"Carl Hause promptly got lost when he arrived in North County 40 years ago, searching for the town of Vista where he had been hired for his first school teaching job. Hause recalls driving along old Vista Way, not realizing that the rural surroundings he viewed were indeed part of a community that would incorporate into a city two years later. 'All I saw was a dairy and a drive-in, and I didn't know where I was,' Hause said, remembering the confusing end of his move from Michigan. 'I was about to turn around and head back,' he said."
—"Legendary Vista teacher-coach Hause to retire;" North County Times, 5/20/2001

   CARLETON MARCHANT HAUSE, JR. (11/25/39 - 8/18/14) grew up in the town of Gibraltar, on the edge of the mighty Lake Erie in Michigan, connected by the Erie Canal to Niagara County, New York, where his (by-then-forgotten) great, great, great-grandfather, AUGUSTUS HAUSE, had lived a century earlier.
   On Lake Erie, young Carl explored deserted islands that contained old Native American burial grounds and abandoned circuses, and sold the bottom-feeding carp that he caught while fishing to visiting tourists as "Michigan Trout." On land, he hitched rides to school on icy roads by grabbing onto the fenders of moving cars and sliding to his destination.
   Carl's chief memory of life in Gibraltar was that he was always wearing a life preserver—his mother was terrified that he and/or his sister, MARJORIE JEANNE HAUSE (b. 18 Dec 1942) might drown in a water accident. No matter how insignificant the journey—whether it was ten feet across a shallow canal, or a short rowboat ride across a flooded street to school (which happened about once a year), Carl spent most of his time in one of those hated strap-lined, buckle-laden, straightjacket-like contraptions. He later claimed there were allegations of child abuse leveled against his mother and father, because the strap and buckle marks left on his back from his life preserver were thought by school officials to be from vicious parental beatings. A second worry was polio, which his mother Jeanne was convinced could be caught from running in sprinklers during periods of high heat—meaning Carl and his younger sister Marjorie couldn't play in the yard all summer... even if wearing life preservers while running through the sprinklers.
   By some miracle, Carl Jr. escaped polio... and drowning... and angry "trout" customers... and reached college age. He attended Eastern Michigan University, just like his father and grandfather before him, in order to become a teacher, majoring in history. (He also went on to become the most successful high school track coach in California history, see below.)
   While in college he had the usual foibles with the opposite sex, even wrecking the family car on the side of a bridge in Gibraltar as he was checking out a girl he drove past. But none of those girls could match up to a Jeanne Brunner Hause or a Fladella Raymond Hause. Until...

Carleton Marchant Hause, Jr., and Martha Ellen Wenk on their wedding day.

   One inebriated night at a fraternity party¹ (according to Carl, this was not an unusual condition during his college days¹), he met MARTHA ELLEN WENK (b. 7 Oct 1940), a blonde beauty pageant contestant straight off the farm, too innocent (or at least polite) to ask why the nice young fraternity boy was slurring his words so much. Carleton Jr. secured her beauty contest 8"x10"—and a phone number, then returned home to sleep off the effects of all the beer.¹ The next morning he woke up and pulled out the photo... to discover with great relief and glee that Martha still looked just as attractive when he was completely sober!¹
   Carl traveled with Martha to meet her folks on their 200-acre farm in Chelsea, Michigan. They were a conservative farm couple, and very Lutheran (so Lutheran that some of the services at their small country church were conducted in German).
   Now, after all of the trouble that Carl Hause, Sr., had in trying to get married to Jeanne Brunner within an organized religion, Carl Jr. had grown up barely seeing the inside of a church. So when Mrs. Wenk first warily looked over the man dating her beloved eldest daughter, and asked him if he was of good Lutheran stock, Carl answered back most definitely: "YES! Yes I am..."
   Carl Jr. then packed up a few clothes and lifejackets at his fraternity house and rushed back home to tell his folks that he had met the girl of his dreams—only to learn then that they were packing up, themselves, and headed to California for higher-paying teaching positions! Undaunted, Carl Jr. informed them that he would remain in Michigan to get his degree at Eastern Michigan, and be with Martha.
   With that, it was agreed that the two families should meet. Unfortunately, Carl Jr. failed to tell his parents before the meeting that they were supposed to be devout Lutherans. So when the Hauses met the Wenks, there were a few uncomfortable minutes of Carl Sr. and Jeanne "trying to figure out what a 'synod' was," and why they were supposed to belong to one. Fortunately, the Wenks were amused by Carl Jr.'s fib.² He then went on to join the Lutheran Church, and said that (with Martha's help) the church changed his life.

LEFT TO RIGHT: Baby Carleton, Jr.; Obviously a handful; Fraternity date with Martha Wenk; Wedding photo; Standing in front of the Hause Nursery sign at the Memphis Historical Society.

   Carl Jr. married Martha on 13 Jun 1959 at Zion Lutheran Church (fortunately the service was in English). It was a modest wedding; so modest in fact that since the church was being remodeled, the ceremony was held in the hallway. (Fortunately, Carl cleaned up nicely for their wedding photo—pictured above.) The couple honeymooned at his grandfather Carlisle Hause's cabin on Vaughn Lake (where else?). Nothing like honeymooning in a place where you have to dig a new hole for the outhouse when you arrive!
   Carl graduated from Eastern Michigan two days after Martha had their first child, a beautiful blonde, adorable baby boy with an infectious laugh and cherubic glow (who also wrote this bio). Carl and Martha would then go on to have a total of three more kids, each of them almost as good as the first:


  • JEFFREY CARLETON HAUSE was born on 7 June 1961. Just look at the cute kid in the photo at right! What a dreamboat! Jeff is a writer and social worker living in Napa, California. A true Renaissance man, and an inspiration to his family (all of whom adore him)! He is incredibly handsome, intelligent, witty and engaging, and wrote this bio. In 2007 he married LORI ANN DOTSON (b. 07 Oct 1973, the same month and day as my Mom. How creepy is THAT???) and they raised two children, ATTICUS LEE HAUSE (b. 02 Aug 2011) and PHIN LEE HAUSE (b. 1 Nov 2013). After living in Napa for a decade, they moved back down to Vista CA.
  • Click on the photo at right to access the Jeffrey Hause Genealogical Page.
  • KATHLEEN ELLEN HAUSE was born on 12 Aug 1965. After suffering through a childhood dealing with her brother, Jeff, she somehow survived and married HALDEN LARSEN (b. 27 Oct 1964) on 29 June 1985 in Vista, Ca., and have three children: SASHA ELLEN-MARIE (b. 14 Jul 1987; m. COLE AKINS), DYLAN JEFFREY-LEE (b. 28 Apr 1990, m. EMMA FORD) and CAMILLE LARSEN (b. 4 June 1998).
  • Click on the photo at right to access the Kathleen Hause Genealogical Page.
  • ERIC DONALD HAUSE was born on 15 Sep 1967 in Oceanside, CA. As the photo clearly shows, this kid was trouble. He attended Cal State Long Beach, then a seminary school in Colorado and is now a pastor in Ithaca, New York. Eric married MARY MOONSAMMY (b. 29 Sep 1966) on 23 Mar 1996 in Bonsall, San Diego Co., CA. They have one child, MADELINE HAUSE (b. 10 Aug 1997) and currently live in the same New York state that the Hause family finally escaped 150 years before. Nice going, Eric. Now we're right back where we started.
  • Click on the photo at right to access the Eric Hause Genealogical Page.
  • MICHELE MARIE HAUSE was born on 14 Sep 1968 in Oceanside, CA. Just look at that little punk play to the camera! After a childhood full of torture from Jeff, Kathy and Eric, she decided to make her life's work torturing other children. So she became a teacher, like Carleton Jr., Carleton Sr., and Carlisle before her, and currently lives in San Diego, CA, with her husband JOHN HOUSTON and daughters SARAH and AVERY HOUSTON.
  • Click on the photo at right to access the Michele Hause Genealogical Page.
  • Newspaper Article
    File Image
    Title #1: Legendary Vista teacher-coach Hause to retire
    Author: Harry Brooks
    Newspaper: North County Times
    Title #2: Hause (105-5) steps down
    Author: Tom Saxe
    Newspaper: Vista Press
    View file #1
    View file #2
       Immediately after graduating from Eastern Michigan University in 1961 with a teaching credential and a degree in History, Carl and family headed west, settling near his parents and sister in the San Diego area. "The weather was a big factor, and California was the highest-paying state at that time for teachers," he told the North County Times in 2001. "Back then, it was no problem getting a job as a teacher about anywhere you wanted to go." He began teaching math and physical education classes at Washington Middle School, where he also coached track and football. He compiled an astounding 63-1 dual meet record with the school.
       He moved up a level and started coaching track and cross country at Vista High School in 1980, and then transferred there as a teacher two years later. After becoming the head coach, his men's team compiled a 20-3 record, winning a Palomar League championship and a co-championship, and his girls teams went 22-1, winning two titles as well. He then retired from coaching, and from 1987 to 1997, he was the school's athletic director. Reflecting back on his career, he said in 2001: "It's been a blast. I just thought I'd teach a couple years and then go onto something else. "Now, I have mixed feelings about retiring because I draw a lot of energy from the kids. I'm grateful for the all kids I've had the fortune to come into contact with in Vista."

    LEFT TO RIGHT: Four generations together—Carlisle, Jeff, Carleton Sr. and Carleton Hause Jr.; Martha Wenk Hause, Eric Hause (in diaper), Carleton Hause Jr., Jeffrey Hause, Kathleen Hause, Michele Hause (inside Martha Hause), at 1601 Independence Way, Vista, CA, 92084, in the summer of 1968; Carlisle offering a phonography lesson to great-granddaughter Michele, early 1970's; Carleton Jr. and Emily Hause in the 1990's.

    VIDEO: The life of Carleton M. Hause, Jr.

    VIDEO: Children of Carl and Martha Hause.

    Funeral Service
    Location: King Of Kings Lutheran Church
    Program: "A Celebration Of Life For Carl Hause"

    24 Aug 2014

    View file
       Carleton Marchant Hause, Jr., died unexpectantly on 18 Aug 2014. He had been experiencing back pains for much of that year but his doctors had diagnosed as pain from a strained back muscle, but the therapy hadn't worked. The pain moved to his shoulder, and finally on the way into the doctor's office with his wife, he collapsed in the parking lot. He was rushed to Tri-City Medical Center, where it was determined that the shoulder pain was actually a massive heart attack from severe arterial blockage. He endured three code-blue resuscitations, only to finally succumb during the fourth attempt. The medical team left him on a pacemaker and oxygen until we could all talk to him (his wife and daughters were present, sons Jeff and Eric spoke to him by phone). Then they shut off the machines, and he was gone.
       This has been the hardest family bio to write, because he was my hero. It's taken four years. Quite frankly, he lived a life of substance and faith that I can't hope to live up to.

    Carleton Marchant Hause, Jr., and Martha Ellen Wenk front-row, center, on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Back row: John Houston, Michele Houston, Kathy Larsen, Hal Larsen. Front row: Jeff Hause, Lori Ann Dotson, Irene Poley, Dorothy Wenk (seated). Martha Hause (seated), Carl Hause (seated), Sasha Larsen, Camille Larsen, Dylan Larsen, Eric Hause. (Click to enlarge.)

    The cuter kids.
       Fortunately I've got a brother and two sisters to keep the family honor alive: KATHY, ERIC and MICHELE, in chronological order. They've given the family three nieces (SASHA, MADELINE and CAMILLE) and a nephew (DYLAN JEFFREY-LEE) who can tell these stories to their kids and keep all the Johns, Carlisles, Augustus's and Labans alive. Eric, his wife MARY MOONSAMMY and Madeline now live back in New York, right between Hause Hill and Hause's Point—completely ruining my "Westward, ho!" motif!
       There's also my cousin, Marjorie Jeanne's daughter CAROLYN, with her kids: Ashly, David, Michael, Samantha, and Michelle Christine. Regrettably, I don't get to see them very often. Heck, it's been a year or two since I last saw my brother, who I saw every day for around 20 years! I guess this genealogy is for all of them, as much as for my family. Maybe they can pick up where I leave off and learn even more about our family—trace John Hause's family back in Germany, or learn a good story about Frank and Fladella. Better yet, maybe they can create some great Hause stories in their own lives, to be shared by future generations. Until then, here is one they can share about Carleton Marchant Hause, Jr.:


       Carl Hause was my hero. He was the best man I've ever known, and fortunately for me, he was also my father. He was a good storyteller, a great teacher, and a warm, funny, loving man.
       He was the kind of dad who would call you after you'd driven away from the family home just to make sure you checked the gas gauge and had your seat belt on—even when you were over fifty years old and had 35 years of driving experience. I've never run out of gas once in my life, but he still wasn't taking any chances. As my wife and I would pull out of the driveway and the house disappeared from view, we knew the call was coming—and it always did. Eventually, we began to tease him about it, so he started pretending to call for other reasons, and then would slip it into the conversation: "That was a great game last night, Jeff. I think the Lakers are in trouble... by the way, is your seatbelt on? Did you check the gas gauge?" Lori Ann and I would look at each other and smile, because we knew it meant he loved us and missed us already.
       Plus, I learned that he got this neurosis from his mother. He was raised in Gibraltar, Michigan, which sits on the shores of Lake Erie. There were lots of canals and waterways there, and everywhere Carl went, his mother made him wear a lifejacket.

       He'd say, "I'm going fishing!"
       She'd say, "Wear a lifejacket."
       He'd say, "I'm going to the library."
       She'd say, "Wear a lifejacket."
       He'd say, "I'm eating lunch."
       She'd say, "Wear a lifejacket—that glass looks pretty deep."

       Seventy years later, I was walking along the Napa River with my wife and son, Atticus. He was about a year old, and just beginning to walk. My wife watched him, then looked over at the water, twenty feet away. She finally said, "Maybe he should be wearing—"
       "—Don't say it," I told her, and I immediately called my dad. I told him, "My wife just suggested that Atticus wear a life preserver to walk in the park." We laughed and laughed, and when it finally quieted down, he added, "You know, Jeff, that's not a bad idea..."
       Well, my father is now the one who has disappeared from view, and I already miss him more than words can explain. So I just want to tell him: Dad, enjoy the journey—be sure to wear your seatbelt and make sure the gas tank's full. When Grandma greets you, make sure your life jacket's on. I promise to call Atticus and Phin every time they leave the driveway. I love you.

    At Mission Bay after moving to California.
       That was the eulogy I was going to deliver at my father's funeral on August 23, 2014... but that morning something happened that convinced me to throw it out and tell this story instead: "My dad loved the water. He grew up on the shores of Lake Erie, and he spent his summers at Vaughn Lake. One of his great sadnesses was that when he first bought the family house, you could just see the ocean on the horizon—if you stood on the roof, on your tip-toes, and squinted—but smog and overbuilding had destroyed that view over the years. Anyway, he and mom were supposed to come up to our home on Thursday, and help our 9-month-old come home from the hospital. But then it was discovered that she needed another surgery and would have to stay in the hospital, moving from the NICU to the PICU (just to confuse us, I guess). Then my father passed away on Monday, so Lori Ann stayed behind to supervise Phin's move as I drove our son Atticus down to Vista. Now Atticus loves his grandfather—calls him 'Pa-Pa'—and during the trip I was just trying to get him to not say 'Pa-Pa' when we got there and upset my mother. He'd say 'I'm gonna see Pa-Pa and Mee-Maw' and I'd say, 'Pa-Pa's not home, we're only seeing Mee-Maw, buddy.' As this went on, over and over, I kept thinking, 'If only I had a sign that everything would be okay.' Fortunately, the whole week, Atticus never mentioned my father in front of my mother; but unfortunately still no sign appeared for me that things would be okay... and everything proceeded to get even worse: When we woke up on the morning of the funeral (Lori Ann had arrived the day before), we learned out our home in Napa had been rocked by an 6.0-level earthquake. Our landlord sent us a text message about the condition of our house that simply read 'It looks bad.' Lori Ann and I discussed our ongoing, horrible week as Atticus suddenly awakened and sat up between us, saying, 'I was swimming with grandpa! Everything's fine!'"

    Images of Carl and Marti Hause with their grandson Atticus in Palm Springs during June of 2012.

       The only time Atticus had ever been swimming with his grandfather was when he was ten months old, when we all rented a house with a swimming pool for a week in Palm Springs. There was no way he remembered that experience... but I know that Carl loved playing in the water with his grandson that week. Did Carl send us a message that everything would be okay in our time of need through his grandson? Well, that's my son's story, and I'm sticking to it.


    Kathy and Carl at the surprise party that she threw for his 50th wedding anniversary.
       Thank you all for coming—our family appreciates all the support we have received over the last several days—it's been truly heartfelt and we can't thank you enough.
       SO—this is quite a shock to us, as you can imagine—no one expects to lose their husband, dad, grandpa, brother or friend in the matter of a few hours, on a Monday—just like that—without warning. Best way to describe it is a "rapture."
       *Mr. Hause—was an amazing teacher, with patience like no other—and those of you who had him as teacher, you have me to thank for that patience: SO many nights he sat next to me at the kitchen table—while I was doing homework—me in tears over not understanding "stupid math" and him calmly encouraging me... Letting me know I am smart, and he would help me figure it out. I am sure that's how he treated each of his students. In the class room, Mr. Hause was also a story teller... I think he may have spent much class time sharing stories with students or telling jokes (at least that's what I've been told).
       *Coach Hause—he loved sports—All sports!! He loved coaching—I remember many week nights or Saturdays, Dad was at a track meet or a high school sporting event. He was not a boastful Coach—PROUD YES—he always let his athletes do the talking for him... as did his incredible coaching record (105-5 ... how is he not in some Hall of Fame?). He earned the respect of all in the coaching community. Coach Hause touch many young lives during those coaching years—gave kids confidence and a sense of pride in THEIR accomplishments—he believed in each of you.
       While Athletic director, he was always seen on the sidelines or in the stands. HOME or Away—showing support for the student players on the field as well as the coaching staff... You knew He always had your back—he was your biggest supporter—He was committed to his job—YES!—But he was more committed to each of you and your success.
       Dad started teaching/coaching at the high school the same time I entered in high school—when boys found out I was "Coach Hause's daughter." Well, I became that girl no one considered dating!
       Carl Hause—Friend—GOOD friend—The best kind of friend! Paul, and many of my dad's friends here: My heart breaks for you, having lost such a man—such a friend. There is and will be no other like him... Know he loved you, cherished your friendships and times spent together—good times laughing, joking, or just in conversation.
       "Mr Hause," "Coach Hause," "Carl Hause," "Dad" and "Grandpa." To me he was Dad—he would call me on the phone and say, "Hello, this is your father," and my response was, "I need some sort of proof of that." We would both laugh. Laughter was always part of our lives with dad—jokes, pranks & whoopee cushions, fart machines, those were a staple—he gave "gag gifts" like no other—and he gleefully received them in abundance. Dad was an avid gardener—together he and mom tended their gardens, fruit trees and macadamia nut trees. Dad also had a passion for the rare/exotic plants—stuff I have never seen or heard of—he would be excited to show you the funky fruit those plants produced; A visit to the house always included a tour around the yard, where he would point out plants or a new type of fruit. He has some crazy stuff!
       (A coaching note—I was never one of his athletes in school, but about 5 years ago, Hal and I got a "Bucket List," wild hair to run a marathon... I told dad about it... He was excited for us... He started giving me tips and bought both Hal and I training books—one for each of us, specific to a man and a women. After our races he asked about our times... of course mine was not at all impressive—but he gave me all the praise for doing it and crossing the finish line... he emphasized the fact that just doing it was a big accomplishment and "who cares about the time." A coaching/dad moment indeed.)
       I am one of only four people in this entire world who was able to call him "dad"—makes me the luckiest girl in the world. He and mom chose ME!
       I can say with full confidence that my siblings and I know what an amazing man he is... sometimes a family doesn't get to see all the pieces of someone until they are gone—but we knew—WE Know!
       I know we are feeling cheated right now—for the many, many things we won't be sharing with him.
       His first granddaughter- Sasha's wedding in October—seeing her marry Cole (the first guy he really approved of! He's a democrat) and her graduating with her PhD. If you gave him the time he would tell you all about how brilliant Sasha is... (Sasha- Grandpa loved you & thought the world of you. He was blown away at the beautiful woman you have become inside and out ~ He admitted at your Masters distortion that you were indeed mentally superior!)
       *Watching his younger adorable grandkids—Atticus, Sara, Avery and Phin—grow and teaching them silly card games... and his favorite "I see a smile," "tickle-tickle" or the kids' favorite "clap-clap" game.
       *Seeing his brilliant and talented granddaughters Camille and Mattie move into their upcoming college years...hearing advice and stories about his own College and Frat days (of course a PG version!) Mattie: grandpa was so proud of your honor concert in New York—he raved about it and was in awe of your incredible talent. And Camille: Grandpa was amazed at your talent on stage, and drive for success in school. He believes in both of your futures! He knew you two girls are going to do all you have set out to do!
       *His grandson Dylan—who he adored—Dylan & dad share much of the same incredible love for sports: Baseball, Football, Golf—all of it; Discussing plays or players and games—conversations would begin, "Did you see that play? Or "how is so-and-so hitting"—they both knew all the details and stats... . (and then the conversation would always move to that certain terrible coach: "what a tool" was their mutual consensus). He will be missing all that is to come for Dylan. Grandpa loved you Dylan, and was extremely proud of the man you are. You have many of the same calm reasoning qualities as him. Also, his humor, good nature and intelligence. I will see Grandpa in you every day.
       *This leaves Jeff & Lori Ann, Eric & Mary, Michele & John, Hal & myself: I know dad is proud of the people we have become, the people we married and the families we have made—and WE know because HE TOLD US! (HE was incredible with our spouses making special bonds and friendships with each of them—just loving them.)
       *and Mom- possibly cheated most of all! Mom will be without her partner of 55 years, her sounding board, her husband... Mom and dad have a unique relationship—so independent of each other, but then so incredibly together—a TEAM*
       Mom, yours and dad's example of marriage and friendship is why all of us are in the humor filled, silly, loving and committed marriages we have. Thank you so much for all of these years with dad—we were lucky he remembered your phone number after you first met on campus (he "allegedly" had a bit too much to drink that night... "allegedly"). Mom: together we will have much to celebrate in our family—so much ahead—Dad will always be part of those special moments. We have each other, and the knowledge of his love for us.
       We will miss his hugs and kiss on the cheek. His "I love you" that every conversation ended with—"love you" and a hug—ALWAYS! We will miss his famous guacamole; calling sodas "pop"; His reminders to "wear our seat belts," make sure our car insurance was current or that our gas tank was full...those goofy quirks of his.
       My dad had a great life: Respected, happy, content, incredibly active, filled with love of his family and many friends. I feel that's what every one of us strive for—and guess what? He had it all!
       We are at a loss as to why this happened? Why this happened to him and our family—but we are not lost—dad instilled in us a humor, strength & resolve that will sustain us through the most difficult moments ahead.
       Our Dad built and nurtured his family, and his many friendships—each of us here today are part of that legacy. We ARE his legacy, and by his example we will love and care for each other into our futures without him—missing him—yet knowing he is with us and continually guiding us, allowing us to do the talking for him with that legendary un-boastful pride.
       I love you dad.


    Eric Hause, Lead Pastor, Bethel Grove Bible Church, Ithaca, New York.
       Thank you for coming.
       We would love to hear how our father impacted you. Please do not hesitate to come up to any of us afterwards and share something with us, be it large or small.
       I'm a preacher and today is Sunday. AND, I was supposed to preach today so just sit back and we will get through this together.
       My dad was a good man. He cared for our family. As most of you know, he was a teacher. But it was more than a job to him; It was such a part of who he was that I think he was always teaching; be it directly or indirectly.
       I think when we come to remember someone's life, we would be foolish not to learn. So I would like to share just a bit of what I have learned from him over the years, and what I hope you can remember and take away from our time here today.
       1. Look for the potential in people; But he didnt just see it and let it end there, he was driven to bring it out in them.
       46 years ago, my dad saw potential in a little baby. On 11/6/1967, I became a member of a beautiful family. From that day on I was a Hause and my dad's son.
       Adoption is truy an amazing act. From having no family to being a full family member. The Bible uses the language of adoption to talk about being brought into the Family of God. Recieving His name, becoming an heir. I will always be grateful for the personal insight I have received because of being adopted; But it wasn't just in his children that he saw potential.
       So many students and athletes over the years, who have shared their amazing stories of how we worked with them to realize their potential; I pray you and I will learn to see the potential in others as he saw in so many.
       2. Be generous—Gave of his time—he volunteered in many ways, at his church, at school, and in the community.
       I learned that giving of your time was not an hourly thing, you kept at it until it was done.
       Gave of his money—often buying breakfast and tipping as much as the bill—not to flaunt his money or his generosity, but because he valued others.
       I watched him give so much in care for his own family and my mom's family; The stories I have read from so many over the last week simply confirm that.
       He lived a simple life, not buying fancy cars, clothes or houses; Instead he used his money to meet the needs of his family and others.
       3. Be smart, but be quiet about it. He didn't boast or speak loudly of himself. He was a dang smart guy. I remember watching Jeopardy! with him when we were young, and was amazed at how he seemed to answer these crazy obscure questions as if he were merely recalling the events of the day. He had an almost Rainman like knowledge of things, particularly historical.
       I live in the land of the Ivy League out in New York. So many people do not hesitate to let you know how intelligent they are. He was not an arrogant man and I am so thankful for that example.
       I kind of likened him to Columbo—not as bumbling for sure.
       But a similar type of smart who knew much more than he let you believe. Only I am confident that he did this to put others at ease, to make them feel capable and able.
       He didn't yell or raise his voice. Though not because had lacked reason... I'm not even sure I would recognize his voice if it was raised. It was when he was really quiet that you had to look out.
       When he got upset, his upper lip would stick out a bit. I'm afraid for all the kids who saw that lip way too often and way too closely.
       4. Do your work and do it well (1 Thess. 4:9-12): "Now concerning brotherly love you have no need for anyone to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another, for that indeed is what you are doing to all the brothers throughout Macedonia. But we urge you, brothers, to do this more and more, and to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one."
       This passage fits how my dad lived his life. He didn't boss people around, he worked with people, not against them.
       He was a man of faith. Of all the accomplishments my dad had, it was his faith that means the most to me. It was his faith in Jesus Christ that has brought him into the presence of God. As in many things, he was quiet about it. He chose to lived it out much more than he talked about it.
       5. Don't forget to laugh: As we are all aware, my dad like to laugh and make others laugh.
       6. Use your life to help and not hurt. He didn't use his intellect to tear people down. He used humor to bring people together, to make them feel better.
       Not to make be himself liked more. He simply used everything he had to serve and help others.
       If we can learn to do each of these things a little better, the world around us would be better.
       To me, this is his legacy. I know his coaching record of 105-5 is quite significant. However, it truly is these principles, written on the hearts Of so many students and athletes that is the legacy worth remembering.
       My dad didn't travel much growing up. It was very seldom that he went away on work related trips, however, when he did, there was something missing in the house; It had an emptiness to it. Dad, the house has had that same emptiness to it this past week. But I know you are in an amazing place now. However, someday soon enough, this emptiness will be gone.
       I miss you and I love you...


    Michele with Carl on her wedding day.
       I was a lucky kid. I knew my dad as a father, a coach, and as a teacher.
       My dad was an awesome father. He taught me to work hard and take risks, but at the same time to take time out to relax and enjoy life. As a child my dad would always take time to play a game of cards (a hobby that we continued into my adult life). In school he always reminded me that I was smart, and that I could become anyone I wanted to be. When life got hard, my dad would always find a way to help, and/or guide me to the right decisions in a very loving way. Once, he took me out to a fancy dinner (my first time eating frog legs) just so that he could break the news that my cat had died. Even though we had four kids in the house, my dad always knew how to make me feel like an important and loved member of the family.
       In sports, my dad would encourage me to play whatever sport I wanted, even if I wasn't that good at it. I played a variety of sports, and when I wanted a change, I was always supported to try something new. In high school he helped me to find an event that I was good at in track, simply because I wanted to join the team. Although I wasn't a gold medal winning athlete, I really enjoyed my time on the team and made lifelong friends through that experience.
       In school, my dad inspired me to become a teacher myself. On one report card, I had "Hause" for a teacher 3 times (Geometry, Computers, and Track). While some kids would hate a schedule like that, I absolutely loved every minute. My dad was funny, intelligent, and he knew how to encourage kids.
       In my adult life, my dad continued to encourage me in every way. He was a listening ear, and gave great advice as I looked for my first teaching job. He supported me when I bought my first condo, and took me out to find plants so that it would feel more like home. He was supportive when I was single, and then lovingly accepted my husband and made John feel a part of the family from day one. I know that he would have been a great grandparent to my two girls, and I will make sure that they get to learn about my dad through stories and pictures.
       I will dearly miss all the good times that I had with my dad, but I will continue to be influenced by his character. His great humor, good decisions, generosity, and love for people will be a model, always, in my life. He will be remembered with every card game, every family feast, every joke gift, and every dip of guacamole.
       I love you dad!


    Memorial in the poker room of Paul's house.
       It has been my great fortune to be Carl's friend for 38 years. He was that rarest of breeds: a man who never bragged about his own accomplishments or virtues, but one who took pleasure in helping others excel; an advocate who empowered others. To use a basketball analogy, Carl was Magic Johnson—he didn't need to score the points, but you just knew he was the best player on the floor, the one who made everyone around him that much better.
       As an educator, Carl could teach math to anyone. By patiently breaking it down and explaining in a way that any student could understand, he was able to take students whom others had given up on, encourage them to believe in themselves, and give them their first taste of success.
       As a head track coach, he figured out ways to maximize his athletes' potential and instilled in them a sense of pride. Kids wanted to win, not just for themselves or the Panthers, but also for Coach Hause. Sure, he had some excellent athletes, but Carl instinctively knew how to get the most out of people, and I know that his coaching style deserves a lot of the credit for the championships that his team won.
       As athletic director at Vista High, Carl mentored, supported and fought for his coaches. He advised administrators. They all knew he was a straight shooter and that his perceptions were spot on.
       Yes, Carl had that magic. I recall an infamous parent whose tirades and complaints struck fear and dread in the entire front office. Carl set out to win her over—sure enough, he succeeded. Because he understood people and what makes them tick. Seemingly without effort, he could transform an adversarial situation into a positive outcome. After spending time with Carl, people just felt better about themselves.
       But those of us who played poker with Carl, whether it was for a few years or for 35 years, we know the dark side of his people skills. Yes, he worked us, he took advantage of us, his friends...he had this uncanny ability to bluff any of us off a winning hand, rake in the pot with that boyish grin, and, damn, we still admired and respected him.
       Yeah, that was Carl—calm, generous of spirit, never one to boast...but let him get started on his kids and grandkids. Suddenly, Mr. Low-Key is almost animated, and he sure is beaming. It's hard to imagine a dad or grandpa more proud than Carl. I'm really going to miss his Tuesday morning updates on the extended Hause clan.
       Marti, as Carl's partner for most of your lives, you saw the very best of him as well as the not so good. I can only imagine the heartache you and your kids must feel with his sudden passing. But looking at Jeff, Kathy, Eric and Michele it's obvious that you two definitely aced the parenting thing.
       Carl, you know I can't promise not to ridicule your birth-state north of Ohio, but I will love you forever.


       I am very sorry to hear of Carl's passing. All of his cousins in Michigan thought very highly of him. He was probably my mother's favorite niece/nephew. If I recall correctly, she would always make him a pie when we visited the family in Gibraltar.
       The Hause family is in our thoughts and prayers.
       Jim Carlin


    Dan greets the family at the VHS tribute.
       Good Morning Staff,
       It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing of Mr Carl Hause. Carl passed away yesterday from a sudden massive heart attack. He went quickly and peacefully. For all those who have had the pleasure of knowing this unique and caring individual understand what an impact he had on the lives of so many. For those who did not know him, your loss. Carl worked in VUSD for over 40 years as an educator, coach and Athletic Director. As qouted from a true and dear friend of Carl, "Carl could teach any student math and their success was his reward". Carl was a straight shooter, he fought for students and he fought for his coaches. He would give his word and you knew that was golden. He put students and faculty first. In the 30+ years I have known Carl, I can not ever recall Carl raising his voice or ever appearing frustrated. His cool, calm, and jovial demeanor made everyone around him feel at ease. Carl is a recipient of the Honor V due to his dedication and contributions in the academic achievement of his students that went beyond the teachings in the classroom. Carl is survived by a wonderful wife and 4 loving children all of whom have children. Services will be held this Saturday, time and location have yet to be determined. We have lost a truly remarkable husband, father, grandfather, friend, colleague and educator. Please say a little prayer for Carl and his family as they progress through these difficult days.
       Dan Williams
       RSP Teacher
       Head Football Coach
       Head Softball Coach
       Vista High School

       Other strange things happened, as well: A trash compactor that hadn't worked for thirty years—that dad has always promised to fix—started working out of the blue a few days after he died. His granddaughter Mattie, just in from New York, pressed the button on the garbage, not knowing it wasn't functional... and somehow it worked! Then a Memphis High School yearbook from 1911 that my father and I had been trying to find for years featuring MARJORIE MARCHANT-HAUSE—the grandmother Carl Jr. had never met—suddenly appeared out of the blue on eBay, at a ridiculously reasonable "buy it now" price, in perfect condition from Alpharetta, Georgia (amazing when you consider that only a couple dozen had been printed in a tiny Michigan town 800 miles away, over a hundred years before). Hopefully dad and great-grandma finally met in the afterlife and tracked it down for me.
       But wait! It's not over...

    Jeff Hause & Lori Ann Dotson

    CHAPTER 14: AFTERWARD, 2007: Jeffrey Hause proves he's not as dumb as he writes, and a new family is added to our distinguished family tree (actually quite a few families... here comes quite a few more years of research).

    John begat William, who begat John, who begat Augustus, who begat Laban, who begat Frank, who begat Carlisle, who begat Carleton, who begat Carleton Jr., who begat me, who begat this family history...


    ¹—My mother wishes to point out that this is not her version of the story.

    ²—At Carl and Martha's 50th Wedding Anniversary party in 2010, his mother-in-law Dorothy Pritchard-Wenk said with a wry grin, "We knew, but he still seemed like a pretty good bet..."

    A history of the author's line of the Hause/Hawes family, including (briefly) the first 3 million years:




    CHAPTER 3: WILLIAM HAUSE (1750-1818)


    CHAPTER 5: AUGUSTUS HAUSE (1804-1875)




    CHAPTER 9: CARLISLE HAUSE (1891-1972)





    Content outside of the chronological chapter narrative:






    A compendium of stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else, from science to Soundex to source material to similar surnames to some guy who wrote bad jokes for a living:







    VIDEO: Vista High School's tribute to Carl Hause on 8/29/14.