The First Genealogy by Alfred B. Hause¹

   The #1 question I get from the three people who read this website is, "What happened to the Ovid Bible?" Answer: Nobody knows. The #2 question is, "If there's no Bible now, how do you know if your quotes from the Ovid Bible are accurate?" Answer: I don't. Nobody does... but it helped start us on this ridiculous journey, so we try to find documentary proof to confirm what's in the Bible (or disprove it).
   The Ovid Bible quotes on this website all came from the following family history published in 1904. The journey for me, and many of the Hause family historians who I speak to, all started with reading the following family history or opening up one of the many 20th Century chain letters based on this history that were sent to hundreds of Hauses by mail during the late 1970's.
   The words and stories in this document were built upon by succeeding family historians and genealogists, who then in turn built on each other's work, leaving us with the mess we have today. So I will now try to judge the accuracy of the original document as a genealogical tool, using modern databases and technology. (Wait, did I just call myself a genealogical tool?)
   I have copied and notated the entire letter with elaborations, confirmations, corrections, speculations, and all the usual B.S., located under the main text, oh ye of Royal Blood:

Name:Genealogy of the Hause and Hawes Descendants
City: Hause, Alfred B., Genealogist / Statistician
Date: 1 Jul 1904
View file
SOURCE: Pages handed down from the descendants of William Penn Hawes; courtesy of his great, great-grandson Gordon Bennett III, Stevensville, Queen Anne's, Maryland.
   According to the legal records of both Germany and England, and to records copied in the Bible of Joseph Hause of Ovid, New York, the first John Hause was born in Germany in 1690 and when an infant, on account of religious persecutions, he was transported by his cousin, Queen Mary II, of Great Britain, House of Stuart, daughter of James II and Anne Hyde, born 1662, married William Prince of Orange at the age of 17, reigning 15 years, and died in 1694 of small pox, leaving no children. A kind, meek and noble Queen.³
John Hause lived in New York until his marriage in 1715 to Sarah Allen, a woman of fine English blood, which would make his descendants one half German.
After his marriage he removed to Haverstraw, Rockland County, New York.
The result of this marriage was the following children: Simon, John, William, Catharine, Johanna, and Sally.
Simon Hause was born in Haverstraw, N.Y. in 1717 and served as volunteer in the American army during the Revolutionary War until the battle of White Plains in which he and his brother John, standing side by side, were shot by the enemy. They received a soldier's burial, the place is unknown.³
Catharine was born at Haverstraw, N.Y. in 1723, married Andrew Secor in 1744 and removed to Albany, N.Y.
Johanna was born in 1725 and died on the Island of Jamaica in 1755.
Sally was born in 1728 and was married to Amos Conklin; Their children were Johanna, John, Hannah and Sally.
Johanna Conklin was born in 1747, married Joseph Butler in 1768 and died without issue.
William Hause, from whom all the descendants that lived or are living in New York came, was born in Haverstraw, N.Y. in 1730, and was married in 1751 to Martha Wood, a woman of full English blood, thus making his descendants ¼ German and ¾ English blood.³
Their children were John, Jonathan, Sarah, Johanna, Simon, William, Allen, Jonas, Joseph, Mathew (sic), Mary, Samuel, Hannah and Morris.
John Hause married Esther Ketchum; their children were Delebar, Charles, Electra, Augustus, Belinda, John, Alanson, Fannie, Louisa, and Catharine.⁴
Jonathan died on the island of Jaimaica while visiting his aunt Johanna.
Sarah married Samuel Johnson and had six children, second marriage to William Harris and 3 children, third marriage to Matthias Demond.
Johanna died in infancy, Simon married Zilpha Decker and had 6 children.
Allen died in infancy, Jonas Hawes married Rebecca Demond; their children were Matthias, John, Plebe, Aaron, Joshua, Gertrude, Edward, Mahlon and Delebar.
Joseph Hause married Eunice Rodgers and had 14 children: Herman, Alvin, Charles, Hannah, Lewis, Betsey, Joseph, Henry, Maria, Mary Jane, William, John, Angeline, and Caroline.
Matthew married Johanna Wood and had 6 children, second marriage to Maria Miles and had 4 children.
Smauel (sic) married Catharine Howard and had 11 children.
Mary married Daniel Burr and had 9 children, Hannah married Lemuel Nolen and had 4 children.
John Hause who was killed at White Plains had 2 children — John and Polly; John died in New York. Polly married Benjamin Butler and removed to New York where she died and left six children."⁵

"The difference in the spelling of the name was due to either to (sic) the different opinions of the brothers as to its origin, or a difference in the customary way of pronouncing it, some holding to the German Hause and others to the English Hawes."⁶

Mary II 1662-1694

   Was the eldest daughter of James II and Anne Hyde, daughter of the Earl of Clarendon. When she was fifteen years old she married her cousin William, Prince of Orange, the president of the Dutch Republic. James II tried to bring England back to the Roman Catholic Church. This attempt brought about the Glorious Revloution (sic) in 1688, in which he lost his crown.
   The Protestant lords of England then offered the crown to William of Orange and his wife. William accepted, and in 1689 he and Mary were crowned king and queen of England. Their reign was known as that of Wm. and Mary. It was understood that the administration of affairs would be only the king's business. But Mary showed herself capable of acting with courage and good judgment on occasions when William was away from England. Five years after she became queen she died of smallpox.⁷

William III 1650-1702

   Known as William of Orange, was King of England, Scotland and Ireland. He was born in the Hague, the son of the Prince of Orange. William's mother was Mary, the daughter of Charles I of England. The young man gained fame early by his opposition to Louis XIV of France.
   In 1672, when Louis invaded Holland, the Dutch chose William to be their ruler. Time and again William was defeated, but always managed to keep the French from advancing. Once he was forced to open the dikes. The French were stopped for awhile, and William had the time to build up an alliance against them. In 1677 he married Mary, daughter of James, Duke of York, later James II of England. William hoped to gain the support of England and became friendly with the parties who were opposed to Roman Catholic King James. The King's only son became a Catholic, and the Protestants of England looked with favor on William and his wife Mary. Both were related to English kings, and both were Protestants. The leaders of both political parties invited William and Mary to become joint rulers of England.
   In 1688 William landed in England with an army of 14,000 men. Not a drop of blood was shed in the "Glorious Revolution" that followed. James escaped to France, and two years later led a French army to Ireland. Here William defeated James and his Irish allies in the Battle of Boyne. The Protestants of Ulster supported William, and to this day they are still called Orangeman.
   William was one of the ablest of English kings, but was not very popular. The people never understood the English political system. Wm. allowed Parliament to limit his power in order to gain their support in his fight against the French king.
   William proved to be both a good soldier and a clever diplomat in his struggle against Louis XIV. In 1692 his admirals destroyed the French sea power and his generals were successful on land. In 1701 he formed an alliance with nearly all Europe against Louis, but did not live to fight in the war which followed.⁸

James II 1633-1701

   Was the younger son of Charles I and Henrietta Maria of France. He became king in 1685 after the death of his brother, Charles II. He tried immediately to carry out two of his main desires—to rule independently of Parliament, and to restore the Roman Catholic religion in England. His efforts aroused great opposition. James put down the rebellion led by the Duke of Monmouth. But James's continued attempts to restore Catholicism aroused the anger of the entire nation. The "Glorious Revolution" of 1688 forced James to give up the throne, and he fled the country. William of Orange and his wife, Mary, a daughter of James II, were proclaimed joint rulers.James was cordially welcomed by King Louis XIV of France who furnished him with troops, and in 1689 James tried to win back his throne by invading Ireland. He was throughly defeated at the Battle of Boyne, and spent the rest of his life in retirement in France.⁹

Joseph Hause of Tyrone, New York
Married Eunice Rodgers


Herman C. Hause
Hannah Hause
Dr. Lewis Hawes
Joseph Hause
Maria B. Hause
William Hause
Angeline Hause
Alvin Hause
Charles W. Hause
Betsey Hause
Henry A. Hause
Mary Jane Hause
John Hause
Caroline Hause


Clarissa Hause—Genoa, Michigan
Hannah J. Hause—Genoa, Michigan
Caroline Hause—Newton, Mass.
Joseph Hause—Watertown, Mass.
Lyman Hause—Deceased
Lodowic Hause—Mendota, Minnesota
Elizabeth S. Hause—Pontiac, Illinois
Ella E. Hawes—Whitewater, Wisconsin
Charles Hause—Mendota, Minnesota
Cecil S. Hawes—Belvidere, Illinois
Harry L. Hawes—Belvidere, Illinois
Alfred B. Hause—Ovid, New York
Thomas Hause—Interlaken, Mew (sic) York
William Hause—Ovid, New York
Henry Hause—Watkins, New York

Great Grandchildren:

Ann Maria Hause—Mendota, Minn.
Ethel Olive Hause—Mendota, Minn.
Alice Hause—Mendota, Minn.
Charles Jr.—Mendota, Minn.
Elizabeth Hause—Mendota, Minn.
Charlotte Hause—Mendota, Minn.
Lillian Hause—Mendota, Minn.
Lodowic Jr.—Mendota, Minn.
Henry C. Hawes—Belvidere, Illinois
Mildred K. Hawes—Belvidere, Ill.
Cecil S. Hawes—Belvidere, Ill.
Marion E. Hawes—Belvidere, Ill.
Nancy Ellen Hawes—Belvidere, Ill.
Frank Edwin Hause—Interlaken, New York
Richard Hause—Ovid, New York

Jonas Hawes of Hector, New York
Married Rebecca Demond


Dr. Matthias Hawes
Phoebe Hawes
Joshua Hawes
Edward Hawes
Delebar Hawes
Dr. John Hawes
Aaron Hawes
Gertrude Hawes
Mahlon Hawes


Dr. James Hawes—Washington, D.C.
William Penn Hawes—Watkins, N.Y.
Belle M. Hawes—Valois, New York
Cornelia E. Hawes—Auburn, New York
Mary Lovina Hawes—Troy, Wisconsin
Kate H. Hawes—Troy, Wisconsin
John M. Hawes—Delevan, Wisconsin
William Penn Hawes—Hector, New York
Parker Halsey Hawes—Watkins, New York
Nelle Clare Hawes—Correctionville, Indiana
Loretta D. Hawes—Fort Collins, Colorado
Louis Edward Hawes—Bisbee, Arizona
Dr. John W. Hawes—Russell, Kansas
Dr. Fred S. Hawes—Russell, Kansas
Anna M. Hawes—Hector, New York
L. Best Hawes—Deceased

Great Grandchildren:

Carrie May Hawes Bennett—Penn Yan, New York
Laura Maud Hawes—Delevan, Wisconsin
Harold Lee Hawes—Hector, New York
Edna E. Hawes—Watkins, New York
Chaster A. Hawes—Watkins, New York
Marquerite L. Hawes—Watkins, New York
John Kipp Hawes—Windber, Pa.
Elmer Swick Hawes—Hector, New York

Signed by
Alfred B. Hause¹º
Genealogist/Statistician of Descendents
July 1, 1904


   First off, before I blame or insult anybody, it should be remembered that all of the people who contributed to this letter were not professional genealogists (which wasn't even a viable career at the time they were doing this). They were hard-working people with real, full-time jobs who were just interested in their family history, and spent all their precious free pre-Internet-time digging through records, contacting distant cousins, and reading smelly old history books just to honor their ancestors and inform those family members coming after them of a proud heritage. They should be commended and thanked for their hard work.
   There are major inaccuracies in this letter that have remained—and become ingrained—in Hause family history for the past forty years. These inaccuracies and false suppositions need to be corrected in order to create a truly factual genealogy that honors the real people who gave us life. About 95% of the family trees you see online, and even some presentations by professional genealogists, still use this chronology. So the inaccuracies must be addressed and, hopefully, corrected.

   So these notes, corrections, and elaborations will have to be the last word on this letter... until 120 years from now, when somebody in a future generation corrects everything I wrote, pees on my grave, and calls me a deluded pseudo-genealogist.

Book information
File Image
Author:   Alfred B. Hause
Title:   Genealogy of the Purdy family, 1742-1905
Publisher:   Genealogical Society of Utah
Date:   1942
View file
SOURCE: New York Public Library, Schwarzman Building—Milstein Division Rm 121; Call No. NYGB AZ Fam 09-420. Record No. b18135475.
Alfred B Hause (Joseph Hause, Jr.< Joseph Hause, Sr. < William < John < John Hause) was born on 15 Nov 1857 in Seneca, New York, and went into his father's business of fire insurance. He then married Susanna A Seeley (1857-1901), but they had no children.
   Beyond this (partial) reprinting of Alfred's finished work on the Hause family, he also completed a much longer, 464-page history on his mother's genealogy: Genealogy of the Purdy Family, nearly complete record of the descendants of John Purdy, 1742-1905, a copy of which is kept by the Genealogical Society of Utah, located at the Repositories Family History Center in Salt Lake City. The page on his parents reads: "Nancy B. Purdy was born in the Village of Ovid, N. Y. April 15 1832 and died in the same place Nov. 6 1872. She married Nov 18 1856 to Joseph Hause, a son of Joseph Hause and Eunice Rogers Hause, who was born March 24 1821 and died May 18 1864. Joseph Hause was born at Tyrone, N. Y. and was a descendant of John Hause who was born in Germany about 1690. He came to Seneca County about 1850 and engaged in teaching school in which he was successful for a number of years in the towns of Covert and Ovid, and which avocation he followed for a number of years until failing health obliged him to discontinue this calling. At the time of his death he was engaged in the fire insurance business." Alfred died on 2 Jun 1916 in Manhattan, New York (but not in a high-rise fire, as I was expecting, but from a heart attack), where he had moved after Susanna died. Alfred is buried at the Evergreen Cemetery in Ovid, Seneca County, New York, whch apparently no longer exists.
   Nobody in the current record has ever seen the Bible of Joseph Hause, Jr. So the only choices are to discount it or put your faith in Alfred, although I am trying to confirm each bit with written or DNA evidence.

Name: Hause, Alfred; Hawes, James P
Newspaper: Watkins Express
City: Watkins Glen, Schuyler, NY
Date: 21 Jul 1904
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View Newspaper
SOURCE: Watkins Express, Watkins Glen, Schuyler, New York. Publisher: L.M. Gano. Dates of publication: 1854-1988; -v. 129, no. 23 (June 8, 1988). Frequency: Weekly (Old Fulton New York Postcards)
   A very similar re-telling of the John Hause legend can be found in a newspaper story in the Watkins Express from Watkins Glen, Schuyler, New York, on 21 Jul 1904. The article is an interview with Dr. James P. Hawes, who (despite the spelling of his last name) was a great-grandson of William Hause, Sr., through his son, Jonas Hawes (1783-1861). The subject of the article, Dr. James P Hawes (Matthias D Hawes < Jonas Hawes < William < John < John Hause) practiced "allopathic medicine" in Valois, Hector, Schuyler, New York, where as a lifelong bachelor he lived with his sister, Isabella M Hawes (1843-1937). In his later years, James worked on the family genealogy with both Alfred B Hause and James Dwight "J.D." Hause (1866-1946) of Michigan. J.D. worked with his father at 'Hause and Son, Furniture and Undertaking.' James apparently liked J.D. quite a bit (or disliked undertaking), because he willed "namesake" James D Hause $500 in his will, "to be paid within three years, to be used for his education in any profession he may desire to follow." (Source: Watkins Express, 16 Jun 1915, Vol. LX, No. 50.) James P Hawes died of "disease of the stomach" on 24 Feb 1915 and is buried at Seneca Union Cemetery, Valois, Schuyler County, New York.
   During the interview, James says that he has researched the history of the Hause family, along with his cousin Alfred Hause (1857-1916), another great-grandson of William Sr. (through another son, Joseph Hause). Starting as early as 1901, these two men had been contacting Hause descendants around the country, such as Laban Hause, Caroline Hause-Gage, and James Dwight Hause, for their family trees (all of which were saved, passed down in their families, and through their kind descendants they are now available and used in this family history).
   Another version of the article, re-written with Alfred as the subject, was republished a week later in the Seneca County Courier-Journal, on July 28, 1904 (Page 4).

²—There was no country called "Germany" in 1690, so it would be pretty hard to find legal records. As for records in Orange County, a fire wiped out the town records during the 1840s, although there may have been alternate sources available to Alfred that have since disappeared, along with the Bible and the Lewis Hause family history sketches.

³—This story could also be true, but not if they were William's father and uncle; they were most likely the brothers of William (1750-1818) in the next generation of the family, for reasons that I will now explain. Here is the family chronology extending from John Hause I, according to this family history:

John Hause I (b. 1690) >/ Simon Hause (1717-1776)
- John Hause II (1719-1776)
\ William Hause (1730-1818) ><
| John Hause (1773-1844)
| Johnathan Hause (1775-1802)
| Johanna Hause (b. 1776)
| Sarah Hause (1777-1847)
| Simon Hause (1779-1851)
| William Hause II (1781-1825)
| Jonas Hawes (1783-1869)
| Allen Hause (1785-1804)
| Joseph Hause (1787-1838)
| Mary Hause (b. 1790)
| Matthew Hawes (1792-1873)
| Samuel Hawes (b. 1794)
| Hannah Hause (b. 1796)
| Morris Hawes (1797-1868)

   You probably noticed some inconsistencies in the timeline, right away, namely...

    1) John Hause (b. 1719) and Simon Hause (b. 1717) would have been nearing 60 by the time of the battle and would have been too old to serve "as a volunteer in the American Army during the Revolution" (soldiers were generally young and ambitious, in their twenties and fighting to earn land from the government after the war), and...

    Personal Information
    Court Image
    Name: John Haus
    Township: Warwick
    County: Orange
    State: New York
    Date: 8/21/1795
    Probated: 9/1/1796
    Book: Liber A
    Pages: 379-381
    Executor: James Burt
    SOURCE INFORMATION: Orange County Surrogate's Office, Goshen, N.Y.
    2) The 1796 will of John Hause of Warwick (pictured at right) proves that William's father was still alive 20 years after the Battle of White Plains. In the will, John Hause mentions his wife Sarah, his "ownly beloved son," William, and also a grandson named John, the "son of Simon Hause," meaning that John had a son (and William had a brother) named Simon Hause who died sometime before this will was drafted. So it is very possible that William had two brothers, one being Simon, killed at White Plains. Still, many family trees on and other places attach this will to John of Haverstraw, saying John II was killed at White Plains... despite the fact that this chronology would make John I about 106 years old (I guess they're hoping for long lived genes).
       There were no other William Hause families in Warwick in the 1790's, according to census records. The closest was a William House living in Cornwall, who was a son of Reinhardt Hauss, Jr., so he can't be the William named here.

   Here are John Hause ("Haws") and William Hause ("Hawse," sigh...), listed on consecutive pages of the 1790 Federal Census, living in the area of Warwick six years before the will was drafted, and 15 years after the Battle of White Plains:

Personal Information
Census Image
Name:   John Haws
Township:   Warwick
County:   Orange
State:   New York
Year:   1790
Roll:   M637_6
Page:   147
Image:   0348
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View blank 1790 census form
 (PDF 13K)
Personal Information
Census Image
Name:   William Hawse
Township:   Warwick
County:   Orange
State:   New York
Year:   1790
Roll:   M637_6
Page:   147
Image:   0349

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View blank 1790 census form
 (PDF 13K)
SOURCE INFORMATION: Index created from United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States in the Year 1790.

Personal Information
Baptism Record
Name: Haas, Willem
Birth Date: 24 Feb 1750
Father: Johannes Haas
Mother: Sarah
Baptism Date: 2 Jun 1751
Place: All Boroughs, NY
Witnesses: David Roeter and Anna Huett
SOURCE INFORMATION: Dutch Reformed Church Records from New York and New Jersey. Holland Society of New York, New York.
   Many genealogists, such as James Daniels, hired in the 1970s by Basil Hause, have crunched the numbers and still concluded that the John of the will is the first John Hause (making him 106 when he drafted it) and that William Hause really is his son, pushing William's birthdate twenty years earlier to 1830, when Sarah Allen Hause would have been forty, but still possibly of child-bearing years. (I guess they feel that having them only be 40 years old is about as far as they can stretch it, because she would have been 60 when William was actually born).
   There may have been a William Hause born in Haverstraw in the 1730s (although I haven't seen any evidence of it), but he wouldn't be our ancestor. Here's why:

  • First, the Holland Society found a birth and baptism date for a "Willem Haas" in a Dutch Reformed Church on the New York / New Jersey border that matches the date on the D.A.R. marker exactly, with parents John and Sarah. (Pictured, at right.)
  • Second, if William had been born in 1730, then he would have been in his 60's before his last five children, Mary, Matthew, Samuel, Hanna, and Morris, were even born and their birth dates are verified. According to History of Walworth County, Wisconsin, containing an account of its settlement, growth, development and resources...its war record, biographical sketches, portraits of prominent men and early settlers; the whole preceded by a history of Wisconsin...and an abstract of its laws and constitution, published by Chicago, Western historical company, 1882. P. 783: "MORRIS F. HAWES was born at Warwick, Orange Co., N. Y., Nov. 12, 1797, and in early childhood removed with his parents, William and Martha (Wood) Hawes, to Steuben Co., where he remained until about 21 years of age, and during which time he served as a volunteer (though but a boy) in the war of 1812. His father, also a native of New York, participated in the war of the Revolution, and the subject of this sketch was the youngest of a numerous family of boys." This would make William and Martha about 67 years and 65 years old respectively when Morris was born.
   So as we come to terms with the prospect of these supposed extra-fertile sexagenarians in our family history fighting as regulars in the military and having 14 kids in their golden years, we reach the obvious conclusion that there must have been another Hause generation in the family tree that was left out: So it is here that we introduce "John Hause Jr.," who confirmed in his 1796 Last Will and Testament that he lived in Warwick (where John and William were in the 1790 census), that he had a wife named Sarah, that his son Simon was deceased, and that William was his "ownly beloved son." John Hause, Sr. would've been 106 years old when this will was created, and Sarah Allen (if she was the Sarah in the will) would be well over 100. What may have happened is that common naming patterns at this time, such as the Dutch Patronomic naming system in which the first children were named after the grandparents, produced the same "Johns," "Simons," and "Williams" in each generation; so when a John married a Sarah in successive generations, the transcriber got confused or lost his or her place, and left a generation out. Sorry, "Joseph Hause of Ovid," either your Bible was misquoted, or you forgot your great-grandpa!

File Image
From:   Alfred B. Hause
To:   James Dwight Hause
Subject:   Hause Family History
Date:   January 28, 1904
View file
SOURCE: Collection of Stephen Hause.
   Alfred B Hause, despite transcribing the above genealogy, actually agrees with me about the family history having skipped a generation. He wrote in 1904 (at right): "I am of the opinion that this John was the grandfather of William, and the great-grandfather of John who married Esther Ketchum... I have an indistinct recollection of having seen and read the balance of that portion of the history as I find it now in the old Bible, and that it came directly down to William, but it was so long ago that I first saw it, that I cannot now tell where it connects, and came to the conclusion from the age of John about 60 at the time William was born that he was his grandfather."
   This letter also lists another source for the Ovid Bible: Lewis K. Hause would be Alfred's uncle, the brother of Joseph Hause, Jr., the owner of the Ovid Bible. His full name was Lewis Kensington Hause, and he was born on 6 Aug 1818 in New York. On 25 Mar 1845 he married Fanny D Stewart (1825-1885). That same year, he graduated from Hobart Free College and Geneva Medical College in Geneva, New York, and became a doctor. He then served as an Assistant Surgeon during the Civil War. Records show that a "Lewis K. Hawes" of Whitewater, Wisconsin, enlisted on 11 Sep 1862 in the Union Army as an Assistant Surgeon. He was commissioned in Company S, 28th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin and received a disability discharge on 18 Nov 1863. Lewis apparently had a Hause family history document, just like his brother, or wrote it down for himself.

   The correct Hause family line stretching from John Hause should therefore be:

John Hause I (b. 1690) >/ Simon (b. 1717)
- John II (1719-1796) >
\ William (?)
/ Simon (@1741-1776)
- John (????-1776)
\ William (1750-1818) ><
| John (1773-1844)
| Johnathan (1775-1802)
| Johanna (b. 1776)
| Sarah (1777-1847)
| Simon (1779-1851)
| William (1781-1825)
| Jonas (1783-1869)
| Allen (1785-1804)
| Joseph (1787-1838)
| Mary (b. 1790)
| Matthew (1792-1873)
| Samuel (b. 1794)
| Hannah (b. 1796)
| Morris (1797-1868)

⁴—While this version of the family history focuses on the descendants of William's sons Joseph and Jonas, the genealogy of their brother (and my 5x great-grandfather) John Hause was continued by Alberta Spaid Reeder and Josephine (Bogart) Gregory. For a more complete genealogy of every line descending from William, click here.

Personal Information
Census Image
Name: Butler, Benjamin
Township: Minisink
County: Orange
State: New York
Year: 1790
Roll: M637
Page: 369
Image: 332

View image
blank census form
SOURCE INFORMATION: First Census of the United States, 1790 (NARA microfilm publication M637, 12 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.
⁵—"John Hause, who was killed at White Plains, had two children, John and Polly. John Hause's Widow, married a Benjamin Butler, and had six children. That part of Orange Co. where he died is now Rockland County, NY." Well, in a rare instance of Hause genealogy, there is actually evidence that this story could be true: The 1790 United States Federal Census reveals a Benjamin Butler in Minisink, Orange, New York, with two household members. But if this story is true and you still want to believe in the original family chronology, that it was the John Hause who was born in 1719 who died at White Plains, then John's widow would have been nearly 60 years old when she remarried and had six more kids with Benjamin Butler!

⁶—In his above-referenced letter to James Dwight Hause, Alfred writes, "As to our name, I find that at the beginning of the record that Lewis K. wrote, that he makes this remark, 'As far as can be traced John Hause is the first of the family that can be found it is ascertained that he was a german of full blood and that the correct orthography of his name was H-a-u-s-e.'" Incidentally, how many ways can they spell our last name? In John Hause's 1796 will, alone, we have "Hause," "Haus," "Hawes," "Haues," and probably a dozen other ways that are unreadable. Pick one way and stick with it, at least until the end of the document, guys. Come on!

⁷—Okay, so first off, this does not explain how John Hause and Mary were cousins. It does not explain why baby cousin John, who apparently lived in Germany, suffered "religious persecutions" and being of royal blood, was moved to safety. This is an important question, as royal genealogies are always very expansive and meticulous. Basically, if you had royal relations in the 17th Century, you would milk it for all it was worth: prestige, power, money... but there are no Hauses in any of the royal genealogies. In fact, if John was a royal cousin and was in danger, why would Mary send him to the colonies of North America, away from civilization—with Native American wars, disputes with the French, and rampant disease? That's where they sent debtors and criminals. Basically there's nothing tying John Hause to Queen Mary or William of Orange at all. This looks more like wishful thinking, or bedtime stories for the kiddies passed down as facts.

⁸—So I was thinking that maybe John Hause was actually a cousin of William of Orange, as he's at least from the same general part of Europe, but no such luck. There hasn't been a mention of a Hause in two pages of our own genealogy!

⁹—Oh, come on! Now you're just padding pages!

¹º—For Alfred's list of children for John Hause of Fayette—Joseph's and Jonas's eldest brother (and my 5x-great-grandfather), click here; For a list from Alfred's cousin Alberta Spaid Reeder, click here; For a recent update of every line descending from William Hause, click here.

TOP PHOTO: The watch of James Palmer Hawes, willed to his nephew, Gordon Hawes Bennett, now in the possession on Gordon Hawes Bennett III.

The graves of William and Martha Hause on Hause Hill. Note the birthdate on William's D.A.R. marker.