

            d. Alida M. Hause was born on 19 Nov 1865 in Butler, Branch, Michigan. She died before the age of 20, on 27 Apr 1884 in Hazelton, Shiawassee, Michigan and is buried at Flushing City Cemetery in Flushing, Genesee County, Michigan.

            e. William J. Hause was born on 29 Sep 1868 in Butler, Branch County, Michigan. On 23 Apr 1902 he married Emma E Smith (1885-1963) in Bay City, Bay, Michigan. He died on 21 Sep 1954 in Yakima, Washington, and is buried at Terrace Heights Memorial Park in Yakima, Yakima County, Washington; Section 125, Blk 23. William and Emma had three daughters:

              i. Alida May Hause was born on 6 Aug 1903 in Michigan. In 1924 she married Adrian M Brown (1900-1970). She died on 10 Apr 1992 in Yakima, Yakima, Washington.

                1. William Adrian Brown was born on 24 Apr 1926 in West Ahtanum, Yakima, Washington; He died on 8 Aug 1967 in Yakima, Yakima, Washington.

                2. Albert Ivan Brown was born on 07 Jul 1927 in West Ahtanum, Yakima, Washington. He died on 10 Aug 1986 in Spokane, Spokane, Washington.

              ii. Fern F Hause was born on 30 Apr 1905 in Michigan; She married Cecil M. Ferris (1901-1978). She died on 2 Oct 1995 in Yakima, Yakima, Washington and is buried at Terrace Heights Memorial Park in Yakima, Section 132, Blk 23.

              iii. Maude Emma Hause was born on 30 Nov 1913 in Moses Lake, Grant County, Washington. On 30 Aug 1932 she married James H Verstrate (1901-1998) in Yakima, Washington. She died on 01 Dec 1996 in Selah, Yakima, Washington and is buried with James at Holland Cemetery in Moxee City, Yakima County, Washington. Their children:

                1. Kathryn J Verstrate was born in 1936 in Washington.

                2. David William Verstrate was born on 27 Jul 1938 in Yakima. He married Marylyn Lee Bixby (1941) of Montana, and died on 29 Feb 2004 in Federal Way, King, Washington.

                3. Donald John Verstrate was born on 2 Dec 1939 in Washington. He married Carol M Johnston (1940-2003) and died on 15 Nov 2000 in Sand Lake, Kent, Michigan. They are buried at the Ridgeview Memorial Gardens in Georgetown Township, Ottawa County, Michigan, in the Garden Wall Columbarium.

                4. Elizabeth P Verstrate was born in 1947 in Washington and Married Gary D Ray.

            f. Mary May Hause was born on 03 Apr 1871 in Butler, Branch, Michigan, and died in 1885.

             For the next two decades, Elmer resided in Butler, Michigan. Elmer died on 30 Jul 1883 in Butler, Michigan. He is buried at North Reading Cemetery in Reading, Hillsdale County, Michigan, Plot and Row 1. For a family history, click here.

        X. Dorcas Hause was born on 27 July 1825 in Wayne Township, Steuben County, New York. Dorcas died on 11 September 1825 in Wayne Township, Steuben County, New York.

    7. Jonas HAUSE (HAWES) was born on 26 September 1783 in Orange County, New York. History of Bedford and Somerset Counties, Pennsylvania, with genealogical and personal history by Blackburn, E. Howard; Welfley, William Henry, 1840- 1n; Koontz, William Henry, 1830-; Lewis Publishing Company. Publication date 1906; Publisher New York, Chicago, The Lewis Publishing Company, p. 406: "Jonas Hawes, son of William and Martha (Wood) Hawes, was born in 1780, at Haverstraw, Rockhill county, New York. He removed to North Hector, Schuyler county, where he resided the remainder of his life. He was a farmer by occupation; in political proclivities, a Whig, and in religious faith, a Presbyterian. In 1812 he was drafted in the war of that year, and furnished a substitute. He married, in 1810, Rebecca Demand, and nine children were the issue of this union. Of these, two sons, Mathias and John, became medical practitioners; Edward made his home in Atlantic, Iowa, where he became superintendent of public schools. Jonas Hawes died in North Hector, New York, about 1864." Jonas's name was spelled Hause in records, but that spelling was later changed to Hawes by his family. Jonas married Rebecca Demand. He died in November of 1869. Wills of Schuyler county: HAUSE Jonas ae 80 3 Apr 1862 - 2 Jan 1866 Hector Schuyler co. - s Aaron, s Dellaber, s Mahlon, my widow Rebecca (sounded like more children but none named) exec friend Henry D Barto, sons Mathias D Hause & Dellaber Hause - wit Sam Burlew & C C Pearce, Ulyses. Rebecca died several months before him, on 27 Mar 1869, and they are buried in Hector, at the Valois Cemetery, in Schuyler Co., New York. His descendants spell their name "Hawes." (Sketch of grandson Halsey Hawes in "Portrait and Biographical Record of Seneca and Schuyler Counties, New York." Chapman Publishing Company, 1895.)

        I. Dr. Matthias Demond Hawes was born on 28 Nov 1811 in Hector, Schuyler Co., New York. On 24 Apr 1838 he married Isabella McIntosh Palmer (1850-1906) in North Hector. From the Watkins Express, Watkins Glen, NY, dated August 8, 1945: "Happenings 50 years ago—The notice of the old Barber school house in last week's paper, brings to light two of the very early teachers in that district, Dr. M. D. Hawes and his wife. Mrs. Hawes, whose maiden name was Isabella M. Palmer, taught the school in the year 1834, sixty-one years ago, and her salary was $1.50 a week, and then they paid her twenty-five cents more a week than the usual price, because of her qualities as a teacher. The Doctor taught the school in 1836. He received fourteen dollars a month, being four dollars more a month than the usual price. The doctor is now eighty-four years of age (North Hector)." He was elected Schuyler county coroner in November of 1879, and his name variates between "Hause" and "Hawes" in election documents. From the Watkins Express, Wednesday, June 23, 1886: "Fell Sixty Feet and Still Lives -- We learn from C. O. Squires, that on Sunday morning last, June 20th, Dr. M. D. Hawes of North Hector, had a swarm of bees leave their hive, and they were seen to alight in a tree near the edge of a precipice back of his residence. Not being used to hiving bees, he asked his neighbor, Mr. Sanford Bramble and his son Emmet, to assist him. They hitched a rope to the tree, in order that when it was sawed off, it would fall on the bank. Emmet took hold of the rope, and stood within a few feet of the edge of the precipice. When the tree fell he let loose of the rope, and stepped backward, and, as he has since expressed it, only to realize for a moment that he was falling into the awful chasm. Then all was a blank, until he struck the bottom, 60 feet below, when after a short time he partially regained his senses. His father, after the tree fell, missed the boy, and on looking aver the precipice, discovered him, as he supposed dead. Assistance was sent for, and when reached he was sitting up. He was carried home on a stretcher. Drs. Scutt and Knight were the attending physicians, assisted by Dr. Snow. On examination, it was found that his scalp was badly cut. and an indentation was found in his skull. Aside from these only marks or bruises were found on his shoulders and one side, no bones being broken. The Doctors express hopes of his recovery. His fall was attended with nearly as much risk as Sam Patch's fatal jump, and it is a wonder that he was not instantly killed." Surviving the fall, Matthias eventually died on 20 Jul 1896 in Hector, Schuyler, New York. His children were:

          Watkins Express (Watkins Glen, Schuyler, NY), 21 Jul 1904
          1. Dr. James Palmer Hawes was born on 17 March 1839 in New York. He graduated from George Washington University School of Medicine in 1872. James practiced "allopathic medicine" in Valois, Hector, Schuyler, NY. He worked on the family genealogy with Alfred Hause and James Dwight Hause (see newspaper account, at right), and even bequeathed $500 to JD in his will. He died of "disease of the stomach" on 24 Feb 1915 and is buried at Seneca Union Cemetery, Valois, Schuyler County, New York, Plot: East Hill-195. From the Watkins Express, dated 03 Mar 1915: "The death of Dr. James P. Hawes of Valois occurred at the People's Hospital at Sayre, Wednesday, February 24, after a lingering illness. Dr. Hawes was born March 17, 1839, the eldest son of Dr. Matthias Hawes and Isabella Palmer Hawes. His early education was received in the public school and the select school conducted by Prof. Gillet at Hector, after which he taught school a few terms. In the early 60's he received an appointment in the Treasury Department at Washington, where he remained about fifteen years. During this time he entered medical college from which he graduated. He practiced medicine in Washington for a number of years and later came to his home in Valois to care for his aged father and mother, where he continued to practice his profession. Dr Hawes was recognized as a very talented man both in his profession and general topics having been connected with many prominent people in both public and private life, which made his reminiscenses very interesting. The familiar figure is gone and will be greatly missed by both the young and old in the community. The funeral was conducted from his late home and interment made in the family lot in the Valois cemetery. He leaves to mourn his death a sister, Miss Belle Hawes, and a brother, W. P. Hawes of Watkins."

          From the Watkins Express newspaper, dated 16 Jun 1915: "The will of the late James P. Hawes of Valois disposes of a $50,000 estate principally as follows: First, that all just debts and funeral expenses be paid. Second, I give to my sister. Belle Hawes, for her life use all interest in the home place where we live, also my five-acre wood lot near Valois. Third, I direct that the income from $1,000 invested at five per cent, shall go as follows: one-half shall go to Christ church, Church of the Redeemer, Church of our Savior, no part to go to a denominational church; the other half to be divided equally between an institution for the blind and American Home Missions. Fourth, that $500 be given my namesake, James D. Hawes, to be paid within three years, to be used for his education in any profession he may desire to follow. Fifth, that the income from the $1,000 above shall be paid during the life time of Penn Hawes and Belle Hawes. Sixth, I direct that $100 in cash be paid each of the following persons, Rebecca VanAuken, Aunt Mariah Updike and to the invalid daughter of my uncle, Edward Hawes, and Aunt Elizabeth Hawes. Seventh, I direct that $10 be paid any Protestant minister in good standing to preach a sermon under a tree at the lake shore near Valois in June or July in each year. Eighth, I direct that 25 sacks of flour of 25 pounds each shall be distributed to the poor of Valois and vicinity, should that many be required; the value of the balance remaining from such distribution shall be distributed in the form of shoes and over-shoes. Said distribution shall be made each year during the lifetime of my sister, Belle Hawes, and my brother, Penn Hawes. Ninth, I direct that $100 shall be kept in reserve for any poor or sick relative. Tenth, I give my old watch to Penn Hawes during his lifetime, after which it shall go to Gordon Hawes Bennett. Eleventh, 1 direct that $100 per year shall be used to keep the home place in repair. Twelfth, I direct that $200 per year shall go to Carrie May Bennett for expenses. Thirteenth, after the above legacies are provided for, the remainder shall go to Penn Hawes and Belle Hawes, share and share alike, during their lifetime. In case of the death of either the remaining one shall have the whole. On the death of both, one half shall go to Carrie May Bennett, one-fourth to Mary Helene Bennett and one-fourth to Gordon Hawes Bennett. I want my property kept intact so far as possible, principally in bonds and mortgages, during the lifetime of Penn Hawes. The will is made on an estimate of $50,000 but should the property fall much below that, the bequests are to be paid pro rata. William Penn Hawes and Carrie May Bennett are named executors."

          L-R: Isabella Palmer Hawes (1815-1906), Mary Helen Bennett (1895-1979), William Penn Hawes (1840-1939), and Gordon Hawes Bennett (1904-1999) on the lap of Carrie May Hawes-Bennett (1873-1958).

          William Penn Hawes (1841-1939)
          2. William Penn Hawes was born around 1841 in Hector Schuyler County New York. He was a drygoods cleaner at Penn Yan and lived to be 98 years-old. From the Watkins Express, dated January 4, 1939: "William Penn Hawes, 98, one of Schuyler county's oldest and well known residents, died Tuesday, January 3, 1939, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harry O. Bennett, in Penn Yan. Besides his daughter he is survived by two grandchildren and one great grandchild. Funeral services will be held on Thursday at 2 p. m. from his home at Fourth and Porter Streets, in this village. The Rev. Clayton T. Griswold of the Presbyterian church will officiate with burial in the Lodi Cemetery." He married Mary E Sherwood (1843-1910) of Seneca and they had a daughter:

            Carrie May Hawes (1873-1958)
            a. Carrie May Hause (Mar 1873 - 07 Oct 1958) was born in Watkins Glen, Schuyler, NY, who married Harry Oliver Bennett (1870-1955) in Penn Yann, Yates Co., in 1894. "PENN YAN -- Funeral services for Mrs. Carrie M. Bennett, 84, 402 Main St., will be held at Thayer Funeral Chapel at 3:30 p.m. Thursday. The Rev. Oscar Jelsma, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, will officiate. Interment will be at Lake View cemetery. Friends may call the funeral chapel today from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mrs. Bennett died Tuesday, at her home. She was the widow of Harry Oliver Bennett and was born at Watkins Glen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Penny Hawes. With her late husband, she had lived in Penn Yan for more than 50 years. The couple observed their 60th wedding anniversary prior to Mr. Bennett's death. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Surviving are one son, Gordon H. Bennett, Geneva; one daughter, Mrs. Langhorne Talbott, Chillicothe, O., and three grandchildren. Contributions may be made to the Presbyterian Church building fund." Carrie and Oliver had:

              i. Mary Helen Bennett was born on 21 Jan 1895 in Penn Yan, Yates, New York. On 2 Oct 1958 she married the delightfully-named Worthington Langhorne Talbott (1893-1962) in Geneva, New York. She died on 21 Nov 1979 and they are buried together at Grandview Cemetery in Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio, in the Houck Private Family Mausoleum, Cliffside.

              ii. William Penn Bennett (1899-1903) died in Penn Yan, Yates, New York.

              iii. Gordon Hawes Bennett (b. 16 Dec 1904) in Penn Yan, Yates, New York. On 16 Aug 1934 he married Christine Isabel Maltby (1912-2002) in Steuben, NY. He died on 28 Oct 1999 in Geneva, Ontario, New York.

                1. Christine Maltby Bennett (b. 10 May 1938) m. Nusbaum.

                2. Cynthia Bennet (31 Aug 1942 - 1 Oct 1994) m. Wagner.

                3. Gordon Hawes Bennett, Jr. (24 Feb 1946 - 22 Jan 2005) married Alicia Clare (b. 1944) and they had two children: Christine (b. 1972) and Gordon Hawes Bennett III (b. 1975, see below).


          3. Isabella M Hawes was born in 1843 in Hector, Schuyler County, New York. She lived with her brother James, and died in 1937 and is buried at Seneca Union Cemetery, Valois, Schuyler County, New York, Plot: East Hill-195.

        II. Aaron L Hawes was born in 1819 in New York. He died on 3 Jan 1870 in Schuyler, New York. HAWES Aaron H 2 Dec 1869 - 1 Mar1870 - Hector - exec wf Sarah E - son Wm Penn Hawes - exec broth Mahlon D Hawes & Nephew Wm Penn Hawes - wit Salathiel Osburn & David H Pridmore." Aaron is buried at Seneca Union Cemetery, Valois, Schuyler County, New York.

        III. Joshua M Hawes was born in 1822 in Schuyler County, New York. He married (1) Elizabeth Halsey (b. 1835) in New York, and they had a son:

          Parker Halsey Hawes (28 Nov 1857 - 4 Feb 1946)
          1. Parker Halsey Hawes was born on 28 Nov 1857 in Hector, Schuyler Co., New York. "Clerk of Schuyler County, (he) was born in the town of Hector, this county, November 28, 1857, being the son of Joshua and Elizabeth (Halsey) Hawes. He represents the third generation of the family that has resided in this locality, his grandfather, Jonas Hawes, having removed hither in an early day and made settlement in the town of Hector, where he resided for a number of years, or until his death. The father of our subject was born in Schuyler County, this state, on his father's farm in Hector. He became a member of the firm of Squires, Wilcox and Co., who were engaged in merchandising at North Hector. In 1875 he went to Michigan on a business trip, and died there.* His wife, who still survives him, is a resident of Watkins. While he never became very wealthy, yet he was well-to-do, having through his excellent management and industry accumulated a competency, which enabled him to surround his family with every comfort and give his only child, our subject, an excellent education. In the town of Hector, upon the old homestead of his grandfather, Halsey passed the days of childhood and youth. After spending some years in the public schools he entered Cook's Academy, where his education was completed. On leaving school he came to Watkins and secured a position as clerk for Charles S. Frost, with whom he remained for five years. In 1883 he entered the employ of Durland, Smith and Co., dealers in hardware, with whom he remained in the capacity of bookkeeper until January 1, 1894. In 1893 he was elected to the office of County Clerk, the duties of which he assumed January 1, 1894, for a term of three years. As an official, he is prompt, energetic, faithful and efficient, and the manner in which he is discharging the duties of his office is winning him the approbation of the people of the county. He is a staunch Republican, and never loses an opportunity to advance the interests of his party. On New Year's Day of 1880 Mr. Hawes was united in marriage with Miss Jennie Macrury, daughter of John Macrury, a prosperous farmer of Schuyler County. They are the parents of three children, namely: Edna E., Chester A. and Margaret I. Socially Mr. Hawes is connected with Jefferson Lodge No. 332, F. & A. M.; Watkins Chapter No. 182, R. A. M.; and St. Omar's Commandery No. 19, K. T., of Elmira. With his wife he holds membership in St. James' Episcopal Church, in which he is a Vestryman. He is a man who possesses in a marked degree the confidence and respect of the people of the village and county, for his course in life has ever been upright and honorable." Portrait and biographical record of Seneca and Schuyler counties, New York: New York, Chapman publishing co., 1895, p.174, 175. Parker and Jennie E Macrury (b. 1861) had the following children:

            a. Edna Hawes, b. 7 Sep 1881 in Watkins Glen. She married (1) Clyde F Carey (b. 1884) and (2) Herschel Gardner (b. 1870). She had the following children with Clyde:

              i. Halsey S Carey (1913-1987); During WWII, he enlisted in Company L, 108th New York Infantry on 27 Sep 1940.

              i. Jeanne Carey (b. 1918)

            b. Chester Arthur Hawes (1885 - 16 Dec 1939) Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Monday, 18 Dec 1939: "Chester A. Hawes, 54, of 110 Tenth St., was crushed to death Saturday evening when the automobile he was driving hurled against a tree, near Big Flats, Chemung County... Hawes, his face and chest badly crushed, died en route to an Elmira hospital. All of the victim's ribs were broken and his skull fractured."

            c. Marguerite Louise Hawes was born on 29 Apr 1888 in Watkins Glen, Schuyler, New York. She married (1) George Himrod Kiermaier (b. 1884) and (2) John A Beers (b. 1877). "BEERS, Mrs. Marguerite K. Age 90 formerly of Watkins Glen, N. Y., Sunday, May 28, 1978 in Penfield, N. Y. Friends are invited to call at the Royce-Chedzoy Funeral Home, Watkins Glen, Tuesday 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 11. a.m. at St. James Episcopal Church. Burial in Glenwood Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the St. Jasmes Episcopal Church. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Barbara Louison of Pitford, N. Y., Mrs Elizabeth Peters of Troy, Mich., and Mrs. Marjorie Bergstrom of Buffalo, N.Y.; nine grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren." (Star-Gazette, Elmira, New York, 29 May 1978, Mon, Page 14) She died in May 1978 in Pittsford, Monroe, New York, after having the following children with George:

              i. Elizabeth Halsey Kiermaier was born in 1912 in New York. In the early 1930s he attended the Henry Ford Hospital School of Nursing and Hygiene in Michigan, and on 25 Oct 1932 she married Clarence J Northwood (1908-1960) in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. She died in 1997 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. She had the following children:

                1. Marjorie Jane Northwood was born on 5 Oct 1934 in Michigan. She married Donald Stephen Scully and they had Michael, John, Anne and Thomas Scully. Marjorie died on 25 Sep 1995 in Royal Oak, Oakland, Michigan.

                2. Nancy Elizabeth Northwood was born in 1939 in Michigan, and married David Horner.

              ii. Marjorie E Kiermaier was born on 12 Apr 1913 in Watkins Glen, Schuyler, New York. She married Wilbur S Bergstrom (1912-1989). Marjorie died on 6 Apr 2002 in Waterloo, Seneca, New York. They had the following children:

                1. Jon Halsey Bergstrom was born on 11 Jul 1939 in Buffalo, Erie, New York. He died in 1989 in Buffalo, Erie, New York and is buried at Glenwood Cemetery in Perry, Wyoming County, New York.

                2. Peter Sprague Bergstrom was born on 09 Apr 1940 in Buffalo, Erie, New York. He married Gillian B. (b. 1949) and had Abby Bergstrom and Ander Bergstrom. He died on 25 Aug 2014 and is buried at Glenwood Cemetery in Perry, Wyoming County, New York.

                3. Linda E Bergstrom was born in 1947 in New York.

                4. Anne Bergstrom.

              iii. Barbara Ann Kiermaier was born on 18 Oct 1923 in Haworth, Bergen, New Jersey. She married Carl Holland Louison (1923-2009). Barbara died on 30 Mar 2016 in Norfolk, Norfolk, Massachusetts. They are buried at Glenwood Cemetery in Perry, Wyoming County, New York. They had the following children:

                1. Elizabeth L Louison was born in 1946 and married Alfred M. Pelham.

                2. Curt Hawes Louison was born on 24 Dec 1947 in Rochester, Monroe, New York. He died on 15 Jul 2004 in Mendon, Monroe, New York. "Dunkirk, NY, July 15, 2004. He is survived by his son, Cole Hawes Louison; his daughter, Marjorie Ellison Louison and their mother, Linda Louison; sister, Elizabeth L. (Alfred) Pelham; brother Peter Scott (Terry) Louison; and many other beloved family and friends." (Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York; 18 Jul 2004, Sun; Page 35)

                3. Peter Scott Louison married Terry.

        *—FOOTNOTE: The story told by Parker Hawes in his autobiography is incorrect. Joshua Hause did not die on a business trip to Michigan. He actually moved to Dane, Wisconsin, and worked as a tavern keeper. On 20 Apr 1869 he married (2) Cordelia C who was 14 years younger than him. Joshua died in 1875 in Madison, Dane, Wisconsin leaving a wife and child in New York... a wife in Wisconsin... and a hell of a probate battle! Neither wife ultimately received anything from his estate, which was sold off to pay Joshua's debts.

        IV. Edward Hawes was born on 18 Oct 1828 in Schuyler, New York. He died in 1896 in Cass, Cass, Iowa. He married Emma Pipsan (1845-1924) and had the following children:

          1. Vernie Hawes was born in 1864 at Mount Tabor, an unincorporated community in the town of Forest, Vernon County, Wisconsin. She died in her teens, on 1 Nov 1879 She is buried at Mount Tabor Cemetery in Mount Tabor, Vernon County, Wisconsin.

          Hattie Hawes-Boldon (1868-1935) and husband Elisha Boldon, with children Eli and Avon.
          2. Hattie M Hawes was born in Nov 1868 in Wisconsin. She died in 1935 in Big Bend, Rusk, Wisconsin. In 1888, she married Elisha Monroe Boldon (1866-1920) and they had the following children:

            a. Eli Monroe Boldon was born in 1890. He died between the ages of four and five, in 1895, and is buried at the Billings Creek Cemetery in Ontario, Vernon County, Wisconsin.

            b. Avon Edward "Hickory" Boldon was born on 2 Apr 1893 in Chippewa, Wisconsin; He died on 23 Jul 1971 in New Auburn, Chippewa, Wisconsin. On 27 Oct 1915 he married Florence Adele Geary (Apr 1892 - 26 Mar 1953) in Big Bend, Rusk, Wisconsin. They had the following children:

              i. Verne Delle Boldon was born on 13 Apr 1918 in Island Lake, Rusk, Wisconsin. She married Calvin K "Cal" Silvernail (1916-2004) and they had Elaine Silvernail (b. 1939) and Daniel Leroy Silvernail (1947-1983). She died on 16 Apr 1959 in Chippewa Falls, Chippewa, Wisconsin.

              ii. Leah Hattie Boldon was born on 20 Aug 1920 in Wisconsin. Sometime before 1940 she married (1) Clifton Leroy Getchel (1913-1971) and they had a son, Stephen Getchel (1941-1949); After Clifton died, she married William Marvin Kruschke (1914-1986). She died on 3 Jul 2001 in Eau Claire, Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

              iii. Lucille Irene "Linnea" Boldon was born on 20 Mar 1923 in Big Bend, Rusk, Wisconsin. On 9 Dec 1941 she married Cal Silvernail's brother, Raymond Leslie Silvernail (1919-2008) in Rusk County, Wisconsin, and they had a son, James Raye Silvernail (1942-2006). She died on 11 Nov 1996 in Eau Claire, Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

              iv. Constance Patricia "Pat" Boldon was born on 2 Feb 1925 in Sawyer County, Wisconsin. On 9 Jun 1945, she married (1) Morris Emil Huse (1921-1953) on Island Lake, Big Bend, Rusk, Wisconsin, and they had two daughters, Kay Huse and Carol Huse. After Morris died, she married (2) Vernon Lamont Kramer (1921-1990). She died on 10 Sep 2013 in Chippewa Falls, Chippewa, Wisconsin.

              Audrey Boldon
              Audrey Boldon-Kelly (1927-2015)
              v. Audrey Kathleen Boldon was born on 8 Feb 1927 in Island Lake, Rusk County, Wisconsin. Audrey had a summer job growing up at Julia Campbell's Resort on Long Lake. After graduating, she went to Eau Claire and worked at Uniroyal. On 31 Dec 1949, she married Henry William Kelly Jr. (1923-2007) in Stillwater, Washington, Minnesota, and moved to Anchorage, Alaska. They had the following children: Patrick, Henry III, Rosaline, Bridget, Margaret, and Mary Kelly. In 1952, they moved back to raise their family in Chippewa Falls and in 1970 moved to Long Lake. Then in 1995, she moved back to Chippewa Falls. Audrey enjoyed swimming, fishing and gardening and later in life cribbage and bingo at the Senior Center in Chippewa Falls. Audrey worked at St. Joseph's Hospital where she was a nurse's aide. She died Wednesday, December 23, 2015, at St. Joseph's Hospital in Chippewa Falls, Chippewa County, Wisconsin.

              vi. Mary Louise Boldon was born on 6 Mar 1929 in New Auburn, Barron, Wisconsin. She married Olaf Eastenson (1916-1990). She died on 11 Nov 1996 in Eau Claire, Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

              vii. Malcolm E Boldon was born on 6 Jul 1931 in Wisconsin. No further information.

              viii. Nancy Lee Boldon was born on 17 Jun 1933 in Lake Vermillion, Minnesota. On 31 Dec 1950 she married (1) Frank Anthony Mariani (1926-2009) in Wayne, Wayne, Michigan. She then married (2) Samuel A Scarcelli (1929-2009) and was the mother of Steven, Frank, Angie (Waldecker), and Richard. She died on 15 Apr 1992 in Superior, Washtenaw, Michigan.

              ix. Eli Boldon (no further information).

            c. Ivan Lish Boldon was born on 12 May 1898 in Mt. Tabor, Vernon, Wisconsin. On 19 Oct 1925 he married Myrtle May Evans (1895-1970) and they had two children:

              i. Beverly J Bolden (b. 1926).

              ii. Laird Ivan Boldon (1928-1979).

            d. Joe Henry Boldon was born on 1 Aug 1900 in Vernon, Wisconsin; He died on 16 Nov 1982 in New Auburn, Chippewa, Wisconsin. On 6 Sep 1924 he married Amy Leone Raver (1905-1994) in Chippewa Falls, Chippewa, Wisconsin. They had the following children:

              i. Corrine B Bolden (b. 1925); No further information.

              ii. Erle Rolland Boldon was born January 1, 1930 in New Auburn to Joe and Amy (Raver) Boldon. He was baptized September 8, 1940 at Goose Lake. He completed his elementary and secondary schooling in New Auburn, Wisconsin. On December 16, 1950 Erle married Eleanor Lehman (1930-2010) and was blessed with three children. Erle served two years in the U.S. Army. After his discharge he went to work for Chicago Northwestern Railroad. He worked at Farmhouse Foods for 33½ years. After his retirement in 1991 he worked as a maintenance man with Roger Lentz on the campus of Immanuel Lutheran College. Erle enjoyed the outdoors. He often told of stories of teaming up with his father who served as a fishing guide in northern Wisconsin. He spent many memorable moments with his family at their cabin on Goose Lake. Erle and his wife Eleanor were founding members of Messiah Lutheran Church. In fact the new congregation held its first services in the basement of the Boldon home, located in Hallie Township. Erle's Bible was worn from his frequent reading in it. On May 14, 2010 Eleanor inherited eternal life and ever since Erle longed to be reunited with his beloved wife. Erle "ended his earthly pilgrimage in the early hours of Sunday November 9, 2014." He was at Dove West Healthcare in Eau Claire. Erle was preceded in death by his wife Eleanor and his grandson Bill Davis, his parents and his brother Richard. He is survived by son Greg (Kathy) Boldon, Eau Claire; daughters Barbara (Blaine Davis), Chippewa Falls, and Kimberly (Douglas) Suda, Success, Missouri; seven grandchildren, Leah, Lucy, Layne, Chad, Anna, Jacob, and Adam; 13 great-grandchildren, his sister Corrine Donahue, Eau Claire, and his sister-in-law Betty Hoyt, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota, a number of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.

              iii. Richard Fredrick Boldon was born on 28 Feb 1932 in New Auburn, Wisconsin. He died in Jan 1978.

          3. Milo Hawes (1872-1942) married Elizabeth Rankins (1874-1937) and had the following children:

            a. Emma C Hawes (1896-1971) married Thomas Gaylord Mains (1870-1947). They're buried at Old Ontario Cemetery, Ontario, Vernon County, Wisconsin.

            b. Ocie E Hawes (26 Dec 1900 - 12 Jan 1985) married George W Wilson (1899 - 1960). They're buried at Rockton Cemetery, Vernon County, Wisconsin.

            c. Hobert H Hawes (16 Feb 1909 - Mar 1975) married Dorothy May Shippee (1920-1994). They had the following children:

              i. Howard H Hawes (7 May 1941 - 24 Jul 2004). Obituary: "ELROY/MAUSTON, Wis.—Howard H. Hawes, 63, of Mauston and formerly of Elroy, died Saturday, July 24, 2004, at his residence. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Picha Funeral Home, Elroy. Burial will follow in the Hill Top Rest Cemetery in Ontario, Wis. Friends may call at the funeral home today from 4 to 8 p.m. and on Tuesday from noon to the services." He's buried at Hilltop Rest Cemetery, Ontario, Vernon County, Wisconsin.

          Frank Hawes
          Frank Hawes (1874-1967)
          4. Frank Hawes was born on 1 Jul 1874 in Vernon County, Wisconsin. He died in Aug 1967 in Wisconsin, and is buried at Island Lake Cemetery, Rusk County, Wisconsin.

        Edward married a second time, to Mary Crosswaite (b. 1841) and had:

          5. Louis Eldred Hawes (1878-1926).

        V. Mahlon Demond Hawes (1829-1894) married Lucy A. Wright (1838-1918). They are buried at Seneca Union Cemetery in Valois, Schuyler County, New York. Plot: Lower Hill-165-6. History of Bedford and Somerset Counties, Pennsylvania, with genealogical and personal history by Blackburn, E. Howard; Welfley, William Henry, 1840- 1n; Koontz, William Henry, 1830-; Lewis Publishing Company. Publication date 1906; Publisher New York, Chicago, The Lewis Publishing Company, p. 406: "Mahlon Hawes, son of Jonas and Rebecca (Demand) Hawes, was born June 15, 1828. He, also, followed the quiet but useful occupation of a farmer. In his younger days he engaged in school teaching, and subsequently became a prominent educator of the day. He was a Democrat in politics, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He married, in 1865, Lucy A. Wright, a daughter of Harvey and Ruth Wright, and granddaughter of Luther Wright, who was a soldier in the war of the Revolution, who fought in that great struggle for eight years by the side of his father, Gideon Wright. Mahlon and Lucy (Wright) Hawes had children as follows: John W., to be further mentioned hereinafter; Fred S., M. D., born December 25, 1872, married Mary Marsh: Anna, born September 11, 1876; and Glen D., born February 26, 1880, married Estelle Swick, in 1901, who died in 1903, leaving one child, Elmer. The death of Mahlon Hawes occurred April 12, 1894." They had the following children:

          1. Dr. John William Hawes was born on 14 Feb 1870 in Hector, Schuyler County, New York, and died on 9 Mar 1931 in Penn Hills, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. He is buried there at Plum Creek Cemetery. On 4 Oct 1898 he married (1) Margaret M Kipp (1874-1928) in Somerset, Pennsylvania, and they had one child:

            a. John Kipp Hawes was born on 7 Sep 1901. He married Esther Wilson (1907-2005) and they had two son, John Kipp Hawes II (1931-1996) and William Lee Hawes (1932-2015).

          History of Bedford and Somerset Counties, Pennsylvania, with genealogical and personal history by Blackburn, E. Howard; Welfley, William Henry, 1840- 1n; Koontz, William Henry, 1830-; Lewis Publishing Company. Publication date 1906; Publisher New York, Chicago, The Lewis Publishing Company, pages 405-407: "Dr. John W. Hawes, a practicing physician of Windber, Somerset county, Pennsylvania, was born February 14, 1870, a son of Mahlon and Lucy A. (Wright) Hawes. The emigrant ancestor of this family in America was John Hawes (I), who was born in Germany in 1690, and, owing to the religious persecution of the times, was transported to this country, when an infant, by his cousin, Queen Mary II, of England. He landed in New York city, where he remained until his marriage, 1715, to Sarah Allen. The couple immediately removed to Haverstraw, New York, where they reared a family of six children, and of these two sons were killed in the Revolutionary war, at the battle of White Plains, New Jersey.
          "(II) William Hawes, son of John and Sarah (Allen) Hawes, was born in Haverstraw, New York, in 1730, and married, in 1751, Martha Wood. Of this marriage union fourteen children were born.
          "(III) Jonas Hawes, son of William and Martha (Wood) Hawes, was born in 1780, at Haverstraw, Rockhill county, New York. He removed to North Hector, Schuyler county, where he resided the remainder of his life. He was a farmer by occupation; in political proclivities, a Whig, and in religious faith, a Presbyterian. In 1812 he was drafted in the war of that year, and furnished a substitute. He married, in 1810, Rebecca Demand, and nine children were the issue of this union. Of these, two sons, Mathias and John, became medical practitioners; Edward made his home in Atlantic, Iowa, where he became superintendent of public schools. Jonas Hawes died in North Hector, New York, about 1864.
          "(IV) Mahlon Hawes, son of Jonas and Rebecca (Demand) Hawes, was born June 15, 1828. He, also, followed the quiet but useful occupation of a farmer. In his younger days he engaged in school teaching, and subsequently became a prominent educator of the day. He was a Democrat in politics, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He married, in 1865, Lucy A. Wright, a daughter of Harvey and Ruth Wright, and granddaughter of Luther Wright, who was a soldier in the war of the Revolution, who fought in that great struggle for eight years by the side of his father, Gideon Wright. Mahlon and Lucy (Wright) Hawes had children as follows: John W,, to be further mentioned hereinafter; Fred S., M. D.. born December 25, 1872, married Mary Marsh: Anna, born September 11, 1876; and Glen D.. born February 26, 1880, married Estelle Swick, in 1901, who died in 1903, leaving one child, Elmer. The death of Mahlon Hawes occurred April 12, 1894.
          "(V) John W. Hawes obtained his initial education in the public schools of his native place. After two years spent in school teaching, he decided upon a medical career, and entered the Starkey Seminary at Eddytown. New York, where he prepared for college. He entered the University of Buffalo in 1892, and April 30, 1895, was graduated from the medical department of that institution. He immediately engaged in the practice of his profession in Anita, Jefferson county, Pennsylvania, and on May 25, 1898, removed from there to Windber, where he has since resided, and where he has built up a very extensive and lucrative practice. He has been closely identified with the best interests of the town since its organization in 1898, and has always been a leading spirit in the advancement of all enterprises tending to increase the welfare of the community. He has been a member of the Board of Health for about four years, surgeon-in-chief to the Windber Hospital, and is a stock-holder and director in the Windber National Bank, and president of the Home Drug Company, Limited. A Democrat by inheritance and conviction, Dr. Hawes is deeply interested in the progress of that party. By virtue of his ancestors he holds membership in the Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the Revolution. Dr. Hawes married, October 4, 1898, Margaret Kipp, a daughter of George W. and Martha A. Kipp, of Towanda, Pennsylvania. One child, John Kipp Hawes, was born to them, September 7, 1901." John then married (2) Mary E. (b. 1886) and they had a daughter, Helen P Hawes (Miller, b. 1905).

          2. Frederick Sears Hawes was born on 25 Dec 1872 in Ovid, Seneca, New York. He married Clara May (b. 1882) and they had Joyce Marie Hawes (b. 1908) and Frances Winifred Hawes (b. 1910). Frederick died on 14 Jun 1949 in Russell, Russell, Kansas.

          3. Anna M Hawes was born on 11 Sep 1876 in Hector, Schuyler County, New York. In 1908 she married (1) Charles Lisle Bond (1872-1911); In 1927 she married (2) John Edward Connor (1861-1943). She died on 5 Jan 1960 in Russell, Russell County, Kansas. Her obituary in The Geneva Times, Thursday, 7 Jan 1960: "GENEVA -- Funeral services for Mrs. Anna Hawes Connor, 83, widow of John E. Connor, formerly of Geneva, will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Bennett Funeral Home on North St. The Rev. Lewis F. Bachman, pastor of the First Methodist Church will officiate. Burial will be in Valois Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 to 4 p.m. and from 1 to 9 p.m. tomorrow. Mrs. Connor died Tuesday in Russell, Kansas, where she lived for the last several years. She was a member of the First Methodist Church in Geneva and the Mizpah Class of the church. She is survived by two step-daughters, Mrs. Alexander H. Ranftle, of Geneva; and Mrs. Thomas D. Rogers of Buffalo; a step-son, William L. Connor, of Syracuse, and several nieces and nephews." She is buried at Seneca Union Cemetery in Valois, Schuyler County, New York, on the Lower Hill-165--2.

          4. Glenn Deal Hawes was born on 26 Feb 1880 in New City, Rockland, New York. In 1901 he married Estelle Swick, who died in 1903, leaving one child, Elmer Swick Hawes (6 Jan 1903 - Jan 1984). Glenn died on 26 Mar 1947.

        VI. Delebar A Hawes (1832-1879) was born on 29 Jul 1833. He married ML (Mary Louisa Williams?). He died on 4 Jan 1879 in Hector, Schuyler County, New York, and is buried at Seneca Union Cemetery in Valois, Schuyler County, New York, plot: center-019. Their children:

          1. L Bert Hawes was born on 16 Jul 1858 in Hector Schuyler County New York; He died on 24 Nov 1875 in Hector Schuyler County New York. He is buried at Seneca Union Cemetery, Valois, Schuyler County, New York; Plot: Center-019.

    8. Allen HAUSE was born on 6 August 1785 in Orange County, New York. He died as a teenager in 1804 in Seneca County, New York.

    9. Joseph HAUSE was born on 8 August 1787 in Orange County, New York. "Joseph Hause ... was one of the pioneers of Seneca Country, and helped to clear up the virgin forests around Farmer. He and an Irishman (ex-Senator Francis Kernan's father) went across Seneca Lake and settled in Tyrone, to which point they presently removed their families." (Excerpt from "Portrait and Biographical Record of Seneca and Schuyler Counties, New York." Chapman Publishing Company, 1895.) Joseph married Eunice Rogers on September 5, 1811, and the ran an inn on Hause Hill: "A resting place for man and beast." The first election for town officers of Tyrone at his house, with brothers William Jr. and Morris taking positions in the early government. Joseph's son, Alvin Chase, was a member of the New York state assembly from Schuyler County, in 1862. Joseph died on 3 December 1838 and is buried with Eunice in the Tyrone Union Cemetery in Tyrone, Schuylar, New York. Their children:

        I. Herman C Hause (1813-1874) married Elizabeth Swarthout (b. 1818) and had the following children:.

          1. Clarrissa Hause was born in 1843 in Livingston, Michigan. She married George Case Tanner (1836-1910). She died on 19 Aug 1871 in Brighton, Livingston, Michigan and is buried at Chilson Hills Cemetery, Livingston County, Michigan. "Clirissa Hause , wife of G C Tanner died Aug 19 1871 age 28yrs 4mo 1day." Her children:

            a. Lewis H Tanner (was born on 8 Sep 1866 in Brighton, Livingston, Michigan.

            b. Egbert Tanner was born on 1 Dec 1867 in Brighton, Livingston, Michigan. He died on 14 Nov 1875 in Livingston, Michigan.

          2. Jane Hause was born in 1850 in Livingston, Michigan. She married (1) Charles Filmore and (2) Eugene Slayton (1844-1928). She died on 11 Dec 1902 in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw, Michigan. Her children:

            a. Kittie Filmore Slayton was born 24 Dec 1867 in Livingston, MI. She married Charles Elbert Rodgers (b. 1869). Kittie died on 4 Jan 1930 and is buried at the Grand Lawn Cemetery in Detroit, MI, Section 19 Block 11. She and Charles had a daughter:

              Margaret Rogers (b. 1896) and Eleanor Wing (1915-1943)
              i. Margaret Rogers was born in Jun 1896 in Detroit. Her first husband was Stanley James Wing, who was the first Detroiter to be killed in World War I. A year later, she then married Louis Kordatzky (1887-1971), but they divorced sometime in the 1920s. She then married Leo Ernest Gariepy (1892-1935) in 1934, but he died the next year. She and Louis divorced between 1920-1926. There were no known marriages between 1935-1950. She was a widowed Margaret Gariepy on the 1950 census. She probably passed between 1953-1970 in Michigan and is buried at the Grand Lawn Cemetery in Detroit with her mother. She had a daughter:

                1. Eleanor Margaret Wing was born on 29 Aug 1915 in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan. She married Edward Zientarski (1913-1942) and they had Glenn (b. 1932), Edward (b. 1935), Sally Jane (b. 1941) and Charlie (1936-2016), and Stanley Edward Zientarski, who died in infancy. Eleanor died at the age of 28 from a car accident in Unadilla, Livingston County, Michigan, on 20 Nov 1943, and is buried with her mother and grandmother at the Grand Lawn Cemetery in Detroit.

            b. Clara Slayton (1874-1959).

        II. Alvin Chase Hause was born on 15 Dec 1814 in Frederickstown, Dutchess Co, New York. On 28 Oct 1842, he married Persis Fidelia Noble (28 Dec 1818 - 1905) in Weston, Steuben Co, NY. Alvin served the Union cause politically in the Civil War by representing Schuyler County in the New York State Assembly in 1862: "MR Hause has proven himself one of the most useful and reliable men that Schuyler county has sent to the Legislature since its formation as a county. He is descended from a long line of English ancestry on his paternal side, and has inherited just enough of German blood on his maternal side, to make him one of the most quiet and substantial men in the House. He is a native of the town of Wayne, Steuben county, N. Y., where he was born on the 15th of December, 1814, and like most men reared in a new country has lived the life of a frugal, industrious and successful man. His father, Joseph Hause, who was a native of Orange county, died in 1838, at the age of fifty-one, and his mother, who was a Miss Rogers from Putnam county, died in 1847, at the age of sixty-three. Mr. Hause received a common school education, and was bred a farmer, which has always been his chief occupation. He held the office of Supervisor in 1852, before the organistion of Schuyler county, and has occupied the same position, during the past two years, in the town where he resides. Unlike most public men he has never sought office, and has never met with any opposition when once a candidate. He has always been a firm and unyielding Democrat of the Douglas school, and was chosen to his present position by a combination of the friends of the Union belonging to all parties. Mr. Hause was married on the 28th of October, 1841, to Miss Perces F. Noble, who is a native of Enfield, Conn. He is a member of the Baptist Church, and is a gentleman of high standing in the community where he resides." (Source: Biographical Sketches of the State Officers and Members of the Legislature of the State of New York in 1862 and '63, by WM. D. Murphy. Albany: Printed for the Author, 1863; P. 176, 177; P. 262 states that he was on the Assembly Standing Committee of Medical Colleges and Societies.) Alvin died on 18 Nov 1866 Tyrone, Schuyler Co, New York, and is buried at Tyrone Union Cemetery, Tyrone, Schuyler County, New York. His children:

          1. Caroline Alida "Carrie" Hause was born on 24 May 1845 in Tyrone, Schuyler, New York. She married (1) Steven F. Griffeth (1838-1873) and they had a daughter, Mabel Griffeth (1872-1873) and Steven and Mabel are buried in Tyrone, Schuyler County, New York. In 1878, she then married (2) George Curson Davis (1846-1917), and they had a daughter, Myra Louise Davis (16 Aug 1878 - 14 Feb 1961). Carrie is buried in Newburyport, Essex County, Massachusetts.

          2. Joseph F. Hause (1850-1934) married Mary Ella Van Liew (1851-1934) and is buried at Tyrone Union Cemetery, Tyrone, Schuyler County, New York.

          3. Lyman N. Hause was born in 1858, lived in Hennepin, Minnesota, for a time, and died in 1882 and is buried at Tyrone Union Cemetery in Schuyler County, New York, lot 64.

        III. Hannah Hause (b. 1815).

        Charles Hause
        Charles Hause (1817-1900)
        IV. Charles W Hause was born on 26 Feb 1817 in Tyrone, Steuben, New York. On 7 May 1845 he married Anna Maria Disbrow (1823-1860) in Tyrone, Schuyler, New York. He died on 4 Jun 1900 in Pontiac, Livingston, Illinois. Obituary: Dundee Observer, 10 January 1900: "Last Sunday morning on the 10:27 train from the North, the remains of Charles Hause arrived in this village to be laid at rest in Hillside Cemetery beside his departed wife and son. Mr. Hause, who was born in Tyrone on February 27, 1817, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Beach at Pontiac, Ill Thursday, January 4, 1900. The funeral services were held at the home of his daughter, who, with her husband, accompanied the remains to this village. There were also present at the burial service Miss Wolverton, of Elmira, Thomas P. Hause, of Farmer, and Miss Alice Kernan, of Whitesboro, N.Y., all relatives of the deceased, together with a large number of friends from this section. Rev. D. E. Sprague officiated at the grave, the ceremony taking place about 1 p.m. Mr. Hause was well known to many residents of this section as a prosperous farmer, who left here about 1870. After leaving Dundee he settled in the west, where he bought large tracts of land near Minneapolis, Minn. Later he spent much time in travel. He had twice visited Europe, and also made a tour of the Holy Land. He visited Alaska, Cuba, and nearly all of the important sections of the United States. During his travels he wrote descriptive letters for the Farmer Review, of which his nephew T.P. Hause is editor. Many of these letters were copied by the Observer, as will be remembered by our readers. Mr. Hause frequently visited Dundee and greatly enjoyed greeting his early neighbors and friends. He was a good conversationalist, a deep thinker, and possessed a keen vein of humor, which made his visits both pleasant and profitable. Besides the daughter, one son, Lodiwick, residing at Minneapolis, and one sister, Mrs. Betsey Wolverton, of Elmira, survive.

          1. John C Hause was born on 7 Sep 1830 in Prop, Yates, New York. He died on 1 May 1884 in Yates, New York.

          Lodowic Disbrow Hause and Alice Holle Hause with some of their children. Back row: LD Hause, Anne Marie Disbrow, Oliver Miles (Ethel's husband), Ethel Olive, friend, Charles Waldo. Front row: Alice Holle Hause holding Charlotte, Lillian, most likely hired help named Martha, Alice Myrtle, and Lodowic Disbrow, Jr. (Courtesy of descendant Bethany Meyer)

          Lodowic Hause obituary (Courtesy of descendant Bethany Meyer)
          2. Lodowic Disbrow Hause was born on 2 Oct 1847 in Starkey, Yates, New York. On 29 Dec 1875 he married Alice Holle (1855-1913) in Ramsey, Minnesota. He died on 28 Aug 1927 in Ramsey, Minnesota.

            a. Anne Marie Disbrow Hause was born on 28 Sep 1876 in Nicols, Dakota, Minnesota. On 6 Oct 1898 she married Albert Stiff (1869-1951) in Eagan, Dakota, Minnesota. She died on 3 Jan 1953 in St Paul, Hennepin, Minnesota. Her children:

              i. Leslie Disbrow Stiff (1899-1990).

              ii. Albert G Stiff (1901-1994).

              iii. Orlin Kenneth Stiff (1903-1999).

              iv. Raymond Lodowic Stiff was born on 16 Apr 1906 in Eagan, Dakota, Minnesota, and died on 2 Oct 1999 in Roseville, Ramsey, Minnesota. He married cousin Hazel Helen Hause (5 Oct 1912 - 6 Feb 2008), listed below.

              v. Quentin Charles Stiff (1908-1994).

              vi. Errol Stiff (1911-2004).

              vii. Howard Sumner Stiff (1913-1993).

            b. Charles Waldo Hause was born on 3 Nov 1878 in Dakota, Minnesota. In 1910 he married (1) Louise E Johnson on 2 Sep 1909 in St. Paul Minnesota, then (2) Emma Louisa Schlee (1878-1956) in 1910 in Ramsey, Minnesota. He died on 10 Aug 1960 in Ramsey, Minnesota. His children:

              i. Florence Louise Hause was born on 14 Oct 1901 in Minnesota. She died on 12 Mar 1976 in Swayzee, Grant, Indiana.

              ii. Alice Aunelia Hause was born on 21 Oct 1910 in Ramsey, Minnesota.

              Orville Hause
              iii. Orville Charles Hause was born on 8 Mar 1921 in Ramsey, Minnesota. He joined the US Army in 1945 and became a sergeant. Orville was married twice, to (1) Peggy Jane Vermilyea (1920-2000) and Dorothy Clara Edna Barnes (1923-1995). "ORVILLE HAUSE, Age 89, World War II P.O.W. Passed away on July 16, 2010 in California. Formerly of St. Paul, MN. He was preceded in death by his parents, Charles and Louisa Hause and his wife, Dorothy. He proudly served with the US Army in Germany during World War II and also served in Korea. He retired as a sergeant. 'Red' received the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Combat Infantry Badge and P.O.W. Medal. He lived in California for much of his life where he was a first-class carpenter by trade. He was buried beside his wife in the national cemetery in Santa Nella, CA. He leaves behind his cherished grand-daughter, Marlo Stark and his beloved great-grand-daughter, Abbey. Along with his family, 'Red' loved his friends & they will always remember him for his caring & often 'spirited' personality." (Pioneer Press, 26 Sep 2010.) Orville died on 16 Jul 2010 and is buried at the San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery in Santa Nella, Merced County, California, in Section C-4, Site 56.

            c. Ella Hause was born in 1880 in Dakota, Minnesota.

            d. Lillian Hause was born on Mar 1881 in Minnesota. She married Theodore A Ogden or Nickles (b. 1867).

            e. Ethel Olive Hause was born on 30 Aug 1883 in Minnesota, United States. On 4 May 1904 she married George Oliver Miles (1876-1953). She died on 10 Aug 1972 in St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota. They had the following children:

              i. Dean Miles (b. 1906).

              ii. Dorothy Ethyl Miles (1907-1997).

              iii. Donald Myron Miles (b. 1910).

              iv. Richard Miles (b. 1917).

            f. Elizabeth M Hause was born on 13 Jul 1886 in Dakota, Minnesota. On 26 Sep 1917 she married Leon Charles Rew (1879-1965). She died on 24 Oct 1930 in Olmsted, Minnesota. Her children:

              i. Roger Leon Rew (1918-1954).

              ii. Ruth C Rew (b. 1921).

              iii. Vanda A Rew (b. 1924).

            g. Lodowic Disbrow Hause II was born on 25 Jul 1890 in Dakota, Minnesota. He married Nettie Valina Scott (1887-1976). He died on 2 Oct 1936 in Hennepin, Minnesota. His children:

              i. Hazel Helen Hause was born on 5 Oct 1912 in Dakota, Minnesota and died on 6 Feb 2008. She married cousin Raymond Lodowic Stiff (1906-1999).

              Lodowic III
              Lodowic Disbrow Hause III
              (Photo courtesy of daughter Irene Hause)
              ii. Lodowic Disbrow Hause III was born on 19 May 1914 in Dakota, Minnesota. He married Louise Amelia Schneider (1913-1981) of Germany, and served as a Machinist's Mate for the US Navy Seabees during World War II. He was swept out to sea while fishing on a coral reef off the Mariana Islands on 27 Feb 1945. He is memorialized in the MIA monument at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Punchbowl), in Honolulu, Honolulu County, Hawaii. Lodowic and Louise had a daughter:

                1. Irene Louise Hause was born in 1943 in Ramsey, Minnesota.

              iii. Twin #1 (1916-1916).

              iv. Twin #2 (1916-1916).

              v. Harriet Ruth Hause was born on 14 Apr 1917 in Dakota, Minnesota, and died on 22 Aug 1978 in St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota. She married David Albert Wenzel (1913-1991).

              vi. Bertram William Hause was born on 11 Jan 1923 in Dakota, Minnesota. After Bert's brother passed away while in the Navy during World War II, he enlisted in the Army on 27 Mar 1946. While on leave on Saturday,14 Jun 1947, he married Margaret May Jennrich (1928-2014) at Saint John's Lutheran Church in Rosemont, Minnesota. Bert died on 11 Nov 1997 in Washington, and he is buried in Tahoma National Cemetery, at 18600 SE 240th St Kent, WA 98042-4868; Buried in Section I Row E Site 60.

                1. Michael William Hause was born on 1 Aug 1949 in Ramsey, Minnesota.

                2. Sharon Margaret Hause was born on 7 May 1952 in Ramsey, Minnesota.

              vii. Henrietta "Babs" Phyllis Hause was born on 2 Feb 1928 in Ramsey, Minnesota, and lives with her husband Earl Brandon in Hamilton, Montana.

              viii. Jean Alice Hause was born on 3 Sep 1934 in Ramsey, Minnesota. She married Robert J Ficarra (b. 1937).

            h. Alice Hause was born in Dec 1894 in Minnesota. She died on 3 Nov 1988 in Minnesota.

            i. Charlotte Ruth Hause was born in 26 Feb 1900 in Egan Township, Minnesota. She married Walter Edwin Kotz (3 Feb 1901 - 10 Sep 1974). She died on 3 Mar 1990 in Stillwater, Washington, Minnesota. She and Walter had a son:

              1. Robert George Kotz was born in 22 Feb 1932 in Olmsted County, Minnesota. He married Walter Edwin Kotz Suzanne Marie. They had a son, Peter Douglas Kotz, (b. 2 Sep 1960). Robert died in 2016 in Minnesota.

          Libbie Hause
          Elizabeth "Libbie" Hause (1847-1917)
          3. Elizabeth Sunderlin Hause was born in Dec 1847 in Starkey, Yates, New York. On 20 Aug 1873 she married Civil War vet George Remington Beach (1838-1931) in Nichols, Dakota, Minnesota. Beach was born 24 April 1838 in Beachville (a hamlet located in the Town of Dansville, in Steuben County, New York). He was the son of Robert Beach and Rhoda Douglass Beach. According to his father, George's health was "very poor during a part of his boyhood," but he grew to be a strong man. He had joined the 130th New York Volunteer Infantry in 1862 and spent the next three years fighting secessionists in Virginia. On 5 August 1862, after a call from President Lincoln for more men to fight, the twenty-four year old enlisted in the 130th New York Volunteer Infantry. The regiment was later converted to a cavalry unit known as the 1st New York Dragoons. The Dragoons were one of the 300 Union regiments that suffered the greatest casualties during the War. George was at Appomattox Court House on 9 April 1865 when Lee surrendered.
             "Libbie" died on 11 Sep 1917 in Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota. George Remington Beach lived a long life, surviving Libbie and marrying again at the age of 90. When George died in 1931 he had lived 92 years, 10 months and 25 days. (Source: "Time With My Ancestors," by Deborah Patel . The family has kept George's saber and carbine. Grandchildren Judson Hause Peterson and Sidney Beach Peterson used to "play" with the saber, and indeed a picture of a deer painted by Elizabeth has a tear caused by that saber.) George and Libby's children:

            a. Anna M Beach (b. 1876).

            Buena Vista Beach (1878-1951) with son Judson Hause Peterson (1918-1995).
            b. Buena Vista Beach was born on 1 Jan 1878 in Pontiac, Livingston, Illinois. On 15 Dec 1914 she married Alfred E Peterson (1874-1938) in Hennepin, Minnesota. She died on 3 Nov 1951 in Hennepin, Minnesota. She had the following children:

              i. Sidney Beach Peterson was born on 10 Feb 1916 in North Dakota. He married (1) Dorothy Lorraine (1919-1964) and (2) Lavonne Bertha Bonnie Rosenback (1925-2010). He died on 30 Dec 1969 in Waseca, Waseca, Minnesota.

              ii. Judson Hause Peterson was born on 27 Sep 1918 in Spokane, Spokane, Washington. On 16 Aug 1947 he was married to Helen Barbara Roth (1927-2000) in Litchfield, Meeker. He died on 30 Jul 1995 in Burnsville, Dakota, Minnesota.

            c. Robert H Beach (1879-1969).

            d. Ortha J Beach (1880-1885).

            e. George Remington Beach (1882-1950).

            f. Rowena Elizabeth Beach (1886-1983).

            g. Mary Joanna Beach (1889-1969).

          4. Charles W Hause (1855-1873).

        V. Lewis Kensington Hause was born on 6 Aug 1818 in New York. On 25 Mar 1845 he married Fanny D Stewart (1825-1885). That same year, he graduated from Hobart Free College and Geneva Medical College in Geneva, New York, and became a doctor. He then served as an Assistant Surgeon during the Civil War. Records show that a "Lewis K. Hawes" of Whitewater, Wisconsin, enlisted on 11 Sep 1862 in the Union Army as an Assistant Surgeon. He was commissioned in Company S, 28th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin and received a disability discharge on 18 Nov 1863. Lewis is the author of the genealogical sketches that are the basis of the John Hause legend. He died in January 1870 in Walworth County, Wisconsin. He and Fanny had the following children:

          1. Cecil Stewart Hause (Hawes) was born on 29 August 1848 in Whitewater, Walworth County, Wisconsin. He died on 13 March 1925 in East Nelson, Moultrie, Illinois.

          2. Ella E. Hause (b. 1848).

          3. Harry L Hawes (1857 - bef. 1910) married Belle A Olsen (1867-1925) of Norway, and they had the following children:

            a. Harry Chapman Hawes was born on 14 August 1887 in Augusta, Eau Claire County, Wisconsin. On 8 Apr 1930 he married Dorothy Huntress (1898-1935) in Pinellas, Florida, but they divorced in 1937. After that he was a single watchmaker in Chicago, Illinois.

            b. Marion Hawes was born on 14 August 1897 in Illinois. She never married, living with her grandparents (1910), mother and stepfather (1920) and then her sister (1930-40), and died on 21 May 1979 in Racine, Wisconsin.

            c. Mildred Kathryn Hawes was born on 14 August 1897 in Illinois. She married William Burton Rowley (1899-1951). She died on 11 December 1989 in Racine, Racine, Wisconsin. She had a son:

              Robert William Galloway
              Robert William Galloway (1919-2007)
              i. Robert William Galloway, Sr. was born on 28 Apr 1919 in Racine, Wisconsin. His biological mother, Mildred Hawes, apparently had him with a man named William Andrew Schmitt (1897-1969), but then placed him for adoption. However, Mildred's mother Belle Olsen-Hawes and her second husband John Galloway (1899-1921), adopted him and re-named him Robert William Galloway. After their deaths he was raised by his biological mother, Mildred, and her husband William Rowley (according to the 1930 and 1940 census). Robert worked much of his way through school washing dishes, and graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1941. He majored in physics and engineering. Upon graduation, Robert went to work for Western Electric until his retirement in 1981. His initial work was to build or design bombs for the WWII war effort. He married Bette Mae Macemon (1920-2004) on 27 Dec 1943 and initially moved to an apartment outside Chicago. By 1944, they had saved enough money to purchase their first home for $9000 at 510 S Grace St, Lombard, Ill. They had two children, Cheryl (b. 1945) and Robert Jr. Robert Sr. died on 23 Jan 2007 in Palm Coast, Flagler, Florida.

        VI. Betsy Hause was born on 19 Dec 1819 in New York. She married William W Wolverton.

        VII. Joseph Hause was born on 24 Mar 1821 in Tyrone, Steuben, New York. On 18 Nov 1856 he married Nancy B. Purdy (1832-1872). From Genealogy of the Purdy family, 1742-1905, by Alfred B. Hause; Genealogical Society of Utah, 1942: "Nancy B. Purdy was born in the Village of Ovid, N. Y. April 15 1832 and died in the same place Nov. 6 1872. She was married Nov 18 1856 to Joseph Hause, a son of Joseph Hause and Eunice Rogers Hause, who was born March 24 1821 and died May 18 1864. Joseph Hause was born at Tyrone, N. Y. And was a descendant of John Hause who was born in Germany about 1690. He came to Seneca County about 1850 and engaged in teaching school in which he was successful for a number of years in the towns of Covert and Ovid, and which avocation he followed for a number of years until failing health obliged him to discontinue this calling. At the time of his death he was engaged in the Fire Insurance business." He died on the 18th of May in 1864, in Ovid, Seneca, New York. Joseph Jr. was followed eight years later by Nancy, on November 6, 1872. They had the following children:

          File Image
          From:   Alfred B. Hause
          To:   James Dwight Hause
          Subject:   Hause Family History
          Date:   January 28, 1904
          View file
          SOURCE: Collection of Stephen Hause.
          1. Alfred Bolter Hause was born on 15 Nov 1857 in Ovid, Seneca, New York, and died on 2 Jun 1916 in Manhattan, New York. In 1891, he married Susan A Seeley (1857-1901). Alfred co-owned the Hause and Purdy Insurance Agency in Ovid, Seneca County, but spent a great deal of time unearthing his genealogy. Part of the reason he did this may have been that he wanted to learn more about his father and mother, who had passed away while he was young. Then Alfred, Thomas and their younger brother, William (3 Nov 1862 - 2 Mar 1915), were raised by their maternal grandparents, the Purdys. Alfred began his research with a family history written in 1850 by his uncle, Lewis K. Hause (born 6 Aug 1818), as well as the family bible of Albert's grandfather Joseph Hause, Sr. (Both of these sources are now lost.) Then Alfred and distant cousins named James Dwight Hause (a descendant of Joseph Sr.'s brother, William Hause, Jr., and the son in "J.B. HAUSE & SON FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING") and Dr. James P Hawes (1839-1915) teamed up to trace the Hause family. A letter detailing their research is at right. Alfred is rumored to have written the entire genealogy in book form, which was published by his brother Thomas, a newspaper owner, but no copies can be found today, although he did publish one on the Purdy family (Hause, Alfred B: Purdy Family, bound manuscript; The New York genealogical and biographical record, Volume 40 Volumes 451-455 of American periodical series, 1850-1900 Author New York Genealogical and Biographical Society Publisher New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1909). From the Ithaca Daily News, Monday Evening, June 5, 1915: "Interlaken, June 5 -- The remains of Alfred B. Hause, who died in New York City Friday evening, at the age of 59 years, were brought to his former home in Ovid, yesterday morning, for burial. Mr. Hause was born in Ovid and had always lived there until about twelve years ago, when he received an appointment as special agent of the New York State Lunacy Commission, with an office in New York City, where he has since resided. He was a past master of Union Lodge, F. & A. M., of Ovid, a past high priest of Ovid Chapter and a member of Geneva Commandery. He leaves a wife and a brother, Thomas P. Hause, of this village."

          Thomas Hause
          Thomas Purdy Hause (1860-1929)
          2. Thomas Purdy Hause was born on 29 Feb 1860 in Seneca, New York. On 6 Apr 1881, he married Jessie E Frantz (1863-1936) in Ovid, Seneca Co. On July 23, 1887, 27-year-old Thomas, a printer for the Ovid Gazette, struck out on his own and published the very first copy of the Interlaken (formerly Farmer) weekly newspaper—originally called the Saturday Morning Review. In 1892, after a successful 15 years, Hause redubbed the newspaper the Farmer Review, named for the village of Farmer. In 1904, the village of Farmer itself was renamed Interlaken. Hause again responded, replacing the Farmer Review masthead soon after with the Interlaken Review. It's been in continuous publication ever since. Thomas also served as mayor of Interlaken from 1909 to 1911, was president of the local school board in 1897, worked as second assistant foreman in the local fire department—Cataract Engine and Hose Company No. 1, and was master of the Farmerville Lodge No. 183 in 1901. He died on 24 Jan 1929. "THOMAS P. HAUSE is the proprietor and publisher of the Farmer Review, having founded it and begun its publication in the month of July, 1887, at a time when no paper had been published in the town for several years. It is an eight-column folio, local and independent, devoted to the interests of Farmer, and has appeared every week since its first publication. It has grown to considerable prominence, and has an appreciative and valuable patronage. Mr. Hause was born in Ovid February 29, 1860, the son of Joseph and Nancy (Purdy) Hause, who were also natives of New York. Joseph Hause settled in Seneca County before his marriage, and taught school. The grandfather, also Joseph Hause, was one of the pioneers of Seneca County, and helped to clear up the virgin forests around Farmer. He and an Irishman (ex-Senator Francis Kernan's father) went across Seneca Lake and settled at Tyrone, to which point they presently removed their families. The Hause family trace their ancestry back to William Hause, who settled in Pennsylvania in 1750. After the marriage of the parents in 1856, they resided in Ovid. The father died in May, 1864, and the mother in 1872. They had three children, all sons: Alfred B., Thomas P. and William J. Our subject was born in Ovid, received his education in the village schools, and learned the printer's trade in the office of the Ovid Independent. In 1887 he came to Farmer. Previous to this, in 1881, he was married to Jessie E., the daughter of D. F. Frantz, and they have two children, Nancy E. and Frank E. In politics Mr. Hause is independent, voting for the best men and measures, irrespective of party interests, and by strictly carrying out this principle he has made himself a power. The proportions of his office and the increase of his establishment show how much the people appreciate a candid and honorable newspaper. He began business with a Washington Hand-press, and with but little material on hand, and now has a steam outfit, with a Campbell Country Press, and one of the most complete country job offices found west of New York. He is sole owner of both the plant and the building. Mr. Hause is found among the members of Farmersville Lodge No. 183, F. and A. M., and Seneca Lodge No. 694, I. O. O. F." (Portrait and Biographical Record of Seneca and Schuyler Counties, New York. Chapman Publishing Company, 1895, p. 144, 145) Thomas and Jessie had the following children:

            a. Nancy Ellen Hause was born on 26 Sep 1882 in New York; She died in Mar 1969 in Rochester, Monroe, New York.

            b. Frank Edwin Hause was born on 1 Aug 1885 in Ovid, Seneca, New York. On 21 Nov 1914, he married Eleanor F Varian (b. 1886) and they had the following children:

              Thomas Hause
              Thomas Varian Hause (1920-1975)
              i. Thomas Varian Hause was born on 19 May 1920 in Buffalo, Erie, New York. His 1939 Jamestown High School Yearbook lists "Out of town girls—Packards—Alpha Zeta—swell suits—traveling salesman" (high school photo, at right). He fought in World War II from 5 Mar 1942 until 14 Nov 1945. He married Carol H (b. 1926) and they lived in Rochester, NY, and had a son. Thomas died on 14 June 1975 in W Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut.

              ii. Robert Frantz Hause was born on 29 Feb 1925 in Jamestown, NY.On 21 Feb 1948 he married Mary Constance Ohlson (b. 1924) and they had the following children: Patricia, Robert and Thomas S Hause. Robert died on 24 Dec 2009 in North Port, Sarasota, Florida.

          3. William Joseph Hause was born on 3 Nov 1862 in Ovid, Seneca, New York. From Genealogy of the Purdy family, 1742-1905, by Alfred B. Hause; Genealogical Society of Utah, 1942: "William Joseph Hause was born in the village of Ovid, N. Y. Nove. 3 1862 where he has always resided. He was married Nov 20 1901 to Lena Myers, a daughter of Henry Myers and Eliza Bryant Myers of the township of Romulus, N. Y. He entered the same office with his brother Thomas and learned the printer's trade and was afterwards in the employ of his uncle James D. Purdy in the clothing business, where he remained for a number of years, later engaged in the grocery business with Mr. T. H. Williamson, under the firm name of Hause & Williamson. He lives at present in the old home of his grandfather where five generations of the Purdy descendants have found a covering. They have one child." He died on 2 Mar 1915 in Ovid, Seneca, New York. On 20 Nov 1901, he married Lena B Myers (b. 1869) and they had:

            a. Richard M. Hause was born on 1 Nov 1903 in Ovid, Seneca, New York. He enlisted in the army during WWII on 30 Oct 1942 in New York City. Richard died on 20 Nov 1974 in Zephyrhills, Pasco, Florida.

        VIII. Henry A Hause (1822-1823).

        IX. Marie B Hause (1824-1825).

        X. Mary Jane Hause was born om 11 Feb 1826 in Tyrone, Schuyler, New York. She married Ira Disbrow (1819-1896) on 26 Dec 1844. They had three children during their marriage: Myron H Disbrow (1847-1909), Cecilia (1851-1851) and Florence A Disbrow (1852-1929). Mary Jane died in 1895 in Rochester, New York, at the age of 69.

        XI. Caroline Hause (1827-1828).

        XII. William Henry Hause (1829-1878). His obituary in the Watkins Express: DEATH OF WILLIAM HAUSE.—Our citizens were startled on Tuesday morning last, Sept. 4th, by the report that William Hanse was no more. He bad been sick but a few days and no one supposed, not even his family and physician, that his disease was dangerous or likely to prove fatal. He retained his physical strength to the last moment, and only a few minutes before his death, Tuesday morning, raised himself up in bed and placed his feet upon the floor. It is needless to say that the announcement of his decease caused unfeigned sorrow and mourning in our village.
           Like all other men he had his faults, but his good qualities and his generous and sympathetic heart overshadowed all human frailties and made him a valued and useful citizen and neighbor. He was not blessed with a large share of this world's goods, but his heart was ever open to the calls of tbe poor and distressed, and many are the incidents that we could name of his noble sacrifices in behalf of the needy, and generous but unostentatious aid extended to the destitute. He was peculiarly fond of little children, and never tired of caressing and encouraging them and doing such kind offices for them as would make their little hearts glad. The children of Watkins will long remember the name of William Hause and revere his memory.
           The deceased was born in tbe town of Tyrone, Feb. 28th, 1829, and had therefore reached his 49th year. A few years of his early life was spent in the West teaching school. He afterwards became a resident of Dundee, Yates county, where he held a clerkship in a dry goods store for several years.
           In 1853 he married Maria Kinney, a daughter of Judge Henry Kinney, of Dundee. Subsequently he became a resident ot tbe town of Barrington, Yates county, where be spent nine years of his life upon a farm. He held the office of Justice of the Peace in Barrington eight years and was twice elected Justice of Sessions in Yates county. He afterwards returned to Dundee for a short period, and in 1867 removed with his family to Watkins, where he spent the remainder of his life. He held the office of Justice of the Peace in this town for nearly eight years; his second term would have expired on the first day of January next. He was also twice elected Justice of Sessions in this county, and in all his official career maintained an excellent reputation for tbe fairness of his legal decisions, and for his upright and dignified course in all matters of controversy submitted to him for examination or trial.
           The funeral services will take place today, Thursday, at the Methodist Church in Dundee. Rev. Cameron Mann, rector of St. James's church, of this village, will officiate.
           His remains will be buried in the Dundee cemetery by his Masonic brethren of Dundee Lodge, assisted by many of the fraternity from this county. Mr. John J. Smith of this village will conduct the Masonic services. Deceased leaves a wife and one son, Henry K. Hause, Esq., of the law firm of Evarts & Hause. The bereaved family have the sympathy of a wide circle of sorrowing friends and neighbors.

        XIII. John Hause was born on 7 Sep 1830 in New York. On 11 Feb 1852 he married (1) Nancy Bennett (1832-1882) in Pennsylvania. After Nancy's death he married (2) Mariah L Kearney (1830-1911). John died on 1 May 1884 in Yates County, New York. He is buried at Hillside Cemetery in Dundee, Yates County, New York.

        XIV. Angeline Hause (1832-1833).

    10. Mary HAUSE was born on 6 July 1790 in Orange County, New York. Mary married Daniel Burr. In the 1810 Federal Census, they live in Wayne, Steuben, New York with a son and daughter, both under 10 years of age; In 1840 their residence has changed to Tyrone, Steuben, New York and they live with a son and two daughters, all under five. The known children, according to the William Hawes Family Lines Collection, 1750-1876,² were:

        I. Morris Burr, according to the William Hawes Family Lines Collection, 1750-1876

        II. Ann Burr who married ___ Reymer, according to the William Hawes Family Lines Collection, 1750-1876

    11. Matthew HAUSE was born on 23 Apr 1792 in Warwick, Orange County, New York. He died in Wisconsin, probably moving there with his younger brother, Morris. Matthew married (1) Anna Marie (last name unknown, date unknown) and (2) Johanna Wood on 2 Nov 1831 in Verona, Dane County, Wisconsin. Madison, Dane County and surrounding towns ; being a history and guide to places of scenic beauty and historical note ... early intercourse of the settlers with the indians ... with a complete list of county supervisors and officers, and legislative members, by W. J. Park & Co., 1877. From the chapter, 'Verona,' pp. 571-588, by MacDonald, Donald; Hawes, J. T.; Page 586: ADDITIONS BY J.T. HAWES: "My father and mother and three children moved into the town of Verona on the 7th day of March, 1843. It was a very cold day, with deep snow, which lay on the ground until April, when men went to the town, meeting in sleighs. It was a remarkably long and hard winter, and many cattle starved to death. I well remember instances of men coming fifteen miles to get a load of straw, when we would give them the load and keep them over night. We had moved on to Mr. Samuel Taylor's farm, so had plenty of feed. At this time there was only one other family in the town, Peter Martin's, one mile from us. The next nearest was Joseph Vroman, five miles east, Ed. Campbell seven miles north, and McFadden, seven miles south. We living (sic) on the road from Janesvilleto Mineral Point, and as it was the only house for a long distance each way, having a good barn, something very scarce in those days, it was a regular stopping place for all travelers. Among the notables who used to frequent our house was Judge Irvin, Hons. Moses M. and Marshal M. Strong, Ebenezrt Brigham, of Blue Mounds, George Delaplaine, etc. J.G. Knapp and E.M.Williamson, of Madison, used to make it their home while acting as surveyors in that part of the county. Judge Irvin was always accompanied by his famous horse Pedro, and dog York. My father one winter boarded old Pedro for the judge. If my memory serves me right, the first child born in the town was Ebenezer Collins. He was born in the evening. My mother was present, and early the next morning she was called to attend the birth of Olive Wheeler, a daughter of William A. Wheeler, who lived at Badger Mills. The first religious services in town were held at our house, by the Rev. Salmon Stebbins. He was followed soon after by a Methodist missionary by the name of Bennett, who afterwards took up the less honorable calling of office seeking. About this time we had occasional by the Rev. Matthew Fox, of Fitchburg, a Presbyterian minister; also by his father, who was a Methodist preacher. He was known all over the county as Father Fox, or, as he sometimes styled himself in his jocular way, 'Ould Daddy Fox.' In the summer of 1845 the settlers built a log school house on the northwest quarter of section 22, but when they got the body up, they decided it was not located in the proper place, and so sold it to my father, who took it down and moved it on his farm, on section 13, which he was just beginning to open. The next year they erected a log school house on the west edge of what is now known as the Dane county poor farm. The first school was taught by Amy Thornton, in the winter of 1846-47, and I was one of her scholars. It was the custom in those days for the teacher to board around, and the big boys to take turns in building the fires. My turn came every Monday morning, and I remember getting a frozen ear on one of those occasions. The first summer school was taught by Miss Noyes, and the second winter term by Dr. Waterbury. He being the only physician in that part of the country, was frequently called away on professional duties, and at such times he placed the school in charge of some one of the big boys, quite a number of whom were grown men. One of the number, an Englishman by the name of Baker, who was sometimes called upon to preside, caused a good deal of merriment one day by telling some one in a class of spelling, who had left out the letter 'n' in a word, that 'there was a 'hen' in there somewheres.' In 1843 my father was elected the first justice of the peace in the town, and my brother, Harvey L. Hawes, the first constable. The same year my father was elected a supervisor of the town. Among his duties were the laying out and repairing of roads. This office he held for many years. In 1846 we moved on our own farm, and entertained travelers in our little log house. A sign over our door with the word BEER in large letters, caused considerable attraction, as it was, for many miles around, the only thing of the kind outside of Madison. As the town has filled up fast with settlers, it will be difficult to follow its history further." Matthew married (1) Johanna Wood (1794-1831) and they had the following children:

        I. Susan Hause (1814-1814).

        II. Jane Hawes (1815-1815).

        III. Edwin J Hawes (b. 1816).

        IV. Harvey L Hawes (b. 1819).

        V. Rosetta Hawes (1821-1838).

        VI. Sherman M Hawes was born in 1822 in New York. In 1848, he married Hannah Belle Cox (1829-1911) Dane, Dane, Wisconsin. He died on 19 Mar 1853 in Dane County, Wisconsin.

          1. Ellen Olivia Hawes was born on 1 Aug 1848 in Sauk City, Sauk, Wisconsin. She married Joseph Dawson. She died on 28 Dec 1922 in Pleasantville, Marion, Iowa. Their children:

            a. Belle Dawson.

          2. George F Hawes was born 27 Mar 1852 in Wisconsin. He died on 23 Oct 1922 in Maple Grove, Hennepin, Minnesota.

          3. Sherman Eugene Hawes was born on 26 Apr 1853 in Sauk City, Sauk, Wisconsin. She died on 2 Sep 1924 in Jasper, Rock, Minnesota.

        VII. Joanna Hawes (b. 1824).

        VIII. Catherine Hawes was born on 11 Jun 1824 in New York. On 23 Apr 1846, she married Russell Deming Lay (1824-1865) in Kinderhook, Columbia, New York. She died in 1867 in Keeler, Van Buren, Michigan. Her children:

          1. Ruth A. Lay (b. 1850).

          2. Simeon Hawes Lay (1851-1912).

          3. Sarah Delaney Lay (1852-1945).

          4. John Lay (b. 1854).

        Warren Hawes
        Warren N. Hawes (1827-1904)
        IX. Warren Nichols Hawes (1827-1904) History of Dane County, Wisconsin ... preceded by a history of Wisconsin, statistics of the state, and an abstract of its laws and constitution and of the Constitution of the United States by Consul Willshire Butterfield; Published by the Western Historical Co., Chicago, 1880. Page 1211: "farmer and stock-raiser. Sec. 34 ; P. O. East Middleton ; came to Wisconsin in September, 1848, and located near Middleton ; he moved on to the farm he now occupies in the fall of 1878 ; he was born in New York State, in 1827 ; his father's name was Mathew Hawes, his mother's name was Joanna Wood. Mr. Hawes married Miss Eliza Fargo, a native of Pennsylvania; they have six children, all living in the State of Wisconsin. Mr. Hawes has a beautiful farm of 130 acres, well adapted to stock and grain, nine miles from the capital, and four miles south of Middleton, valued at $5,000. Mr. H. was one of the first who started for the gold-fields of California, going in 1849, and remained there one year and a half, following mining ; he is turning his attention at present to the raising of short horns, and going some into tobacco-raising. In politics he is a Republican."

        X. Addison M Hawes (1831-1875).

        XI. Jane Hawes II.

      Matthew married (2) Anna Marie Miles (b. 1801). They had the following children:

        XII. Matilda Hawes (b. 1833).

        Jasper Hawes's headstone was discarded in the 1960's by the Ventura City Council to make way for a dog park, but the stone was stored away by a concerned citizen. There is no current memorial for Jaspar T. Hawes, and his line has ended (at least, no one could be located). However, Sharon Troll, a volunteer trying to reclaim the park, contacted this author and we have requested that Memorial Program Services (41B) in the Department of Veteran's Affairs re-install a flat bronze marker with raised letters in Jasper's name and a Union Civil War emblem. His name will also be on an information area memorial at the site.
        XIII. Jasper Townley Hawes was born on 17 Jun 1834 in Pennsylvania. From History of Dane County, Wisconsin ... preceded by a history of Wisconsin, statistics of the state, and an abstract of its laws and constitution and of the Constitution of the United States by Butterfield, Consul Willshire, 1824-1899; Published by the Western Historical Co., Chicago, 1880; P. 1255: "J. T. HAWES, Sec, 18; P. 0. Madison; born June 17, 1834, in Erie Co., Penn. ; his parents, Matthew and Anna M. (Miles) Hawes, came West in 1842, reaching Madison with a team Dec. 24, 1842; while here, J. T. attended school under tuition of Theodore Conkey; afterward a Union Captain and member of the Legislature ; he also attended the first Sabbath school, taught by the Rev. Mines, in the old capitol. The family settled in Verona in March, 1843, the second family in that town, and in their house the first religious service was held by the Rev. Stebbins in the summer of 1843. J. T. attended school in the first schoolhouse, built in 1846, near what is now the poor farm ; his father also kept open house for the traveling public ; in 1849 and 1850, he kept the old National Hotel, on the site of the present Vilas House. In 1856, J. T. Hawes married Mary J. Williams, of Oneida Co., N. Y. ; she was born Sept. 27, 1834; her father, B. W., was a lineal descendant of Roger Williams, founder, of Rhode Island ; and her mother, Abigail Sheldon, a native of New York. Since 1856, Mr. Hawes has lived on his present 130-acre farm; has four living children: Estelle A. (Mrs F. A. Matts), Edith A., Mary L. and Fred W. ; and lost an infant daughter, Charlotte E., died in 1872. Matthew Hawes died May 4, 1873 ; he was a Democrat ; and was elected Justice of the Peace and Supervisor on the first town ticket in Verona ; was later Town Treasurer and one of the Commissioners to lay out the Madison and Wiota road ; his son, our subject, has made his own farm and home ; he is likewise a Democrat and has been Justice of the Peace eight years ; he served seven and a half months of the year 1865, in Co. G, 49th W. V. I. ; was honorably discharged on account of disability, and still suffers much from partial loss of speech and eye-sight ; has made application and will doubtless receive a pension." During the Civil War, he served in the 49th Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry Company as a Private, enlisting on 13 Feb 1865. He received a disability discharge on 30 Sep 1865. Jasper died on 7 Jul 1911 in Ventura, Ventura, California. In 1969, the City of Ventura, California abandoned its two city-owned pioneer cemeteries: St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, founded in 1862, and the adjacent Ventura Protestant Cemetery, founded in 1889. These two cemeteries located at main and Poli Streets in Ventura, were converted to a public park. The remains over 3,000 of the city's pioneer residents are still buried on the property, but the headstones and monuments were disposed of in a landfill in the nearby Santa Clara River. Research by Edson T. Strobridge, Civil War research historian in San Luis Obispo, CA. has so far identified fifty-five Civil War veterans originally buried in these historic burial grounds. There still remain the graves of forty seven veterans of the Civil War including many of their wives and children, in what has become known as Cemetery Memorial Park. Among the more than 3,000 graves remaining is one of a Civil War General and former member of Congress, another, a Confederate Colonel and many others who served their country in time of war. They include seven members of the original 99 men who enrolled in Company C, 1st Battalion, Native California Cavalry originally enrolled in Santa Barbara in April 1864 (when Ventura Co. was still a part) and made up entirely of native Californians, who represented California in the Union Army during the Civil War. This research is ongoing and not yet complete and does not include the names of veterans of other wars, one Medal of Honor winner won during the Indian Wars in 1869. As more information develops and confirmed Mr. Strobridge plans to share it with Mr. Steven Shleder to aid in his mission to gain support in "Restoring St. Mary's Cemetery." "The refusal to restore this and all of the 600+ desecrated headstones to their proper grave locations makes each City Council person, since, culpable for this 3,000 pioneer grave desecration." He adds, "It is not a memorial dog park, it was declared a cemetery of our forefathers by state and federal law." Jasper married Mary Jane Williams (b. 1834) and they had the following children:

          1. Estelle Hawes (b. 1858).

          2. Edith Abigail Hawes (1859-1922).

          3. Mary Hawes (b. 1867).

          4. Frederick Williams Hoover Hawes (1873-1943).

        XIV. Cordelia Hawes (b. 1836).

        XV. Latetia Hause (b. 1838).

    12. Samuel HAUSE was born on 12 May 1794 in Warwick, Orange County, New York, and married Catherine Howard (1801-1852). According to land records, Samuel purchased property in Ripley, Chautauqua County, New York in 1828, and was living next to a younger brother, Morris Fant Hause. Eventually he and Morris both would move to Wisconson. Samuel and Catherine had the following children:

        I. Silas Hawes was born in 1824 in New York, according to later census and travel documents (the 1825 New York State Census shows Samuel living with a woman and 2 male children. We presume Silas to be one of the boys, but we do not know the name of the other son). Silas emigrated to Argentina and married Matilda Sarmiento (b. 1833) there in January 1856, with the license listing his parents as Samuel Hawes and Caderine [sic] Howard.² It has been passed down that Matilda Sarmiento is the niece of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, who was president of Argentina from 1868-1874 (they are from the same provincial town of Argentina: San Juan). They had the following children:

          1. Samuel Gregorio Hawes was born in Mar 1857 in San Juan, San Juan, Argentina. He died before 1869 in San Juan, San Juan, Argentina. as he is not on any travel documents or Argentinian archives.

          2. Fayetta C. Hawes was born and baptized in 1858 in Argentina, South America. No further information.

          3. Maria Concepsion De La Paz "Mary C" Hawes was born on 22 Oct 1858 in San Juan, San Juan, Argentina. She married Anthony R Hernandez (b. 1846) of Cuba and they had the following children: Robert (b. 1878), Lola E (b. 1880), Carlos M (b. 1884), Antonio (b. 1886) and Conchita Marie Hernandez (1889-1942), She died on 3 Jul 1935 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.

            Robert injured by lightning machine (24 May 1923)
            a. Robert Anthony Hernandez was born on 4 Feb 1878 in Boulder, Colorado. In 1901 he married Edith Lydia Reder (1881-1957) of Poland. He became an electrician in Hollywood, working for Universal Studios. Robert died on 27 May 1955 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. Robert and Edith had a daughter:

              i. Helen A Hernandez was born on 1 Dec 1904 in California. She married F.M. Paine before 1926. She died on 18 Feb 1980 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles.

            b. Lola E. Herandez was born in Leadville, Lake, Colorado in 1880 and appears on the Federal Census of that year, then disappears from the record.

            c. Carlos Manuel Hernandez was born on 2 Aug 1884 in California. Carlos became a prop man in the movie business. On 24 Aug 1904, he married (1) Stella Alice Stanley (1886-1967) in Los Angeles, and they had a daughter, Marjory Hernandez aka Stanley (15 Apr 1906 -1989). According to the Los Angeles Times, on 18 Feb 1915, Thu, Page 12, Stella'a divorce decree could not be granted because while Carlos had been caught in a hotel room drinking with another woman, it had been a set-up by a private detective using his own wife, a "stool pigeon." Eventually the divorce was granted. Carlos married again, on 21 Jan 1919 in Los Angeles, to (2) Helen Nancy Smith (1898-1988). They had two children: Dolores Margaret Hernandez (1922-1993); and Alois M Hernandez (1924-2003). Carlos died on 4 Aug 1957 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.

            d. Anthony Sarmiento Hernandez was born on 9 Aug 1885 in California. On 01 Oct 1912 he married Emma Elizabeth Salmon (1889-1975) in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah. They had three children: Arthur Salmon Fellows (1913-2004), Jewel Hernandez (1920-2008), and William Jack Sarmiento Hernandez (1920-2003). Anthony died on 31 Jul 1948 in Los Angeles.

            e. Conchita Marie Hernandez was born on 17 Apr 1889 in California. On 12 Oct 1909 she married Charles Ellis Lincoln (1882-1963) and they had a daughter, Robyn Jean Lincoln (1913-1992). Conchita died on 15 Jul 1942 in Los Angeles, California.

            f. Perlita Josephine Hernandez was born on 29 Nov 1890 in Los Angeles, California. On 1 Jun 1910 she married Frank Frederick Stokes (1883-1971) in Los Angeles. Perlita died on 14 Mar 1964 in Los Angeles, California.

          4. Lulama Hause was born in 1860 in Argentina, South America. No further information.

          5. Juan Hawes was born in Feb 1860 in San Juan, San Juan, Argentina. He died before 1869 in San Juan, San Juan, Argentina, as he is not on any travel documents or Argentinian archives.

          6. Jennie Zulana Hawes was born and baptized in Feb 1861 in San Juan, San Juan, Argentina. She married a man named Elbe and had one child, Irene Elbe (1893-1949), then someone named Foster, then on 31 Jul 1895 married German man named C. L. August Mahn in Maricopa, Arizona, in the United States (FHL Film Number 1955734). They had a daughter, Louisa M Mahn (b. 1902). Jennie died on 30 Mar 1934 in Los Angeles, California.

          7. Silas Manuel Hawes was born and baptized in May 1861 in San Juan, San Juan, Argentina. He came to North America in 1880 and married British-born Teresa Lane (1868-1956) on 18 Jul 1887 in Denver, Arapahoe County, Colorado. He was a barber and moved to Fresno, CA. He ended up in a Veterans Home in Sawtelle in Los Angeles. Silas died on 2 May 1925 in Los Angeles, California. He's buried at Los Angeles National Cemetery, 950 South Sepulveda Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90049, Section 23 Row L Site 2. Teresa never remarried. She is buried in Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado. Their son:

            a. Raymond L Hawes was born on 30 Dec 1889 in Denver, Colorado. He fought in World War I and married (1) Emma M, but they divorced in 1931. He then married (2) Ruby F (1901-1947). Raymond died on 19 Feb 1980 in Colorado Springs, El Paso, Colorado.

          8. Matilda "Tilla" Hawes was born in 1864 in San Juan, San Juan, Argentina. She married a man named Elble in the United States, then died on 6 Apr 1896 in the Baptist Hospital in St Louis, Missouri.

          9. Milo Hawes was born in 1865 in San Juan, San Juan, Argentina. After moving with his family to Wisconsin, he moved to Denver, CO, then settled near San Francisco CA. He was murdered by an unknown person, his skull crushed by a large rock and dragged into the bushes on 9 Jun 1889 in Yolo, California. The Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 61, Number 92, 11 June 1889, reported on page one, "The verdict of the jury was that Milo Hawes came to his death at the hands of a party or parties to the jurors unknown—and here rests, at least for the present, the case of one of the most brutal and cowardly murders which ever disgraced the State of California." Milo's brother-in-law, Anthony R. Hernandez, traveled up from Los Angeles and buried Milo at the Sacramento City Cemetery in Sacramento, Sacramento County, California, Plot: 6-89.

          10. Luvina del Carmen Hawes was born about 1868 in San Juan, San Juan, Argentina. She moved with her family to Verona, Dane, Wisconsin, USA. She married David S Murray (Mar 1867 - 22 Oct 1907) of Canada on 16 Apr 1900 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and they moved to San Francisco, CA. She died on 24 Aug 1913 in Oakland, Alameda, California while living with her sister, Josephine Hawes-Allen.

          11. Thomas Hawes was born in Feb 1870 in Wisconsin. He died in a shooting accident at the age of nine in Oct 1879 in Denver, Arapahoe, Colorado.

          12. Josephine "Jossie" Ellen Hawes was born on 12 Sep 1873 in Verona, Dane, Wisconsin. On 5 Jul 1917 she married David Allen (b. 1860) of Canada, in Alameda, California. They moved from the San Francisco area to Los Angeles sometime between 1930 and 1935. She died on 10 Sep 1950 in Los Angeles, California.

        Immigration documents from 1869 show the Silas traveled back to the U.S.A. from Argentina with his family. The 1870 United States Federal Census shows that Silas is living on what had been the Samuel Hawes farm. In the 1880 Federal Census the family had moved out of state. The address of this Census is 509 Curtis Street in Denver, Arapahoe, Colorado. Although Silas is not listed, Matilda lists herself as married. Silas disappears from the record. Matilda lived with her children until her death on Los Angeles, CA, before 1893. Despite having so many children, only one of Silas' sons had a son to carry the Hawes name, and he died without children. Of Silas' daughters, only three had children. So this family remained unconnected to the Samuel Hawes line until family historian Derek Foxley found Samuel and Catherine's names as the parents of the groom in marriage records in Argentina. Thus, we now know that the Hause/Hawes line extends all the way to South America!

        II. Lucy Ann Hawes was born on 15 Sep 1827 near Seneca Lake, New York, and died on 10 May 1876 in Dane County, Wisconsin. She married David Richardson. From Biographical Review of Dane County, WI. Chicago: Biographical Review Pub. Co. 1893, Vol II, pp 617-619: "David Richardson was first married Aug. 3, 1852, to Lucy A. Hawes, who was born near Seneca lake, NY, Sept. 15, 1827, and died on the old farm in Wisconsin, May 10, 1876. She was a daughter of Samuel and Catherine Hawes, natives respectively of New York and New Jersey. They came West in about 1849 or 1850, and the mother died in 1850, and the father is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson had five children: Ira married Libby Martin; Adrian M. married Alla Miller; Clara married William Miller; Orrin C.; and one who died when one week old. David Richardson was again married, in 1877, to E. S. Plato, who died two years later. Mr. Richardson, the subject of this sketch, has suffered the privations of pioneer life. During the first year of his married life, only one-fourth of a pound of tea, a half pound of coffee and six pounds of sugar was all of that line of groceries used."

        III. Edward Hause was born in 1829 in New York. On 29 May 1853 he married (1) Sarah Bardison in Dane, Wisconsin. He then married (2) Emma Personn on 23 Sep 1865 in Verona, Dane, Wisconsin, and the Marriage Record lists Samuel Hawes as Edward's father (Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison; FHL microfilm 1,275,924). Edward died in 1876.

        Albert Haws
        Death of Albert Hawes (The Evening Telegraph, Philadelphia, 4 Jun 1870, page 1)
        IV. Albert B Hawes was born in Cattaraugus Co. NY, in 1830. He married Emily Jane Despain (25 Sep 1847 - 1870); Albert was a harnessmaker and fought for the Union in the Civil War, in the 2nd Regiment of the California Cavalry, Company L, joining as a Sergeant, and then becoming a Wagoner (Film Number: M533 roll 3). The Regiment was stationed at Camp Union, Sacramento, until June 1865, when it moved to the mining town of Dun Glen, Nevada, where it served defending against Indian attacks, until mustered out in the spring of 1866. Albert became a "desperado" and was killed in a shoot out in Utah on 3 May 1870. After Albert's violent death, his three children were adopted by other families. Those children were:

          1. Ada Sophia Haws born about 1864 in Utah, she was raised by Edwin and Margaret Tadlock. Margaret was a half sister to Emily Jane Despain.

          2. Jennie Acelia Haws born 23 Dec 1866 in Ruby Valley, Elko, Nevada. She was informally adopted by Alpheus Cutler Worthington (1844-1908) and his family (although she uses "Hawes" in her wedding documents). She married Charles Graham Parkinson on 5 July 1883 in Oakley, Idaho. Jennie died on 9 Mar 1920 and is buried in Oakley Cemetery, Oakley, Cassia County, Idaho. Jennie and Charles had the following children:

            a. Charles Henry Parkinson was born on 28 Mar 1884 in Oakley, Cassia, Idaho. On 1 Dec 1906 he married (1) Florence May "Dorothy Doll" McBride (1873-1973) in Albion, Cassia, Idaho, and then on 25 Nov 1916 he married (2) Ida Jane Whitaker (1899-1979) in Albion, Cassia, Idaho. He had the following children: Charles Ira Parkinson (1919-1988), Emma Camellia Parkinson (1923-1923), Della Jane Parkinson (1926-1988), and Russel Kay Parkinson (1929-1998). Charles died on 11 Feb 1931 in Buhl, Idaho.

            b. Clark Leslie Parkinson was born on 7 Jun 1886 in Oakley, Cassia Co., Idaho. He served as a cook in the military and died on 27 May 1940 in Alameda, Alameda, California. He's buried at San Francisco National Cemetery in San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, Section EE Site 763.

            Cora Parkinson
            Cora Parkinson (1889-1960) with Lorenzo Garrard (1873-1947)
            c. Cora Maud Parkinson was born on 31 Mar 1889 in Oakley, Cassia County, Idaho. On 26 Nov 1907 she married Lorenzo Leonard Garrard (1873-1947) in Oakley, Cassia, Idaho, and they had a daughter, Belva Garrard (1913-1993). Cora died on 25 Oct 1960 in San Mateo, San Mateo, California.

            d. Mabel Ann Parkinson was born on 11 Dec 1892 in Oakley, Cassia Co., Idaho. On 9 Apr 1943 she married Charles William Fuller (1919-1959) in San Francisco, CA. She died on 1 Jan 1961 in Tuolumne County, California.

            e. Ila Seletha Parkinson was born on 26 May 1895 in Oakley, Cassia Co., Idaho. On 7 Jul 1913 she married Reuben "Clyde" Farnsworth (1886-1954) and they had Alonzo Guy Farnsworth (1914-1971) and Charles Graham Farnsworth (1918-1990). Ila died on 2 Dec 1993 in Cloverdale, Sonoma, California.

            f. Lewis Guy Parkinson was born on 11 Nov 1898 in Oakley Cassia, Idaho. Around 1920, he married Florence M Fredericks (b. 1907). He died on 3 Jan 1969 in Tuolumne City, Tuolumne, California.

            g. Gray Devine Parkinson was born on 11 Oct 1902 in Oakley, Cassia Co., Idaho. On 16 Dec 1947 he married Ethel Shaurner (b. 1902). He died on 3 May 1950 in Oakley, Cassia, Idaho.

            h. Grace Phyllis Parkinson was born in 4 Dec 1906 in Oakley, Cassia, Idaho. On 14 Jun 1924 she married (1) Roy Joseph Murray (1903-1983) and had thtree sons, Roy Joseph Murray (1926-1986), Rodger Graham Murray (1928-1976) and Donald Kirwin Murray (b. 1929). She then married (2) Kenneth Walter Weatherlow (b. 1905). Grace died on 25 Mar 1951 in Burley, Cassia, Idaho. She is buried at Oakley Cemetery in Oakley, Cassia County, Idaho

          The James Henry Foxley family, recently proven to be related through Y-DNA testing. Welcome to the family!

          Book Details
          File Image
          Book:   The Family of Samuel Hawes, Volumes 1-12
          Author:   Derek A. Foxley
          Subject:   Hause/Hawes Family History
          Date:   June 2018
          View files
          SOURCE: The Family of Samuel Hawes, Volumes 1-12, compiled and written by Derek A. Foxley: Rixeyville, Virginia; Version 1.0 — June 2018.
          3. James Henry Hawes (Foxley) was born on 10 Aug 1868 in Ruby Valley, Elko, Nevada. (This genetic link was proven through Y-DNA testing of his great-grandson, Derek Foxley, which matched Bob Hause and this author.)

          James Henry's father was killed in a shoot-out when he was only two years old. After that, he was adopted by the family of William Foxley (1831-1906). On 19 Nov 1892 he married (1) Ida May Walker (1872-1894) in Oakley, Cassia, Idaho. They had a son:

            a. James Leslie Foxley was born on 3 Sep 1893 in Oakley, Cassia, Idaho. On 20 Sep 1915 he married Sarah Emma Dayley (1892-1980) in Falls City, Jerome, Idaho. He died on 11 Nov 1982 in Everett, Snohomish, Washington.

          Ida May died in 1894. Then on 1 Mar 1899 James Henry married (2) Sarah Sadie Jane Walker (1879-1960) in Oakley, Cassia Co Idaho. James died on 19 Sep 1946 in Kirkland, King, Washington, and his descendants changed their surname to their adoptive family's.

            b. Ethel May Foxley was born around 1901 in Idaho. She married Hugh Henry Jolliff (b. 1892) and had a daughter, Marjorie Ellen Jolliff (1918-1978).

            c. Harold Leland Foxley was born on 12 Oct 1903 in Oakley, Cassia, Idaho. He married a woman named Olive and died on 7 Apr 1985 in Okanogan County, Washington.

            d. Max Emeril Foxley was born on 13 Jan 1908 in Idaho. On 23 Aug 1930 he married (1) Ruth Tucker (b. 1915) in Chewelah, Stevens, Washington; Then on 8 Dec 1936 he married (2) Marion G Reed (b. 1914) in Multnomah, Oregon. He died on 10 Jul 1967 in Pasco, Franklin, Washington.

            e. Scott O'Leen Foxley was born on 16 Jul 1910 in Minidoka, Cassia, Idaho. On 29 Oct 1928 he married Blanch Rose Voit (1911-1975) in Pasco, Franklin, Washington. They had a son, Scott Foxley (1929-1998). Scott died on 15 Jul 1973 in Pasco, Washington.

            f. Herman Rex Foxley was born on 11 Nov 1915 in Idaho. He was in the Navy during World War II. He married twice, to Patricia N Vanderpol, and to Irene Kingston. He died on 11 Jun 1976 in Auburn, King, Washington.

          James Henry died on 19 Sep 1946 in Kirkland, King, Washington, and his descendants changed their surname to their adoptive family's.

        V. Alfred H Hawes was born in Cattaraugus Co. NY, in June of 1833. He married Mahala Algard on 12 Sep 1858 in Dane, Wisconsin. They are living with her parents in the 1860 Census. However, the very same Mahala Algard(t) married George Harrington in Feb 1862, so apparently she and Alfred had divorced. During the Civil War he joined the Union Army in California five days after his brother Albert, in October of 1861, signing up with the 2nd Regiment of the California Cavalry, Company L, as a Private (Film Number: M533 roll 3). But Alfred deserted and joined the Nevada Cavalry, and deserted again, until the war was over. In 1872, he married Martha Bailey (1834-1910) in Utah and became father to her two children, Mary A (1861-1925) and Mike Farrington Hawes (b. 1865). Alfred died in in Phillipsburg, Montana, in 1912.

        VI. Mary Jane Hawes was born in 1847 in Indiana. She lived for nearly 20 years with sister Lucy in Montrose, Dane, Wisconsin.

      Evidence points to Samuel marrying a second time, on 3 Mar 1864 in Dane, Wisconsin, to Elsie T McCritche, born in 1841 in Scotland. After Samuel died, Elsie married Andrew Mccrone and had more children. Elsie died in 1899 in Haddam, Washington, Kansas. They had two children:

        Robert William Galloway
        Urzillie Hawes (1866-1952)
        VII. Anna Hause (b. 1865) married a man with the surname of Moore, but they divorced. In the 1920 Federal Census, she lives at 815 Arm Ave. in Kansas City Ward 4, Wyandotte, Kansas, with her stepfather Andrew, grandaughter Ruby Moore (b. 1907), and her late daughter Bessie Moore-Stahl's family. She had died in 1911 and her husband J.S. Stahl followed in 1917, but his second wife Carrie E Stahl (real name 'Howe" b. 1892 in Mississippi) and her son James W. Stahl (b. 28 Nov 1915) lived there as well. Anna was working as a seamstress in a factory.

        VIII. Urzillie Hawes was born on 21 Jan 1866 in Madison, Dane, Wisconsin. She married (1) Isaac Riddley Smith (1865-1906) of Kansas, and they had eight children together: Lottie (b.1885), Lula Maud (1887-1926), Harry B (b. 1889), Ora E (b. 1893), Elmer (b. 1895), Andrew A (b. 1896) Clyde L (b. 1899) and Cleo Smith (b. 1903). After Isaac died in Watonga, Blaine County, Oklahoma, she then married (2) Hirem Henderson (7 Sep 1844 - 13 Aug 1927) in Watonga, Blaine County, Oklahoma. She had two more children with Hirem: Raymond Hubert (18 Dec 1908 - 5 Mar 1959) and Eugene Vdebs Henderson (27 Jan 1911 - 18 Apr 1983). Urzille died on 18 Feb 1952 in Watonga, Blaine County Oklahoma.

    13. Hannah HAUSE was born on 23 Nov 1796 in Warwick, Orange County, New York. Hannah married Lemuel Knowlen or Nolen (depending on which document you read) of Massachusetts. In the 1840 census they lived in Tyrone with three children. In 1850, they lived in Hornby, Steuben Co., New York, with their daughters:

        Aseneth Nolan-Rowley was a mother and civil war nurse. "Leaving behind 7 children to attend her husband Elijah while he was injured, she could not bear to see the suffering of the men. She choose to stay and assist with nursing soldiers for 2 years, working under Dorthea Dix. She returned home after the war and lived comfortably with her family until her death at her Granddaughter Mary Jane Rowley's Deckerville farm in 1901."

        I. Asenath C "Zenith" Nolan was born on 27 Jul 1819 in Steuben, New York. She died on 8 Jan 1901 in Moore, Sanilac, Michigan. On 3 Jan 1835 she married Elijah Corwin Rowley (1813-1880) in Painted Post, Steuben, New York. She was a Union Army nurse, working under Dorthea Dix, and he served as a corporal in the 107th NY Infantry during the Civil War, and they are buried in Wright Cemetery in Deckerville, Sanilac County, Michigan. They had the following children:

          1. Mary Jane Rowley was born on 10 Aug 1838 in Corning, Steuben, New York. She died in Monterey, Steuben, New York.

          2. Martha Elizabeth Rowley was born on 3 Nov 1839 in Corning, Steuben, New York. She married Martin Harry Sample( 7 April 1838 - 3 Mar 1932). She died on 8 Jan 1897 in Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan. They had the following children:

            a. Judson Leroy Sample was born in Jul 1861, in Lexington, Sanilac, Michigan. He married Hannah Jane Norton (9 Apr 1869 - 26 Mar 1928). Judson died in 1926, and they are buried at Downing Cemetery in Deckerville, Sanilac County, Michigan. Their children:

              i. Mary Elizabeth Sample was born on 20 Feb 1887 in Sanilac County, Michigan; She died on 1 Feb 1903 in Wyandotte, Wayne County, Michigan.

              ii. Edna May Sample was born on 23 Jan 1891 in Deckerville, Sanilac County, Michigan; She died on 7 May 1922 in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan.

              iii. Mildred C. Sample was born on 24 Apr 1895 in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan. She married Nelson Irenous Thayer on 10 Oct 1919 in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan. She died on 16 Nov 1983 in Goodells, St. Clair County, Michigan.

                1. Byron Lafayette Thayer was born on 24 Sep 1920 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. He died on 5 Feb 1995 in Grand Blanc, Genesee, Michigan.

                2. Roy Nelson Thayer was born on 11 Jul 1923 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. He died on 4 Sep 1997 in Flint, Genesee, Michigan.

                3. Harold William Thayer was born on 12 May 1927 in Palms, Sanilac Co, MI. He married Betty June Evans (1931-2011). He died on 14 Sep 2006 in Port Huron, St Clair, Michigan.

                4. Glenn C Thayer was born on 23 Nov 1933 in Port Huron, St Clair, Michigan; He died on 23 Jan 2010 in Port Huron, St. Clair Co, MI. "Glenn C. Thayer, 76 of Port Huron, passed away on Sunday, January 24, 2010 following a long illness. He was the fourth son of the late Nelson I. Thayer and Mildred Sample Thayer, born on November 15, 1933 in Wheatland Twp., Sanilac County, MI. In the mid 1950s Glenn served in the U.S. Army. He married Sharon I. Boardman on April 27, 1963 in the Port Huron Salvation Army Citadel. Glenn retired from Acheson Colloids in 1994. He was a life member and Past Master of Smiths Creek Lodge #491 F. & A.M. He enjoyed helping with the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, and was a crafts and car enthusiast. Glenn is survived by his wife of 46 years, Sharon I. Thayer; his two sons, Keith Thayer of Port Huron and John (Donna) Thayer of Shelby Twp.; six grandchildren, Courtney, Justin, Nicole, Aaron, Danielle, and Evan; two sisters-in-law, Betty Thayer of Port Huron and Ethel Thayer of Flint. He is preceded in death by three brothers, Byron, (and his wife, Edith) Roy, and Harold Thayer. Visitation will be on Thursday from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in Smith Family Funeral Home-North, 1525 Hancock St. where the Masonic Memorial Service will be performed at 6:45 p.m. Thursday by Smiths Creek Lodge #491 F. & A.M. The funeral service will be at 11:00 a.m. Friday in the Salvation Army Citadel preceded by one hour of visitation. Major Philip W. Davisson will officiate. Burial will follow in Sunset Memorial Gardens.Pallbearers will be Kenneth Wedge, Stanley Boardman, Dave Thayer, Dave Dobney, Fred Helmer, and Justin Thornton."

              iv. Pearl O Sample was born on 24 Apr 1896 in Romulus, Wayne County, Michigan. She married Albert Yager (29 Oct 1880 - 1956). She died on 15 Jul 1959 in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan.

                1. Grant Yager was born on 2 Nov 1918 in Minden City, Sanilac, Michigan. He married Helen Hoff. He died on 15 Oct 2013 in Sandusky, Michigan.

                2. Lee S. Yager was born on 22 Mar 1922 in Minden City, Sanilac, Michigan. On 17 Jul 1946 he married Jessie Mae Moots (1924-2015) in Sandusky, Sanilac, Michigan. He died on 4 Nov 2014 in Lansing, Ingham, Michigan.

              v. Thelma J Sample (1902-19200.

              vi. Myrtle M Sample (1904-1964).

              vii. Charlie M Sample (1907-1997).

              viii. Archie L Sample (1909-1956).

              ix. Arthur Sample (1910-1978).

            b. Ida Jane Sample was born on 20 Feb 1863 in Lexington, Sinilac, Michigan. She married Thomas McCully (1851-1916). She died on 10 Dec 1901 in Bay City, Bay County, Michigan. They had the following children:

              i. Alvin Wellington McCully was born on 24 Sep 1885 in Sanilac County, Michigan. He married Lillie Allen (1883-1912). He died on 1 Oct 1912 in Mackinac County, Michigan.

              ii. Martin McCully (1887-1966).

              iii. Otto McCully (b. 1890).

              iv. Lenora McCully (b. 1893).

              v. Olive Mae McCully (b. 1896).

            c. Herman Elijah Sample was born on 13 Jun 1868 in Marion, Sanilac, Michigan. He died on 25 Nov 1956 in Sansdusky, Samilac, Michigan. On 24 May 1897 he married (1) Charlotte Norton (1874-1902) in Bad Axe, Huron, Michigan. They had the following children:

              i. Bessie Irene Sample was born on 7 Aug 1897 in Moore Twp, Sanilac County, Michigan: "Bessie Irene Nichol, 57, wife of Wheatland Township supervisor, Lee Nichol, who died Saturday, were held Tuesday at 2 pm from the Hacker Funeral Home, Sandusky. Marvin Saska, of Palms, officiated Burial was in Downing Cemetery, Deckerville. Bessie Irene Sample was born in Sanilac County, 17 Aug 1897. She married Lee Nichol 29 Mar 1915 in Sarnia. They have lived on a farm on Downington Road in Wheatland Township for many years. She is survived by her husband; two daughters, Mrs. Leo Reich, Sandusky and Miss Patsy Nichol, at home; four sons, Vernon, Sandusky; James, Snover; Gerald, Lade Odessa, and Burton, in the Army at Fort Knox, Kentucky; her father, Heman Sample, Snover; three sisters, Mrs. John Chrysler and Mrs. Paul Angbrandt, both of Port Huron; and Mrs. Alma Kincaid, Sandusky; and one brother, Donald Sample, Sandusky."

              ii. Verna M Sample was born on 3 Apr 1898 in Palms, Michigan. She married Arthur R Chrysler (1897-1971). Verna died on 12 Mar 1963 and she and Arthur are buried at Downing Cemetery in Deckerville, Sanilac County, Michigan, Section 11 Lot 52. They had a son:

                1. Arthur Ray Chrysler, Jr. (1923-1945). Arthur's death certificate shows "missing from Dec 12 to July 11/46". Location of death was "in" the St. Clair River. It shows place of death as Walpole Island, Lambton, Ontario but that is where he was found. He was more than likely swept down river from the Port Huron area near his family home as the current in that river is very strong. The death certificate shows burial in Lakeside Cemetery but he is buried with his parents in Downing Cemetery. It also shows that he was a soldier and a note on the application for Arthur's headstone says "Died in the line of duty 13 Dec 1945" which means he could have been on duty with the military at the time of his death. It's possible his date of death may have been assumed as Dec 13, 1945 which is what appears on his gravestone.

                2. Marvin Chrysler was born on 10 Mar 1931 in Snover, MI. He died on 27 May 1955 at University Hospital in Ann Arbor after a 3-month illness.

                3. Audrey Chrysler was born on 7 Oct 1936 in MI. She married (1) Kelch and (2) Carl Gilbert, and died on 20 Aug 1980 and is buried at Downing Cemetery in Deckerville, Sanilac County, Michigan, Section 11 Lot 52.

              iii. Beatrice Sample was born on 24 Oct 1899 and died 24 May 1913 from excessive bleeding.

            Charlotte died in 1902, and is buried at Downing Cemetery in Deckerville, Sanilac County, Michigan, Section 9 Lot 9. On 10 Nov 1902 Herman then married (2) Helen Anna Markell (1874-1950) in Carsonville, Sanilac, Michigan. Herman died on 25 Nov 1956 and is buried with Helen, one lot over from Charlotte, at Downing Cemetery in Deckerville, Sanilac County, Michigan, Section 9 Lot 8. "Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2:00 p.m., from the Hacker Funeral Parlors in Sandusky for Heman E. Sample, 88, who died Nov. 25 at his family residence, after a brief illness. Rev. E. Trainor will officiate. Burial will be made in Downing cemetery at Deckerville. Mr. Sample was born June 13, 1868 in Sanilac county and had been a resident of the county all his life. He married Helen Ann Markle on November 10, 1902 at Carsonville. Mr. Sample is a retired farmer of the county. He is survived by one son, Donald Sample, Sandusky; three daughters, Mrs. John Chrysler and Mrs. Paul Anglebrandt, both of Port Huron, Mrs. Arthur Graham, Sandusky; 27 grandchildren and 43 great grand children. One daughter, Mrs. Lee Nichol died about one year ago." Herman had the following children with Helen:

              iv. Alma Mae Sample was born on 10 Sep 1903 in Snover, Sanilac, Michigan. She died on 10 Dec 1977 in Marlette, Sanilac, Michigan, and is buried at Greenwood Cemetery in Sandusky, Sanilac County, Michigan, Plot B69 L6 G4: "Alma Mae Graham, age 74. passed away Saturday, December 10, 1977. in the Marlette Community Hospital, after an extended illness. She was born September 10, 1903, in Sanilac County, a daughter of Herman and Helen Mackell Sample. She was predeceascd by two husbands, George Compo and Joseph Kincaid. She was married to Arthur Graham, January 8, 1954, in Port Huron. She is survived by her husband Arthur Graham, Sandusky. Five daughters: Bertha Dewald, Decker; Mrs.. Walter (Helen) Wilson, Sheridan; , Mrs. Basil (Geneva) Peters: Mrs. David (Minnie) Bowling, both of Snovcr; Mrs. Warren (Marie) Peterson; Port Huron. Four sons: George Compo, Jr, Sandusky; Earl Kincaid, Jcddo; Aden Kincaid, Lapeer; Joseph Kincaid, Deckerville. One daughtcr, Mary Mardlin, preceded her in death. 58 grandchildren. 64 great-grandchildren. 1 great great grandson. One brother, Donald Sample, Sandusky, and other relatives. Funeral services will be Tuesday, December 13, 1977, at 2 p.m. in the Hacker Funeral Parlors, Sandusky, with Rev. Glenn Dimmitt, pastor of the Sanduskv Presbyterian Church, officiating. Burial will be in the Greenwood Cemetery, Sandusky." (Sandusky Republican Tribune, 14 Dec 1977)

              v. Charles Martin Sample (1905-1905).

              vi. Alice Gertrude Sample was born on 28 Mar 1906 in Snover, Sanilac County, Michigan. In 1922, she married Paul Daniel Angbrandt (1898-1981). She died on 10 Nov 1965 in Port Huron, St. Clair County, Michigan, and is buried at Downing Cemetery in Deckerville, Sanilac County, Michigan, Section 11 Lot 53.

              vii. Baby Sample (1908-1908).

              viii. Baby Sample (1909-1909).

              ix. Baby Sample (1911-1911).

              x. Lilia Naomia Sample.

              xi. Donald Leroy Sample was born on 11 Mar 1914 in Moore, Sanilac, Michigan. On 27 Aug 1940 he married Isabell Hodgins (1920-1998) in Croswell, and they had Donna (David Slater), Elda (Kenneth Slater), Phyllis (Wolschlager), Charlotte (James Hessling), Robin (Stanley Bezemek), Herman (b. 1941) and Phyllis Sample (b. 1943). Donald died on 6 Apr 1988 in Sandusky, Sanilac, Michigan, and is buried at Downing Cemetery in Deckerville, Sanilac County, Michigan, Section 9 Lot 8.

              xii. Baby Sample (1915-1915).

            d. Mary Badgle Sample (b. 1870)

            e. Cora Mae Sample was born on 13 Oct 1870 in Deckerville, Sanilac County, Michigan. She married George E Farnsworth (1867-1950). Cora died on 6 May 1954 in Benton Harbor, Berrien County, Michigan. She and George are buried at Crystal Springs Cemetery in Benton Harbor, Berrien County, Michigan. They had the following children:

              i. Merle George Farnsworth was born on 3 March 1894. He married Louise Margaret Whistler in Arizona and Myrtle Margaret Stewart (1903-1982). He died in Dec 1967 and is buried with Margaret at Crystal Springs Cemetery in Benton Harbor, Berrien County, Michigan, Section D-10.

              ii. Hazel M Farnsworth was born in 1908. She died in 1963 and is buried at Crystal Springs Cemetery in Benton Harbor, Berrien County, Michigan, Section D-10. "Mrs Howard W (Hazel) Lewis died Tuesday at 4pm at her home. She had been in failing health for the last two years. Mrs Lewis was born in Deckerville, and came here in 1939 from California. She was married to Howard W Lewis on 12 May 1940 in South Bend. She was a member of the Benton Harbor American legion Auxiliary Post 105. Mrs Lewis is survived by her husband and a brother Merle G Farnsworth of Chicago. Funeral services will be Friday (15 Mar) at 2 pm in Dey Brothers funeral home chapel, St Joseph. The Rev Marvin J Hartman, pastor of the Church of God, St Joseph, will officiate. Burial will be in the family lot in Crystal Springs cemetery."

            f. Hattie T Sample (b. 1872)

            g. Johnnie H Sample (1875-1956)

            h. Lester Martin Sample was born on 16 Dec 1876 in Deckerville, Sanilac County, Michigan. In 1900, he married Lucinda Phillips (1877-1963). The couple lived on a farm north of Deckerville before moving to Au Gres, Michigan in 1941. He died on 20 Sep 1953 in Au Gres, Arenac County, Michigan. He and Lucinda are buried with his father and stepmother at Downing Cemetery in Deckerville, Sanilac County, Michigan, Section 4. Lester and Lucinda had the following children:

              i. Earl B Sample (1899-1899) died from bronchitis as an infant.

              ii. Robert J Sample (1918-1994): "NEW PORT RICHEY - Robert J Sample, father of Pasco County Sheriff's executive aide Harold Sample, died Friday at HCA New Port Richey Hospital. He was 75. Born in Michigan, Mr. Sample came to Florida in 1949. He served as chief deputy of the Pasco County Sheriff's Office and was chief of the now-defunct New Port Richey Volunteer Fire Department. He also founded Noggle and Sample Builders, a New Port Richey construction company. Mr. Sample was a Baptist and a member of the Aripeka Elks Lodge. He is survived by his wife, Mary, of New Port Richey; his son, Harold, of Dade City; his daughter, Carol Jeffrey, of Spring Hill; and four grandchildren. Visitation will be Monday, at the Michels-Lundquist Funeral Home, 5130 State Road 54 in New Port Richey, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Funeral services are set for 10 a.m. Tuesday at First United Methodist Church, 6543 Jefferson St., New Port Richey. Burial to follow at Meadowlawn Memorial Gardens in New Port Richey." Tampa Bay Times (St. Petersburg, Florida) Sun, Jan 23, 1994

            j. Frank Lewis Sample was born in Aug 1879 in Lexington, Sinilac, Michigan. He married Maude Golden (b. 1881 in Canada). They moved to California and had a daughter, Dorothy Sample (b. 1923); They are living in Inglewood, CA in the 1950 census. He died in 1953.

            Edward Killian
            Ed Killian (1876-1928), husband of Millie Sample
            k. Millie Rowley Sample was born in Feb 1882 in Sanilac, Sanilac, Michigan. She married (1) James Moore. On 29 Oct 1921 she married retired Detroit Tigers' pitcher Edwin Henry Killian (1876-1928). In his career, he had 102 wins, 78 losses and a 2.38 ERA. In 1,598.1 innings, he allowed nine home runs! Killian's career ERA of 2.38 is tied for 24th best in Major League Baseball history. They were married until he died in 1928 of cancer at the age of 51. Mille married again, to (3) John F Johnson, and died after 1940.

          3. Emeline Rowley was born in 1841 in Corning, Steuben, New York.

          4. Frances A Rowley was born on 15 Apr 1843 in Corning, Steuben, New York.

          5. Abram Rowley was born in 6 Aug 1844 in Corning, Steuben, New York. He died on 18 Mar 1905 in Deckerville, Sanilac, Michigan

          6. Elijah Rowley was born on 14 Oct 1845 in Corning, Steuben, New York. He died on 18 Jan 1933

          7. Heman Rowley was born on 31 Jan 1847 in Corning, Steuben, New York. He died on 05 Oct 1897 in Danville, Indiana.

          8. Rosetta Rowley was born abt 1848 in New York.

          9. Edwin P Rowley was born abt 1859 in Steuben, New York.

        II. Martha Knowlen (Nolan) was born in 1827 in Steuben County, New York. She died on 11 Apr 1904 in Tecumseh Village, Lenawee, Michigan. She's buried at Ridgeway Cemetery in Ridgeway, Lenawee County, Michigan. In 1854, she married Joseph H. Van Valkenburg (1855-1903) and they had the following children:

          1. Joseph H. VanValkenburg (b. 1855) died on 27 Sep 1903 from typhoid fever. He is buried at Ridgeway Cemetery in Ridgeway, Lenawee County, Michigan.

          2. Isabella VanValkenburg was born on 9 Oct 1857 in Ridgeway, Lenawee County, Michigan. She died on 23 Sep 1889 in Lenawee County. She married Arden Philip Vealey (1858-1938)

          3. John Van Valkenburg (b. 1858)

          4. Emma Van Valkenburg (b. 1862)

          5. Ada F. Van Valkenburg (b. 1865)

          6. Fredrick Van Valkenburg (b. 1866)

          7. Kate Van Valkenburg (b. 1870)

    14. Morris Fant HAUSE (HAWES) "was born at Warwick, Orange Co., N.Y., Nov. 12, 1797, and in early childhood removed with his parents, William and Martha (Wood) Hause to Steuben Co., where he remained until about 21 years of age, and during which time he served as a volunteer (though but a boy) in the war of 1812. His father, also a native of New York, participated in the war of the Revolution, and the subject of this sketch was the youngest of numerous family of boys. Mr. Hawes married, May 17, 1818 to Miss Sarah, the eldest daughter of Capt. Nathan Numm Lounsbury, of Rutland, VT. one of Col. Ethan Allen's "Green Mountain Boys" of Revolutionary renown, who reached the remarkable age of 101 years and 8 months, dying at Rutland August 1857. Soon after his marriage, Mr. Hawes moved to Chautauqua Co., N.Y, where he led for some twelve years the quiet, happy life of a prosperous young farmer, cheered and assisted by his loving and ambitious wife, a most loyal young helpmate. Though fitted by birth and education to grace a higher social station, she was ever light-hearted, brave and content, surrounded by her thrifty flock of girls and boys, of whom six were born to them during their residence in that State. About the year 1830, Mr. Hawes, hoping to better the prospects of his growing young family, made another push to the Westward, this time halting in Hillsdale Co. Mich., where he resumed his occupation of farming, and also kept for a time a small hotel, about half way between the villages of Jonesville and Coldwater, on the great stage route between Detroit and Toledo and Chicago. Here he remained until the spring of 1837, when becoming dissatisfied with his success and prospects, and bearing much from returning explorers of the wondrous beauty and fertility of the 'Rock River Valley,' he resolved to make one more advance, and this time to the famed prairies beyond all the great lakes. With Mr. Hawes, to resolve was to act, and with his heroic wife and arms full of babies, he set out for the Territory of Wisconsin, reaching what now is the town of Richmond in August 1837. Here he selected a claim and erected a cabin—the first home of civilization in the township and here, on Jan. 5, 1838, a son was added to his family; the first born in the township, if not in Walworth Co. After a few months spent in improving his land, he sold the claim for $500 and located another, three miles to the eastward, on the town line between Richmond and Whitewater. On a corner of the farm was subsequently built, by Mr. Hawes and some three or four neighbors, the first schoolhouse in the town. The first teacher was paid $1.25 per week. Mr. Hawes' family constituting a majority of all the pupils. Nevertheless, the handful of settlers were in possession of a free school. For twenty years, Mr. Hawes continued to till the acres he had reclaimed, much respected by the growing community, by whom he was retained in the minor offices of the county for nearly the whole time, and by whom he was elected to the first Constitutional Convention, called at Madison Oct. 5, 1846. In 1857 his wife having long been an invalid, and his sons not following the chosen occupation of their father, Mr. Hawes decided to relinquish the cares of a large farm, and removed to Whitewater, where on July 28, 1859, the gentle partner of his busy life folded her weary, loving hands in final rest. Of his family, the eldest, Lucretia, the wife of B.P. Plato, of Rock Co. died in 1866. Lucy, the second, died in childhood, in New York, Lucinda M. is the widow of Joel Clapp, late of Milwaukee; Lucena E. is the wife of William De Wolf, of Whitewater; Lucius J. married Miss Eliza Hunter, of Maquoketa, Iowa and lives at that place; Lucerne E. married Miss Clara Beemer, of Albion, N.Y., and lives at Whitewater; Frances E is the wife of Dr. C.M. Palmer, of Colorado; Francis M. married Miss Jennie Housel, of Owen Co, Ky., and resides at Milwaukee; and Dean M. is the wife of Hiram S. Teall, of the same city. A single incident of Mr. Hawes' career will sufficiently illustrate a strong feature of his character. When chosen to serve as a member of the Constitutional Convention, on arriving at Madison, and before qualifying, he was called home by the serious and subsequently fatal illness of his wife. He was detained so long that upon his return to the convention the duties of that body were virtually completed. He was then urged by his fellow-members to qualify, that he might be properly enrolled and receive his compensation as a member. This he stubbornly refused to do, claiming that he had performed no public duty for which he was entitled to compensation. He died at Whitewater Jan. 13, 1868, in the 71st year of his age. Few words are needed to give to the memory of Morris Fant Hawes its fit place of this State. In all the relations of life he was a just man. With scarce an exception, he was honored and trusted and loved by all who knew him. He was punctilious and persistent in discharge of every moral and business obligation. He lived and open-handed life of usefulness. He died no man's debtor. His name will be honored as long as they live who understand and value the virtue, the heroism, the wisdom and the dignity of the man who shaped the destinies of the proud State of Wisconsin." (From History of Walworth County, Wisconsin, by Brookhaven Press, page 783.) "Morris Fant Hawes was born November 12, 1797 at Warwick, Orange County, New York. When very young his father removed to Steuben County, in the same state, where the son volunteered, although a mere boy, in the War of 1812. On May 17, 1818, young Hawes married Sarah, daughter of Capt. Nathan LOUNSBURY, at Rutland, Vermont, and with his bride started for Chautauqua County, New York, where they lived twelve years, and where their older children were born. In 1830 Mr. Hawes removed his family to Hillsdale, Michigan, where after a year or two he opened a tavern on the Detroit-Chicago road. In 1,837 he determined to migrate to Wisconsin, and in August arrived in Richmond Township, Waiworth County, of which he was the first settler, and which he was elected to represent as a Democrat in the constitutional convention. Mr. Hawes bought land at the Milwaukee land office in 1839, and lived on his farm until 1857, when he removed to Whitewater, and there died January 13, 1868. He was justice of the peace and county commissioner and held several local offices. Although elected to the convention he was unable to attend because of serious illness in his family. His wife had died July 28, 1859. They had nine children." (History of Walworth County; Chicago, 1882, p. 783.)

        I. Lucretia C Hawes married Bradley B Plato on 15 May 1839 in Richmond, Walworth, Wisconsin.

        II. Eunice Lucina Hause was born in 1824 in New York. She married William DeWolf (1821-1905). "WILLIAM DeWOLF, son of Jabez and wife, Thankful FAIRCHILD, was born at Bridgewater, New York, July 21, 1821; came to LaGrange in 1842 and bought a farm on Heart Prairie; in November, 1845, he married Eunice Lucena, daughter of Morris F. HAWES and Sarah LOUNSBURY, of Richmond. In 1852 he became a partner with Lucius A. WINCHESTER in the business of plow-making, and as hardware dealers. About 1878 he built and operated a mill for making wire cloth. He was living in 1906. Mrs. DeWOLF was born in 1824; died February 5, 1904. Of their four children (in 1860) Nettie became Mrs. Henry H. McGRAW, and Mannering M. became an officer of the Custer Rifles." (From the book History of Walworth County Wisconsin, by Albert Clayton Beckwith, 1912. P. 510.) Eunice died on 5 Feb 1904. They had the following children:

          1. Delos DeWolf (b. 1847).

          2. Nettie DeWolf (b. 1848) married Henry H. McGraw.

          3. Mannering M DeWolf (b. 1849) became an officer of the Custer Rifles.

          4. William Dewolf (b. 1852).

          5. Gertrude Dewolf (b. 1862).

          6. Lizzie W Dewolf (b. 1863).

        Lucerne Edmund
        Lucerne Edmund Hawes (1829-1915)
        III. Lucerne Edmund Hawes (1829-1915). Among the first to brave the wilds of Walworth county was the Hawes family, members of which have aided very materially in its development during the past three-quarters of a century, for it was in the days of the wide-stretching forest, unused to the ring of the axeman, and the days of the Indian and wild deer when this family emigrated from the old Empire state, through a country of bad roads, across unbridged streams, toiling patiently for weeks until they reached this favored section of the commonwealth of Wisconsin, and, having the sagacity to foresee here a great future, established their home in Walworth county, where they became well fixed through their industry and were well known and influential in the life of the community. One of the best known of the present generation is L. Edmund Hawes, now living in retirement in his pleasant home in Whitewater, after a life of strenuous endeavor. He comes down to us from a pioneer age, and he has lived here to note wondrous changes in everything, taking a leading part in the upbuilding of the county, so that he is today highly honored by all who know him. Mr. Hawes was born in Chautauqua county, New York, August 14, 1829. He is the son of Morris F. and Sarah ( Lounsbury ) Hawes, the father born in Warwick, Orange county, New York, in 1797, and the mother born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1797. They grew up and were married in the East, and in 1837 they emigrated to Walworth county, Wisconsin, locating in Richmond township, squatting on land, and in 1839 they took up three hundred and seventy-five acres. Mr. Hawes walked from Richmond to Milwaukee to attend a land sale, which was then postponed, and he went a second time. He was a successful farmer, although he had hard work clearing and improving his land here from the wild condition in which he found the country. He finally sold his farm, retired from active life and moved to Whitewater, where his death occurred in January, 1868, his wife having preceded him to the grave in July, 1869. They had a family of nine children, of whom L. Edmund, of this sketch, and Dr. Palmer Hawes are the only ones living. Their son, Francis Marion Hawes, whose birth occurred on January 5, 1838; was the first white child born in Richmond township. Politically, Morris F. Hawes, the father, was a Democrat, and was prominent in political affairs, having been a member of the state Legislature in the early days, and he was a justice of the peace for many years. His wife belonged to the Episcopal church. L. Edmund Hawes, of this sketch, went with his parents to Lenawee county, Michigan, and his father kept a tavern between Coldwater and Au Train. He came overland to Walworth county, driving horses to Chicago and two yoke of oxen on to Walworth county, Wisconsin, living in the wagon and camping under trees until a home could be built. The subject grew up on the home farm, which he helped to clear and improve, and he received his education in the public schools, such as there were in those early times. He began a livery business in Whitewater in the year 1852, which he continued successfully for fifteen years, then bought a farm in Whitewater township, two miles from the city, remaining there twenty-nine years. He was very successful as a general farmer and stock raiser, and he added to his original holdings until his place consisted of four hundred acres of well improved and productive land, and he became one of the substantial agriculturists of the county. This land he still retains; however, retired from active life a number of years ago. moved to a pleasant home in Whitewater, where he still resides, enjoying the fruits of his former years of labor. He has bought and sold several valuable places in Whitewater. Politically, Mr. Hawes is a Democrat, but he has never been an aspirant to office, though he was pathmaster a number of years, during which time he built many good roads. Mr. Hawes was married in 1855 to Carrie Beamer, who was born in 1832, and to this union six children were born, namely: Stella, deceased: Harriet married Lincoln Gantt, of Tacoma, Washington; Mabel, wife of Edmund Lanngan, died in 1908; Fred married Catherine Smith and thev have two children, Harold and Charles ; Morris J. married Ida Wagner and they have one child, Edmund; Frank married Margaret Macdonald and they have two children. Lincoln and Sarah Lounsbury." Children of Lucerne Hawes and Clara Beemer (1833-1920):

          1. Harriet Hawes married Lincoln Gantt, of Tacoma, Washington.

          2. Stella Hawes.

          3. Mabel Hawes (1862-1908) wife of Edmund Lanngan, died in 1908.

          4. Fred E Hawes (1863 - 1 Apr 1937) married Catherine L "Cassie" Smith (1876-1952); They are buried at Hillside Cemetery, Whitewater, Walworth County, Wisconsin, Blk C. Lot 11 Gr. 8. They had two children:

            a. Private Harold E Hawes (1896-1918) was killed in France during WWI. He's buried at Hillside Cemetery, Whitewater, Walworth County, Wisconsin, Blk C Lot 11 Gr. 6.

            b. Charles R Hawes (b. 1900).

          5. Maurice (Morris) J Hawes was born in 1867. He married (1) Ida Wagner (1875-1911) and (2) Clara Anna Amelia Scheels (1883-1960). He died on 28 Jul 1960, and is buried at Hillside Cemetery, Whitewater, Walworth County, Wisconsin, Blk 9 Lot 578 Gr. 4. He had the following children:

            a. Edmond L Hawes, b. 10 Jul 1900 in Walworth, Wisconsin.

            Lucerne Edmund
            Harriett Hawes Brigham (1921-2010)
            b. Harriett Hawes was born on 5 Dec 1921 in Whitewater, Walworth County, Wisconsin. On 5 Feb 1944 she married Merle O Brigham (1912-1976) at the First United Methodist Church in Whitewater. She died on 12 Feb 2010 in Whitewater, Walworth County, Wisconsin. Her obituary: "Mrs. Harriett (Hawes) Brigham passed away on Friday evening, February 12, 2010, in her beautiful old Victorian home on Fremont Street, the famous one with the three Christmas trees in the windows. She had lived there since 1951, having raised three lovely daughters there with her husband, Merle Brigham, the love of her life. A heroine and a legend in the minds of her six adoring grandchildren, Harriett was 88 years old, a fact that failed to deter her from living every precious day of her dynamic, colorful life exactly the way she saw fit. Even in her final hours, Harriett was spotted all about Whitewater, attending to the daily business of a vibrant lady. While she would have been staunchly opposed to the prospect of such a sudden departure from the life and the people that she loved so much, Harriett was a woman of tremendous faith, and she knew in her heart that her husband, parents, brothers, and so many others would be waiting to meet her at the next stop. Harriett found something to appreciate and admire in each of the enumerable relatives, friends, and neighbors that filled her life and those feelings were clearly mutual. The honored matriarch of her family, Harriett's presence was always felt, even from afar, as her memory will continue to be.
               "Harriett was born on Dec. 5, 1921, in Whitewater, WI, to Maurice and Clara (Scheels) Hawes. She grew up on Fremont Street, four houses down from the cherished home where she would gracefully preside over decades of holidays, get-togethers, and the daily affairs of her family. She married Merle Brigham on Feb. 5, 1944, at the First United Methodist Church in Whitewater. Merle preceded her in death on Dec. 4, 1976. Familiar to generations of Whitewater residents, Harriett was active in the First United Methodist Church of Whitewater, an enthusiastic member of Alpha Club, and a long-serving volunteer at the local polls on voting day. Before retiring in 1988, Harriett served for many years as an administrative secretary at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater campus library.
               "Harriett is survived by her daughters: Mary Quinlan of Reedsburg, WI, Kathleen (Peter) Glaser of Jackson, WI, and Debra (Mark) Brigham-Schmuhl of Whitewater, WI; her grandchildren: Julie (Jason) Quinlan Brame, Patrick Brigham (Sarah) Quinlan, Nicholas Brigham Schmuhl, Lora Glaser, Andrew Glaser, and Melanie Schmuhl; a special niece, Jean Brigham; and a number of others who were important to her life. Harriett was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Merle; brothers, Edmond and Francis Hawes; and son-in-law, Richard Quinlan.
               "Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2010, at the FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, Whitewater, WI, with burial in the Hillside Cemetery, located in Whitewater. Friends may call at the CHURCH on Tuesday, Feb. 16, from 11 a.m. until the time of the service. As an expression of sympathy, you may wish to consider memorials to First United Methodist Church of Whitewater, the Irving L. Young Library, or the Whitewater Federation of Women's Clubs." (Janesville Gazette, 15 Feb 2010)

          6. Francis M Hawes (b. 1870) married Margaret Macdonald (b. 1876) and they had two children:

            a. Lincoln Donald Hawes was born on 1 Dec 1898 in Whitewater, Walworth, Wisconsin. He died on 4 Dec 1989 in Whitewater, Walworth, Wisconsin. "One Hundred" Percent LOUNSBURY," Source: Mrs. Lincoln D. Hawes, Whitewater, Wis.: "Alma writes 'that she is a descendant of Sarah Lounsbury Hawes, daughter of Nathan Munn Lounsbury and Sarah Pelton. Nathan migrated from Woodbridge, Ct. to Vermont in 1781. He was seven years in the War of Revolution, serving under Gen. Knox and for most of the time was attached to the immediate command of Gen. Washington. He was a man of great physical strength and endurance and attained the age of almost 102 years. At the age of 100, he held a plow for a short time, at a county fair at Rutland.'"—The Lounsbury Tree, a Lounsbury Family Newsletter; Albany Co., New York; Issue #3, Spring '83.

            b. Sarah Lounsbury Hawes (b. 1902).

        IV. Francis Marion Hause was born on 5 Jan 1838 in Walworth, Walworth, Wisconsin. He died on 4 May 1889 in Walworth, Walworth, Wisconsin. He married Jennie Housel (1843-1892). They're buried at Hillside Cemetery, Whitewater, Walworth County, Wisconsin, Blk 9 Lot 580 Gr. 2. They had one child:

          1. Niles E Hause was born in Aug 1863 and died on 4 May 1913. He's buried at Hillside Cemetery, Whitewater, Walworth County, Wisconsin, Blk 9 Lot 580 Gr. 3.


    ¹—William's birthdate changes from 1750 to 1751 because Britain and its colonies changed from the old style (Julian) calendar to the new style (Gregorian) calendar on January 1, 1752. But this change had occurred in Holland about 170 years earlier, in 1582, and the Gregorian calendar therefore was used in the Dutch colony of New Netherland (New York). The colony of New Netherland operated according to the laws and customs of the Netherlands province of Holland, where the new calendar had been in use since Pope Gregory introduced it in 1582. Therefore New Netherland records are dated as we would date them today, with the year beginning January 1 and no double-dating.
       But under the old calendar in use prior to 1752 in Britain and its colonies, the year began on March 25, and March was the first month, February the twelfth. Dates in January, February, and the first 24 days of March were often "double-dated" to indicate both the past and incoming years. For example, what we would call February 24,1714 would then have been February 24, 1713, but could also be written February 24,1713/14. It would also have been the 24th of the twelfth month, not the second month.
       When the new calendar was adopted, eleven days had to be dropped, and this was done by declaring that the day after September 2,1752 was September 14, 1752.
       After the English conquered New Netherland in 1664, and except for the brief return of Dutch rule in 1673-74, the old (Julian) calendar was used in official documents, but the Dutch often continued using the Gregorian calendar (or some aspects of it) in their church and family records.
       Some genealogists have tried to convert all old style dates to their new equivalents, and published only the new forms, just like we say George Washington was born February 22, 1732, when at the time he was born the date was February 11, 1731/2.

    ²—The Family of Samuel Hawes, Volumes 1-12, compiled and written by Derek A. Foxley: Rixeyville, Virginia; Version 1.0 — June 2018: This family history sources the William Hawes Family Lines Collection, 1750-1876, three typewritten pages from approx. 1935, supplied by Holly Allred (photocopies held by Derek Foxley, Rixeyville, Virginia, United States, 2017).
    Explanation of Source: The supplier's family believes the original source of the 3 type-written pages of the William Hawes Family Lines Collection, 1750-1876 to be from family records or even a Family Bible of Matthew Hawes however, this has not been verified. The location of the original is currently unknown.
    Chain of Custody of Source: Holly Allred received the 3 type-written papers of the William Hawes Family Lines Collection, 1750-1876, from her mother, Beverley Lundstrom, who received it from her cousin Maxine Hofmann. Maxine typed the documents we currently have as part of her genealogical work. Maxine probably got the information from her grandmother, Jennie Rosetta Hawes, as it is known that Maxine did interview and collect genealogical information from Jennie some time prior to Jennie's death in 1935. Jennie in turn would have received it from her father, Warren Nicholas, who would have got it from his father, Matthew Hawes.
    Validation of Source: This information from the William Hawes Family Lines Collection, 1750-1876, from Holly Allred has been validated by Derek Foxley for the family of Samuel Hawes. The names and dates given in the Collection concerning Samuel Hawes and his children could not have been a product of research as it contains information that would not have been available, or at best very, very difficult to research pre-1935—and which has been hard to find even in 2014-2017. Three examples 1) it includes the name and birthdate of Silas Hawes whose records linking him to Samuel Hawes are in Argentina, in Spanish. 2) It also includes the name and birthdate of Luman (Lyman?) Hawes, whose only record in 2017 is one reference in a Civil War roster. 3) It also lists Albert Hawes, who has no documented link to Samuel, but whose ancestors have proven the descendance through Y-DNA testing. At least for Samuel Hawes line, the Collection can only be a product of family held records passed down over the generations as it contains information hidden from researchers.

    William Hawes Family Lines Collection, 1750-1876: 3 type-written pages, created approx. 1935, supplied by Holly Allred; From The Family of Samuel Hawes, Volumes 1-12, compiled and written by Derek A. Foxley. (Click on each image to enlarge.)


      DAR Application File
      Name of Revolutionary War Ancestor: William Hause, Sr.
      Submitted by: Lynne Laurence Gregory
      National Number: 755373
      Date of Application: March 30, 1993
      Date approved: October 2, 1993
      Applied at: Falls Church, Virginia, USA
      Complete Document (.PDF)
      SOURCE INFORMATION: Josephine Gregory.

    • Research by Charles R. Hause (24 Nov 1913 - 30 Mar 2002): 532 Lange Court, Libertyville, IL. 60048, or: 1216 Charles Dr., Shawnee, OK. 74801 Dec. 18,1981; Read a 1969 letter from Charles tracing William Hause here.
    • Research by Mrs. Alberta Spaid Reeder (1871 - 27 Oct 1954), the great-granddaughter of Electa Ann Hause Williams (3 Jan 1801 - 24 Aug 1869). Alberta was born in Fayette, Seneca, New York and married William Henry Reeder (1868-1955). She died in 1954 in Geneva, New York.
    • Research by Mrs. Josephine Gregory (30 Apr 1920 - 9 Feb 2013): 500 S Los Robles #320, Pasadena, CA. 91101; She based her work on the work of Alberta Reeder.
    • Research by genealogists Kirk Moulton and Dan Kinsey, working on the Secord and Simon Haas families
    • Tuxedo Park Library: 227 Route 17, Tuxedo Park, NY 10987 | Phone: 845-351-2207 | FAX: 845-351-2213 | Email:
    • New York in the Revolution as Colony and State, Vol. 1 & 2 (Vol. 1) Albany, New York: Weed-Parsons Printing Company, Albany, New York, 1897. (Vol. 2) JB Lyon Company, Printers. Albany, NY. 1904. These two volumes are invaluable to researchers, because about two-thirds of New York's war records were destroyed by a fire at the Comptroller's Office in 1911. So the only documentation available for many muster rolls, etc., are in these books, which were compiled before the fire.
    • House Family of the Mohawk, by Melvin Rhodes Shaver. St. Johnsville: Enterprise, 1942. On the militia page, William is listed as a descendant of Johann Christian Hauß (b. @ 1666), but that theory is still unproven.
    • Notes from Cornell collection 1072.
    • People of the Valleys Revisited: History of Warwick, New York, 1700-2005, by Richard W Hull, Royal Fireworks Press, 2005.
    • The Colonial Laws of New York from the Year 1664 to the Revolution, by James B. Lyon. Albany, New York, 1894: Chapter 1, pages 49 and 50.
    • Laws of the State of New-York, Vol. 1 [1777-1784], (Albany, 1886); Session 2, Ch 16, pp. 102-109. An Act for raising Monies by Tax, to be applied towards the public Exigencies of the State: " is necessary in order to defray the expence of the present war, to discharge the debts due from this State, and to make due provision for the support of the civil government thereof, that monies should be raised within the same by tax." Real and personal property taxed. Improved real property was taxed at 1 shilling per pound and personal property was taxed at 6d [pence] per pound. Assessments were to be completed by the first Tuesday in April 1779 (12 April) [p. 104]. Copies of the assessment lists were to be filed with the county and state treasurers [p. 105]. The lists were to contain the name of the person, the amount of the tax laid for the personal estate at 6d [pence] per pound and 1 shilling per pound value of land. [p. 105]
    • Witness To the Early American Experience, military map by creator Erskine, Robert (1735-1780). Title: "Roads from Newborough to Fort Lee. No 36" / by Robert Erskine F.R.S. Geogr. A. U.S. and Assistants. Genre/form:Early works to 1800 -- lcsh; format: 129.0 cm. wide by 85.0 cm.high, 1 map on 9 assembled sheets. Description: Military topographic map. Covers Orange and Rockland Counties in New York and Bergen, Passaic, Morris and Essex Counties in New Jersey. Shows roads, buildings and owners' names, also landforms, wetlands and streams. Shows relief by hachures; identifier: 004754_004747_004644; provenance: New-York Historical Society
    • The Revolutionary War in Hackensack Valley: the Jersey Dutch and Neutral Ground, 1775-1783, by Leiby, Adrian C. Publisher: Rutgers Univ Press, New Brunswick. 1962
    • A Dirty, Trifling, Piece of Business: The Revolutionary War as waged from Canada in 1781, by Gavin K. Watt, James F. Morrison, William A. Smy. Dundurn Press Ltd., 2009. Pawling's Levies, page 115.
    • History of Rockland County, New York, by Frank Bertangue Green. New York: A.S. Barnes, 1886. William Hause appears on pages 38 and 58. Information on the "Gore Line" appears on pages 22-27. (E-book)
    • History of Orange County with an Enumeration of Names of its Towns, Villages, Rivers, Creeks, Lakes, Ponds, Mountains, Hills and Other Known Localities, and their Etymologies or Historical Reasons Therefor; Together With Local Traditions And Short Biographical Sketches of Early Settlers, Etc. By Sam'l W. Eager, Esq., Member of the Historical Association of Newburgh, and Corresponding Member of the Historical Society Of the State of New York. Newburgh: S. T. Callahan, 1846-7.
    • History of Steuben county, New York, with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers, by Prof. W. W. Clayton. Published 1879 by Lewis, Peck & co. in Philadelphia. Page 428 (Joseph Hause, Wayne collector, 1818).
    • The Family of Hay: A History of the Progenitors of Col. Ann Hawkes Hay with Collateral Genealogies, A. D. 500 - 1908, by Charles J. Colcock, C. E. Privately printed for the author by the Genealogical Association, New York, 1908. Reprinted with Later Lines Added by Mrs. T. D. Bateman (Erroldine Hay) 1959.
    • The Loyalists at the Battle of Fort Ninety Six, by Bobby Gilmer Moss. Scotia-Hibernia Press, South Carolina, 1999. Page 58.
    • Public Papers of George Clinton, First Governor of New York, 1777-1795, 1801, Vol. 7, by George Clinton, New York (State). State Historian, Hugh Hastings, James Austin Holden. Published by the State of New York, 1904. Page 526: Col. Hay complains to Governor Clinton of Lt. Col Cooper's insubordination, Dec 28, 1780. "What am I to do with such an officer as will not obey orders! If I arrest him it may prolong the Business, and leave him intirely at his Ease..."
    • Dragoon Diary, by C. F. William Maurer. Published by AuthorHouse. 2005. Pages 86, 87
    • The Balloting Book, and Other Documents Relating to Military Bounty Lands, in the State of New York. Albany, NY; Packard & VanBenthuysen, 1825.
    • Portrait and Biographical Record of Seneca and Schuyler Counties, New York, Chapman Publishing Company, 1895.
    • Liber of Wills Transcribed from the Orange County, N.Y., Records - Rockland County Surrogate's Office. Nos. 1 - 39. Compiled by George H. Budke, 1921: "No. 202. Will. fol. 415. Muchael Weymer of Hempsted, D. May 24, 1810. P. Apr. 19, 1816. Weak in body, Son, Edward Weymer, The heirs of Jacob Weymer, The heirs of Michael Weymer, all my land in the Town of Monroe, Orange Co., N. Y., Son, George Weymer, all my right to a tract of land at the mill along the Ramapo river and sold by him with my consent to Salomon Townsend, The heirs of Mary Macmurtry, The heirs of Ann Bennet, Sons, James and John, to receive farm in Hempstead and any land granted by the State of New York, as I have a prospect of obtaining from the state some vacant land near the same, Grand daughter, Mary Ann Macmurtry. Executors: Garrest Sarven, Esq., and George I. Suffern." (The town of Monroe was named in 1808, but it's now part of Tuxedo.)
    • DAR file on William Hause's war record.
    • "Southern Wisconsin Relatives of Bartholf, Smith, Beemer and Hawes." (Tracing William Hawes, or Hause.) Orange County Genealogical Society Newsletter, May 1974, Vol. 4, No. 1
    • William's sons help create Tyrone, NY.
    • New York in the Revolution as Colony and State, page 159.
    • Congregational record of the Old School Baptist Church in Warwick, Orange County, New York.
    • Hause Hill in what is now Tyrone, New York (it was then called Dundee, in Yates County).
    • The Family of Samuel Hawes: Genealogical and Historical Research on Samuel Hawes (1794, New York) and Each of His Children; Volume 1a—Samuel Hawes, through Volume 12—Mary J. Hawes; Compiled and Written by Derek A. Foxley: Self-Published: Rixeyville, Virginia, June 2018.


    View 1790 Census

    A history of the author's line of the Hause/Hawes family, including (briefly) the first 3 million years:




    CHAPTER 3: WILLIAM HAUSE (1750-1818)


    CHAPTER 5: AUGUSTUS HAUSE (1804-1875)




    CHAPTER 9: CARLISLE HAUSE (1891-1972)





    Content outside of the chronological chapter narrative:






    A compendium of stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else, from science to Soundex to source material to similar surnames to some guy who wrote bad jokes for a living:







    Carleton Marchant Hause, Jr., Eric Donald Hause and Jeffrey Carleton Hause in front of William Hause's gravesite on Hause Hill near Tyrone, Schuyler County, New York, during the summer of 2005.

    Atticus Lee Hause and Jeffrey Carleton Hause in front of William Hause's gravesite on Hause Hill near Tyrone, Schuyler County, New York, during the summer of 2018, 200 years after William's passing.